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Must we pay for everything?

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Seriously, why do we need to pay insane amounts of credits to upgrade are abilities? It's stupid! And the same goes for changing your armor. Why do we need to spend 9K just to change our clothes? Can anyone answer that in a logical way? I don't think anyone can.

Because a theoretically unlimited amount of currency can be generated from mob drops and quests. Without money sinks inflation would be astronomical.


See a conversation on these forums about it here. (Starts at the top of Page 5)


Here are some articles on it from around the web:

Edited by DarthDymond
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More than just a credit sink. It is part of a game to earn things. In this case, you have to earn the credits to learn abilities or to move mods around. It's part of the system that makes you do stuff.


You have to decide if paying to pull mods at low levels is worth the loss of credits you may need for abilities.

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Because the dev are rolling around in all your credits that they nickel and dime you for in their offices. Credit sink is just some BS terms dev came up with just so they can steal your credits and pad their beds with those credits.
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Because the dev are rolling around in all your credits that they nickel and dime you for in their offices. Credit sink is just some BS terms dev came up with just so they can steal your credits and pad their beds with those credits.


So the devs "steal" your credits and do what, exactly, with them? Can they buy themselves corvettes? a new cowboy hat? What?

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Credit sinks are a necessity yeh.


The only thing I would like to see change is the augmentation. It's expensive enough as it is but if you want to change a look the costs are just silly. I would really like augmentation slots be linked to the gear slots and not the actual gear.

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If I didn't have better things to spend my credits on I wouldn't have made this thread:rolleyes:.


You can make millions quick and easy by rubbing together 2 brain cells and spending a few mins around play time with crew skills/crafting/GTN.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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