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SW:TOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world


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Yes yes, but they list SUBSCRIBPTION games. TOR isn't a subsciption game like WoW is. I'm glad that TOR is doing well, that's not the point nor is there a backhanded negative connotation there. I just think it's disingenuous to list it in the same category as WoW which is sub only.


Well, subs are the ones putting most of the money into the game, so... yeah, it makes sense to list it with other subscription games.

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Yes yes, but they list SUBSCRIBPTION games. TOR isn't a subsciption game like WoW is. I'm glad that TOR is doing well, that's not the point nor is there a backhanded negative connotation there. I just think it's disingenuous to list it in the same category as WoW which is sub only.

SWTOR's revenues come from two sources: its subscriptions and its cash shop.

WOW's revenues come from two sources: its subscriptions and its cash shop.


If they were comparing WOW's subscription revenue alone to SWTOR's sub revenue + micro-transactions, then I'd agree completely. The list probably could/should more accurately be called "The Biggest Subscription/Hybrid MMOs" (without getting into the messy work of asking "What counts as a Hybrid model as opposed to a Sub model with a Free Demo?") If other hybrid models were left off for some reason, then I'd also agree things are a little shady.


That being said, it can't be overemphasized that the only real takeaway from this should be that the game is doing well in the market overall, not as a definitive "We're in the Top 5, baby!". I think in other cases SuperData's lists have had to leave off companies that didn't provide data, so with FFXIV not making the top 10 at all I think there may be some of that here too.

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Yes yes, but they list SUBSCRIBPTION games. TOR isn't a subsciption game like WoW is. I'm glad that TOR is doing well, that's not the point nor is there a backhanded negative connotation there. I just think it's disingenuous to list it in the same category as WoW which is sub only.


Actually WOW has a store too they make a ton of money in (not to mention account services like character moves/changes). You can only play to level 20 for free but that doesn't mean their sole source of income is subscribers.


They're a great deal more similar than you think.

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Clearly, the EA people got to Superdata. As we all know, the game is mere days away from maintenance mode and shutting down like SWG did. They're obviously using misleading information in order to make some of our forum posters look bad.


I demand an investigation!

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Yes yes, but they list SUBSCRIBPTION games. TOR isn't a subsciption game like WoW is. I'm glad that TOR is doing well, that's not the point nor is there a backhanded negative connotation there. I just think it's disingenuous to list it in the same category as WoW which is sub only.

SWTOR is a subscription game...that's where their income comes from, not the guys logging in on Tuesday night with their GTN purchased Ops pass.

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Not surprised about Tera, I played it for half a year and even though it's graphics are ridiculous, the combat and movement is amazing. The only combat system that will forever be my favorite is Age of Conan's.
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Clearly, the EA people got to Superdata. As we all know, the game is mere days away from maintenance mode and shutting down like SWG did. They're obviously using misleading information in order to make some of our forum posters look bad.


I demand an investigation!


I really do not understand how some people can continue to hold an untenable position.

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Clearly, the EA people got to Superdata. As we all know, the game is mere days away from maintenance mode and shutting down like SWG did. They're obviously using misleading information in order to make some of our forum posters look bad.


I demand an investigation!

I agree...after rereading the article several times and doing some investigative Googling to see what I was missing, I've come to the same conclusion. There's no way these numbers are accurate. Someone is lying or being bought off, because after seeing the screenshots, there's no possible way Lineage is #2.

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I agree...after rereading the article several times and doing some investigative Googling to see what I was missing, I've come to the same conclusion. There's no way these numbers are accurate. Someone is lying or being bought off, because after seeing the screenshots, there's no possible way Lineage is #2.


LOL, sure there is look at how many people profess that SWG was a great game despite how ****** it's graphics were. :p

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165 million in revenue in 2013.


I'm not seeing the re-investment here, what gives?

Small fish, big pond. EA gets that 165 million, not SWTOR. EA funds things like FIFA 2018 with that money. EA views that revenue as "company" revenue, which they use to invest in any number of things, not just SWTOR, which likely has a yearly budget.

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I think in other cases SuperData's lists have had to leave off companies that didn't provide data, so with FFXIV not making the top 10 at all I think there may be some of that here too.


FFXIV isn't doing as well as you seem to think.... Losing players because of lack of good guilds on some servers, and because of pure gameplay on others.

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165 million in revenue in 2013.


I'm not seeing the re-investment here, what gives?


Why would you expect to see the reinvestment 'now?' We're on the downhill slope toward a new expansion. Most games never bother adding new content at this point in time in the expansion cycle, much less new features, by the way.


If two new features and regular content release isn't enough, check back in December and you'll see your reinvestment.

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So SWTOR makes 165 million, with its skeleton crew (bet none of them is paid more than $60k except for the big guys) and we can't get class stories and some new armor sets that aren't reskins and not on the cartel market. :/ sure, they have expenses but take them away and there will still be plenty of millions left.


$165 million was about the cost of making SWTOR over several years with money spent on massive crew, enormous voice acting, creating it all from scratch, huge advertisement... I won't believe any of their rubbish anymore about technical issues, class stories being too expensive, "(insert popular community request) would take too much resources".

If you're able to earn (even if you have to spend it on ongoing expenses) what you invested in something this big, in just a single year then it's bloody working. Not to mention that TOR was in development for how long ? 5-6 years? And they already made what they invested during the launch.


They make so much cash on this and the planned content patch cycle was changed twice now, ye? What was it at first? New content patch every 5-6 weeks?

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Small fish, big pond. EA gets that 165 million, not SWTOR. EA funds things like FIFA 2018 with that money. EA views that revenue as "company" revenue, which they use to invest in any number of things, not just SWTOR, which likely has a yearly budget.


I have doubts about that, it would seem to me that BW have some of autonomy within EA. I don't think it is that simple.



edit: Not to mention 165 million is the revenue, profit is more likely to be much much less than that.

Edited by znihilist
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FFXIV isn't doing as well as you seem to think.... Losing players because of lack of good guilds on some servers, and because of pure gameplay on others.

I based that solely off of having the impression that FFXIV is doing better than Rift, it's entirely possible I am wrong about that.

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Why would you expect to see the reinvestment 'now?' We're on the downhill slope toward a new expansion. Most games never bother adding new content at this point in time in the expansion cycle, much less new features, by the way.


If two new features and regular content release isn't enough, check back in December and you'll see your reinvestment.


Probably longer than that figuring everything they do has to be passed by Lucasarts for approval before anything else happens. With a bottleneck like that and a very resource deprived team on a tight schedule, its a wonder anything gets done.

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Those games are huge in Asian markets.


That's what I was about to say.

Not too shabby, considering this means TOR is pretty much the number 2 on the Western market. Something the devs seemed to imply a while ago already during an MMORPG.com interview. :cool:

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Probably longer than that figuring everything they do has to be passed by Lucasarts for approval before anything else happens. With a bottleneck like that and a very resource deprived team on a tight schedule, its a wonder anything gets done.


And yet, here we are, somehow managing to get stuff done on a regular basis. It's almost as if the described situation either has no impact on content release or it simply doesn't exist in reality.


lol bottleneck.

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