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SWTOR came too soon.


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It's the most polished, bug-free MMO I have EVER played at launch.


So no, it shouldn't have waited any longer.


no its not.. its one of the worst ive played in a while...


the "STAR WARS" title is carrying it on its shoulders tho.. so it should be ok for a few months.

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It's the most polished, bug-free MMO I have EVER played at launch.


So no, it shouldn't have waited any longer.


Key phrase that "I have ever played". There have been much better launches then TOR.


I heard that the original launch date wasn't set until Feb, tbh I wouldn't be surprised. I've noticed quite a few things that seemed rushed. Odds are EA, being the money hungry individuals they are, pushed Bioware to release the game for christmas so everybody bought it as a christmas present, despite the game not being in full working order. A pity, but hardly a unique circumstance in the gaming world.

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It's not.


You mean it's not the most polished bug-free mmo HE ever played?


OT: minor gfx glitches, but nothing serious. WoW has way more bugs when they lunch a new patch then gfx glitches. at least from my experience.

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By comparison to Anarchy, EQ2, WoW, and AoC, this has been the smoothest launch as far as I'm concerned. Though that's about the scope of my launch experience.

And I have yet to see an MMO released without claims that it had been done so too soon.


EDIT: It's amazing how many posts can pop up in the process of typing a short reply.

Edited by Munkerz
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SWTOR came out too soon? Bioware has been in development of this game for five count em five years! And even though this is my first MMO I played at launch it is still one of the most bug free launch MMO's out there. It also has great graphics and a great story! But I do have to say the combat could be improved quite a bit and I would like to see more character creation development but overall its a pretty great launch game.
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SWTOR came out too soon? Bioware has been in development of this game for five count em five years! And even though this is my first MMO I played at launch it is still one of the most bug free launch MMO's out there. It also has great graphics and a great story! But I do have to say the combat could be improved quite a bit and I would like to see more character creation development but overall its a pretty great launch game.


Great graphics? TOR is known for many things, but it's graphics are not one of them. As much as I may enjoy the game, let's not delude ourselves. It's graphics are terrible. MMOs from 2004 had better graphics. On the bright side it makes the game less spec-heavy, one of the main reasons people like me can actually play it. MMOs aren't suppose to have amazing graphics anyways.

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Nobody should have a problem with constructive criticism, but all i'm seeing on every god damn forum is kids that act like it is their right to have their way and if they don't all hell will break loose, this behavior would normally sicken me but i have seen it go on for so many years that i have become desensitized to it.
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Nobody should have a problem with constructive criticism, but all i'm seeing on every gosh darn forum is kids that act like it is their right to have their way and if they don't all hell will break loose, this behavior would normally sicken me but i have seen it go on for so many years that i have become desensitized to it.


While this is true, a lot of actual constructive criticism is ignored by what you might refer to as "biodrones". I've seen numerous threads that raised very good points and offers constructive ways to remedy the problem, only to be met with harsh responses and your cliche's "go back to wow". So judging the forums can be difficult because it contains both the whiners, and the biodrones, so either a thread appears to be a failure because the OP was just an idiot, or it appears to be a failure because the biodrones swarmed it and did what they always do. Too little do I see constructive threads actually treated as such. You always get that one rabid fan who'd be content with a square box so long as it had 'Bioware' on the side.

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Great graphics? TOR is known for many things, but it's graphics are not one of them. As much as I may enjoy the game, let's not delude ourselves. It's graphics are terrible. MMOs from 2004 had better graphics. On the bright side it makes the game less spec-heavy, one of the main reasons people like me can actually play it. MMOs aren't suppose to have amazing graphics anyways.


I'm sorry? But what the hell are you talking about? I mean.. Really? Did you get out of Korriban yet? Are you still stuck in Drommund Kass? The game might not be Skyrim, or Witcher 2, but it looks absolutely amazing. Walk around the Dune Seas, or Tatooine. Check out Nar Shadda. Maybe just take a ride through Hoth. If you think this game looks terrible, then you're just being terribly biased.


And tell me, which 2004 MMO had better graphics? COH? FFXI?

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Here is my explanation... go read the other threads already out there.


Really now? So you don't have an actual point, and can't back anything you say up with your own experience? It's just that "Other people are saying it's bad?"


You're not even trying.

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