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50 million...how will you protect the players?


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Bioware, if you're going to charge 50 million for guild ships, I hope you have thought about the ramifications that will come with such a high price. Since there's no universal taxing system for guilds, this will be 100% dependent on player trust and player contributions. What policies are you putting in place to prevent abuse and protect those who contribute?


Obviously you have a way to refund players contributions if they're kicked from the guild right?


And you've devised a way to prevent some single player from emptying the entire bank and making off with the $?


And there's no possibility of my contribution being used to fund repairs right?


The abuses that will come with a cost this high are many...but...you guys have of course thought about that right?


If you're going to ask a price so high, that only contributing players can possibly pay for it, you have an obligation to protect the players from the fraud that will inevitably follow. So what safeguards are you implementing to protect players who contribute to this outrageous sum?

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While I trust my guild leader, been playing with her for over a year, I would like to know this stuff as well.


I "AM" my guild leader and I know I'd never steal a thing from any member - they really have no idea how much I value them...but I want THEM to have assurances, beyond my word, that it can't happen and that they're protected.

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It will, indeed, be interesting to see how these things play out. Someone is going to switch guilds just to take part in this. They will give a sum of credits. They will get booted because the world is full of jackholes who do this sort of thing. There will be much anguish and frustration. BW needs to state what happens when this happens.
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Its plain and simple. If you do not trust your guild leader or guild mates then leave the guild. It is not mandatory to have a guild ship either. If you or anyone else are in a guild just for the perks and hardly know anyone then you are doing it wrong.


If you are in a guild and know everyone and have good relations then there isn't anything to protect. I mean the guild leader has had access to EVERYTHING in the guild bank already and hasn't made off with the stuff so why start worrying now?

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I mean the guild leader has had access to EVERYTHING in the guild bank already and hasn't made off with the stuff so why start worrying now?

There's a difference between having access to minor XP boosts, exploration boosts and brown/puke dyes than there is 50 million credits.

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GMs could send pink speedo pics to contributors, for example, as blackmail collateral in case they're thinking about absconding with the creds.


I'm sure this thing will foment loads of rip-offs, bad blood, guild hopping, guild dying, and other crap. I'd be interested too in what thoughts, if any, BW has on this.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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well as a guild we've already earned 43million out of the 50 in preparation for launch. So if 43 million is not going to be a big deal 50 million shouldn't be either.


If you don't trust your guild leader that is a problem, similar if your guild leader doesn't trust his/her members.


There isn't anything they can implement that will suddenly give people scruples. Honest people will be honest and continue to be so, unhonest people will continue to take advantage of those that are. There is nothing preventing a GM from going bat*@#$# crazy and kicking everyone out of guild..I've been on the receiving end of that before. If GM ninja's the GB when they get the the credits, do what anyone would do when someone robs you, report their *** and move on.


If I don't trust my guild leader enough with my money, I woudn't give it to them, and would rethink my position in that guild. We might be a bit special as we have been playing since great server merge and know each other pretty well, so trust really isn't an issue. Those who want to be here have still here, those that don't left long time ago.


If new guilds don't think they can be trusted with that many credits, perhaps a guild ship isn't in their best interest at the moment since sounds like they could easily just disband at any point anyway.


If you think there is too much risk in fronting that much money, don't. Also don't think GMs should force people to donate or expect donations either. If people don't think the guild is sustainable enough to warrant a ship yet GM feels the need, he can fund it him/her self.


however, I also would not be opposed to a "guild ship fund" separate from the general funds that people donate specifically for so they can make their vote heard.

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I can just see it now. "Suckers haha". Transfers credits to another character, deletes theif character never to be seen again. Trust will be a issue. A old time GM who has much invested in the game and character will be far more trustworthy than newer guilds and their GMs. Edited by Nickious
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If you cant trust your guild leader, you are in the wrong guild. If you are worried about them running off with your money, don't give it to them. Customer service is not here to settle disputes between people unless the TOS has been broken. Sounds harsh I know but that is the reality of how things work. Edited by HelinCarnate
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If you cant trust your guild leader, you are in the wrong guild. If you are worried about them running off with your money, don't give it to them.


I wish it were that easy Helin, but it isn't. This is an online game that has continual turnover. You NEED to trust players online or you may as well play single player only games...but you're also going to get burned, EVERYONE gets burned at some point. Bioware needs to protect the players who get burned, from this especially, since it's such a major expense and one that is expected to be a group purchase.

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I wish it were that easy Helin, but it isn't. This is an online game that has continual turnover. You NEED to trust players online or you may as well play single player only games...but you're also going to get burned, EVERYONE gets burned at some point. Bioware needs to protect the players who get burned, from this especially, since it's such a major expense and one that is expected to be a group purchase.


I don't think they are going to protect anything to be honest TUXs.

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do what anyone would do when someone robs you, report their *** and move on....


THAT ACTUALLY works where you from? :eek: It gets handled a lil different here in Memphis TN....lol



I can just see it now. "Suckers haha". Transfers credits to another character, deletes theif character never to be seen again. Trust will be a issue. A old time GM who has much invested in the game and character will be far more trustworthy than newer guilds and their GMs.


My thoughts EXACTLY :D

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That thing brings me another question

What if you pay your fee and after 3-5 months leave the guild ......

Will you get your fee back?


just saying


So it doesnt matter if u trust your GL or if you leave after some months from your today guild.

Its all about decisions at the specific time, you trust him/her? pay the fee, if not stay in guild and not pay the fee and cant enter to flagship (hope BW think that , if not, are for the LOLs)

If you leave the guild, its a time decision so you loose your fee.

Simple as that

Edited by Kissakias
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I don't think they are going to protect anything to be honest TUXs.


I doubt it also. Problem is this much loot can put GMs and members in an awkward position since a lot of trust and investment is involved. A much lower number wouldn't be that big of a deal.

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I doubt it also. Problem is this much loot can put GMs and members in an awkward position since a lot of trust and investment is involved. A much lower number wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Agreed. Make it 15 mil...still expensive, just not to the level 50 mil is. The 50 mil price tag is just FILLED with flipping drama...drama nobody in this game needs or wants.

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I don't think they are going to protect anything to be honest TUXs.

And I don't think they should. Donations are giving something for nothing. If you donate to your guild and expect something back, including a guarantee that you won't be gkicked, then you don't understand what a donation is.


By analogy:

I mailed another player mats for a 180 barrel. If they never send me the barrel, what should BW do?

Nothing, that's what. First, because BW doesn't necessarily know the whole story; perhaps the real trade was mats for something outside the game? And second, partly because BW is not my mommy and daddy, and are under no obligation to protect me from all the jerks and scammers in the world.

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Agreed. Make it 15 mil...still expensive, just not to the level 50 mil is. The 50 mil price tag is just FILLED with flipping drama...drama nobody in this game needs or wants.


15mil, seriously? 15mil is ludicrously low amount of money.

And if people get duped, well, that is on them. And I imagine if enough people filed a complaint against a specific guild, BW would probably take action against that guild...

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I doubt it also. Problem is this much loot can put GMs and members in an awkward position since a lot of trust and investment is involved. A much lower number wouldn't be that big of a deal.


Fully Agree, At 25 Mil, There isn't much risk involved and it gives lesser guilds with valid complaints an easier time at getting one.


I know some will say guild ships should be prestige but I say BS, all content should be easily accessible to a player.

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