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Its more than I personally feel is necessary, but its not like 50 million is unreachable. It'd take a few months for an individual to earn(assuming they don't use the GTN at all but only grind), or less than a month for a group of four or more.



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I find it a bit too much but then again, it started to become clear over time that everyone, plus their Kowakian Monkey Lizard could get a Stronghold.


I guess they want Guild Ships to be more special.


I have no issue with that per se but notable exceptions aside, smaller guilds will have serious issues getting one of those. Then again, it's highly possible that's their intent all along.


Overall, I see no MAJOR cause for concern.

^ Pretty much this.


Small guilds that do not have a dedicated, involved membership don't really add any value to the game, so I don't really mind them being priced out of Guild Ships, hopefully it will motivate members in those guilds to get into involved or larger guilds, thereby improving the membership of "good" guilds.


Small guilds that do have a dedicated, involved membership will be able to set this as a goal they can work together towards, which will probably help improve the sense of community in that guild and give them a sense of significant accomplishment once they reach it.


Large guilds will be able to get them fairly quickly.


Would it have been a horrible design if it was 20 mil instead? No, not really. But I think 50 mil works fine as well.

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Yes it is. Death of the smaller guilds.

Define small. My guild has about 25 people and we could afford the guild ship. It should be clear since the first announcement that for guild ships the target is dedicated guilds, not some random folks that have been playing the game for about three or four months.


Btw, Tatooine stronghold is amazing. Much better than other three together. I know that the strongholds on the home planets are going to be cheap so it is okay that they are not so appealing. However, now I'm little disappointed that Nar Shaddaa looks average in comparison to Tatooine.

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50 million is a lot?


Maybe not for PvErs on a PvE server. But I know of very few guilds on the PvP servers I play that will be willing to fork out 50 million for a guild ship.


The issue isn't necessarily the cost of the ship itself. It's the fact that guilds don't last long enough to really consider that type of investment. I've been playing this game since launch. In that time, I've been in something like over twenty guilds. I wasn't a guild hopper. Most of those guilds just died because the members stopped playing the game.


Now PvE servers have been a lot more stable because the PvE in this game is pretty good. However, PvP Servers certainly haven't and it's rare to find an active guild that has been around for more than a year. I really like the guildies I play with right now, but even those guys are hit and miss for the most part because the PvP in this game is so bad.


Long and short of it...as a subscriber to this game that primarily PvPs, I was interested in two things related to Galactic Strongholds: Legacy Storage and Guild Ships. I am now only interested at all in one of those things, and it's not Guild Ships.

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Small guilds that do not have a dedicated, involved membership don't really add any value to the game, so I don't really mind them being priced out of Guild Ships, hopefully it will motivate members in those guilds to get into involved or larger guilds, thereby improving the membership of "good" guilds.

"Good" is dictated only by size to you huh? SWTOR is a casual game. Your attitude suggests you're fine locking casual players out of guild ships.

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All I can say to the price for the guild flagships is that I'm glad they didn't recently put in any type of option to suck the credits from me. Oh wait, gambling...


I'm just glad I finally stopped at 2m spent. :D

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Maybe not for PvErs on a PvE server. But I know of very few guilds on the PvP servers I play that will be willing to fork out 50 million for a guild ship.


The issue isn't necessarily the cost of the ship itself. It's the fact that guilds don't last long enough to really consider that type of investment. I've been playing this game since launch. In that time, I've been in something like over twenty guilds. I wasn't a guild hopper. Most of those guilds just died because the members stopped playing the game.


Now PvE servers have been a lot more stable because the PvE in this game is pretty good. However, PvP Servers certainly haven't and it's rare to find an active guild that has been around for more than a year. I really like the guildies I play with right now, but even those guys are hit and miss for the most part because the PvP in this game is so bad.


Long and short of it...as a subscriber to this game that primarily PvPs, I was interested in two things related to Galactic Strongholds: Legacy Storage and Guild Ships. I am now only interested at all in one of those things, and it's not Guild Ships.


Sorry, I was being flippant. Sad, to hear and aspect of the game may not be available to you.

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Maybe not for PvErs on a PvE server. But I know of very few guilds on the PvP servers I play that will be willing to fork out 50 million for a guild ship.

Actually this is a very valid point. I've never been too sympathetic to PVPers complaining about the lower credit returns for PVP gameplay, since they also don't have to deal with one of the largest credit sinks: repair costs.


This, however, is gating a significant Guild bragging right behind a credit wall that is going to be harder for dedicated PVPers to reach. I think it would be best if they implemented a system that let Ranked Comms go towards the cost. (Say an item you can buy for a set number of Ranked Comms that, for every one that's in the Guild Bank, reduces the Guild Ship Cost by 100k).

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Maybe not for PvErs on a PvE server. But I know of very few guilds on the PvP servers I play that will be willing to fork out 50 million for a guild ship.


The issue isn't necessarily the cost of the ship itself. It's the fact that guilds don't last long enough to really consider that type of investment. I've been playing this game since launch. In that time, I've been in something like over twenty guilds. I wasn't a guild hopper. Most of those guilds just died because the members stopped playing the game.


Now PvE servers have been a lot more stable because the PvE in this game is pretty good. However, PvP Servers certainly haven't and it's rare to find an active guild that has been around for more than a year. I really like the guildies I play with right now, but even those guys are hit and miss for the most part because the PvP in this game is so bad.


Long and short of it...as a subscriber to this game that primarily PvPs, I was interested in two things related to Galactic Strongholds: Legacy Storage and Guild Ships. I am now only interested at all in one of those things, and it's not Guild Ships.


What's stopping people on PvP servers from grinding some PvE content in exchange of credits for example? Not trying to be flippant but rather curious.


Whenever I want something from the PvP vendor, I go and PvP for a bit until I get the Warzone commendations I need.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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"Good" is dictated only by size to you huh? SWTOR is a casual game. Your attitude suggests you're fine locking casual players out of guild ships.

That's what my attitude implies if you ignore the second paragraph of my post:

Small guilds that do have a dedicated, involved membership will be able to set this as a goal they can work together towards, which will probably help improve the sense of community in that guild and give them a sense of significant accomplishment once they reach it.


Small guilds that have members willing to work together towards a goal are "good". Small guilds that do not have members willing to work together towards a goal are not "good". I have zero problem standing by that opinion.

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That's what my attitude implies if you ignore the second paragraph of my post:


Small guilds that have members willing to work together towards a goal are "good". Small guilds that do not have members willing to work together towards a goal are not "good". I have zero problem standing by that opinion.




Again, it would seem there are those who want the most op thing in the game while not working substantially to acquire it. Bioware made it possible to choose between having a Guild Stronghold and a Guild Flagship. The latter will NOT be accessible to everyone, unlike the former.


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Small guilds that have members willing to work together towards a goal are "good". Small guilds that do not have members willing to work together towards a goal are not "good". I have zero problem standing by that opinion.

Currently chatting with our guildies about this right now as I type. We're gonna set it up as our challenge to achieve and whether it's quick or not, we'll get there.


edit: quoted wrong msg

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"Good" is dictated only by size to you huh? SWTOR is a casual game. Your attitude suggests you're fine locking casual players out of guild ships.


Casuals come, casuals go.

Every game should reward the dedicated players in the content that cannot be easily unlocked, so their effort is somehow meaningful. Giving them pets or titles is just too small gesture for their constant support.

No, I'm not a veteran but I understand it.

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What's stopping people on PvP servers from grinding some PvE content in exchange of credits for example? Not trying to be flippant but rather curious.


It's not the cost that is really the issue. It's more the transitory nature of PvP guilds in this game and the playerbase. Neither one of the active guilds I'm currently in has existed for a year. One of them has only been around for 4-6 months. The members of both of those guilds are pretty hit and miss on how often they even play the game currently, myself included.


I have 40 Million credits on one Legacy. I have 30 Million credits on another. Now I don't game the GTN or run dailies. I just PvP and craft stuff to sell on the GTN while PvPing. I could help the guilds I'm currently in to afford a guild ship. But due to the transitory nature of PvP guilds since launch and the poor handling of PvP by BW; Why in the world would I do that?


That's more the issue. I really like my guildies, but I have no idea how long they will really be around. BW has no plans for PvP content whatsoever in the forseeable future...I mean zero. I don't blame PvPers for not hanging around and trying to stick things out. SWTOR has been a pretty terrible PvP experience overall. In that regard, 50 million credits is just a lot for PvPers like myself to grind and contribute to when I'm not even sure my guild will exist in a couple months.


By the way, I'm not QQing or looking to get something for nothing. 50 million is just too high a price tag and simply puts Guild Ships out of reach for most. I just thought the Guild Ship stuff was content that would be for everyone. It simply isn't and that's fine...I guess.



Casuals come, casuals go.


The only players still playing this game are casuals for the most part. This is working as intended by BW btw.

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I'm lightly confounded that the cost is 50M for the Guild Ship while releasing at the same time other housing to players, which based on the cost 'value' of the Nar Shaddaa Skypalace giveaway will be millions more to fully unlock all of. Then the cost on decorations/schematics.


Maybe there are a lot of more wealthy players and guilds with 20 plus active players than I have seen around.


Or maybe they are bluffing and will drop it down to aid good feelings on formal release.

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Yes it is. Death of the smaller guilds.


Hi, I'm the Gm of a 3.5 person guild. We picked up one new person woo! I'm also the only person putting money in the bank. My guild bank has just cleared 50 million and on average I only put in 2 million every week.


We've had a crap load of time to save money. If just one person can raise 50 million by only adding 2 million in every week. Then any guild with several people putting in money will quickly raise the funds.


Edit: Also as per a thread I made earlier. Could someone ask these questions during the next live stream?


Q: Will we be able to trade decorations obtained via pvp and pve commendations?


Q: I'd also like to know if decorations will be in the collection system.


I'd certainly love to buy decorations obtained via pvp commendations for large sums of credits. I'm sure the pvpers would love getting paid for doing what they enjoy too. :D

Edited by Lord_of_Mu
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