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Legacy Storage?


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They are most like went this path till the figure out a way to prevent player from bypassing the collection system with LS. If you just allowed earpieces, implants and relic, all the same people would be crying out now would be about armor shells like <insert armor name> or <insert weapon name>. If the did earpieces, implants, relic and non-CM items, all the same people would be crying out about why their CM item is excluded.


Flame on about how stupid, lazy and whatever else you want say the devs.

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Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.


So in short, the only thing that was potentially worth a damn in the useless housing update is now also a complete waste of time? Cool beans. Here's hoping the second digital expansion will actually have real content.

Edited by Raansu
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Sorry, I would rather they not. I'd prefer people have to do a t least a little work with the alt to gear up an alt, rather than just facerolling content on their uber-geared main. And yes, I have an uber-geared 186/180 healer main I could go facerolling with. But I like new challenges, so I am gearing the left side of my alts by running them, as gawd intended.


Especially with the new Gree BoL Offhands, the balance between how much you can gear an alt using your main and how much you have to run that alt to gear it is pretty good. BW should leave it as is.

Right... And buying 180 pieces is totally different?


Well ok then.

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Believe it or not, I wasn't talking about myself.


"It is useful, it's useful for this. If you don't use this, then you're missing out and it's your fault. Stop expecting every patch to suit you"


Read through the previous 2 pages and You'll find that message scattered across two or three posts, what's the point in trying to convey that you're upset with part of a patch, and that one simple (though not from a design standpoint) change would make things a lot simpler?


One simple change? Negating the current binding restrictions is "one simple change"? I do not think it is.

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One simple change? Negating the current binding restrictions is "one simple change"? I do not think it is.


Do you just, oh I don't know, gloss over the brackets?


It's a simple change in that we're not asking them to change BoP to BoL, BoL to BoE, BoE to never binding, and never binding to BoP.


I did say it wouldn't be easy from the designer end, but it's what a lot of players want and is something to be considered.

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This is just off the top of my head but, couldn't we just do away with MOST BOP items by just changing them to bind on legacy instead (not all item of course but, most). That way legacy storage becomes more useful and we wouldn't have to worry about mailing items anymore. IT would be a big change to the game but if it was done right I think it would work.


I have supported in several threads the implementation of a way to convert empty orange shells from bound to character to bound to legacy.


Allowing empty orange shells to be converted would be consistent with the current legacy gear, which is all empty orange shells when purchased.

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Your statement makes no sense considering we have BOL gear that allows us to circumventing the system as you have said.


You can remove mods from a bound to character item for a substantial cost, a highly effective credit sink. Legacy gear allows you to place bound to character mods into a piece of legacy gear. That piece of gear is still bound to legacy, as it was from the onset. You can send the legacy gear across your legacy as the gear is bound to legacy and not to a specific character.


What you and others are asking is to be able to completely bypass the current binding restrictions and to be able to do so with no cost attached to transfer bound to character items.

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I wasn't expecting BoP items to not be able to put in there at at all, not sure why people were so outraged when it was obvious. I'm surprised its even on their wall to see about seeing about changing it.


I would be surprised if it is even on the wall of crazy. I think it much more likely that they are giving a "politically correct" answer designed to allow themselves some wiggle room in the future and also to allow those who want to be able to circumvent the current binding restrictions to think it might happen so that continue to play.


IMO, this will likely lead to numerous threads claiming that BW "promised" that the ability to bypass binding restrictions would be implemented. I think we will also see numerous threads asking for an ETA on being able circumvent binding restrictions.

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Would like to add one thing... It's arguable but...

Find some way to allow one character to RE an item bound to another character in the legacy.

So not for the purpose of transferring that item, but of learning the schematic.

Mods can be transferred, so they can already be RE'd through legacy but BoP implants, earpieces, armor and weapon shells, those cannot be transferred for the purpos of learning them. And unlike the mods, the commendations implants/earpieces/shells cannot be reverse-engineered either.

Actually a very interesting suggestion for sure.


How can I have missed that one ;)

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I glad we can craft out of legacy storage. BOPs it would of been nice deal for a lot but I can live with it. Depending how legacy storage is implemented. Hopefully we will see in just over a month.
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Way to ruin a grand idea. I suspect over 90% of the community and subscribers were looking forward to being able to move earpieces, implants and relics through the legacy bank. But that just eliminated so much hope. Way to go Bioware, grand idea failed execution as normal. I hope you change it so said items can be moved around. As it stands legacy bank is just about useless expect for glorified mat storage.


Just my opinion, but I doubt that the number of people expecting to be able to bypass binding restrictions is anywhere near over 90%.


I can only speak for myself, but I know I never expected the legacy storage to be able to hold anything that I could not already mail between characters. It makes it simpler to store all those items and in a central location. The ability to draw crafting mats right from legacy storage is great.


I, personally, am glad that they chose not to break the game and allow the binding restrictions to be bypassed.

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Do you just, oh I don't know, gloss over the brackets?


It's a simple change in that we're not asking them to change BoP to BoL, BoL to BoE, BoE to never binding, and never binding to BoP.


I did say it wouldn't be easy from the designer end, but it's what a lot of players want and is something to be considered.


It's not simple for the designers and it's not just a simple request, either, IMO.


Negating binding restrictions is far from a simple request, IMO, as it would break the game.

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Would like to add one thing... It's arguable but...

Find some way to allow one character to RE an item bound to another character in the legacy.

So not for the purpose of transferring that item, but of learning the schematic.

Mods can be transferred, so they can already be RE'd through legacy but BoP implants, earpieces, armor and weapon shells, those cannot be transferred for the purpos of learning them. And unlike the mods, the commendations implants/earpieces/shells cannot be reverse-engineered either.


I'm sorry, but why should my cybertech bounty hunter be able to RE an earpiece that is bound to my biochem smuggler?

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Yes it is. Do you really not understand why?


One costs 4 million credits, one requires a somewhat level of skill.


They balance each other out.


Also, why do you keep changing my posts to silver whenever you quote? Not complaining, just genuinely confused.

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Just my opinion, but I doubt that the number of people expecting to be able to bypass binding restrictions is anywhere near over 90%.


I can only speak for myself, but I know I never expected the legacy storage to be able to hold anything that I could not already mail between characters. It makes it simpler to store all those items and in a central location. The ability to draw crafting mats right from legacy storage is great.


I, personally, am glad that they chose not to break the game and allow the binding restrictions to be bypassed.


Then dont call it legacy storage. I guarantee most people thought the exact same thing. With that said, how would it break the game? you can already bypass the majority of the gearing process with legacy gear. If they cared that much about it then they should remove legacy gear because as it stands people farm end game on 2-3 alts and just put it all in a legacy piece. Pointless restriction on legacy bank is pointless.

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Then dont call it legacy storage. I guarantee most people thought the exact same thing. With that said, how would it break the game? you can already bypass the majority of the gearing process with legacy gear. If they cared that much about it then they should remove legacy gear because as it stands people farm end game on 2-3 alts and just put it all in a legacy piece. Pointless restriction on legacy bank is pointless.


Putting end game mods into a legacy piece of gear requires that those mods be removed at a substantial cost first. This also does not allow the binding restrictions on earpieces, relics, implants, etc to be circumvented.


It would break the game by negating the current binding restrictions on almost everything, as well as negating a highly effective credit sink.


Maybe it's just me, but it IS called legacy storage, not bypass the binding restrictions and transfer all my bound to character items storage. As I said, I never expected to be able to place anything I could not mail to an alt in the legacy storage. It is not my fault that some people made faulty assumptions and had unrealistic expectations.

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Maybe it's just me, but it IS called legacy storage, not bypass the binding restrictions and transfer all my bound to character items storage. As I said, I never expected to be able to place anything I could not mail to an alt in the legacy storage. It is not my fault that some people made faulty assumptions and had unrealistic expectations.


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I did say it wouldn't be easy from the designer end, but it's what a lot of players want and is something to be considered.


Per Eric, the devs *are* considering this. I hope they consider that a lot of players also want Legacy Storage to allow us to *store*, but not *transfer* Bound items.

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I'll state this again in a different manner.


All 180 crafted gear, whether its Implants, Ear Pieces, and Relics are all Bind on Equip. Which means all the hard work the progression raiders have put in to get their Left side is completely useless because its BoP where as someone who spends credits to gear up their toon's Left side will be able to put said ears, implants and relics into the legacy bank. How is this fair?

Edited by Rhazgoth
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Alright folks, round 2! From what I can tell there were two big questions still on the table and here they are:


Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.


Can I access my crafting materials from Legacy storage?

Yes you can! The way it will work is that when you go to craft something, your materials will be pulled in this priority order: Inventory, Cargo, Legacy storage.


Thanks everyone!




So, essentially this is rather pointless having one. It will only hold matts and credits, and legacy gear. No different than the one you already have really. You just ruined my anticipation for this in one swoop.


I really urge you to re-evaluate this. People (like myself) have high end gear drop implants, earpieces, etc that are WASTED just setting there in cargo that could be use on an alt. For example, I got one of the better Assassin Tank implant 180's you can get in the game, and can't use it because it dropped on my Sorc. Utterly wasted. I thinks Subs at least deserve the option for a fee. I would gladly pay 100k to put something that is BOP in Legacy Vault so it can be USED and not wasted.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Per Eric, the devs *are* considering this. I hope they consider that a lot of players also want Legacy Storage to allow us to *store*, but not *transfer* Bound items.


If they allowed bound to charater items to even be "stored" in legacy storage, how long do you think it would be before the forums were flooded with cries that "We can already put bound to character items in legacy storage. Why can we not transfer those bound to character items to our alts? ANY character should be able to remove ANY item from legacy storage."?


We have already seen, on these very forums, what happens every time BW gives the mouse a cookie.


Far safer not to give the mouse that cookie, even if you let him think he might get the cookie, IMO.

Edited by Ratajack
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