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True. However ,since this is guild rather then individual effort we are speaking about, individuals in smaller guilds will need to work much more to get the same reward. Not sure this idea is a long standing one,frankly. At least it is novel concept for SWTOR.
i dont think this is necessarily true either.


it depends how active and interested people are inside the guild, not the quantity.


an active raiding guild of 20 will have more money to invest in a ship than a guild of 200 leveling buff seekers.


an active raiding guild of 20 will have more people online than most guilds of 200 anyway

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True. However ,since this is guild rather then individual effort we are speaking about, individuals in smaller guilds will need to work much more to get the same reward. Not sure this idea is a long standing one,frankly. At least it is novel concept for SWTOR.


Novel for SWTOR, but pretty common in the MMO-sphere for guilds. Also not nearly as grindy as they are in most games. The equivalents to guild flagships that I've seen in other games took months of combined effort to acquire.


Yes it encourages grouping, but its designed to encourage grouping. Its one of the MMO oriented aspects of an MMO.


Also, we all have companions. They are a great resource to make credits while doing whatever activity a player so desires. Take a little time to find a reliably profitable market, and given time through normal play even a casual player would accumulate 50 million.

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True. However ,since this is guild rather then individual effort we are speaking about, individuals in smaller guilds will need to work much more to get the same reward. Not sure this idea is a long standing one,frankly. At least it is novel concept for SWTOR.



The workload is the same for the guilds: producing 50 million credits.


The idividual effort of those members is the variable.


A guild of 300 may only have a handful if people that contribute.


On the other hand, a guild of 30 may all contribute.


Overall, it boils down to the individual effort of the members of a guild. How dedicated they are, their loyalties, the effort they put into it etc. are all determined by the players recruited within the guild. Thus, the workload is the same; however how it is spread around is determined by the guild members.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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It will INCREASE the spamming blind invites by scammers looking to take advantage of people. The price is so high that you're going to have players cheating other players and taking off with their $. Who's going to police this? Bioware? It's not about "work" either, this is a *********** game meant to entertain. 50 million is outrageous and asinine.


Agreed, on all points. People gonna get ripped-off, get mad, quit. This should be more accessible for smaller/dying guilds. We don't all want to be part of the uberguilds who don't even know each other.

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People people please. Just settle down. This isn't a feature for EVERY SINGLE person in the game. It's something to work towards. If you have one it's an accomplishment in itself. I agree with the price, strongly! Why? It should be a lot of credits because it's not something of the ordinary you can get for your guild. It's not something that you should just go "hmm should I activate my guild ship today?" It should cost a lot of credits as I said because working towards something is always good.

It should be affordable to casual as well as hardcore guilds. 50 million isn't.

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It is a lot for a pvp centered guild who has lost A LOT of members between now and the removal of 8v8 ranked. 25 million is a much more reasonable price IMO. If BW was smart (lol) they would have had this come out when guilds were recruiting for 8v8s and such, bigger guilds overall then. Just my opinion though!
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i dont think this is necessarily true either.


it depends how active and interested people are inside the guild, not the quantity.


an active raiding guild of 20 will have more money to invest in a ship than a guild of 200 leveling buff seekers.


an active raiding guild of 20 will have more people online than most guilds of 200 anyway



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an active raiding guild of 20 will have more money to invest in a ship than a guild of 200 leveling buff seekers.


an active raiding guild of 20 will have more people online than most guilds of 200 anyway

Exactly! I hate when people say "small guilds won't afford it". Sorry but it's not a matter of size. It's a matter of dedicated guildmates. Ten players who play a few days a week have more credits than 100 players that come online once or twice a week.

Edited by PavSalco
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Enjoy your 800th run through Ilum woooooooooo


it won't be fun now but...you know....my guild already has the funds for the ship. we're basically grinding for the extras now. and doing a raffle for the people who donate to motivate our less active members. so yes, i will look back fondly upon this conversation from my guild ship while you're still here....crying.

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While the cost of a guild ship seems out of reach for some guilds, if you add up the costs of owning a guild and buying more bank tabs it exceeds the cost of a ship. The reason people join guilds is to have a common interest and work together to do things. The only way a guild functions is off the sweat and tears of its members who may or may not contribute to the guilds growth. Members should help support their guilds through donations since the game lacks a guild taxation ability on money gained while adventuring. The perks of belonging to that guild are great, with extra experience, repair costs, community as well as belonging to teams to do harder content. Not all guilds will have access to a guild ship, true, but not all militarys in our own world have access to the ships as well.

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too bad. people who don't work for it, casual or hardcore, don't deserve to have it.


LOL! Players who "work" for it can have it. I play this gave for fun kid, not to grind credits that go *POOF*

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it won't be fun now but...you know....my guild already has the funds for the ship. we're basically grinding for the extras now. and doing a raffle for the people who donate to motivate our less active members. so yes, i will look back fondly upon this conversation from my guild ship while you're still here....crying.


Ooh. I'm going to steal that raffle idea. I like it :)


I have some cool stuff in my bank to put up for raffle.

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Agreed, on all points. People gonna get ripped-off, get mad, quit.

Sorry but only a brainless bantha would fall for it. Who could give his money to a new guild about which he doesn't know anything? It's like: hey I've just met you and this is crazy. Lend me 10kk and I'll give it back soon. Nanana.

Sorry but scam already exists and will exist. If someone doesn't use his brain he pays the price.

Edited by PavSalco
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What they should have are different classes of ships available. Smaller/poorer guilds could get something small. Eventually work your way up to a larger ship with better buffs or whatever. Maybe we start with a Millennium Falcon-sized ship and work up to an Executor-class super star destroyer.


Would this help the rich still feel special?

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It should be affordable to casual as well as hardcore guilds. 50 million isn't.


Yes. It. Is.


I run two casual guilds on Shadowlands. The players are adults with families and many of them have limited time in game. We do nothing but story mode raids and hang out. We started raising money as soon as the ships were announced.


Republic 135 mil

Empire: 72 mil


On the pub side, this was done by around 10 people. On the imp side it was around 5. We did this by running dailies and selling items on the GTN. We do not have high end crafters with access to HM/NiM mode gear. We do not play all the time and we are not a hardcore guild.


This is easily accessible to casual players if they just invest their time where is matters. If you want a guild ship, then invest. This is what we did.


If your guild is not going to work as a team to get a ship, then find a better guild. Guild ships should not be handed out like candy.

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1. What about ppl who don't have time to get enough reputation points. Let's lower the points required for Legend status! :rolleyes:

2. What about ppl who don't have time to get enough achievements. Let's decrease some numbers in the achievements! :rolleyes:



It's called teamwork and it is supposed to happen in the guilds, you know, And NO ONE forces you to put every credit you have to the guild. It's up to YOU how much you want to help your guild.



In three years you should have about 50/100 million credits counting the money you spend on repairs and CM stuff etc.



Yea there's this lil activity called REAL LIFE.... One where I spend on average 50-60hrs a week running a business that makes REAL money. Then factor in this other lil necessity called "Family time" And I'm lucky if I get to spend 8hrs a week playing games. THAT'S why after nearly 3 years I've only got 2 lvl 55's and still have 2 classes I haven't finished yet. But whatever.....I can see how pointless this entire thread has become.


Ok one side we have.....The filthy rich elites accusing the poor of being lazy and wanting something free.


And on the other side we have....the poor asking for a reasonable chance to participate in the biggest thing to hit the game since GSF. And the rich telling them "no....because you don't matter anyway"



I'm done.....U grind dailies.....I'm busy making REAL money so I can pay my house off by the end of the year, and buy these neon lights for my motorcycle....

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It should be affordable to casual as well as hardcore guilds. 50 million isn't.


Could you establish what you mean by casual guilds?


For the most part, it can be shown that any guild of size 4 and up can achieve a guild flagship in about 4 months or less with an average time investment of 20 minutes per day, done inefficiently(grinding dailies instead of pressing a few buttons to send out companions).



I'll outline my stance on a few points that are probably pertinent.


1. Guilds don't need to have it at launch, its intentionally designed as something to work towards.

2. Its designed and oriented towards active max level characters, not leveling guilds

3. Its functional rather than social(unlike the belief that it is for roleplayers that I've seen)

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What they should have are different classes of ships available. Smaller/poorer guilds could get something small. Eventually work your way up to a larger ship with better buffs or whatever. Maybe we start with a Millennium Falcon-sized ship and work up to an Executor-class super star destroyer.


Would this help the rich still feel special?


I originally thought they would take this approach /shrug.

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Sorry but only a brainless bantha would fall for it. Who could give his money to a new guild about which he doesn't know anything? It's like: hey I've just met you and this is crazy. Lend me 10kk and I'll give it back soon.

Sorry but scam already exists and will exist. If someone doesn't use his brain he pays the price.

Sorry, but that's simply not true. If you only played with RL friends, even then there is risk.

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it won't be fun now but...you know....my guild already has the funds for the ship. we're basically grinding for the extras now. and doing a raffle for the people who donate to motivate our less active members. so yes, i will look back fondly upon this conversation from my guild ship while you're still here....crying.


It's true you're making me cry.

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