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Stronghold Packs Preview


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Hey everyone, there are four new Stronghold Packs added to the PTS with this 2.9 patch but only two are in any stage of completion (the second pack is still missing some items). Anyways, I thought I would share what is there at the moment but do keep in mind that some of the new models may not be in yet.


Updated August 19 with ingame pics and videos of Gatekeeper's pack


Video playlist:






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Can't say I'm overly impressed. Way too many recolors, even for Bioware. Besides the Shan set and the yellow Chocobo, there isn't anything I really like, and I don't see myself getting either of those.


Same here.


Even more, I believe it's an all-time new low to give in and cheapen Satele's look, which should remain unique IMHO. The reskins / recolors for armor sets belonging to characters such as Mira or Brianna is just... Terrible quite frankly.


Next in queue: Darth Malgus. For sure.


Regardless, as ever, thank you, Dulfy. :)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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As the others have said, nothing much new here... LOTS of recolored armor... but in fairness, I'll get some of them...


Satele's armor? Yea, that looks nice, I'll have that for sure... most of it is meh...


No Walker! :)

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As the others have said, nothing much new here... LOTS of recolored armor... but in fairness, I'll get some of them...


Satele's armor? Yea, that looks nice, I'll have that for sure... most of it is meh...


No Walker! :)


Some of the re-skins however have some changes to them to make them still different.


For example. The SW Reaver set. A similar set was released to the CM not long ago but the chest was removed, ruining an otherwise awesome piece.


The Handmaiden's set was never that designed it was plain and white.


Now before you start, some of the re-skins however are just different colors like Mira. But that's okay too because that set was popular.


Just my thoughts as a CM Armor expert.

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Some of the re-skins however have some changes to them to make them still different.


For example. The SW Reaver set. A similar set was released to the CM not long ago but the chest was removed, ruining an otherwise awesome piece.


The Handmaiden's set was never that designed it was plain and white.


Now before you start, some of the re-skins however are just different colors like Mira. But that's okay too because that set was popular.


Just my thoughts as a CM Armor expert.


True, the Mira set is on my list... I use the original on more than one toon... :)

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I have to agree with most of the posters above.


Satele's armor - yes (people were asking for it, and besides, she is a "celebrity" in the game's era so it's natural others want to dress like her)


New weapons - yes (I like them; others may not, but they are something different and bring diversity, which would make them OK in my book either way)


New Bantha, Orobird, Tirsa - yes (these are reskins, but since we cannot dye mounts and since these particular ones only had one/few skins so far, I'm alright with that too)


Reskinned Malak, Mira, Handmaiden sets - definitely NO (not only they make impression - at least to me - of some second class version of iconic outfits, the reskins aren't even all that different - if they would remove the shoulderpads and shorten/remove the sleeves on Mira's jacket for example, I'd say OK, it's an alternative look. But this way?)

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Thanks as always Dulfy! Great work


Is there no 4-item pack in this shipment? I see four different pack names, each with separate item lists, usually there is a shared item list between two packs (the 4-item and first 6-item pack).


Kreia's Armor, Satele Shan's Armor, the Imperator's Command Throne, the Ancient Socorro Lightsabers, and Exar Kun's Armor (I was one of the people who back in the first Stronghold Teaser trailer was asking "wait, what armor is that?") = Hell yes, those look great! :D


Old Rakata/PVP Armor Recolors = Yeah, expected those, glad to see the CM-released ones aren't only in the "limited edition" packs, although not sure how I feel about some being in the short-term Nightlife Packs, and others being in the more traditional Stronghold Packs (but that's getting pretty nit-picky). Glad to see them. :)


Carbonite-Frozen Kowakian Monkey-Lizard = I lol'd, that's actually pretty good. :jawa_biggrin:


Socorro weapons, various mounts, various pets, new Cybernetic Series set = not bad, but nothing I'm going to go out of my way to get. :sul_default:


Nobel Attendant's Armor, Mantellian Privateer Armor, Malak's Shadow Armor = we're doing recolors of Lore sets in the packs now? Not a huge fan, I don't mind when they're on the Rep vendor, but having them in the RNG rotation isn't something I'm too happy about. :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthDymond
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Kreia's armour set... SO close to traditional Jedi robes. Please BioWare?


Every time someone mentions in these forums "traditional Jedi robes", that's one more year that will be added, until the day they release said vestments.


Same thing as with Half-Life 3 truth be told. Errrrrr... Darn. :(

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