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Legacy Storage?


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Finally something more tied to Legacy features:


Some players I know use the guild functionality to mitigate the actual inconvenient way to share credits, mats and gear between their alts. Only consequence being they can't have their own "Legacy" guild and be part of another guild. Still they keep saying how the trade off is way lower than the benefits.


So long term being able to have a legacy credit bank option would be very much welcome.



Most for sure, thanks.


I do this but I have my main and 3 main alts in my raiding guild. All my other alts are in my private guild. I was hoping more for the guild bank set up so I could move all my characters into the raiding guild. Even if I had to go to my stronghold to withdraw credits it would be a huge plus for me.

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Hey folks,


I know there are a few questions surrounding Legacy storage and although I can't answer everything here are some of the bigger answers:


How do I get Legacy storage?

You will get Legacy storage for free with the completion of the "Introduction to Strongholds Mission" upon acquiring your first Stronghold. Legacy storage will also be craftable and is possible to appear on the Cartel Market. (In both cases this means it would be available on the GTN for credits as well)


If I add another Legacy storage to my Stronghold, does this add more storage space?

It does not. Adding more Legacy storage "units" will simply add another access point, similar to how the cargo hold works right now. You can increase the size by adding more bays (more in the next answer).


How big will it be?

Legacy storage comes, by default, with one bay unlocked. That bay will have 80 slots in it. You will be able to purchase additional bays with credits or Cartel Coins.


Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.


I hope that answers most of the bigger questions you have.




Thank you for the answers :)


Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.


This is the question I care the most about, and I believe many other players feel the same.


I want to express my thoughts on this question, from a neutral perspective, in hopes that I can convince you of the very best way to handle this.


I'd like to start by giving the simple short answer. Yes. I believe that players should be able to store (most) Bind on Pickup items in their Legacy Storage.


The legacy items currently in the game are limited at best. While this was a good idea compared to the original state of the game, I believe that it is an outdated and limited system. Because of the existence of Legacy gear, many progression-level players with multiple characters have to sacrifice the appearance of their characters for the raw utility of mailing gear. This significantly devalues a vast amount of the work done by the developers who create new gear sets. This gear may be used on low level characters, but many level 55s will decide against wearing any gear that is not bound to legacy.


The main counter-argument to this idea relates to Collections. Collections is a way for players to spawn already-acquired items. By using a Legacy Storage system which simply allows everything in and out of the bank, a player could move these spawned items across characters and avoid paying the collections unlock.


This issue has a rather straightforward workaround. If the Cartel Market item does not have the collections unlock purchased, the player will not be able to place the item in the Legacy Storage. If the player does have the collections unlock purchased, the player is able to put this item in the storage like any other Bind on Pickup item.


Why is it a bad idea to disallow players the ability to put Bind on Pickup items in the Legacy Storage? Well, if you do, Legacy Storage will not add anything to the game at all. Strongholds will still have mailboxes, Legacy gear will still exist, nothing will really change. Without the ability to place Bind on Pickup items into the Legacy Storage, Legacy Storage is essentially an obsolete addition to the game.


Why is it a good idea to allow players to put Bind on Pickup items in the Legacy Storage? Well, for one, progression-level players now have a reason to purchase and unlock Cartel Market gear. Also, the requirement of mailing modifications through gear is time-consuming and irritating. Allowing Bind on Pickup items to be added to the Legacy Storage will be a great Quality of Life improvement to the game.



Allowing players to place Bind on Pickup items in Legacy Storage will add worth to the system, benefit your playerbase, and benefit your profit. What is there to lose?

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Hey folks,


I know there are a few questions surrounding Legacy storage and although I can't answer everything here are some of the bigger answers:


How do I get Legacy storage?

You will get Legacy storage for free with the completion of the "Introduction to Strongholds Mission" upon acquiring your first Stronghold. Legacy storage will also be craftable and is possible to appear on the Cartel Market. (In both cases this means it would be available on the GTN for credits as well)


If I add another Legacy storage to my Stronghold, does this add more storage space?

It does not. Adding more Legacy storage "units" will simply add another access point, similar to how the cargo hold works right now. You can increase the size by adding more bays (more in the next answer).


How big will it be?

Legacy storage comes, by default, with one bay unlocked. That bay will have 80 slots in it. You will be able to purchase additional bays with credits or Cartel Coins.


Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.


I hope that answers most of the bigger questions you have.




Thx for the info!


I am so looking forward to this. It is why I did not consider the date slip to be much of a slip since this was always scheduled for August.


In addition to the obvious "will legacy banks magically convert bound gear to legacy?" I don't know of an MMO whose legacy banks work this way but as an altoholic I would be so happy if SWTOR wanted to innovate.


Will crafting pull from legacy banks? (Please, please, please say yes)


How many bays can I get (and the cost?)


We shall know in a month but anything you can tell us earlier will be great.

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Because of the existence of Legacy gear, many progression-level players with multiple characters have to sacrifice the appearance of their characters for the raw utility of mailing gear.

No, they don't "have" to do that. They can gear up their players individually. Using legacy gear to transfer mods is just a convenient way to skirt having to actually gear your characters, but it's not something that anyone "has" to do.

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Thank you for the answers :)




This is the question I care the most about, and I believe many other players feel the same.


I want to express my thoughts on this question, from a neutral perspective, in hopes that I can convince you of the very best way to handle this.


I'd like to start by giving the simple short answer. Yes. I believe that players should be able to store (most) Bind on Pickup items in their Legacy Storage.


The legacy items currently in the game are limited at best. While this was a good idea compared to the original state of the game, I believe that it is an outdated and limited system. Because of the existence of Legacy gear, many progression-level players with multiple characters have to sacrifice the appearance of their characters for the raw utility of mailing gear. This significantly devalues a vast amount of the work done by the developers who create new gear sets. This gear may be used on low level characters, but many level 55s will decide against wearing any gear that is not bound to legacy.


The main counter-argument to this idea relates to Collections. Collections is a way for players to spawn already-acquired items. By using a Legacy Storage system which simply allows everything in and out of the bank, a player could move these spawned items across characters and avoid paying the collections unlock.


This issue has a rather straightforward workaround. If the Cartel Market item does not have the collections unlock purchased, the player will not be able to place the item in the Legacy Storage. If the player does have the collections unlock purchased, the player is able to put this item in the storage like any other Bind on Pickup item.


Why is it a bad idea to disallow players the ability to put Bind on Pickup items in the Legacy Storage? Well, if you do, Legacy Storage will not add anything to the game at all. Strongholds will still have mailboxes, Legacy gear will still exist, nothing will really change. Without the ability to place Bind on Pickup items into the Legacy Storage, Legacy Storage is essentially an obsolete addition to the game.


Why is it a good idea to allow players to put Bind on Pickup items in the Legacy Storage? Well, for one, progression-level players now have a reason to purchase and unlock Cartel Market gear. Also, the requirement of mailing modifications through gear is time-consuming and irritating. Allowing Bind on Pickup items to be added to the Legacy Storage will be a great Quality of Life improvement to the game.



Allowing players to place Bind on Pickup items in Legacy Storage will add worth to the system, benefit your playerbase, and benefit your profit. What is there to lose?

To be fair here while I totally agree with you on most of your post the issue lies in the fact stats and gear look are too intimately tied, even with mods because it's cumbersome.


Now would players have gear tabs, or similar, most of the issue would be lifted.

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Thank you Eric. About BoP items, I hope it allows you to transfer certain pieces that's bop, ones that cant be legacyed (implants, earpiece and relics, namely).


Anyways, thanks for all the answers!


IMO, this is one of the reasons that BOP items should not be able to be placed in the legacy storage.


If you want that earpiece, implant or relic for your sniper, then run the content on your sniper, not your over geared sorcerer.

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Thanx for answering a few things Eric. It is appreciated.


But I am begging you...PLEASE let us use Legacy bank for BOP items to send to alts. You would make ALOT of people happy doing that. I have quite a few things (180 gear) that are earpiece or implant that I got off drops in HM runs that just set there unable to be used on that toon because are bound, when I could be using them on an alt. I also have other things that just set in certain toon's storage because are BOP, when an alt could be using them.


I think Subscribers at least deserve this. For the love of all the Star Wars gods...PLEASE let us use the Legacy bank for bound items. :)


Please, Eric, do NOT allow BOP items to be placed into the legacy storage at all, let alone transferred between alts.


If a player wants a particular BOP item on a certain character, they should have to run that content on that character, not their over geared main and just bypass the BOP restrictions using the legacy storage.


That does not even include a previous poster's point about it effectively bypassing having to unlock items in the collections interface. Why would a player pay extra CC's to unlock an item if they can just create infinite copies of that item using the character that added it to the collections and then bypass the BOP restrictions by using the legacy storage.

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Why is it a bad idea to disallow players the ability to put Bind on Pickup items in the Legacy Storage? Well, if you do, Legacy Storage will not add anything to the game at all. Strongholds will still have mailboxes, Legacy gear will still exist, nothing will really change. Without the ability to place Bind on Pickup items into the Legacy Storage, Legacy Storage is essentially an obsolete addition to the game.


The ability to store crafting mats in one central location adds nothing to the game? IMO, that feature alone adds a great deal to the game.



Why is it a good idea to allow players to put Bind on Pickup items in the Legacy Storage? Well, for one, progression-level players now have a reason to purchase and unlock Cartel Market gear. Also, the requirement of mailing modifications through gear is time-consuming and irritating. Allowing Bind on Pickup items to be added to the Legacy Storage will be a great Quality of Life improvement to the game.



Allowing players to place Bind on Pickup items in Legacy Storage will add worth to the system, benefit your playerbase, and benefit your profit. What is there to lose?


What is there to lose? How about the incentive to actually run the content with the alts you wish to gear up? If the BOP restrictions can simply be bypassed, why would anyone run any content with an alt when they can faceroll that content with their over geared main and then simply pass that BOP item to their alt using legacy storage?

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Hey folks,


I know there are a few questions surrounding Legacy storage and although I can't answer everything here are some of the bigger answers:


How do I get Legacy storage?

You will get Legacy storage for free with the completion of the "Introduction to Strongholds Mission" upon acquiring your first Stronghold. Legacy storage will also be craftable and is possible to appear on the Cartel Market. (In both cases this means it would be available on the GTN for credits as well)


If I add another Legacy storage to my Stronghold, does this add more storage space?

It does not. Adding more Legacy storage "units" will simply add another access point, similar to how the cargo hold works right now. You can increase the size by adding more bays (more in the next answer).


How big will it be?

Legacy storage comes, by default, with one bay unlocked. That bay will have 80 slots in it. You will be able to purchase additional bays with credits or Cartel Coins.


Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.


I hope that answers most of the bigger questions you have.




Very happy with this so far. This alone might restore my interest in Strongholds. I too am one that would like to see bound items allowed in Legacy storage....or perhaps some way to change them to bound to legacy.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Thank you Eric. About BoP items, I hope it allows you to transfer certain pieces that's bop, ones that cant be legacyed (implants, earpiece and relics, namely).


Anyways, thanks for all the answers!


I certainly hope not. The game is too easy and spoon fed as it is.

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No more... "Frak this. I'll just buy it from the GTN again. Ohhhhh... One million? WHAT A BARGAIN!"


Thats my problem too. I know I have the Item on one of my characters. But before logging through all of them Id rather buy it on the GTN.

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The fact that they're even 'considering' letting us put in BoP stuff is blowing my mind.


You could in Lotros shared storage, but only the person dispensing the item could pick it back up, a rather pointless exercise. I cannot imagine that they will break a greater part of their core game by allowing us to bypass one of the standard mechanics of gearing and progression.

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The ability to store crafting mats in one central location adds nothing to the game? IMO, that feature alone adds a great deal to the game.


What is there to lose? How about the incentive to actually run the content with the alts you wish to gear up? If the BOP restrictions can simply be bypassed, why would anyone run any content with an alt when they can faceroll that content with their over geared main and then simply pass that BOP item to their alt using legacy storage?

Longshot. I want to get this moved over from my Operative to my lowbie Operative healer, so that he and my Concealment Op can match. I even took the liberty of buying and unlocking the new Agile Recon set JUST so I could get that damned coat and dye it white/red from the Security Key vendor. I even have one rifle with no mods in it, just in case someone balks about it. I have another one I'd like to send over to my Armstech Vanguard, too, just in case I get lucky on REing it.


If I could transfer old tiered endgame gear (NOT CURRENT!), that would be great. The Cartel Market and my own crafters have taken care of all of my old-school gear needs...except this.

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Hmmm, but I have some really neat replicas on my main I'd like to give to my alts (Karagga's Bell Hat, Tythonian Force Master Saber). Besides, with Legacy gear people can already use that excuse. In summation: jerks will be jerks but we shouldn't be punished for the mischief of others.


If you want to give the Tythonian Force Master's Lightsaber to an alt, you can just unlock it in the Collections you know.. As for the Bell Hat, it's an almost guaranteed drop from every boss on Karagga NiM (I've seen it drop from 4 bosses in run before), so it isn't terribly hard to obtain either.

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Hey folks,



Can I transfer Bind on Pickup (BoP) items through my Legacy Storage?

This is still being worked on/decided in development. We should have an answer on this soon™.


I hope that answers most of the bigger questions you have.




Please say yes, I always feel guilty when I secretly need on gear I want for my companions during flashpoints, I can simply use my high end alt to farm the equipment I want while still enjoying running the level appropriate flashpoints.

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T Why is it a good idea to allow players to put Bind on Pickup items in the Legacy Storage? Well, for one, progression-level players now have a reason to purchase and unlock Cartel Market gear. Also, the requirement of mailing modifications through gear is time-consuming and irritating. Allowing Bind on Pickup items to be added to the Legacy Storage will be a great Quality of Life improvement to the game.


Allowing players to place Bind on Pickup items in Legacy Storage will add worth to the system, benefit your playerbase, and benefit your profit. What is there to lose?


I, for one, don't use Legacy gear on my characters (except one set on Blue Scalene armor on my Chiss operative). And I'm buying Cartel Market armor anyway. I know lots of other people choose looks over utlity and functionality, too. And with the group finder giving 30 ultimates for SM Ops and 10 ultimates for HM FPs, really, how long does it take to gear up an alt anyway? A week or two at most.


Putting BoL items in Legacy storage completely destroys the fundamental process of gearing up. It completely trivializes obtaining gear. It also means that fewer people will do HM FPs and SM Ops and those that do will most likely start indiscriminately needing on everything.


So....what is there to lose? A lot.

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Please say yes, I always feel guilty when I secretly need on gear I want for my companions during flashpoints, I can simply use my high end alt to farm the equipment I want while still enjoying running the level appropriate flashpoints.


You can already do that you know......ripping out low level mods and putting them into Legacy gear costs what....200 credits?

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I, for one, don't use Legacy gear on my characters (except one set on Blue Scalene armor on my Chiss operative). And I'm buying Cartel Market armor anyway. I know lots of other people choose looks over utlity and functionality, too. And with the group finder giving 30 ultimates for SM Ops and 10 ultimates for HM FPs, really, how long does it take to gear up an alt anyway? A week or two at most.


Putting BoL items in Legacy storage completely destroys the fundamental process of gearing up. It completely trivializes obtaining gear. It also means that fewer people will do HM FPs and SM Ops and those that do will most likely start indiscriminately needing on everything.


So....what is there to lose? A lot.


We already get that...

Please say yes, I always feel guilty when I secretly need on gear I want for my companions during flashpoints, I can simply use my high end alt to farm the equipment I want while still enjoying running the level appropriate flashpoints.

Note that he feels guilty about it at least. :D

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That mainly the reason why I think they wouldn't allow BoP stuff to be stuffed in the legacy bank. Unless they manage to make the game distinguish between CM and non-CM items. I sure as hell don't think they want the legacy storage to make the collection system edundant and invalidate the need for their colllection system for there armors and weapons.


As nice as it would be, I don't expect it and will surprised if they do.




I'd have no particular issue with this, if it distinguished further between sets you have, and have not, unlocked account wide. Because as an example I'd love to use my current outfit as a Legacy set. 4 pieces already are legacy, but the other 3 are CM pieces. :C

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You can already do that you know......ripping out low level mods and putting them into Legacy gear costs what....200 credits?


No what I mean is for example on my Troopers I want to see all of them in different style armours, but all in Havok colours (i.e. orange) its a personal preference, so I do the following: -


Me - Steward protector armour

Jorgen - Clan Varad Recon

Elara - Athiss Enforcer

Yuun - Hammer Assault

Vik - Unwavering Vanguard’s Maelstrom


I know that the amour models exist in other forms with different colours but colour dyes for my companions are not an option for me since some cutscenes (especially companion conversations) are bugged and revert to default colours.

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I know that the amour models exist in other forms with different colours but colour dyes for my companions are not an option for me since some cutscenes (especially companion conversations) are bugged and revert to default colours.


Yes, this annoys me as well in my Story videos. I decided on simply giving my companions sets of CM gear that does not need color unification or gear that color matches on its own (very rare examples of that)

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Longshot. I want to get this moved over from my Operative to my lowbie Operative healer, so that he and my Concealment Op can match. I even took the liberty of buying and unlocking the new Agile Recon set JUST so I could get that damned coat and dye it white/red from the Security Key vendor. I even have one rifle with no mods in it, just in case someone balks about it. I have another one I'd like to send over to my Armstech Vanguard, too, just in case I get lucky on REing it.


If I could transfer old tiered endgame gear (NOT CURRENT!), that would be great. The Cartel Market and my own crafters have taken care of all of my old-school gear needs...except this.


If you want that gun on your Operative healer, then run that content on your Operative healer. No one is telling you that you can only run that content on one character.


Same goes for your armstech vanguard. If you want that character to have the rifle to try to RE it, then run the content with that character.

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