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So sad too see so many players begging for content...


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New content is coming. Whining about it doesn't make it come faster. No MMO will ever keep up with the top consumers of content. Information about upcoming content has been given. Repeatedly. It's easy to find information that people seem to want to ignore so they can whine on the forums about something.


And right here, I think you touched on a core issue here. What some of these players really want is to see advance information that presents a limitless supply of all types of content they want to play. A completely unrealistic expectation that more information will do nothing to alleviate and that no MMO can provide.

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all of this has been answered, people just don't like the answers


no hero engine update it would be like starting from scratch building a new engine to modify it to fit in with swtor


new level cap and expansion by the end of the year / early next year [unless otherwise stated]


no new classes in development, add class story, open world pvp, crosserver queues and dual spec to this list too [throw in swimming day / night cycles and chat bubbles too]


new planets is a vague question in this game, most likely there will be new planet/ planets to quest on with the level increase, manaan has already been alluded too in the thumb drives but will likely just be a flashpoint maybe with a daily area, and new daily areas will come with / after the expansion going by past releases and may be on new planets


they just added the new huttball map so I wouldn't expect a new warzone very soon


new companions / playable species is something we have no info on except they "want to add more" and a base litmus bioware will most likely use to determine the next companion / playable species


guild capitol ships with guild objectives and planetary conquests will be right behind GSH early access and should be hearing more about this in the next weeks / months


the info is out there, not very detailed and not what some people want to hear but its there. regardless of what unhappy players try make people believe


Well, I suppose it would help placate people somewhat if they didn't have to piece this together from a myriad different sources. One thread would be sufficient that would highlight the developers current stance on the most important topics. I doubt reading a resounding NO on so many topics would please many people, though.


Or you know....maybe even post their legendary Wall of Crazy here. Just to give us false hope,

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Of course, i agree with you. No whining and complaining allowed.


We can only whine about cartel collection unlock price. Everything else is just trolling.


Obvious troll is obvious.


No whining about anything. If you have a valid complaint, voice it. But asking for information that isn't ready to be given and claiming there is no communication when plenty has been given about what is coming out next is simply whining.

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Of course, i agree with you. No whining and complaining allowed.


We can only whine about cartel collection unlock price. Everything else is just trolling.


not trolling, just whining and whining about whining.


there was 1 (single, uno, more than 0 less than 2) threads about the cartel fiasco and that was more about the the loss of trust than prices.


However, these threads are just that, whining. We want more info..well more info than what was given, and we want it faster, cause what we have been given, we've already digested and spit up so need more.


They could tell us every detail from day one and you complain if it changes.

give no detail until locked down and its too long between updates


Its always More more more, faster faster faster, Instant gratification and nobody will ever give you enough information fast enough to satiate the want (read DEMAND).

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not trolling, just whining and whining about whining.


there was 1 (single, uno, more than 0 less than 2) threads about the cartel fiasco and that was more about the the loss of trust than prices.


However, these threads are just that, whining. We want more info..well more info than what was given, and we want it faster, cause what we have been given, we've already digested and spit up so need more.


They could tell us every detail from day one and you complain if it changes.

give no detail until locked down and its too long between updates


Its always More more more, faster faster faster, Instant gratification and nobody will ever give you enough information fast enough to satiate the want (read DEMAND).


I DEMAND that whiners be allowed to whine in peace.

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I DEMAND that whiners be allowed to whine in peace.


I feel your plight, but "demanding" something doesn't get results.


Asking politely does. The current results being they said info was coming soon and which judging by my thread where I asked about it would be next monday or tuesday.


If you want to whine go right ahead, I won't stop you. But I will tell you demanding stuff won't make it come faster in an mmo, especially one with this kind of staff attached to it.

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No where in hear did they say anything about a new operation


correct, this is not a lobby operation game where people just log into to do operations, no where this year have they mentioned operations outside of the last dev stream where they said they are coming but not ready to talk about new ops yet. what they are adding to the game is content that expands the game beyond grinding ops and pvp providing a bigger game with more to do


if all you care about is ops then you have no right to demand that all content be based around operations just because that's all YOU want, they have givien us the road map up till 2.9 as far back as February. people who can read knew no new ops till after GSH and most likely not till the 2nd expansion that they have not talked about yet because they haven't even launched the first one yet.[just talking about the 2014 expansions not makeb, that of course was the "first"] for some reason though the forum did not get it and expected the NIM updates to be new ops for some reason and have been on this lack of content gripe ever since they realized that NIM is too hard and want new hard modes :eek:

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I feel your plight, but "demanding" something doesn't get results.


Asking politely does. The current results being they said info was coming soon and which judging by my thread where I asked about it would be next monday or tuesday.


If you want to whine go right ahead, I won't stop you. But I will tell you demanding stuff won't make it come faster in an mmo, especially one with this kind of staff attached to it.


May the forum users just let the whiners whine in peace, please? No need to derailed whiners threads,

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Every single person I interact with in game plays primarily for operation content, there has been no new operations for 8 months. There has been no hints or announcements yet for new operations.


All of us are subscribers. Most of us are bored with existing content. Many of them have quit or unsubbed until something new hits.


My point is we are unhappy with current state of game and current pace of operation release and details.


To prevent more of us from quitting or taking an extended leave from the game, we would like specifics of some type as to what/when for a new operation.


Because based on their current roadmap, it appears october will hit, and still have no new operation content making 1 year of the same flipping ops.


Thats not a whole hell of a lot of anything for players who play primarily for END GAME content.


Tacticals do not count as they can be done any any level with bolster, and provide no challenge and no gear for players already farming or done with existing operation content.


So if Bioware agrees with your snippy answers of "we have given you information" or "we are releasing strongholds bla bla" or "if you arent happ with current state look for another game" then I guess us end gamers are left with no choice but to seek other games to play.

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Every single person I interact with in game plays primarily for operation content.


maybe that's your first problem right there :D


and that has nothing to do with this thread if you want to gripe about lack of operations that thread was already made

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I DEMAND that whiners be allowed to whine in peace.


In other words.. you want a one sided discussion with all contrary views censored?




I support peoples right to complain, as long as it is not complete hyperbole and made up information presented as fact and not presented in a tantrum format. I also support everyone elses right to disagree with complaint, as long as they explain why. That is what two way communication is.

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In other words.. you want a one sided discussion with all contrary views censored?




I support peoples right to complain, as long as it is not complete hyperbole and made up information presented as fact and not presented in a tantrum format. I also support everyone elses right to disagree with complaint, as long as they explain why. That is what two way communication is.


Not censored. Just let them whine, the whiners can at least vent something, maybe they will feel better after that. Those who doesn't have any problems can just go on and play the game, instead of derailing every whiners threads.


This is my second month here and so far I haven't read any of these 'trolls' or 'whiners' attacking threads that praised the game.

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Not censored. Just let them whine, the whiners can at least vent something, maybe they will feel better after that. Those who doesn't have any problems can just go on and play the game, instead of derailing every whiners threads.


This is my second month here and so far I haven't read any of these 'trolls' or 'whiners' attacking threads that praised the game.


Thing is.... it's a public discussion forum.. open to all active subscribers. And frankly if everyone let the negative crowd whine and complain without comment.. then new players come into the forum and only see one side of a discussion and conclude it is a fact for all players. All opinion, positive or negative, deserves opportunity for response from different view points (and hopefully without resorting to pejorative name tagging and anger).


Player to player.....never let discontent that is absent fact and objectivity go without response. If people want their feelings and opinions about the game to be unopposed by contrasting views.. best to not post them in a public forum IMO. Blogs are a better option for the disaffected IMO.

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Not censored. Just let them whine, the whiners can at least vent something, maybe they will feel better after that. Those who doesn't have any problems can just go on and play the game, instead of derailing every whiners threads.


This is my second month here and so far I haven't read any of these 'trolls' or 'whiners' attacking threads that praised the game.


why do whiners need to come in here and vent complain? Why can't we discuss our concerns rationally and constructively in peace without people coming in here just to complain and derail our rational discussions with conjecture and unsubstantiated "facts'?

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why do whiners need to come in here and vent complain? Why can't we discuss our concerns rationally and constructively in peace without people coming in here just to complain and derail our rational discussions with conjecture and unsubstantiated "facts'?


why do defenders need to come in here and defend? Why can't we discuss our concerns rationally and constructively in peace without people coming in here just to defend and derail our rational discussions with conjecture and unsubstantiated "facts'?

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why do defenders need to come in here and defend? Why can't we discuss our concerns rationally and constructively in peace without people coming in here just to defend and derail our rational discussions with conjecture and unsubstantiated "facts'?


Who is doing that?


I don't think anyone derails constructive criticisms and concerns....

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Every single person I interact with in game plays primarily for operation content.

That's your own fault. I interact with op raiders, PvPers, altaholics, crafters, story-lovers, achievement completionists, mount and pet collectors, and (mainly) people who do a little or a lot of all of that. Can't say I interact much with GSF players, that I know of anyway, but I'll give it a try someday.


Maybe that's why I am happy with the game, and you apparently are not - I am playing more of the game than just the tiny portion of it that you are.

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That's your own fault. I interact with op raiders, PvPers, altaholics, crafters, story-lovers, achievement completionists, mount and pet collectors, and (mainly) people who do a little or a lot of all of that. Can't say I interact much with GSF players, that I know of anyway, but I'll give it a try someday.


Maybe that's why I am happy with the game, and you apparently are not - I am playing more of the game than just the tiny portion of it that you are.




Interesting fact about human psyche: the human mind is a fantastic filter. It is a filter that is programmed by what we make a choice to be aware of.


A raider who only raids, generally speaking, is only aware of raid content and other raiders. In fact some even go as far as to declare anything that is not raid related to be worthy of developer attention.

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