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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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Because there's more to a Stronghold than the initial unlock cost. Decorations, to be specific. People will be spending and millions on their strongholds before it's all said and done, one way or the other.


LS, on the other hand, are just an 'unlock and forget' QoL improvement. I suggest you come to terms with the price. That way, if it lowers before it goes live, you'll be all happy and stuff, but if it isn't, you don't get all frustrated and angry again.

Millions and 50 millions, BIG DIFFERENCE. Not to mention how many decors you'll be able to get for free and many people will be happy with that. But that's 1, tell us why isn't 'unlock and forget' QOL Ship GTN 100 million then? Why isn't ship mailbox 30 million?


Well, it's fine and all that you believe that QoL purchases shouldn't be something we work toward gaining and should be able to be gotten immediately. For some people, this will be true. Others, unfortunately, will simply have to put forth some effort to gain those QoL improvements, sadly. I'm sure they'll be just fine, though.
Do you understand the difference between 'some effort' put into ship GTN, Treek, ship mailbox or luxury Stronghold on Nar Shaddaa and 50 MILLION for Legacy Cargo? Or you're just one of those Hypercrates->GTN exchange rate guys who always wonder "what's the matter, tens of millions are so easy in this game"?


If you think that they should do that, you're certainly free to think that. All I see is hyperbole and histrionics. Multi-million credit QoL purchases are nothing new to the game and splitting hairs and making silly comparisons is no way to make your case that the price is too high.
Hyperbole? Silly comparsions? I realize you don't like those silly comparsions because they show you have no argument as every single item and feature in the game is multiple times cheaper even if WAY more useful at that, but you really can't change the reality just because you don't like it. The price makes no sense for this game and its economy. That's not an opinion, it's a fact based on everything that already exists in the game OR that will be added in the next update, except for LS price itself. Period. Edited by Pietrastor
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Millions and 50 millions, BIG DIFFERENCE. Not to mention how many decors you'll be able to get for free and many people will be happy with that. But that's 1, tell us why isn't 'unlock and forget' QOL Ship GTN 100 million then? Why isn't ship mailbox 30 million?


Do you understand the difference between 'some effort' put into ship GTN, Treek, ship mailbox or luxury Stronghold on Nar Shaddaa and 50 MILLION for Legacy Cargo? Or you're just one of those Hypercrates->GTN exchange rate guys who always wonder "what's the matter, tens of millions are so easy in this game"?


Hyperbole? Silly comparsions? I realize you don't like those silly comparsions because they show you have no argument as every single item and feature in the game is multiple times cheaper even if WAY more useful at that, but you really can't change the reality just because you don't like it. The price makes no sense for this game and its economy. That's not an opinion, it's a fact based on everything that already exists in the game OR that will be added in the next update, except for LS price itself. Period.


The price is fine, really it is.

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The price is fine, really it is.


Is the price point really fine if there's no reason to directly upgrade through credits?


The CM upgrade could go for double the normal conversion rate (4.8 million credits per unlock), and still be superior to every stage of the Legacy Storage upgrade.

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Is the price point really fine if there's no reason to directly upgrade through credits?


The CM upgrade could go for double the normal conversion rate (4.8 million credits per unlock), and still be superior to every stage of the Legacy Storage upgrade.


There's all kinds of reasons to upgrade through credits. I prefer to spend my CC on other things, and since credits are insanely easy for me to get, I use those whenever I can. I got to Legend rank with the Starfighter Packs rep by buying hypercrates for credits.


But, some people have more real money than credits. For them, it'd be easier to use CCs. Either way works.

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There's all kinds of reasons to upgrade through credits. I prefer to spend my CC on other things, and since credits are insanely easy for me to get, I use those whenever I can. I got to Legend rank with the Starfighter Packs rep by buying hypercrates for credits.


But, some people have more real money than credits. For them, it'd be easier to use CCs. Either way works.


Why would you pay 5(10/15/20) million directly, when you could pay 2.4 million on the GTN?


Is the price disconnect clearer now? The match up between CC cost and credit cost is totally off.

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Why would you pay 5(10/15/20) million directly, when you could pay 2.4 million on the GTN?


Is the price disconnect clearer now? The match up between CC cost and credit cost is totally off.


We have no idea what the GTN cost will be. I suggest that people who 'do' buy the unlocks and list them on the GTN will ask for a 'lot' more than 2.4mil when the other price is 5mil for the 2nd tab.


But, we'll see. Either way, 2.4mil is better than 5mil. See? The price really is fine.

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We have no idea what the GTN cost will be. I suggest that people who 'do' buy the unlocks and list them on the GTN will ask for a 'lot' more than 2.4mil when the other price is 5mil for the 2nd tab.


But, we'll see. Either way, 2.4mil is better than 5mil. See? The price really is fine.


While 2.4 mill(or whatever ends up becoming the conversion price for a 2400 cc item) is not particularly egregious, it demonstrates how silly the direct purchase costs are. Putting a price on something that you don't intend for people to purchase at is a little silly.

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While 2.4 mill(or whatever ends up becoming the conversion price for a 2400 cc item) is not particularly egregious, it demonstrates how silly the direct purchase costs are. Putting a price on something that you don't intend for people to purchase at is a little silly.


Maybe, maybe not. We really don't know how it's all going to work, not for certain. Not yet, anyways.


Ask me again when it goes live and numbers are set in stone.

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Do you understand the difference between ... 50 MILLION for Legacy Cargo?

Problem is, what you are saying just is not true.


Legacy Storage is FREE. 80 slots of it.

Upgrade to 160 slots for a mere 5 million credits, the price of a Revan statue on the GTN.

Upgrade to 240 slots for a total of 15 million, which some of the walker mounts were selling for recently.


Seems pretty reasonable. 240 Legacy Storage slots for the price of a walker mount.

And even a full-out 400 slot Legacy Storage costs only as much as people have paid for a Red Sphere mount.


But, feel free to not use your FREE 80 slots of Legacy Storage if it bothers you so much. Feel free to not upgrade it if doubling its size for 5 million creds is too rich for your blood. Feel free to rage-quit over it. Whatever you like to do is just fine, except please stop trying to deceive people with your incesestant ranting about how Legacy Storage costs 50 million credits. It doesn't. It's FREE.


Yeah, expanding it may look pricey to the casuals and F2P. (When I started playing, I thought cargo hold expansions were expensive. Not so much now). But many players, not sure how many but quite a few, spend more on vanity items with no utility at all.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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If someone decided to no longer subscribe because they were dissatisfied with the game in some way, does that mean they have "rage-quit"?


Isnt that a derisive label with the intent to ridicule those that leave the game based on dissatisfaction? And if so, what would be the reason to use such a label? Does it make the person that uses it feel better, or is it meant to try and make them look foolish so no one takes them seriously?


Seems to me it does more damage to those that use this term, and others like "hater", "fanboi", "defender", "rager" and the like. It is a sign of a lack of self respect IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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If someone decided to no longer subscribe because they were dissatisfied with the game in some way, does that mean they have "rage-quit"?


Isnt that a derisive label with the intent to ridicule those that leave the game based on dissatisfaction? And if so, what would be the reason to use such a label? Does it make the person that uses it feel better, or is it meant to try and make them look foolish so no one takes them seriously?


Seems to me it does more damage to those that use this term, and others like "hater", "fanboi", "defender", "rager" and the like. It is a sign of a lack of self respect IMO.


No, rage-quitting a game would be more like leaving because they got rolled in a pvp match, didn't get a loot drop in a raid, didn't get that one item they wanted from Cartel packs(I'm pretty sure this last one actually happens).


People don't usually rage-quit games(although I think I've seen people act that way about Cartel packs) so much as they rage-quit particular matches. You can see it in WZs, more likely outside of this game in Mobas and shooters.

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The price is fine, really it is.
Sums up your stance on this perfectly. No arguments, just an empty "it's fine". Carry on!


Problem is, what you are saying just is not true.


Legacy Storage is FREE. 80 slots of it.

Upgrade to 160 slots for a mere 5 million credits, the price of a Revan statue on the GTN.

Upgrade to 240 slots for a total of 15 million, which some of the walker mounts were selling for recently.


Seems pretty reasonable. 240 Legacy Storage slots for the price of a walker mount.

And even a full-out 400 slot Legacy Storage costs only as much as people have paid for a Red Sphere mount.


But, feel free to not use your FREE 80 slots of Legacy Storage if it bothers you so much. Feel free to not upgrade it if doubling its size for 5 million creds is too rich for your blood. Feel free to rage-quit over it. Whatever you like to do is just fine, exceptplease stop trying to deceive people with your incesestant ranting about how Legacy Storage costs 50 million credits. It doesn't. It's FREE.


Yeah, expanding it may look pricey to the casuals and F2P. (When I started playing, I thought cargo hold expansions were expensive. Not so much now). But many players, not sure how many but quite a few, spend more on vanity items with no utility at all.

No it's not free, not for a functional Legcy cargo that utilizes its legacy aspect in a significant degree, which means 5 tabs for crafting. If you're gonna just use it for legacy tokens and 1 armor set, then you may as well keep it on your main. The only version of the cargo that has major functionality/QOL improvement is the one that has all tabs for 50 million. . I can do colors too.


Ohh and there's nothing on GTN that costs 50 million and when people try to put stuff for that much guess what, even the whales don't buy it and just wait for price reduction.

Edited by Pietrastor
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It 'is' fine. And the countering argument is a rather wordy version of 'nu uh!'
No butterfly, countering arguments have brought prices of multiple other items and features in the game that show at what level playbase wealth is and what is resonable pricing and what's not. You brought nothing. "Nu uh!" has been YOUR constant response to that.
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No butterfly, countering arguments have brought prices of multiple other items and features in the game that show at what level playbase wealth is and what is resonable pricing and what's not. You brought nothing. "Nu uh!" has been YOUR constant response to that.


What's to bring? It's a pair of counter-position opinions. Some of us think the price is too high, the others thing it's fine. Hell, a few think it's too cheap.


Opinions are like that.

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Your response was to my statements about the one free tab. Your problem is that you simply refuse to admit that BW has given everyone a great new free feature: one tab of Legacy storage.


I begin to think you are the kind of person who, when given a free full glass of your favorite drink, would complain that the glass was not large enough.


Well, sure they can give you a free drink but when you were promised an all-you-can-eat buffet meal and when you turn up they tell you "Sorry, you'll have to pay several thousand dollars for that only the drink is free!" why would you be grateful?



Remember, they make content so we continue to sub. People asked for Legacy Storage, we got Legacy Storage... but only one tab.... that's less functional than a regular Cargo... and costs infinitely more for the other 4 tabs. I'm not going to be grovelling to them with praise over stuff like that.



Here's some pros and cons:



- Convenient Storage for alts

- Crafting from one pool

- One tab free



- No Bound gear (more limited than regular Cargo)

- Regular Cargo has one free tab too

- Not nearly enough space for all crafting materials even with all 5 tabs

- Legacy Gear is already extremely easy to move around

- Outrageously high credit and CC costs

- Did I mention there's only 5 tabs total? For 24 characters max to pool into it?

- Lol 50 mil for 4 tabs! I didn't even pay 5 mil for 4 Account Wide Cargo Bay unlocks, and that's for all 24 toons I ever make



Let me save you all 50 million right now:


- Buy Cargo Bay Unlock (Account Wide) x 4 or however many you need and apply them to your account

- Press "Create Character"


Congratulations you now have 400 inventory slots for not even a 1/5th the cost of Legacy Storage that'll function all but the same, you simply have to put the effort in to use your fancy mailbox to move things for a few moments of your time.


Really now, is current priced LS just for the extremely rich and extremely lazy? Because why not save yourselves 50 million credits and just make a new alt.

Edited by Transairion
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Legacy Storage is FREE. 80 slots of it.


No, it's not. It's part of the Nar Shadda palace I paid for by subbing for a month including the date of award set by BW a few months ago.


That said, based on prior experience with this game -- 4 of 8 Inventory Rows free, pay progressively more to reach max cap, and 1 of 5 Cargo Bays free, pay progressively more to reach max cap -- I'm neither surprised nor offended that -- once again -- I get an initial unit and can pay progressively more for additional units until I reach the cap.


I'm a little surprised at the pricing, given how little space is involved and how few the advantages are compared to creating a new character, but unless BW removes any of the current functionality, I'm not losing anything by not purchasing additional Legacy Storage.


Just don't confuse BW including it with a period of paid subscription time with it being free.

Edited by eartharioch
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Buy Cargo Bay Unlock (Account Wide) x 4 or however many you need and apply them to your account.

I bought one yesterday, tried to apply it and the game said that it has already been applied to my character. What am I doing wrong?

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No it's not free, not for a functional Legcy cargo that utilizes its legacy aspect in a significant degree, which means 5 tabs for crafting. If you're gonna just use it for legacy tokens and 1 armor set, then you may as well keep it on your main. The only version of the cargo that has major functionality/QOL improvement is the one that has all tabs for 50 million. . I can do colors too.

So, you are saying that Legacy Storage with 400 slots is a "major improvement," but LS with only 320 slots is not.


Care to explain how the last 80 slots radically transforms LS? Or are you just willing to just leave your statement as it is and look like a raving idiot?

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They could have at least added the same kind of options that Guild Banks offer but no... Here's hoping that in the future they'll reconsider and even so, 50 million STILL(!!!) sounds like a ripoff.


That's because 50 million is a GIGANTIC Ripoff. Like I said before ppl with real lives won't be able to just buy a Guild ship on Launch. Ppl that have 6 55 alts with their crafting Maxed and are already Geared in 180s, and selling stuff in a Guild might be able to handle it fine with others helping to. They will be more likely to be able to get the GS when 2.9 goes live.


But for ppl that do have lives and Have Real jobs where you can't use ur computer to work and play this MMO, or do just physical work for 12hrs and having to take care of Disabled family members, will not be able to play 4 to 6hrs or more hours a day to help their Guild buy a Guild ship with other kinds of the same ppl with similar situations in other Guilds.


I Personaly wished i could do more to help my Guild, but Real Life happens to ppl.


Also ppl will be trying to grind for 50 million credits for stupid Strongholds as it is. So it's more like 100 million credits. That's just bs to me.

Edited by MandFlurry
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I bought one yesterday, tried to apply it and the game said that it has already been applied to my character. What am I doing wrong?


you either already have all account unlocks or... its a weird bug? cause you should be able to use accountwide cargohold unlocks even if the character you are using them on, has all the tabs unlocks by some other means.


the only way I know how to test it is roll a new character (doesn't even matter which server) get them to the fleet and see how many cargo hold tabs they have

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I bought one yesterday, tried to apply it and the game said that it has already been applied to my character. What am I doing wrong?


If the icon is "greyed out" when you buy it then it isn't usable on your character, though if it's account wide and not all your characters have the full 5 you should be able to apply it.


However there was a bug a while back where items could be sold that were greyed out and wouldn't work for anybody: I bought a species unlock that was like this and basically dead weight as it couldn't be applied no matter what. It's possible you bought a bugged version that's still been floating around on the market all this time.



If it isn't bound I would suggest mailing it to another character you know doesn't have 5/5 Bays and testing it there.


Also, Unlock Cargo Bay and Unlock Cargo are two different unlocks with a similar appearance: the latter unlocks the Cargo iteself and I believe it's only for F2P/Preffered players, while the other unlocks further bays IN that Cargo. You may want to check the tooltip in case you mixed them up which is super easy to do.

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I think I might have bought the "Unlock Cargo" one. :D


Oh well, 700k credits down the drain. Now I need to find an F2P player to mail it to so it doesn't go to waste.

Edited by slafko
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Legacy Storage It's quite the QoL improvement.


This is the first time in this game, that the developers actually give people a long term thing to achieve with credits. Everything, and I mean everything, has been easily obtainable so far. Personally I think the full tabs Legacy Storage is a tad expensive, but on the other hand, it's nice to have something that one needs to possibly work for. :)

50 millions isnt a longterm-thing, its a not reachable-thing.

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