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Disconnect causing perpetual loading screens


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I've noticed since the patch this morning that disconnecting (I have a bad DSL modem, it's an ongoing problem), the game gives me a loading screen instead of going to the server select screen as it usually does. I've waited longer than 5 minutes and the loading screen never goes away. The only workaround I've found is to close the window and reload the game. Anyone else experiencing this?
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Confirmed. After getting disconnection a player is stuck at the loading screen instead of going back to the server list. The only solution is to force the shutdown of the game and log in again. It takes a while, so the possibility of getting kicked out of the group is increased :(
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happening today to me, did not happen yesterday.


Server Ebon Hawk.


Even standing still in the vip area, doing nothing at all, it randomly drops back to a loading screen that never finishes loading, only way to get back in the game is to force close.

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Happened to me in a wz, I apparently joined an ongoing civil war wz but the second the main loading screen finished i got thrown into the loading screen that has the star fighters on it and the twirling blue spinner but no load bar.


I WAS STILL IN THE WARZONE I could hear the announcer saying the general things that go along with a civil war and there was a 1 or 2 pixels around the outline of the infinite loading screen that showed (I play in full screen windowed as i have 2 monitors) i was moving the camera when i held the right mouse button I could tell i was in the staging area for the civil war wz.


after sitting in the "infinite" load screen for about 45 secs i Alt - F4 'd the game as it was pretty obvious the game was actually loaded, and the game had just said nope, load screen for you and basically the load screen in front of everything...


More evidence i was actually playing while the "load screen" was up: I hit the button to pull out the weapon and i could hear the lightsabre igniting...


However, it should be noted I don't think I disconnected (the title of the thread says DC caused it)

Edited by uberpsykick
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Just happened to me twice when trying to do the Regicide mission on Alderaan. Not sure if its the instance, my connection, or something else but I just crash and go to a perpetual load screen where the only way out is to close the window and load the game back up.
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Confirmed multiple cases this evening, only 6-8 hrs after the maintenance for patch 2.10.01 was completed.


Annoying, infuriating, and socially unhelpful. Doesn't matter which character or location, a massive lag spike, (usually 20,000+ ms) followed by the loading screen which loads half way and then hangs indefinitely.


BioWare needs to wake up and realize that nobody is going to buy their amazing cartel packs if we can't stay connected long enough to use them!

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I can confirm this. Server : Vanjervalis Chain.


I had short disconnects - once, I remember, during an GSF fight, even !


It led to an neverending loading screen - no harddisc activity could be seen (the LED indicating harddisk activity just didn't light up).


I had to ALT + F4 to close the whole hame.

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Myself and my roommate just returned to the game and it is happening to both of us. It is constant, every 5-10 minutes... it does not matter what I am doing... I can just be standing still and it will happen.


I just submitted a bug report. By the look of this thread its been happening a while.


Should we both just try and get refunds for the pre-order we both just made for the expansion and quit again??? Or does this seem like it will actually get fixed?

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I don't know if you guys are reading this thread, but fix this.


Up until the last patch, I have never had any issues in the least with my connection to the SWTOR servers. Now in the last week and a half I have DC'd over 10 times. I'm running a 50meg connection through Shaw and am doing nothing different than I ever have.


So, pure and simple fix this.

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Ist getting worse for a lot of People, myself included.

Please refer to: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=755289&page=33

33 Pages and counting. A lot of within the last days.


It ist unplayable... massive lag Spikes, loading Screen freezes.


And to Quote myself from that thread here:

Same here! Since yesterday October 23rd getting massive lag Spikes... 10 seconds in game with full Connection -> BAM -> no Signal. Then after a Minute or so full Connection Signal and then again None.... finally showing the loading Screen with frozen loading bar at around 40%-ish.


I noticed getting the Crash to the infinite loading Screen at october 22nd. But the lag Spikes are there since 23rd.


What did I Checked?

Connection: Everything fine - each and every web Service is running smooth, other Multiplayergames are running smooth (I also disconnected, cut-from-power for 30 seconds and reset my router and cable modem)

Drivers: Up to date

SWTOR Launcher: Did reinstall of the launcher, cleared bitraider Directory, forced repair

Software: Disabled each and any process not vital to Windows and the game (also disabled antivirus and so on)


None of the above showed any effect. Still lag Spikes and frozen loadingscreen. UNPLAYABLE!


My System:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (up to date)

Nvidia GTX 660ti

i7 870

8gb ram

Asus P7P55D Mainboard



I would wish to hear some official Feedback here if this is going to be adressed soon... since I really want to make use of the 12x xp Phase. I'm a father of two Kids and don't have much time on my Hands... so it would be great that this is going to be fixed soon. It'S - as mentioned above - totally unplayable.


I tried to file a ticket ingame... no Chance

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Yeah.. so thats a great and livingly moderated community from the officials (sarcasm out)


To Quote myself and doing the fricking Jobs of the mods:


Maybe that can shed some light on the issue:

As i posted earilier, from the 22nd oct. foreward I had all the lag and loading freeze Errors. All System checks, re- and deinstalls had no effect.


I tried to install swtor on my aged macbook with bootcamp. No Problems whatsoever. Game is running fine.


As both Computers are in the same network infrastucture it can't be either my Provider, my Network (wifi), my router, my cablemodem. It has to be very Hardware and/or Windows specific bug.




Because the macbook is - of course- completley different Hardware, but also running on Windows 8.1. My game pc is running on Windows 7 ultimate.


The Problems occured after oct. 22nd. So it has to be either a problem because of a certain Windows 7 patch or the swtor Upgrades. Next Thing I'll try is to roll back to an older Systemimage I made, some 2-3 weeks ago. Maybe this will shed even more light on this.


Alas... any official Feedback here would be nice... no.. it woule be appropiate, since we're paying frickin Money for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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