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When they make 4man Operations with BiS gear, then you can say that TOR is geared toward small groups.


PVP doesn't count, by the way, just to clear that up.

I can queue for GF solo and get BiS Ops gear. And why wouldn't PvP count? Of course it does.

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I listened. I replied.


It's still not anymore practicable on a large scale. Too many people saving, now.


Must've missed it in the very very long multiple threads we've got going on. My apologies, it is difficult to keep track of a conversation over an extended period of time.


I painted another scenario for a group of 4 accomplishing it in 50 days a couple pages back(through the crew skills credit grinding method). Is that an unreasonably difficult commitment?

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I painted another scenario for a group of 4 accomplishing it in 50 days a couple pages back(through the crew skills credit grinding method). Is that an unreasonably difficult commitment?


Yes, an investment of 50 days of whatever your daily play time allotment happens to be is unreasonable to the extreme unless that investment, by itself, is fun and rewarding by itself.

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BiS for the level I'm playing at.


Ah well, in that case. On my server there's no issue finding 16 man groups for ops. So anyone can generally find groups for that.


Of course it does get trickier if you have 3 or 4 people online and you wanna do something together. GF could take a looooooooong time and 16 man pugs may not have room for your little group together, so the game is definitely not built around small groups at endgame. But then it is an MMO so I don't personally have a problem with that.

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Well as I said, it depends a bit on what you talk about. Now if you say that your need to convince others is actually your viewpoint then yes I do object to the opinion that you think you should try to do this.


I never said you shouldn't argue but I did say that I found it interesting that someone who wants people to take advice wants to force that concept on them. That's no longer following advice, that's doing what you're told and I am not big on that.


But hey, all in all you're ok as a sparring partner, I will say that ;)

I do understand your view here.


I think it started (as most discussions on the forum) merely expressing my opinion the price not being out of reach, then it grew into something more. I don't particularly feel compelled to change other's views on things, but sometimes I get carried away. :)


I have to be honest and say that part of this is from a selfish place. I like playing the game, and I like playing with my guild. Since the announcement of the price being $50 million, (with the potential of requiring $130 million if you believe reddit), the people I play with have spent MORE time in the game.


Which I like.


Edited by Khevar
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Yes, an investment of 50 days of whatever your daily play time allotment happens to be is unreasonable to the extreme unless that investment, by itself, is fun and rewarding by itself.


Exactly. 50 days easily becomes 300 days because maybe some people want to play other parts of the game also.

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Look, I don't know where the hell you lot get off thinking thats a great idea, but it's not, it's terrible.



Its going to alienate damn near every single small guild community you have, and I can say for certain it's gonna drop more and more subs who were looking forward to this to strengthen the want to play this game.



And now we get that steaming pile on our plates, and don't try to say that's not the price. It's all over the damn dulfy twitch live stream. Yeah, they stated it on their live stream, so THANKS AGAIN for alienating your small guild communities.


Hopefully the BACKLASH you get will make you rethink everything into some odd cash sink cash gate crap, but somehow I doubt it.

well guess My guild wont be getting one between all of us in a guild we probly have 1.5 million creds, unlike most of the people with these god amount of creds we don't buy are creds for real money so this is a game breaker for me unless they drop the freaking price on this...
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Well, if they had continued the class stories, it would have been easy to tie in Strongholds as a reward. It would have progressed as naturally as when your get your ship.


But, well... :mad:


But then people would complain they have to play the class stories, or that they receive only one stronghold, etc.

To note, purchasing the stronghold is not that expensive, it is the full unlocking, if you do it all at once, that is expensive.

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... unlike most of the people with these god amount of creds we don't buy are creds for real money ...

If you genuinely believe that the only way to make a lot of credits in this game is cheating through the Cartel Market, then I firmly suggest you visit the Crew Skills Forum.


Everyone I know in game that has mastered making credits uses knowledge posted there. None of them pay cash for Cartel Coins.

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well guess My guild wont be getting one between all of us in a guild we probly have 1.5 million creds, unlike most of the people with these god amount of creds we don't buy are creds for real money so this is a game breaker for me unless they drop the freaking price on this...


I die a little inside each time someone implies that the only way to make that many credits to resort to buying currency from gold farmers. There are many ways to legitimately earn millions of credits without having to cheat. Implying that anyone who has that amount of credits may have cheated is quite rude.

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I do understand your view here.


I think it started (as most discussions on the forum) merely expressing my opinion the price not being out of reach, then it grew into something more. I don't particularly feel compelled to change other's views on things, but sometimes I get carried away. :)


I have to be honest and say that part of this is from a selfish place. I like playing the game, and I like playing with my guild. Since the announcement of the price being $50 million, (with the potential of requiring $130 million if you believe reddit), the people I play with have spent MORE time in the game.


Which I like.



Well, I'll be the first to admit it's easy to get carried away here. Happens to me as well and I know it.


But the reality for me still is that we all have different ideas about what's reasonable or right. I don't always agree with other people and their views but If an opinion is a unique colour I am fine with you painting your house that colour but don't even try to colour my house with it or get near it hehe. Then I turn into a 'Murican with a shotgun ;)


For me, I have an idea what I find reasonable but I realise that's what I find reasonable. If it ends up costing more it will have a negative effect on me. If it ends up costing less I'm fine because it doesn't negatively affect me. So I guess that's why I wonder why people are so upset at people wanting lower prices because it won't cause them any problems if the prices are lowered.


Not refering to you here, but in general I do have a big problem with misrepresentations. When for example I say 20 million is too much and it should be 10 million and then somebody says that I just want it for free then I have to wonder if he either is just being spiteful or just not able to see the difference between nothing and 10 million. I suppose I should just ask him to wire zero money to me on my bank account and see if he sends me 10 million.


Oh well, sometimes people misread stuff, sometimes they have reading comprehension or other issues ;)

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This is a game, this is not about a pure investment in time - its about progressing through content and having fun doing so, or otherwise getting better while having fun.

That's a very incomplete list of the ways one can have fun in SWTOR. You don't have to "progress" or "get better" to have fun. You can also:

  • roll an alt to redo a class story as a different alignment or sex,
  • faceroll the Oricon and Cerka weeklies for a laugh with a friend,
  • do NiM KP with HM55-capable toons for giggles,
  • do arbitrage on the GTN for a profit,
  • spend hours costuming your toons,
  • grind Xeno HM for a chance at the Red Sphere, or
  • <insert your favorite thing here>.


The list of ways to have fun in SWTOR goes on and on. That's important to keep in mind.

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Dailies and weeklies, for most people, do not translate into fun

How do you know this? How many people have you asked? Was it a statistically valid randomly selected sample of the SWTOR player base? Where the questions properly designed?


Or are you just making it up, on the assumption that what you do not enjoy is what most people do not enjoy?

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How do you know this? How many people have you asked? Was it a statistically valid randomly selected sample of the SWTOR player base? Where the questions properly designed?


Or are you just making it up, on the assumption that what you do not enjoy is what most people do not enjoy?


He's right. Only someone who doesn't play the game would demand statistics of such.

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He's right. Only someone who doesn't play the game would demand statistics of such.


He is not demanding statistics, he just want to know how Darkheyr came to that conclusion, how many people he asked, etc, or if it is his own opinion (or opinion of his friends) which he amplified by using the old "I hate it, therefore everybody hates it" formula.


Actually running dailies with friends while laughing about things of voice chat, possibly drinking slightly alcoholic beverage while doing it, could be fun for many.

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He is not demanding statistics, he just want to know how Darkheyr came to that conclusion, how many people he asked, etc, or if it is his own opinion (or opinion of his friends) which he amplified by using the old "I hate it, therefore everybody hates it" formula.


Actually running dailies with friends while laughing about things of voice chat, possibly drinking slightly alcoholic beverage while doing it, could be fun for many.


I skip the friend part and go straight to the alcohol.

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