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Either you killed a boss or you didn't. That is all that needs to be said.


Got it. For future reference, if a guild has two teams, one killing Brontes pre nerf and a second getting Brontes to 20% pre nerf as well which is more than every other guild in 8M on TOFN (Black Forge excluded) this team is **** because it wasn't a kill :). Apologies for the confusion and for pointing out merits in content that still hasn't been killed post nerf :(


In any case, two 8M guilds killed it : Black forge and two / three weeks later Rebel Dream and shortly after an NGE 8M Pug. NGE is as 16M guild so they are not in the 8m scene. All of you who did not kill her and got Brontes down to 0-20% suck and are not worthy...apparently to some in this thread!


You learn something new everyday. Enjoy your weekend guys!

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Got it. For future reference, if a guild has two teams, one killing Brontes pre nerf and a second getting Brontes to 20% pre nerf as well which is more than every other guild in 8M on TOFN (Black Forge excluded) this team is **** because it wasn't a kill :). Apologies for the confusion and for pointing out merits in content that still hasn't been killed post nerf :(


In any case, two 8M guilds killed it : Black forge and two / three weeks later Rebel Dream and shortly after an NGE 8M Pug. NGE is as 16M guild so they are not in the 8m scene. All of you who did not kill her and got Brontes down to 0-20% suck and are not worthy...apparently to some in this thread!


You learn something new everyday. Enjoy your weekend guys!


Hey guys, I just ran a marathon but only finished 60% of it, let me show you my accomplishment of not completing it!

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Hey guys, I just ran a marathon but only finished 60% of it, let me show you my accomplishment of not completing it!


You'll do better next time! At least you had people to run the marathon with and 60% is better than nothing! ;)

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All of you who did not kill her and got Brontes down to 0-20% suck and are not worthy...apparently to some in this thread!


More like "server first DF NiM pre nerf 5/5 and 4/5 with our second team getting to 20% at Brontes in 8M" is a (I'm not sure if deliberately) misleading statement. It'd be like me saying "I got the world first pre-nerf 5/5 DF NiM kill with Severity Gaming", and then claiming what i really meant was I was in on my guild's first 8m kill (which was weeks behind). Anyone reading that is going to assume I'm claiming a world first kill.

Edited by namesaretough
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"Allot" is an English word. If you couldn't find out that through google, you might need a 101 in How to Internet.




OT: Of the 3 top guilds on our server, two are completly dead and the third lost a few core players.


Allot isn't an English word but A Lot is lol

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You lost enkay to a RL issue. Why he didn't come back no idea

You lost turtle due to a argument not the raids

It was beneficial losing Silent he while a good dps had no idea what raiding at progression level is.

Wookie seemed like silent v2.


This is from outside perspective please don't be mad.



Zorz stuff


We're running once a week as for future plans don't know. I think the zorz group ruined guilds for me and I think wildstar ruined raiding for me. Truthfully speaking I think wildstar is the better raiding game or doing what we did in zorz ruined my raiding expectations or large scale raiding isn't for me. Missing days, being ok with subpar players because "friends", doing 40 minutes explanations of fights is meh at best.


If I did come back with new content it would be a fun challenge maintaining a roster for 6-9 months until NM and actually doing the GM thing rather then inheriting a roster that was good and filling in the blanks and running it better.


Though NM is the best time to recruit because guilds flop and those that are actually hungry let you know they are hungry and more often than not they are worth the investment.



I'm emo and its 7:30 AM goodbye


Milas, there's no mad to be had, your perspective is fairly accurate, though I personally don't think Wookiee is Silent2.0 or anything. But overall, very accurate. The point was more to say, hey, we lost people during the tier. As for Zorz ruining guilds for you, I could understand that. Having to deal with any carry whatsoever after having no carry with a number of equally skilled players to step in at a moments notice would be aids. BTW, your end of Council jump off the map moment made me cackle for a good 10 seconds. A+. On the other end of things, and I've said this in twitch, I think that the community is better when there is a public symbol to strive for. and Zorz, for this tier, was clearly that benchmark. I think that a raiding community with Zorz in it is a better community, just based on motivation. I'm glad you guys are going to raid once a week, and hopefully that's just a starting point.

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<HERESY> has been on TRE since launch and, quite contrary to what some might believe / have heard, we are still around and doing NiM. We haven't been that active in the progression scene after DF NiM due to summer / vacation and guild clean-up (cutting loose some members that didn't fit in), but it should pick up again in August.
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I just logged in onto the one of my characters that actually ever got into a guild - I was guildleader and no one else was online.... for ages, as it seemed. XD


Now I only need someone to invite all my other characters and I have a free guildbank for myself O_o \o/

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<Pandamonium> is still going strong on The Shadowlands. We have never considered ourselves world first (or wanted to be), but we do have 70+ different players running 9 different teams on a weekly basis. Half of those teams are working on NiM DF/DP, and others are still working their way through older content.


It is true, Wildstar drew the attention of many of our own, but we as a guild knew that was coming, planned for it, and formed another chapter. Many of those 'lost' players straddle both games now, others are 100% Wildstar. They are forming a second 20-man team now.


We are a community, and we play (both games) for fun--no friends were left behind.

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"Allot" is an English word. If you couldn't find out that through google, you might need a 101 in How to Internet.




OT: Of the 3 top guilds on our server, two are completly dead and the third lost a few core players.



give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task.

"equal time was allotted to each"

synonyms: allocate to, assign to, apportion to, distribute to, issue to, grant to.


A Simple google search tells me that you may need a 101 in English...

Edited by RiVaN_
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Never said you were dead did I?


I said you lost some top players. Was that a lie? Do I need to list them?


Do you want me to list those that are/were left in the game after 2.8 and were involved with top progression? Worry about your own Guild and leave the others to tend for themselves. Thanks.


DoB is very much alive.


P.S.: This goes for you too Jennifer.

Edited by Gilnor
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