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BW's 9-5 job while the world waits.


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It is completely sad to see BW's total indifference to the rest of us that are still forced to wait.


They show up at regular working times, do their jobs...let a few people in to play the game, and then they go home after 8 hours....a 9-5 job.


Dear Bioware,


Are you currently aware that you have waiting customers in Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and more? And only allowing 5 waves in per day at the time that you're in the office is a complete slap in the face to your customers (who supported you and paid your paychecks).


Are you too cheap to get multiple teams going to allow waves of eager paying customers to enter the game at all hours???


I'm sure people in Europe and Asia would certainly enjoy this idea.:mad:


What is this guy talking about? Definitely know that this guy got MORE sleep than BioWare did last night.

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Again, show me a "24/7" business that only has one crew.


This is the game's launch day, from the mouth's of the founders of Bioware themselves.


You do NOT shut down for the day on your launch day.


As far as SR's post, what he fails to mention are the "live service" people he's referring to are those like himself ( community relations ), customer service, etc.


So his post explains nothing about why the DEVS have gone home for the day.


They never said this at all lol.

They said this is the launch of the Pre order early access phase.


Some people will only see what they want to lol.

Please link your info, I wont hold my breath.


Kids eh.

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Again, show me a "24/7" business that only has one crew.


This is the game's launch day, from the mouth's of the founders of Bioware themselves.


You do NOT shut down for the day on your launch day.


As far as SR's post, what he fails to mention are the "live service" people he's referring to are those like himself ( community relations ), customer service, etc.


So his post explains nothing about why the DEVS have gone home for the day.


And what do you expect those devs to do? Do you seriously think their schedule is tied to the waves? Do they manually send each email?


Of course not. They stopped sending waves because they invited as much as they thought the servers could handle today, in order to have a smooth ramp up. It has nothing to do with whether or not there are any developers working in the building.


That said, considering these people have been working crazy hours for the last few months, and certainly will still do so for a while, I find this criticism stunningly selfish and insensitive.



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The game was set to release on the 20th. This is an additional, unexpected, EXTRA day of early access.


This wasn't part of what you paid for - this is *bonus.*


And yet, people still complain.


I think people playing world of warcraft are going to soon insult each other saying "go back to TOR" due to the games crappy community. What a crazy world we live in.

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And what do you expect those devs to do? Do you seriously think their schedule is tied to the waves? Do they manually send each email?


Of course not. They stopped sending waves because they invited as much as they thought the servers could handle today, in order to have a smooth ramp up. It has nothing to do with whether or not there are any developers working in the building.


That said, considering these people have been working crazy hours for the last few months, and certainly will still do so for a while, I find this criticism stunningly selfish and insensitive.






sorry but that is the most stupid thing ive read.


If the servers cant handle more than the first few days of preorders what makes u think

they could ever handle the 20th release.


its all a lie the servers got stress tested they can handle over 200,000 people EACH

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Easy with the anger people. I bought the CE on 8/23 I'm not upset, alittle miffed but not angry. But we don't need an Occupy Bioware movement, just calm down. I spent $150 so anyone raging that bought the standard version gets no support from me!:cool:
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I must admit I'm surprised they didn't manage to have at least an EU working day worth of launches and an NA working day worth of launches considering the time difference between us. Would have also got more people on. Edited by Xerda
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In a way the "bonus" early access sucks if your not one to get in.. Its like back in elementary school, don't bring candy unless you can share it with the entire class.


We learn these things as a child, somehow they manage to forget.


ah but they did bring enough it's just so much the have to bring it in multiple trucks and due to traffic some r later then others.

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I must admit I'm surprised they didn't manage to have at least an EU working day worth of launches and an NA working day worth of launches considering the time difference between us. Would have also got more people on.




It doesn't matter what timezone you are in, they let in 5 waves of people based on pre-order date alone. Timezone and Location are completely irrelevant to who they let in.

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It doesn't matter what timezone you are in, they let in 5 waves of people based on pre-order date alone. Timezone and Location are completely irrelevant to who they let in.


You can head desk all you like but there is clealry plenty of capacity for more to be let on and had they spread the two out they could have had more waves and let more in using the EU/NA timezones appropriately.


You don't have to agree but it's still perfectly reasonable to suggest it.

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You can head desk all you like but there is clealry plenty of capacity for more to be let on and had they spread the two out they could have had more waves and let more in using the EU/NA timezones appropriately.


You don't have to agree but it's still perfectly reasonable to suggest it.



Note entirely reasonable if you are foregoing the pre-order timing element - you can't have both without excluding the other.

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They never said this at all lol.

They said this is the launch of the Pre order early access phase.


Some people will only see what they want to lol.

Please link your info, I wont hold my breath.


Kids eh.


Learn where the stickies are, then learn to read them ( hey, learn to even read the whole thread you're replying in as I already supplied it once ), before opening your mouth or moving your fingers over a keyboard, kid.


Here, just for you: http://www.swtor.com/blog/welcome-star-wars-old-republic


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.


A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game.


We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; it’s a monumental accomplishment.


Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game.


Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but it’s not done; it will probably never be done as we’re committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. It’s going to be a great ride.


Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


May the Force be with you!



Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk


Co-Founders, BioWare



Now, do you see the words "pre-order early access phase" anywhere there? No? Didn't think so.

Edited by Zorvan
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You'd think with the game launching they'd be pulling proper 'crunch time' hours over at BW.


Come on guys you can sit around and pat yourselves on the back in January, you've not quite finished the hard bit yet. :D




SR has already said they are rolling with rotating 24hr shifts.


The ramping up regardless of server capacity makes sense in this manner to see how all elements work upwards. Given the volume of pre-orders, that swarm at once on day one of early access would still be huge - best this way then they spend a week trying to find the balance in a panic ramping up resources that way than this.


Imo. of course, you'll understand.

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Note entirely reasonable if you are foregoing the pre-order timing element - you can't have both without excluding the other.


They've been far too cautious today and it shows on the servers and how lonely people have found levelling.


You are presuming it wouldn't stay in line with the pre-order timing element. I never suggested anything of the sort, just that they could have had more waves and to not impede on their working day could have had an EU team and an NA team to cover both working hours. This would have meant more waves over a bigger time period and no one working ridiculous hours.

Edited by Xerda
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Seriously...These entitled children, and I use the term loosely because I'm sure some of you whiners are technically adults, are just straight up shameful.


Take a step back and look at the big picture. The 'waves' are to ensure a smooth launch, correct? Sending invites during the daytime, and the daytime only, is the most reliable way to monitor that traffic. If they kept sending invites out all night, there would be a massive influx during the prime times tomorrow. This isn't about them working only 9-5, but about producing the desired results.


I'll harp on it again. Be appreciative of the extra time the developers have granted us. They could have more easily taken time away from the pre-launch. I swear if half of you people were half as smart as you think you are, there'd be much less hurt feelings in this.

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i bet the extra needed servers are on backorder from the supplier and the suppliers manufacturer has them on backorder too, which means somewhere on this forum there is an employee of the manufacturer that isnt working on building more servers and now we cant get in early. way to go china community
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They've been far too cautious today and it shows on the servers and how lonely people have found levelling.


You are presuming it wouldn't stay in line with the pre-order timing element. I never suggested anything of the sort, just that they could have had more waves and to not impede on their working day could have had an EU team and an NA team to cover both working hours. This would have meant more waves over a bigger time period and no one working ridiculous hours.


That's fair enough - but neither of us can really assume to what extent (as in in quantities of people) we are talking about per wave.


Nonetheless, it is how it is, and if it avoids a situation that I have seen before in previous MMOs (I am looking at you RIFT!) then I am all for it.


Certainly not going to lose sleep over it.


Of course if we see a melt down come the 20th Dec then there will be hell to pay I am sure from the masses! ;)

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Seriously...These entitled children, and I use the term loosely because I'm sure some of you whiners are technically adults, are just straight up shameful.


Take a step back and look at the big picture. The 'waves' are to ensure a smooth launch, correct? Sending invites during the daytime, and the daytime only, is the most reliable way to monitor that traffic. If they kept sending invites out all night, there would be a massive influx during the prime times tomorrow. This isn't about them working only 9-5, but about producing the desired results.


I'll harp on it again. Be appreciative of the extra time the developers have granted us. They could have more easily taken time away from the pre-launch. I swear if half of you people were half as smart as you think you are, there'd be much less hurt feelings in this.


sadly that was a clear concise and logical argument, however u posted it on the forums shame on u there is no place for such things here only QQ'ing and crying allowed.

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