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Stronghold Decoration Suggestions

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These are the things I would like to see:



Mandalorian Banner

Dread Master Banner

Sand People Banner

CEDF Banner

Chiss Ascendancy Banner

Old Sith Empire Banner



Voss Lamp (the lamps seen in Voss homes and the Temple of Healing)

Small Holocron of Fear Lamp (The ones seen hanging in a chain from the ceiling in Dread Palace, gives green ilumination)

Small Holocron of Dread Lamp (The ones seen hanging in a chain from the ceiling in Dread Palace, gives red ilumination)

Large Holocron of Dread Lamp (Like the one hanging above Darth Ikorals throne in The Red Reaper flashpoint, gives red ilumination)

Large Holocron of Fear Lamp (Same as Holocron of Dread, but green. Gives green ilumination)



Ancient Voss Console (Like the ones seen in the ruins during the Ancient Guardians heroic)

Energy Prison (Like the one seen in the Bounty Hunters player ship)

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My personal wants:



Malgus's throne from The False Emperor


*That giant statue of Revan :p


*More npcs (Droids, sith, dark honor guards, mandalorians, jedi, etc.)

*Holo-statues of notable people you've registered in your codex

*A display case for unique or rare items (Revan's mask for example, or Darth Malgus's lightsaber)

*Building on the above, something for people to display their notable kills would be cool (Dread master's masks, jedi lightsabers, etc.)


Malgus's New Empire propaganda/posters, stone statues similar to the ones of the Sith Emperor depicting Malgus would be cool as well


*Mounted heads/skeletons/holostatues of beasts you've registered in your codex. Heck, let us display models of anything we've registered

*Holographic star map

*Turrets could be interacted with when placed on balconies or open areas, and you could activate a minigame where you shoot down attacks republic/imperial ships

*A sith meditation altar/stasis pod thingy

*Class ships (scaled down if needed) on Couruscant and Droumund Kaas. Please.


Also, it would be pretty awesome if we could get a Space Station as a super high tier stronghold that you could dock your guild flagship in.

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Hi, me again... I'd like to add another vote to the pile for removing the npc limit... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of it... And living mounts count towards npcs? What up wit dat?! They are mounts...


And I luv you devs... But please add some dark Sith like lighting styles... Can't stand how bright and cheery my Nar Shaddaa Sith Academy is... Throws the whole mood off...


I realize that it is a server lag issue having more npcs than is currently allowed, so why is a small amount of npcs in a very small instance such a problem, when you have hundreds upon hundreds in planets, which can have quite a few instances...? In my opinion, nothing else should be done in the area of new decorations until this issue is resolved because creating more decorations isn't going to help us get over the fact that our strongholds are lifeless, and our guild ships are lifeless... oh and I bought a hypercrate, now I have an entire inventory full of bound experience boosts that I will almost never use selling them on the gtn is a joke, can you revoke the not being able to sell to npc vendors, that would help with the over flooding of armor sets that people don't like in the gtn. ty again.

Edited by Hyakatonryu
Watched the twitch feed
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I want to see Holographic Statues of all of my alts in my legacy. I think I mentioned this a few times. I hope I don't get in trouble. Please BioWare, above all else, I want this for my Stronghold!!!


I want this too but for the love of all saint, NOT holograms. I want real alts AND real companions


I need a hutt NPC so I can turn my stronghold into a hutt palace. The hutt lounger looks empty without an actual hutt lying there.

Only baby Hutts would fit into that lounge lol. It's just Hutt-styled lounge for humanoinds, actual loungers for Hutts would have to be twice as big

Edited by Pietrastor
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Hi, me again... I'd like to add another vote to the pile for removing the npc limit... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of it... And living mounts count towards npcs? What up wit dat?! They are mounts...


And I luv you devs... But please add some dark Sith like lighting styles... Can't stand how bright and cheery my Nar Shaddaa Sith Academy is... Throws the whole mood off...


I realize that it is a server lag issue having more npcs than is currently allowed, so why is a small amount of npcs in a very small instance such a problem, when you have hundreds upon hundreds in planets, which can have quite a few instances...? In my opinion, nothing else should be done in the area of new decorations until this issue is resolved because creating more decorations isn't going to help us get over the fact that our strongholds are lifeless, and our guild ships are lifeless... oh and I bought a hypercrate, now I have an entire inventory full of bound experience boosts that I will almost never use selling them on the gtn is a joke, can you revoke the not being able to sell to npc vendors, that would help with the over flooding of armor sets that people don't like in the gtn. ty again.


YIS, Yis yis yis.

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Agree with the others about more NPC hooks.


Beyond that, would love to see:


1. Holos of my own characters.

2. Like trophies, only pictures of our characters and our companions to hang on the walls. (Group photo FTW).

3. Sculptures/statues/etc. of females. (I'm a bit o'd on Emperor and Warrior and such.)

4. Would also love armor display.

5. Interactive casino stuff (dejarik, cards, slot machine, whatever).

6. More Sith-themed furniture (dark, ominous, yet tasteful) :).

7. Pictures of the various planets.

8. Target dummy like we have in ships.



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warzone dummies


Actually, how about the Bolsterizer terminal already present on the fleets? It'd be interesting to introduce bolstered duels into the game.


And yes, Ops/PvP training dummies would be great. The only concern I'd have for that is if you place two ops dummies next to each other and AOE them both... it might be hard to catch in a parse if the poster is crafty enough, which could cause issues for DPS threads.

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I would like and/or support the following ideas (some of them being already mentioned in the thread) :



  • Energy prison like the one one the BH ship
  • More dining/cooking/food-related stuff. I don't ask for a full kitchen, but big dining table would be a good start.
  • More small statue, purely decorating stuff
  • Mannequins / Armor stand and weapons rack
  • Ability to put its own alt
  • Holo NPC that don't go full underwear when you put them
  • More animation in the NPC

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- A huge centerpiece satellite dish like the ones in Ilum ("Jam The Transmissions" daily) or Oricon (H2 bonus quest) - for my operatives base of operations on Tatooine.


- My scoundrel, on the other hand, would like a cantina band that either fits on a large hook as complete band, or on small hooks as individual musicians.

Edited by Mubrak
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-There's a covoy ship in the Smuggler storyline (Convoy, level 37)

-Star map inside Planetary sensor station on Balmorra

-Big rifle case on the trooper's ship

-Trooper signal jammer in Sobrek

-Tukata in stasis chamber on the King's Gambit.

-A satellite or turret big enough to take up a starship hook.

Edited by BobbyQuarrier
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What I would like to see;


- BASIC, every day amenities, for kitchen, bathroom, bedroom; (working) showers, baths, mirrors, towelracks, ovens, cooking plates, fridges, etc. I mean, people in the Star Wars universe do eat and bathe right? :)


- A housekeeper npc, with some AI, that preferably walks around the stronghold, has some cleaning animations, etc.

Just more npc's in general, actually. Maybe even make them a useable companion, with a storyline.


- More sexy neonlights, like the Twi'lek ones you see in Nar Shaddaa!


- Bigger variety of guards; droids, force-users, automated turrets, etc.


- Armour displays.


- Make every lightsource actually emit light! I was so disappointed when I installed the Networked lamps.


- More Strongholds!!! Preferably with a day-night cycle. Or at least with some other ambient hue than orange :p

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My List:

  • Clothing/Armor Mannequin to Show Off my Outfits
  • Weapon's Rack that displays my weapons I've collected
  • Taxidermy Heads for Animals (Either Trophy from Codex of Animal Killed or Buyable)
  • Animal Skin Rugs (Either Trophy from Codex of Animal Killed or Buyable)
  • More Traditional Paintings
  • More Achievement Based Items (For example completely discover planet, get painting of planet.)
  • Large Dining Table (Something like this)
  • Portrait of your character!!!
  • Smaller Legacy Storage chests (Store like 10 things, look similar to current chests in game)
  • Kaon Under Siege Giant Statue
  • Giant Revan Statue (Example Here)
  • Class Banners

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Lighting (actually lighting changes, not just the models)

  • Colored
  • Moving
  • Negative (e.g., lowers the ambient light level)


Ambient noise generators (attach to decorations, or for new hook type like that for floor coverings)

  • Computer noise
  • Air conditioning
  • Radio chatter


Floor coverings:

  • Dirt
  • Grass
  • Stone
  • Glowing light panels


Items that teleport you to other locations (alternatives to the standard shuttle/elevator at the GSH entry)

  • Items: e.g., shuttles, portals, NPCs
  • Locations: e.g., Fleet, dailies, personal ship, ops, etc.



  • Trainers
  • Comm vendors

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1. A place to store or display various Jedi light sabers

2. Various taxidermy animals (including wall mounted fish OR displayed in a tank diorama style) .. Huge Sea BASS ??

3. Animal skin rugs

4. More paintings and fixtures for the walls (some larger than others)

5. Items that are more fitted to Tatooine

6. Mannequins to display outfits for me and or companion(s) (these should not take away from "personnel " or "pet" slots).

7. Uniquely designed banners for class or legacy.

8. Companions that actually work inside of the stronghold (not holo images).

9. Several more opportunities to interact with companions (tastefully .. could even be funny) maybe several of these that might be available for "random" play back. (something else besides " not right now, feels like we should be saving the galaxy right now ... etc. etc. (these would be specifically designed around the stronghold settings).

10. More out door items for Tatooine ... I can't believe how much I've spent just open up the place hard to find good stuff to go there. It needs to look more like "home" not Mos Eisley Space Port or Jabba's place. Some might actually like that ... that's OK too. That might be an option.

11. More variations of light fixtures in general (wall mount, celling lamps even OUTDOOR) ...and a LOT more slots (sorry but 50 isn't even close if you open up Tatooine.)

12. Items for the landing pads on any stronghold that needs it.

13. more trees and bushes ( indoor and outdoor placement )

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I'd like to be able to show construction and damage.


Floor hooks (including rugs)

  • Rubble
  • Removed floor plates, exposed wiring, "gaps"
  • Scorch marks (e.g., grenade)
  • Fire
  • Scaffolding (ideally a carpet hook, rather than floor hook, so it can be set over/around other items, like the existing "market canopies")


Wall hooks

  • Blaster holes
  • Graffiti
  • Exposed wiring, instrument lights (under construction, not damaged)
  • Fire, electrical sparking

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I'm sure someone has brought this up somewhere, somewhen:

Lifeday theme decorations - trees, snow creatures, strings of lights, etc. - like the speeder but enough to do up a whole room. Maybe even a fireplace with stockings hung in a row...

<wanders off humming "Master Claus is Comin' to Town">

Edited by Lord_Thorne
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