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Future Strongholds I'd Love To See (with ideas for each one) - what do you think?


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Hello everyone! Since Bioware asked which Strongholds/planets we'd like to see in the future, and since these Strongholds would most likely be restricted to planets we already have in-game, I figured I'd list my preferences out and do some quick explanations for why! Please feel free to rank my Stronghold ideas in the order in which you'd like to see them!


EDIT: Please see my post below (beneath two others) to see a list of community suggestions!


Quick slap on Bioware's wrist: DO NOT COPY THE LAYOUT OF ANY CURRENT STRONGHOLDS FOR FUTURE STRONGHOLDS. While I can understand possible logic for why you duplicated the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas Strongholds, I still sharply disapprove of it. And if you were to get lazy and duplicate current Strongholds into future ones, that would potentially tank any future Strongholds you'd release.


The available planets in SWTOR (that haven't already been turned into Strongholds) are: Hutta, Korriban, Ord Mantell, Tython, Alderaan, Balmorra, Belsavis, Corellia, CZ-198, Hoth, Ilum, Makeb, Oricon, Quesh, Taris, and Voss. Manaan is possible, but that has yet to be delivered, and there is already a wonderful thread about that (which you can find Here). BTW, the Fleet, while not a planet, would also be a cool place for a Stronghold (which I'll detail below - special thanks to BuriDogshin for pointing it out)


So, in no particular preference, here are my choices and ideas for future Strongholds (please keep in mind that I'm trying to balance out the natures of the Strongholds - so, as an example, since both Alderaan and Tython are gorgeous, I'll focus on Alderaan first, go through a few different types of potential Strongholds, and then address Tython):

1. Taris (Tarisian Abandoned Apartment): Bear with me when I say this, but in a show called Log Horizon, the heroes end up claiming and renovating an empty apartment, and the result is a super cool base for them to work from. I think that would be an awesome concept for a Stronghold. Being able to explore multiple levels of an abandoned apartment hundreds of years old, and then transforming it into a sinister or heart-warming abode of your choice would be a delightful experience.

2. Alderaan (Alderaanian Ranch): I'll make no effort to hide the fact that Alderaan is my favorite planet in SWTOR. It features everything from lush green to sweeping valleys to sculpted hills to snow-capped peaks. Having a Stronghold here (preferably in a Ranch style) would be amazingly gorgeous, and if it were on the Tatooine Stronghold's level of scale, it would be ridiculously cool.

3. Makeb (Makeb Mesa Castle): Having your own mesa (preferably with a Makeb-style castle or something similar) would be incredible. Makeb's visuals are mindblowingly gorgeous, and so being able to explore and decorate plazas and courtyards would be a phenomenal joy.

4. Fleet (Fleet Luxury Liner, or some other type of ship): Special thanks to BuriDogshin for pointing this one out. As it is, having a Stronghold on the Fleet would be fantastic (preferably a Luxury Liner, since getting your hands on a military ship would be rather difficult to explain lore-wise). The visuals of the Fleet are absolutely stunning, and so being able to look out and see passing ships, or the gorgeous planetscapes, or the infinite beauty of the stars would be amazing. And it would allow for cool decorating options within a ship.

5. Corellia (Corellian Mansion): The vibrant world of Treasure Ship Row (found in the EU) has captured my imagination for years. While I'm not a fan of war-torn Corellia, having a Stronghold (preferably a mansion) in a peaceful section of Corellia would be gorgeous, and would allow for something Coruscant-ish while potentially having even more class.

6. Ilum (Ilum Fortress): I dunno about anyone else, but the skybox for Ilum left me speechless when I first saw it. The fact that it's set at a permanent nighttime is also a massive draw. Having a towering Stronghold (preferably a fortress of some sort) would be an amazing counter to the more beautiful Corellia, Makeb, and Alderaanian Strongholds.

7. Hoth (Hoth Hidden Home): At first, I was really against having a home on Hoth, as I was like "why would anyone wanna live on that barren wasteland? I mean, in the EU, every single person that had been on Hoth hated the experience." But then I was like, "what if there was a Stronghold on Hoth that was similar to Tatooine in scope, and allowed for frozen courtyards to connect to warm, welcoming, and homey underground chambers?" Which is what I would love to see here.

8. Voss (Voss Plantation): While I don't really care for the Voss leveling experience, having a massive Stronghold here (preferably a plantation) would be incredibly amazing. The trees and shrubs are already gorgeous on Voss, and so being able to build an elaborate abode here would be tonnes of fun.

9. Belsavis (Belsavis Gated Community): My only excuse in terms of lore for this would be that it's impossible for an ENTIRE planet to be a prison. There must be some areas of the planet that are uninhabited and far away from criminals. As it is, though, having a small, fort-like Stronghold (preferably a Gated Community) would be tonnes of fun. If I were to suggest layout, I'd point to Gated Communities in South Korea - having lived there for a bit, those are really cool. And having the thematic aspect of anti-intruder systems for decorating your Gated Community would be awesome.

10. Tython (Tython Colony): My favorite starting zone was Tython because I LOVED exploring the illegal Twi'lek colony. It seemed really cool, and the ability to have a Stronghold similar (your own personal Colony) would be downright fantastic. This would allow for garden plots, orchards, log cabin-type houses, etc (all of these would be cosmetic only - I know Bioware has stated that they don't wanna make this like Farmville). And this would add a very rustic and down to earth feel for the Strongholds.

11. Oricon (Oricon Crashed Starship): At first, I was super dismissive of Oricon as a Stronghold. However, when I thought about the possibility of renovating a Crashed Starship grounded on rock and half submerged in lava, I got really excited! It would allow for an entirely different dynamic as far a Stronghold layouts go, and being able to work around existing starship equipment for decorating would be a cool and different experience.

12. Ord Mantell (Ord Mantellian Starship and Freight Train Loading Dock): This one is unlike any of my other ideas, but for purposes of maintaining originality, I thought it would be cool to own your own Starport and Freight-Transport here. Being able to have huge landing platforms, storage rooms, and railways for freight transportation would be a lot of fun, and would allow for different avenues of decorating.

13. CZ-198 (CZ-198 Seized Assets Laboratory): Since the Republic confiscated all of Czerka's assets on CZ-198, being able to purchase a Stronghold here (preferably an Abandoned Laboratory) would be legit. It would allow for a more sciency feel, and could result in more technobabble in terms of housing decoration options.

14. Hutta (Hutta Palace): While I personally don't really care much for Hutta, being able to own and decorate a Hutta Palace would be cool.

15. Korriban (Korriban Recluse Shack): I personally don't care much for Korriban either, but living on the Korriban frontier and having a smaller abode in favor of tonnes of decorable land and smaller structures would be a nice addition to Strongholds.

16. Balmorra (Balmorra Cliff-side Abode): My favorite area in Balmorra is the waterfall right by Bugtown. That area is pretty gorgeous, and being able to build your Stronghold directly into the cliff-side or on top of the waterfall would be awesome.

17. Quesh (Fortified Encampment): I hate Quesh with a fiery passion, but I guess a Stronghold here (preferably a Fortified Encampment) would be interesting.



So yeah! Those are my ideas for each planets. Which ones did you like and which didn't you care for? I would love to read your thoughts below!

Edited by GhostNappa
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What do you mean by floating mesa? What is it floating in?


As far as I'm aware the mesas on Makeb are pillars rising from the ground, not floating islands in the sky. If they were, they'd hardly be affected by the quakes emanating from the planet's core in the way that we see.


Makeb is beautiful, but it is problematic, story-wise, for anyone to be selling real-estate there (other than con-men). As far as the Republic is concerned, the planet is doomed and the population is being evacuated. The Empire know better, but I hardly think they'd be handing out plots of lands while trying to maintain the illusion that the planet is slowly breaking up.


Still, a Makeb homestead would be pretty cool, if we can ignore all that. A "temporary base of operations" would make more sense, but I don't see that being a luxurious castle, really.

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Since I was silly and didn't reserve a post directly under my OP, I'm gonna have to use this one instead.


As it is, I've seen a lot of cool ideas posted by various people in this thread, and so I thought I'd record them here!





Dank Cave in the middle of a toxic swamp (Thoronmir)



Cave and Cave-like Structures (Kantaso)



Ice Cave - Wampa optional (Thoronmir)

Fortress of Solidtude-ish place (PLynkes)

Igloo (Pietrastor)

Ice Fortress complete with nuclear reactor, launchpad, and defenses (Uvirith)

Underground Cave System In A Mountain - Lots of crystal and ice and snowy floors, and a couple of places where you can look outside to an unsuspecting world (Tsillah)

Stronghold Built Into the Side of a Massive Glacial Cliff - with the top floor having an unobstructed view of the flat frozen tundra that stretches all the way to the horizon. Something like this but not as huge in scope (Oneirophrenia)

Hoth Bunker - Basically just like the main bases in the game on Hoth with a few satellite bunkers/buildings outside and some large outdoor areas similar to Tatooine, but with snow fields instead of desert (DarthDymond) - EDITOR'S NOTE: This sounds cool, but DO NOT COPY THE LAYOUT OF THE TATOOINE STRONGHOLD. PERIOD.



Cave on the Bluffs by the ocean (Thoronmir)

Huge Noble Estate - with bonus title of "Count" (Master-Nala)

Castle (Pietrastor)

Farm, upgradable to full manor with outlying farms (Daewan)

Fully Submerged Underwater Stronghold - something like this but with even more glass walls and ceilings to provide clear view of the large reef teeming with maritime creatures (Oneirophrenia)

Alderaan Villa - Scenic, pastoral outdoor areas and a palatial building based off of the buildings of the noble houses in-game, especially House Organa's main building, with lots of balconies and overlooks (DarthDymond)



Cave up in the Mountains (Thoronmir)

Prison (Pietrastor)

Belsavis Rakata Excavation - Main structure based on the Rakata ruins seen in Belsavis, Section X, and Eternity Vault, set right on the border between an icy part and a lava part of Belsavis (DarthDymond)



Abandoned Maintenance Tunnel under the Tramway (Thoronmir)

Corellia Estate - a large "U" shaped building, a couple stories taller in the cross-wise section, with a courtyard inside similar to the parks seen around Corellia (DarthDymond)



Luxury Space Yacht - like a cruise ship or a private ship (TUXs)

Private Asteroid (LeJarC)

Anther Section of the Main Fleet Base (Drockter)

An added Top Ring to the Main Fleet Station - Features small apartments that look out over the rest of the Main Fleet Station (Drudenfusz)

Some Kind Of Fleet Stronghold that has a Geodesic Crystal Dome Viewing Deck section (BuriDogshin)

Orbital Space Station - A smaller version of the space stations seen on the fleet and in False Emperor FP, based on those maps, as well as smaller space station/asteroid installations from some of the various class quests (DarthDymond)


Ord Mantell:

Military Bunker (Xeta)

Ord Mantell Command Center - Split fairly evenly between indoor and outdoor areas, includes a lot of militant, spartan rooms inside the command center but also some open areas outside for parade fields and deployment areas (DarthDymond)



Sith Academy Office (Xeta)

Archaeological Ooutpost (Daewan)

Korriban Sith Necropolis - Modeled after the Sith Lord tombs on Korriban, unlocks take you deeper and deeper underground in cavernous, foreboding rooms (DarthDymond)



Jedi Meditation Cave (Xeta and Dan_Loto)

Farm (Daewan)

Tython Jedi Sanctuary - Similar to the Tython Jedi Temple on the outside, maybe with towers similar to the Coruscant temple, with surrounding grounds suited to being made into gardens and training areas (DarthDymond)



Safehouse (Xeta)



Skyhook (Dan_Loto)

Sky Fortress Levitated by Repulsorlifts - it would be flying at a level that is even higher than the mesa spires so you can look down at the landscape and greenary from your stronghold. Something like this but several times larger (and of course in the air instead of ocean). The partially glass covered bottom floor is especially a nice touch and a must (Oneirophrenia)



Igloo (Pietrastor)

Ilum Crystal Canyon - A structure with Jedi architecture built directly into the walls of a canyon. Interior rooms should be a mix of natural cave formations and Jedi temple rooms. A primarily vertical stronghold looking down from rooms and balconies cut into the canyon walls (DarthDymond)



Mansion (Drudenfusz)

Witch's hut, build up to full sorcerer's tower (Daewan)

Voss Shrine - Large structure based on the Shrine of Healing with a view of the Voss landscape, with some of the rooms resembling the buildings in Voss-Ka (DarthDymond)



Balmorra Manufactory - Massive industrial-themed building with huge open rooms (factory floors), lots of walkways/catwalks, and vehicle bays (DarthDymond)



Oricon Watchtower - Based off of the Watchtower, Dread Fortress and Dread Palace architecture (DarthDymond)



Quesh Venom Plant - Based heavily off of the industrial plants seen on Quesh, with a strip-mine outdoor area that is dug deep into the ground (DarthDymond)



CZ-198 Corporate Annex - A mixture of labs and office building rooms, probably with many different floors although not a ton of floorspace on each level (DarthDymond)

Edited by GhostNappa
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What do you mean by floating mesa? What is it floating in?


As far as I'm aware the mesas on Makeb are pillars rising from the ground, not floating islands in the sky. If they were, they'd hardly be affected by the quakes emanating from the planet's core in the way that we see.


Makeb is beautiful, but it is problematic, story-wise, for anyone to be selling real-estate there (other than con-men). As far as the Republic is concerned, the planet is doomed and the population is being evacuated. The Empire know better, but I hardly think they'd be handing out plots of lands while trying to maintain the illusion that the planet is slowly breaking up.


Still, a Makeb homestead would be pretty cool, if we can ignore all that. A "temporary base of operations" would make more sense, but I don't see that being a luxurious castle, really.


Oops, I forgot that they were spires. I've fixed my OP - thanks for pointing that out!


And I hadn't thought of lore for Makeb either. Hmm, yeah, not sure about that. Unless you obtain your Stronghold there via illegal/black market methods? So similar to the method by which Rep toons can access the Dromund Kaas Stronghold and vice versa?


You forgot the Fleet. I want a Stronghold in space near the Fleet, where I can look out the window and see shuttles flying between the space stations and capital ships.


Oops, you're absolutely right! I'll add that in right now!

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I’d like to get a dank cave on Taris in the middle of a toxic swamp. For Hutta … same thing. In fact, Tython is a good place for a cave. I’m really disappointed that the Tatooine homestead isn’t a sand-covered cave.


Your description of Hoth sounds like Minneapolis. I’d prefer a simple ice cave (Wampa optional). The idea of a “ranch” on Alderaan seems destined to lead to endless taunting for being a “Nerf-herder” … so just give me a cave on the bluffs by the ocean. Belsavis is a good place for a cave … up in the mountain areas where those old guys left those things (sorry for the spoilers).


In fact, a simple cave would suit me fine on just about any planet. Maybe not Corellia. For Corellia, it might be an abandoned maintenance tunnel under the tramway.

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And I hadn't thought of lore for Makeb either. Hmm, yeah, not sure about that. Unless you obtain your Stronghold there via illegal/black market methods? ?


Yeah, works for me. All them empty palaces, ought to be able to get one quite cheaply. The owners would probably be dying to sell just to try and negate some of their losses. Just watch out for those ground quakes though when you're trying to put up shelves. :)

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6. Ilum (Ilum Fortress): I dunno about anyone else, but the skybox for Ilum left me speechless when I first saw it. The fact that it's set at a permanent nighttime is also a massive draw. Having a towering Stronghold (preferably a fortress of some sort) would be an amazing counter to the more beautiful Corellia, Makeb, and Alderaanian Strongholds.


Not sure whether I would personally want an Ilum stronghold, but I completely agree with your comment about the Ilum sky. It is one of the most beautiful things in the game, and I guess most of the time we don't even notice it, because, I mean, who looks up?


(Actually, I do find myself staring at the sky quite a lot when the Gree event is on.)


If I did have an Ilum stronghold, I think I'd want some kind of spartan and bare Fortress of Solitude, like the one Superman has. Somewhere for the forcy types to sit and meditate, and contemplate their navels. Of course, that would work for Hoth, too.

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I’d like to get a dank cave on Taris in the middle of a toxic swamp. For Hutta … same thing. In fact, Tython is a good place for a cave. I’m really disappointed that the Tatooine homestead isn’t a sand-covered cave.


Your description of Hoth sounds like Minneapolis. I’d prefer a simple ice cave (Wampa optional). The idea of a “ranch” on Alderaan seems destined to lead to endless taunting for being a “Nerf-herder” … so just give me a cave on the bluffs by the ocean. Belsavis is a good place for a cave … up in the mountain areas where those old guys left those things (sorry for the spoilers).


In fact, a simple cave would suit me fine on just about any planet. Maybe not Corellia. For Corellia, it might be an abandoned maintenance tunnel under the tramway.


Tattoine has an area close to the last map with nice caves and cave like structures, would be a sweet place.

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In my opinion GSHs should in fact be a way to touch base with other planets from Star Wars lore. I do enjoy the planets in game but if SHs are instanced than the possibilities are huge to draw people in.. BW can resurface really neat places from older lucas arts games or lore books and such if anyone knows what I mean. If they can take outfits directly from the books then what's stopping them from making an ancient Sith Fortress on Ziost or a cloud mansion on a Bespin type planet, maybe a Kashyyyk canopy lounge, an Onderon royal suite, Dantooine deluxe estate, A jedi meditation temple on Rhen Var, or a favorite of mine: crimelord's suite overlooking a podrace track on Malastare.

Think of a CZ size area just for the SH but spectacular views of places the devs probably won't be making a full planet due to full scale relevance to every class or sheer complexity. Honestly I've seen all the planets in game enough and tbh a New flashy house on a planet I'm already sick of will just make me more tired of it, but I'm sure even people uninterested in housing would be considering the Ziost castle ..just my 2 cents on the topic

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I think the starter planets should all have Stronghold options that would be available for the classes that start there. And they would be pretty small little spaces, just as an extra home for higher level characters.


For example: Sith classes could have a Sith Academy Office, Jedi could have a Tython Meditation Cave, Smugglers and Troopers could have an Ord Mantell Bunker, and Agents/Hunters could have a Hutta Safehouse.


These would all be fairly small, cozy areas, maybe two or three medium sized rooms.

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Quick slap on Bioware's wrist: DO NOT COPY THE LAYOUT OF ANY CURRENT STRONGHOLDS FOR FUTURE STRONGHOLDS. While I can understand possible logic for why you duplicated the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas Strongholds, I still sharply disapprove of it. And if you were to get lazy and duplicate current Strongholds into future ones, that would potentially tank any future Strongholds you'd release.


I agree with this 100%. I can see it now... Hoth Stronghold that's just a reskinned Tatooine!


1. Taris (Tarisian Abandoned Apartment): Bear with me when I say this, but in a show called Log Horizon, the heroes end up claiming and renovating an empty apartment, and the result is a super cool base for them to work from. I think that would be an awesome concept for a Stronghold. Being able to explore multiple levels of an abandoned apartment hundreds of years old, and then transforming it into a sinister or heart-warming abode of your choice would be a delightful experience.


This sounds like a good fixerupper. You could even tie it in to KotOR and have it be the ruins of the building that Revan and Carth set up their base in.


3. Makeb (Makeb Mesa Castle): Having your own mesa (preferably with a Makeb-style castle or something similar) would be incredible. Makeb's visuals are mindblowingly gorgeous, and so being able to explore and decorate plazas and courtyards would be a phenomenal joy.


Living on ground would be too insane. I think a skyhook stronghold would be really cool instead.


10. Tython (Tython Colony): My favorite starting zone was Tython because I LOVED exploring the illegal Twi'lek colony. It seemed really cool, and the ability to have a Stronghold similar (your own personal Colony) would be downright fantastic. This would allow for garden plots, orchards, log cabin-type houses, etc (all of these would be cosmetic only - I know Bioware has stated that they don't wanna make this like Farmville). And this would add a very rustic and down to earth feel for the Strongholds.


I really like the idea of a retreat on Tython and you summed it up here really well. There needs to be tons of nature and a Jedi meditation cave.


14. Hutta (Hutta Palace): While I personally don't really care much for Hutta, being able to own and decorate a Hutta Palace would be cool.


I never considered a hutt palace before, but they're about the right size and even have beast pits!

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I want to trade in my Fury for a Dreadnaught!! :D

Well, the OP thinks getting a military ship would be difficult, but on the other hand, there are three members of the Dark Council in my Legacy. Pretty sure they can just order someone to assign one to them. :)


It might be a problem for my Jedi though, they have no such authority. An armed private habitat (something modest, maybe only the size of a the planetary orbital stations, with a beautiful crystal dome for a roof) might be their only option.

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Since we now know only of 4 strongholds, of which two are already duplicates in layout (sorry, I don't buy the explanation...simple fact is that both factions follow a totally different cultural path. This should have been reflected in both building style and building layouts.


As for a stronghold on any of the other planets? Since they're all pretty much either destroyed, or on the verge of destruction I wouldn't want to live there.


There's only one other stronghold I would like to see, an underwater one. No, make that two, I'd also like to see one on an asteroid. My personal, private, no one else allowed Asteroid. Including mining rights for every currently known and still to be discovered Underworld metal.

Edited by LeJarC
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I've updated my second post in this thread (two posts below my OP - I was silly and didn't think to reserve a post) to reflect a list of all suggested ideas by the community. As people continue to express ideas, I'll continue to update that post accordingly. :)
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The one I'd like to see soonest would be a plantation of some sort. When my smuggler finished romancing Corso and he mentioned buying a place on Dantooine, I was sad that the only places available right now are either urban or desert. Alderaan or Voss would be great for some kind of ranch or plantation.


I would also love a stronghold on Ilum. I love the crystal cave at the extreme north of the map where the datacron is. Having your own cave-like stronghold where you could meditate on the Force would be awesome, with maybe some sort of courtyard area where you could admire the gorgeous sky. Hoth is fine, but if we're going to have a snowy planet, I'd much rather have Ilum.


I like the idea of having a place on Korriban, either your own academy-like building or a set of rooms that are actually part of the Sith Academy. I'd like Tython for the same purpose. I don't think it's a mistake to mirror the floor plans of two mirror strongholds on each side like the capital world ones. They could have the same setup, but with Tython being more warm and inviting and Korriban being more dark and brooding.


I'm not a fan of the Oricon idea. I love the planet as a daily area, but it's not my idea of a viable housing opportunity.

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I want an Ice-Fortress on Hoth. Completely secluded, fully equipped with a Nuclear reactor, a Lanchpad for Atomic bombs and a giant tank filled with sharks with lasers mounted on their heads.


Then you can come Mr. Bond!


<pets the cat on his lap>

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