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Legacy Storage?


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Maybe they should just make items that were normally BoP into BoL and items that are BoE when equiped instead of binding to that char they bind to the Legacy.


Would THAT settle this pointless debate?


No it probably wouldn't because no one around here (myself included) can seem to agree on anything.........You would think we were all politicians. :eek:


Yes, I would be totally happy with that solution. :)


I don't expect to sell bound items on the GTN, that is a game economy thing. But making all bound items bound to legacy? Yes, that would be the perfect solution. I earned them, let my legacy use them.

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what do you mean START?!! They already roll need on EVERYTHING now a days. :(


I have almost stopped running in PUG's because it is rare that folks DON'T need roll on every drop. I have a conscience. I pass if the toon I'm on can't use it, greed if I would like to have it and need if I really do need it. So in KDY I only need roll on KDY kits, in most FP's I need rep tokens and in OPs I only need in HM and NiM drops. So many pugs just need on everything simply to sell it and get the $ from it as soon as someone drops a repair droid.


My guild invited a couple PUGs to a 16 man Op and one of them won a drop that I need rolled on cause I actually needed it. I saw that they already had a better piece equipped so I offered to buy the item from them for 100k they said, "to late I already sold it to Revan." So my Guild Master set it to Master looter and that player dropped group after he cussed us out for wanting to keep all the gear ourselves... Uber d-bag.

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I gotta agree. At first, it didn't bother me, but the more I think about it, it does. I've always assumed BoP was there to prevent me from selling something, not using it myself since I'm the one that earned it...


But BoP items can be sold. Most can be sold to a vendor, or at the very least, if you are in a raid and someone else in that group wants what you won you can trade it to them/sell it to them before the timer runs out.


We did a Karaga's a while back and 2 guildies needed on the hat, the one who lost the roll offered the winner 2 million for it. They traded while still in the Op.

Edited by RiVaN_
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But BoP items can be sold. Most can be sold to a vendor, or at the very least, if you are in a raid and someone else in that group wants what you won you can trade it to them/sell it to them before the timer runs out.


We did a Karaga's a while back and 2 guildies needed on the hat, the one who lost the roll offered the winner 2 million for it. They traded while still in the Op.


BoP items can not be sold on the GTN because the second you pick them up, to sell them, they become BOUND. You can vendor anything but CM stuff. Trading gear in raids doesn't need to change at all, it works fine as it is atm.

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The main thing people need to realize is that the trend has very much been to make all gear transferable to alts within your legacy. More and more bind on legacy pieces have been added to the game, so that now relics, implants, and ear pieces are the only items that can't be transferred back and forth between alts.


The prospect of having legacy storage where you could transfer those last few items between alts completely fits the trend and would serve as the last step needed. So the fact that it's not happening is very disappointing.


And I admit I don't really understand the reasoning for not implementing bop items being put into legacy storage. Is there a potential exploit I'm missing? Or are they changing their mind on the gear trend? I guess pets/mounts earned through pvp/raids could be transfered to alts then. Is that the only reason? If so, I'd agree with others that making implants/relics/ear pieces bind on legacy would be a great solution.

Edited by VanGoethe
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Come to think of it, what if we could get a unit in galactic housing that added bind on legacy functionality for implants/ear pieces/relics? Maybe even all wearable gear to make all styles of looks available. If it worked similar to augment stations, it would force some amount of choice/work as credits would need to be spent on any given piece, and it would add a reason for people to want and use their player housing.


As long as it only works on gear, that should side step the problems of raiding/pvp rewards.

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What planet do you live on?


Half a million credits to hand an item I OWN to my fellow LEGACY toon?


So my trooper and smugger are married, they can't share anything? What the hell is the point of the Family Tree then? My husband and wife team can't share anything?


The whole system as designed is broken and makes no sense.


Agreed. There is no reason given the way SWTOR is built to not allow BOP gear to be moved around your legacy through a legacy bank.

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The game is basically centered around alts and your legacy. Making more items BoL just makes sense to me. You can already move around clothing pieces, why should accessories be inherently different?


People aren't exactly asking for more items. Many are asking FOR EVERYTHING TO BE BOL.


Did I say it was?


What I said is that a measure such as this one would further reduce the lifetime expectancy of whatever piece of content they come to both release and retool.


Again, grinding the same content over and over again is a staple from every single MMO out there and truth be told, Bioware has made it easy enough(!!!) - over time - to go around that hurdle.


People only have to grind for Relics, Implants and Earpieces... AND STILL THAT IS NOT ENOUGH.


And I say this as someone who has 21 LV55's.


It is warranted for people to actually do a bare minimum with their LV55's, instead of purely relying on what they've done already.


Is it really that costly, time wise, to sink your teeth into content you supposedly love(?) for a while longer? Why do people are always craving for Double XP weekends, if they only want to have everything at will, once reaching LV55? What is it exactly you wanna do at LV55, if not gearing a little bit your characters?


I can't honestly understand.

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I think thats a brilliant idea, I would love to have Legacy Storage. Although, if it does get added, I have a feeling that it would cost us a bunch of credits/cartel coins in the process. Edited by JasonThDi
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People aren't exactly asking for more items. Many are asking FOR EVERYTHING TO BE BOL.


Maybe I should have been more specific. I agree with those folks that are calling for everything to be BoL. We can already move our legacy gear between mirror classes and maintain just one set of clothing pieces. I don't understand why that wouldn't be the case for the accessories. Further, it isn't exactly logical that we can pass over one specific piece of clothing, but not all. The legacy sets are still fairly limited in options. It would be nice to be able to build a look you enjoy more with Cartel Market items and trade them between alts similarly to legacy items. It would lead most people to more use of Cartel Market items than less IMO.



And I say this as someone who has 21 LV55's.


It is warranted for people to actually do a bare minimum with their LV55's, instead of purely relying on what they've done already.


Is it really that costly, time wise, to sink your teeth into content you supposedly love(?) for a while longer? Why do people are always craving for Double XP weekends, if they only want to have everything at will, once reaching LV55? What is it exactly you wanna do at LV55, if not gearing a little bit your characters?


I can't honestly understand.


If you don't understand then you can simply not take advantage of the feature should the decide to implement it.

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Maybe I should have been more specific. I agree with those folks that are calling for everything to be BoL. We can already move our legacy gear between mirror classes and maintain just one set of clothing pieces. I don't understand why that wouldn't be the case for the accessories. Further, it isn't exactly logical that we can pass over one specific piece of clothing, but not all. The legacy sets are still fairly limited in options. It would be nice to be able to build a look you enjoy more with Cartel Market items and trade them between alts similarly to legacy items. It would lead most people to more use of Cartel Market items than less IMO.


Earpieces, Implants and Relics are not "clothing".


And as said already before, numerous times, people need an excuse to redo the content, in order to further extend its lifetime expectancy. The key word here is "grind", which is a staple for every single MMORPG out there I believe.


In other words, I ask again...


Why are people in such a hurry to level up to LV55 with their characters, only to have everything they need once they hit the cap? What is it exactly they wanna do with their LV55's?


Leave them to gather dust and come to the forums to complain, since Bioware made it even more(!!!) ridiculously easy to gear up? That not enough content is being released, WHEN THEY'RE THE ONES IGNORING CONTENT altogether with their new LV55's?


Again, I really don't get it.


If you don't understand then you can simply not take advantage of the feature should the decide to implement it.


That's not an argument.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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How can Bioware not be sure yet if we'll be able to pass BoL gear between toons with Legacy Storage? What kind of stupidity is that? I don't believe them when they say they aren't yet sure - because not doing that would be the same thing as giving themselves an enema with a shotgun - a very messy, very stupid, very spectacular suicide.


I've personally always been disappointed with a LOT of things about this game: endless clipping issues, lack of customization in player abilities (why can't a Jedi use a blaster or a bounty hunter swing a lightsaber?), personal appearance, mounts being treated as abilities rather than items, and, well, a LOT of things... ) but this?


Honestly I wish they'd just go ahead and make EVERYTHING picked up in the game Bind on Legacy and allow it ALL to be freely traded between your various toons. It still keeps it all of the GTN and it would VASTLY IMPROVE player experience with the game, so where's the beef??

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Earpieces, Implants and Relics are not "clothing".


And as said already before, numerous times, people need an excuse to redo the content, in order to further extend its lifetime expectancy. The key word here is "grind", which is a staple for every single MMORPG out there I believe.


In other words, I ask again...


Why are people in such a hurry to level up to LV55 with their characters, only to have everything they need once they hit the cap? What is it exactly they wanna do with their LV55's?


Leave them to gather dust and come to the forums to complain, since Bioware made it even more(!!!) ridiculously easy to gear up? That not enough content is being released, WHEN THEY'RE THE ONES IGNORING CONTENT altogether with their new LV55's?


Again, I really don't get it.


Personally I'm mostly interested in progression raiding and quickly having a mirror class ready is a pretty great benefit to that for me. For DF tier, gearing Implants and Earpieces is a pretty major pain due to the random nature of the drops. I know some groups that went several months without even managing to get double DF implants for their primary members. It's a bit better now without those pieces having a random drop rate, but it's still 16 weeks to get an 8m group their implants/relics. Sixteen weeks of farming is a bit much to gear an 8m group.



That's not an argument.


Of course it is. There are plenty of things in this game that I don't understand the attraction to and I simply don't participate. You may be an avid GSF player, where I've been in a handful of matches during closed beta and never touched it since. If you feel that the gear grind is something that you particularly enjoy, there's nothing forcing you to pass items around via legacy storage should the decide to implement the feature.


As it is, legacy storage is something that I'll get little to no benefit from, so I'll likely not use it in it's currently planned iteration. To me, it's a glorified mailbox and it serves little purpose beyond that. In fact, it's less convenient than a mail box to me because I can't spawn legacy storage access wherever I'm at.

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I agree with those folks that are calling for everything to be BoL. We can already move our legacy gear between mirror classes and maintain just one set of clothing pieces. I don't understand why that wouldn't be the case for the accessories.

1. You cannot see the BoP accessories. I know several players who care about how their toons look (including me) who therefore do not use BoL gear for at least part of their toon's outfits. This is never the case with the BoP "accessories" because no one can see them.


2. If I could share my main's 180 Earpiece and Implants and her Brutalizer relics with my other sorc and my sage, as well as all the 180 currently-BoL stuff, and assuming for sake of argument that these are all the toons I use, what is my reward for running the content? I like the running of the content itself, sure, but getting something you want for doing so adds a lot to the fun. That's why I do not run SM FPs or 50 FPs - I don't want the rewards they give because they are useless to me.


3. Crafters need to sell something, and right now MK-9 kits and Augments for new Ears, Implants and Relics, as well as crafted Ears, Implants and Relics themselves, are a big part of end-game crafting. Making these things BoL would cut that market dramatically.


So, you may not agree, but do you at least understand the issue a little better now?

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1. You cannot see the BoP accessories. I know several players who care about how their toons look (including me) who therefore do not use BoL gear for at least part of their toon's outfits. This is never the case with the BoP "accessories" because no one can see them.


2. If I could share my main's 180 Earpiece and Implants and her Brutalizer relics with my other sorc and my sage, as well as all the 180 currently-BoL stuff, and assuming for sake of argument that these are all the toons I use, what is my reward for running the content? I like the running of the content itself, sure, but getting something you want for doing so adds a lot to the fun. That's why I do not run SM FPs or 50 FPs - I don't want the rewards they give because they are useless to me.


That is already the case for the majority of the current tier operations if you're only in there for reward. You can get the implants/ear from the first boss in their respective instances and the relic from the second. So if your argument is content coverage it doesn't really fly. The necessity of 7/10 bosses wouldn't change with legacy binding everything.


3. Crafters need to sell something, and right now MK-9 kits and Augments for new Ears, Implants and Relics, as well as crafted Ears, Implants and Relics themselves, are a big part of end-game crafting. Making these things BoL would cut that market dramatically.


So, you may not agree, but do you at least understand the issue a little better now?


You make it sound like you'd get one Earpiece and never have to get another again. Remember, all of the pieces in question have very specific stats on them. Unless there are a majority of players out there running 5 Sage/Sorcs, the dip in market would be pretty minimal. You'd still need the piece on non-mirror classes. So if you have 10 55s and 4 of them happen to be mirror pairs you'd still need 8 earpieces to augment. Same case for the crafted items themselves.

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Sorry, not quite. There are some Level-31 armor sets you can buy with CC's that come with purple armoring, modifications, and enhancements, all of which can then be extracted and put in BoL gear.


But you can be forgiven for not noticing. And it is understandable if no one cares. :)


Also CM Crystals can be spawned and moved via Legacy weapons without unlocks. I personally just unlock them for the convenience, but it's not necessary to do so.

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Personally I'm mostly interested in progression raiding and quickly having a mirror class ready is a pretty great benefit to that for me. For DF tier, gearing Implants and Earpieces is a pretty major pain due to the random nature of the drops. I know some groups that went several months without even managing to get double DF implants for their primary members. It's a bit better now without those pieces having a random drop rate, but it's still 16 weeks to get an 8m group their implants/relics. Sixteen weeks of farming is a bit much to gear an 8m group.


In other words, to cut it short, you admit it yourself(!!!) that you want to skip - or ignore - content altogether at Elder-Game, for whatever reason.


Glad we cleared that out.

Of course it is. There are plenty of things in this game that I don't understand the attraction to and I simply don't participate. You may be an avid GSF player, where I've been in a handful of matches during closed beta and never touched it since. If you feel that the gear grind is something that you particularly enjoy, there's nothing forcing you to pass items around via legacy storage should the decide to implement the feature.


Learn to read or interpret things correctly.


I never said I liked or disliked it. What I said is that grinding is a key factor for every single MMO out there.


If you have an issue with that and would prefer everything to be given to you in a silver platter, considering past achievements or grind, this is most likely NOT the game for you.


As it is, legacy storage is something that I'll get little to no benefit from, so I'll likely not use it in it's currently planned iteration. To me, it's a glorified mailbox and it serves little purpose beyond that. In fact, it's less convenient than a mail box to me because I can't spawn legacy storage access wherever I'm at.


Legacy Storage is what was ALWAYS designed to be: A cargo storage which allows you to deposit whatever Legacy-bound item you may have.


Nothing more, nothing less.


It's not Bioware's fault that people have issues perceiving what should have been obvious from the very beginning.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Besides legacy banks. it would be nice if they added a feature which allows you to hover your mouse over an item and it will show you how many of that item each character in your legacy had. An option in preferences. maybe hold down a key while u hover mouse over will show # on other toons.



Edited by MaliciousTrix
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In other words, to cut it short, you admit it yourself(!!!) that you want to skip - or ignore - content altogether at Elder-Game, for whatever reason.


Glad we cleared that out.

There are already several means to do this in game. It's not like we're asking for something that is a foreign concept. When you hit 55 on an alt do you start with SM EV and work your way through every tier?



I never said I liked or disliked it. What I said is that grinding is a key factor for every single MMO out there.


If you have an issue with that and would prefer everything to be given to you in a silver platter, considering past achievements or grind, this is most likely NOT the game for you.


I've played this game since launch, so if it's not the right game for me I'd say I've wasted a fair bit of time. Are you saying that if BW decides to implement this feature, which they've said they're considering, that it would all of a sudden not be the game for you? I see no issue requesting something, it's not as if I've been demanding or rude in my request. I don't understand your hostility.



Legacy Storage is what was ALWAYS designed to be: A cargo storage which allows you to deposit whatever Legacy-bound item you may have.


Nothing more, nothing less.


It's not Bioware's fault that people have issues perceiving what should have been obvious from the very beginning.


From the posts Eric has made it is a design decision still in flux, so to say it was ALWAYS designed to be a certain way would appear to be incorrect. They already have many means of gearing up a new 55 with legacy gear why would it be so crazy a thought to think that a Legacy storage would have a similar use? You can very easily have a full BiS PvP set, including Implants, Earpiece and Relics the moment you hit 55 is it completely unreasonable to have a similar means for PvE?

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You make it sound like you'd get one Earpiece and never have to get another again. Remember, all of the pieces in question have very specific stats on them..

I was limiting it to my Sages and Sorcs just to simplify the argument. Sages/Sorcs can use the same E-I-R sets for Healing and DPS without being much off BiS. So right now I need 3 BoP E-I-R sets for the three of them. If they were BoL I would only need one.


The need for only one set of E-I-R also seems true for Agents, Smugglers, Marauders, Mercs, and Commandos. The tanking classes do not have it so easy, and since I am considering changing my geared Assassin tank to DPS (as well as my upcoming Shadow) , that's a whole new set of E-I-R I will need. But an assassin DPS can use Sorc DPS BoL gear, so at least I have that.


Thinking about it, Relics are somewhat more extreme. By just swapping augments, all of my non-tanks could use my main's Brutalizer relics. And all my tanks could share a single pair of tanking relics. That would completely remove the reward I get from PvPing with my toons as I level them.


The point here: BW has balanced the ability to gear alts using your main with a requirement that some of the alt's gear must be earned by the alt. Some people want the balance moved more towards gearing alts entirely using your main, others want it moved the other way so your alt has to earn all their own gear. I like the balance as it is, and want BW to use their resources on new content instead of on redesigning the binding system. They cannot do everything, and they should not "fix" what is not broken.

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