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But where is the fun in that? Isn't an MMO supposed to be fun? Fun is not running endless amounts of dailies to earn credits to buy a guild ship.


Don't forget that the payoff is being able to do planet conquest... which is likely just more dailies. :eek:

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The unnecessary(and almost certainly inaccurate) potshots should really stop. Only a matter of time before a mod logs into the forums.


Pretending that 50 million is super hardcore or something is ridiculous. It takes more commitment and time to do Nim operations or Ranked PvP.


It represents a significant hurdle, one that can have its merits debated, but pretending that a person(much less a group of people) can't simply acquire 50 million credits over time while playing casually is pointless. Examples and explanations of how to casually work one's way to a flagship have already been provided numerous times.


And some of us still disagree and have pointed out how this will alienate a (likely) large number of guilds. These will fall apart, people will get ripped-off, and jackholes will "win" again.


BW really needs to keep the casuals in mind, because that is who this game is supposed to be designed for.

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Don't forget that the payoff is being able to do planet conquest... which is likely just more dailies. :eek:


50mil for the guild ship = a possible 25-ish mil for each full set of dailies in the guild.... That's just with 5 or 6 lvl 55s. A full 16-man would be able to make wayyyyyy more.

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The idea of effort being required to get rewards in games is a long-standing one.

Don't get me wrong. I did earn all my legacy and reputation levels the appropriate way. By doing and (whenever necessary) repeating the same content till I got the reward that was my goal.


I do not think the guild ships should be given "just like that" - i just think they are way overpriced.

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Yeah bw missed a golden opportunity for some quality content and possibly decent WPvP. Oh well.


For sure. Would have liked to see a PvP element. Not just who can get he most people to log on and waste time running more boring dailies. I mean, if it works the way I think it does. I hope I'm wrong.

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And some of us still disagree and have pointed out how this will alienate a (likely) large number of guilds. These will fall apart, people will get ripped-off, and jackholes will "win" again.


BW really needs to keep the casuals in mind, because that is who this game is supposed to be designed for.

Well said.

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50mil for the guild ship = a possible 25-ish mil for each full set of dailies in the guild.... That's just with 5 or 6 lvl 55s. A full 16-man would be able to make wayyyyyy more.


Again, yes, if you are hardcore enough to run all dailies... great for you. Congrats. BW is failing the casuals, which is my entire point.

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And some of us still disagree and have pointed out how this will alienate a (likely) large number of guilds. These will fall apart, people will get ripped-off, and jackholes will "win" again.


BW really needs to keep the casuals in mind, because that is who this game is supposed to be designed for.


I agree casuals should be kept in mind. Maybe a like "ship deposit" that's is secured for only that use. And when it is reached at 50 mil, a ship is automatically purchased? Idk just tossing up ideas.

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And some of us still disagree and have pointed out how this will alienate a (likely) large number of guilds. These will fall apart, people will get ripped-off, and jackholes will "win" again.


BW really needs to keep the casuals in mind, because that is who this game is supposed to be designed for.


People being ripped-off already happens due to transactions involving highly prized CM items. Probably not going to see people ripped off of more than a couple mil here(personally, not in aggregate), if that much. Item rip-offs greater than that amount happen.


Unless guild flagships are ridiculously crucial, I don't see guilds breaking apart over them. While they gate content, its a much smaller hurdle than attempting a Nim ops.



Arguing that casuals should have access to all content in a casual oriented game has its merits, but Bioware still produces content in SWTOR aimed at more hardcore players, so its apparent that they don't necessarily hold the same view.

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Yeah bw missed a golden opportunity for some quality content and possibly decent WPvP. Oh well.


I already replied to you (I believe it was) that this is a can of worms we see opened every event. PvE folks complain about getting ganked, etc...

It would have been a great WPvP oppurtunity, but I imagine it would just create endless whining on forums, unless PvP flag was redone. And who knows, maybe we will see some PvP content in addition to PvE grind at later date.

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While not as adamantly opposed the price as I was, I'm still going to ask for price reduction. If you can get a lower price, why wouldn't you? Some people look like they are almost begging to pay more :eek: Edited by Nickious
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Don't forget that the payoff is being able to do planet conquest... which is likely just more dailies. :eek:


Pretty much.


If they wanted to do this right, EA/BW would have tied Guild ships into content...


Say, for example, being able to turn in the vendor tokens from KDY, the Gree event, and the like for a GS token. Add in token purchasable with commendations. Heck, make the tokens purchasable through credits as well as CC if you wanted.


You could cap the weekly amount of tokens an individual account could receive to prevent guilds with 400 characters over 40 accounts from having a guild ship in one mad 24 hour rush.


In this way, players would be earning Guild Ships simply by doing what they've always done. PvP guilds could still get a GS by using PvP comms instead of the weak credit rewards from PvP. Everyone wins and no one has to do anything beyond what they would normally be doing.


But no, instead they put this huge number up that the 1 percenters of SWTOR think is too small but the majority who don't have unlimited time to waste playing games thinks is too large...


Someday, I hope, an MMO is created by people who have a clue as to what they are doing...because it is painfully obvious that this one sure as heck isn't one....

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I already replied to you (I believe it was) that this is a can of worms we see opened every event. PvE folks complain about getting ganked, etc...

It would have been a great WPvP oppurtunity, but I imagine it would just create endless whining on forums, unless PvP flag was redone. And who knows, maybe we will see some PvP content in addition to PvE grind at later date.


Truthful. (Idk if you did lol so many diff threads and all)


They could do it to allow guilds to do either without being infringed upon. Such as separating PvP mission areas an such, reworking how the flagging terms act in these areas etc. I'm no developer, but these are just off the top of my head ideas to protect the PvE'rs while adding content for the PvPers. Sorry for going off topic :p

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Again, yes, if you are hardcore enough to run all dailies... great for you. Congrats. BW is failing the casuals, which is my entire point.


A full set of dailies with four or five of your guild? Two hours at the most (for 10-ish missions.)


Your point? :rolleyes:

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Again, yes, if you are hardcore enough to run all dailies... great for you. Congrats. BW is failing the casuals, which is my entire point.


Why would casuals need a guild ship right from launch?

Also, even if you are a casual player (playing few hours per week), running dailies nets you something north of 1 million and can be done in few hours. If you are in a guild of casuals, you can achieve the amount just as well.

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Why would casuals need a guild ship right from launch?

Also, even if you are a casual player (playing few hours per week), running dailies nets you something north of 1 million and can be done in few hours. If you are in a guild of casuals, you can achieve the amount just as well.


Thank you. I knew I wasn't insane.


I think. :D

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While not as adamantly opposed the price as I was, I'm still going to ask for price reduction. If you can get a lower price, why wouldn't you? Some people look like they are almost begging to pay more :eek:




I've actually complained about the lack of things to spend credits on in-game in the past beyond player to player economy(which was all pretty much cosmetics anyways). It made credits feel like they had very little actual use to me.


When using companions to gather mats during normal play, I usually average 500k-1million per play session. Given the number of years I'd been subbed, I'd probably have hundreds of millions of credits from that alone had I actually bothered to do so consistently. Reason I didn't was I didn't feel any particular need to gather credits at the time. At one point I actually dumped around 30 million credits or so buying CM stuff on the GTN, a few hypercates, ten meditation chambers, bunch of other random stuff, which is all still sitting in my cargo holds(helped me max a rep and get some progress on another though).


Having cool stuff like guild flagships to work for gives me a greater sense of meaning in acquiring credits.

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if the answer doesnt interest you, why are you even in this thread? Stop trolling.


To contribute to the debate over the ridiculous sum of 50 million. I'm not trolling, he was...and so are you with this stupid post.

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Pretty much.


If they wanted to do this right, EA/BW would have tied Guild ships into content...


Say, for example, being able to turn in the vendor tokens from KDY, the Gree event, and the like for a GS token. Add in token purchasable with commendations. Heck, make the tokens purchasable through credits as well as CC if you wanted.


You could cap the weekly amount of tokens an individual account could receive to prevent guilds with 400 characters over 40 accounts from having a guild ship in one mad 24 hour rush.


In this way, players would be earning Guild Ships simply by doing what they've always done. PvP guilds could still get a GS by using PvP comms instead of the weak credit rewards from PvP. Everyone wins and no one has to do anything beyond what they would normally be doing.


But no, instead they put this huge number up that the 1 percenters of SWTOR think is too small but the majority who don't have unlimited time to waste playing games thinks is too large...


Someday, I hope, an MMO is created by people who have a clue as to what they are doing...because it is painfully obvious that this one sure as heck isn't one....


I like the way you think. Except I would not let CC come into play for this.

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Too many people fail to see the point.


Yes, 50 million credits isn't that hard to get "if you want to".


The problem lay in the simple fact that to earn 50 million credits will still take a ton of effort...far beyond what appears to be the value of actually having a guild ship.


If you have a small guild, say around 20 accounts, and each player devotes himself to doing nothing more than earning credits for a guild ship...it would probably take you 5 or 6 days to achieve providing you have 20 accounts that have no life beyond this game.


But where is the fun in that? Isn't an MMO supposed to be fun? Fun is not running endless amounts of dailies to earn credits to buy a guild ship. How many players are willing to give up their game time for a week in order to be bored to tears running the same dailies non-stop to help earn 50 million credits? Forget trying to use the GTN for this, undercutting since the announcement has gotten worse which means the value of the stuff you own is lower now than it was as little as 2 days ago.


15 million? 20? Those are more realistic numbers. It is still a major investment of time and effort but without the hammer shot of a credit amount the majority of players have never seen at one time, let alone a guild bank.


At current gold seller spam prices, you are looking at a real money cost of a guild ship at 375 USD...which would tell me that the CC cost of a guild ship (and I assume it will be purchasable by CC) will put anything else currently available in the CM to shame, price wise.


You can try to justify the price all you want, the reality is that setting the bar that high leads to "not fun" game play choices. And yes, no one is forcing you to buy it but it is new content and new content should not be gated by an obscene and unrealistic credit cost.

if your guild isnt active enough to have a small amount like 50M, what planet conquest content are they expecting to participate in?


the ship is a tool for those that are active enough to want one. you're putting the cart before the horse.

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