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WTH Embargoing the Star Cluster pack in 2.8.1???


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I really cannot get my head around the way these people are just so shady about this whole affair. They truly do take us for utter mugs.


Why can we not have a definitive....this is what the prices for unlocks are going to be for the next pack? Do they think people are going to carry on spending real money on cyber goods indefinitely without them at least appearing to try to be up front and honest.


I have lost all trust in yellow posts now. Let's see some honesty from you guys.

They have not been honest with us since f2p announcement... the Cartel Market really crushed any sort of last bit of potential this game had.

Edited by RakghoulsRTrolls
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They have not been honest with us since f2p announcement... the Cartel Market really crushed any sort of last bit of potential this game had.


While I do not agree with the poor communications from Bioware on this issue, your statement is completely over the top, grossly hyperbolic, and way beyond the scope of this particular topic.

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It seems at least plausible to me...and I have a pretty good pile of credits, more than I've ever had before, anyway.


But as far as my point goes, it doesn't matter either way. 2.9 or no 2.9, ever since the preview of this pack I thought I was going to spend a lot of credits on the armor sets. And if they were selling for normal prices, I would have. Then I would have been cleared out of credits and would have had to do something or other if I wanted more - whether I wanted them for stronghold stuff, which in fact I have no interest in, or stuff from the next pack.


But with the jacked up prices due to the drop rate disparity bug, I've spent nothing at all on armor sets. So, I don't need to do anything to replenish my credits...whether that be game activities, or buying coins to buy CM stuff to sell.


And it seems like a such waste to be skipping a pack when there's so much cool stuff in it. It would be one thing if it's all just re-skinned junk, but this pack wasn't. But it would be even more of a waste to fund Bioware's poor quality control and unwillingness to fix their mistakes.


OK... if you wanted to press the case that they wanted to drain CCs from the float across the player base... you would at least be on solid ground to present a case. [There are afterall, somewhere between a half a billion to a billion CCs given to subs as part of their sub in the player float at any given time.]


But this nonsense about them doing things like this to drain credits from the player base is absurd. Why? Because nothing about Cartel content in any way drains credits from the game. Players either purchase packs with cartel coins and take their chances, OR purchase packs from others off the GTN for credits, OR buy particular CM items from other players on the GTN for credits. Thing is... buying something from another player only moves credits from one player to another in this game.... it does not actually drain the credits from the game.

Edited by Andryah
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OK... if you wanted to press the case that they wanted to drain CCs from the float across the player base... you would at least be on solid ground to present a case.

I'm not sure you got my point. I want cool stuff to spend credits on. Seems like that's pretty much the whole point of game currency...you want to buy stuff, so you do various things to get credits, then spend them. In some cases, sure, you pay them to other players, but they wouldn't be interested in getting them if they didn't want to spend them in turn.


I'll admit, I do think Bioware has an interest in keeping the game economy moving. The thing is, to do that, they need to give people reasons to want to get and spend credits. (And, by and large, positive reasons - they can get away with some negative ones on the side, maybe, but I doubt that a high proportion of those would work.) And so nothing about that is against the interest of the players, because after all, when you spend the credits, you get the cool stuff.


The thing with the current pack is that despite having cool stuff, it utterly failed to get me to spend anything. I've unlocked 0 sets, and I've heard other people say the same. Now, I've heard people say that before - about packs full of re-skins. But not one that's generally considered to have all-new, cool armors.


I think the person above was right who said that the point of credits isn't to just sit there. But...mine are just sitting there.

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Don't you people think that some armor sets should be rare? .


not particularly. if the rarity is due to being top at pvp, ops or the like, then yes. up to a point. when anything good in the game has to come from those 2 methods, then no. have an awesome mount for pvp. have one for nim ops. but put some out there for everyone else.

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Do you run Bioware/EA? Do you have any idea how much a game has to make in order to keep it going? Rare items give you something to work towards and gives those who play the GTN more to do. I don't see a problem here but you're entitled to your own tin hat opinion.


how exactly will you work towards it? the pack is going away. end of supply. you make no money on packs you ARENT selling. once the last chest piece is bound, there will be no more..so how will you "work" towards it? If you believe the line they tossed you about "intentional" then I have a bridge to sell you. it took them a week to remember they changed that? really? if they cant look at the change log and determine that, the lead dev should be fired.

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how exactly will you work towards it? the pack is going away. end of supply. you make no money on packs you ARENT selling. once the last chest piece is bound, there will be no more..so how will you "work" towards it? If you believe the line they tossed you about "intentional" then I have a bridge to sell you. it took them a week to remember they changed that? really? if they cant look at the change log and determine that, the lead dev should be fired.


Lol @ embargoed! It will be back so why don't you buy a rare chest piece, store it for a bit, then sell for some decent profit. Rinse and repeat cause that **** always comes back. You work for rare items by doing dailies, crafting and playing the GTN so don't feel like you're entitled to every rare item that gets put out, do some work and make that rare item mean something.

As far as wishing someone was fired, well all I have to say to you is good luck with life. You'll need it.

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This theory about how Bioware is trying to drain our credits before 2.9 is so stupid. The only people who believe that are the ones who don't know how to manage creds or understand the concept of budgeting.


it could be that you just arent bright enough to understand what they are saying. the casino event was nothing more than a credit vacume cleaner. it would be nice to see a little more content along side credit sinks.

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it could be that you just arent bright enough to understand what they are saying. the casino event was nothing more than a credit vacume cleaner. it would be nice to see a little more content along side credit sinks.

A "credit vacuum cleaner" you say? I set 2.5 mil aside for the event and have a Rancor, 5 Vectrons, every weapon, pet and armor piece plus that Blue speeder with over 25 certificates left. I still go to the casino with credits I earn from a quick Oricon run and have made more credits on that last Star Cluster pack in a week than I ever have in the past. There is no "credit vacuum", only bad decisions.

P.S. There is a rumor that 2.9 and 3.0 will contain new content so find something to do in the meantime. I'm sure you're "bright" enough to find something.

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Just so you know Eric, this subscriber will not be unlocking anything further, or buying your worthless packs on GTN or off your shop...just so you know that I'm not bugged, but working as intended.




Czerka, Oricon, KDY, Forged Alliances Part 1....mobs and bosses aside, the actual new meaningful content takes 5 mins or less to see on both imperial and republic sides. This is too little and lazier than lazy.


People are less active in summer normally when it comes to gaming, we have ESO and Wildstar, no matter how good-bad-bugged they are, they did took their piece of swtor audience, while this game, on the other hand, seems to be only able to offer stuff to buy...sales, hot deals, hourly deals, deals of the day...over and over it's new stuff to buy, not to play. Given all this (summer activity drop, other new mmo's and almost zero real new content to explore), these desperate ugly pathetic experiments to see how much more can be squeezed out of people were just plain low.


At least there is hoping that this latest series of slaps in the face will finally awake more people and cause them to say no next time by simply not buying new packs and teach this bunch of lazy, greedy and arrogant individuals aka dev's a good lesson, because they've been thinking we're complete fools for way too long by now.

Edited by Preston_Violent
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Czerka, Oricon, KDY, Forged Alliances Part 1....mobs and bosses aside, the actual new meaningful content takes 5 mins or less to see on both imperial and republic sides. This is too little and lazier than lazy.


People are less active in summer normally when it comes to gaming, we have ESO and Wildstar, no matter how good-bad-bugged they are, they did took their piece of swtor audience, while this game, on the other hand, seems to be only able to offer stuff to buy...sales, hot deals, hourly deals, deals of the day...over and over it's new stuff to buy, not to play. Given all this (summer activity drop, other new mmo's and almost zero real new content to explore), these desperate ugly pathetic experiments to see how much more can be squeezed out of people were just plain low.


At least there is hoping that this latest series of slaps in the face will finally awake more people and cause them to say no next time by simply not buying new packs and teach this bunch of lazy, greedy and arrogant individuals aka dev's a good lesson, because they've been thinking we're complete fools for way too long by now.


It never ceases to amaze me how people think that the Bioware/EA is robbing them blind. They provide a service and there is a lot to do in this game. I have well over 150 days played with nearly a year break and I'm enjoying the game more than ever. I'm pretty sure lots of others are having a good time as well.

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It never ceases to amaze me how people think that the Bioware/EA is robbing them blind. They provide a service and there is a lot to do in this game. I have well over 150 days played with nearly a year break and I'm enjoying the game more than ever. I'm pretty sure lots of others are having a good time as well.


What else do you call people paying for virtual goods that do not actually exist?


Whilst I accept that people want to buy nice things, myself included, it is the constant push of lazy reskins, stealth price hikes and what not, that does show that it is their intent to "rob us blind" if we are stupid enough to fall for it. And rest assured, they think we are very stupid indeed.


Congratulations on enjoying the game after your break. A break does actually work, mine is on its way when this sub expires.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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What else do you call people paying for virtual goods that do not actually exist?


Whilst I accept that people want to buy nice things, myself included, it is the constant push of lazy reskins, stealth price hikes and what not, that does show that it is their intent to "rob us blind" if we are stupid enough to fall for it. And rest assured, they think we are very stupid indeed.


Congratulations on enjoying the game after your break. A break does actually work, mine is on its way when this sub expires.


Guess I'm a ******* idiot then.

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It never ceases to amaze me how people think that the Bioware/EA is robbing them blind. They provide a service and there is a lot to do in this game. I have well over 150 days played with nearly a year break and I'm enjoying the game more than ever. I'm pretty sure lots of others are having a good time as well.


It never ceases to amaze me how people miss the entire point. Being a subscriber, buying cartel packs are the ways of supporting the game. Subscribers that buy regularly off CM make the most loyal and supportive base. And this base patience and generosity is being shock-tested in a pretty cheap (pun intended) way. This "experiment" on subs who support the game the most direct (financial) way is an insult. Has greediness blinded EA completely or we''ll witness even harsher examples?

Edited by Preston_Violent
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It never ceases to amaze me how people miss the entire point. Being a subscriber, buying cartel packs are the ways of supporting the game. Subscribers that buy regularly off CM make the most loyal and supportive base. And this base patience and generosity is being shock-tested in a pretty cheap (pun intended) way. This "experiment" on subs who support the game the most direct (financial) way is an insult. Has greediness blinded EA completely or we''ll witness even harsher examples?


This sums up my thoughts exactly.

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It never ceases to amaze me how people miss the entire point. Being a subscriber, buying cartel packs are the ways of supporting the game. Subscribers that buy regularly off CM make the most loyal and supportive base. And this base patience and generosity is being shock-tested in a pretty cheap (pun intended) way. This "experiment" on subs who support the game the most direct (financial) way is an insult. Has greediness blinded EA completely or we''ll witness even harsher examples?


Who said this latest pack was an experiment? Last I heard Eric said the rare drop rate was business as usual. Are you talking about the legacy unlock prices?

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Who said this latest pack was an experiment? Last I heard Eric said the rare drop rate was business as usual. Are you talking about the legacy unlock prices?


Eric said "With the Star Cluster pack, we were trying out some new things". New things.

Thing # 1: drop rate has never been "normal" like this, everyone has noticed it but EA deny it. So we're all foolishly mistaken and they're correct? Right...

Thing # 2: meet the suddenly ridiculously high unlock prices.


Summary: subs that buy cartel crap do not buy enough. Gotta try to trick them into buying more by adjusting drop rates of different pieces of the same set and then having them rubbing their eyes at unlock prices. So what BW is too lazy to stuff packs with 100% newly-designed, never-before-seen in the game things? So what they haven't done a lot lately to deserve any other support but monthly subscription? So freaking what?


Too bad there are people who appear to be way too cool with this state of things, seeing no issues here. Are you really blind or just pretending?


And allow me to remind you this is not the 1st experiment of this sort. Some while ago they already tried something similar by making almost every 2nd item of a pack super rare drop. Back then they pretty much got away with it. This time, doesn't seem so. This "trying out some new things" hopefully will prove to BW that, what a surprise, but SW fans' loyalty does have limits.

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It never ceases to amaze me how people miss the entire point. Being a subscriber, buying cartel packs are the ways of supporting the game. Subscribers that buy regularly off CM make the most loyal and supportive base. And this base patience and generosity is being shock-tested in a pretty cheap (pun intended) way. This "experiment" on subs who support the game the most direct (financial) way is an insult. Has greediness blinded EA completely or we''ll witness even harsher examples?


I don't see how this is an insult. The thing is that for CM Packs to stay interesting, there has to be a reason for people to buy them. There is nothing complicated about it. The balance has to be struck then between availability and rareness. I personally think that CM Packs in the past have been available too long causing stuff to be to cheap. I think the average amount of CM packs bought per active player has gone up. It may be my perception but there are people buying them by the crates and it seems more than ever.


So now this pack will be available for a relatively short time but already there was tons of stuff on the GTN from this pack. If anything it proves to me that there is an issue with rarity (especially sets where most items are flooding the GTN but the helm and chest piece are extremely rare) and not an issue with there not being enough packs bought to flood the market in game.


I bought the packs I am going to buy and I want the new ones coming out. So why do others need these particular packs to be available for months to come? There is no reputation linked to these packs, so it's either buy some of it or don't. Chances are they'll come back at a later stage when there is a drought. Previous packs have been brought out again as well, even at reduced prices.


But understand if rarity goes down because too many packs of a kind are sold, it brings down gtn prices too much so a number of people will lose interest in buying them.

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I don't see how this is an insult. The thing is that for CM Packs to stay interesting, there has to be a reason for people to buy them. There is nothing complicated about it. The balance has to be struck then between availability and rareness. I personally think that CM Packs in the past have been available too long causing stuff to be to cheap. I think the average amount of CM packs bought per active player has gone up. It may be my perception but there are people buying them by the crates and it seems more than ever.


So now this pack will be available for a relatively short time but already there was tons of stuff on the GTN from this pack. If anything it proves to me that there is an issue with rarity (especially sets where most items are flooding the GTN but the helm and chest piece are extremely rare) and not an issue with there not being enough packs bought to flood the market in game.


I bought the packs I am going to buy and I want the new ones coming out. So why do others need these particular packs to be available for months to come? There is no reputation linked to these packs, so it's either buy some of it or don't. Chances are they'll come back at a later stage when there is a drought. Previous packs have been brought out again as well, even at reduced prices.


But understand if rarity goes down because too many packs of a kind are sold, it brings down gtn prices too much so a number of people will lose interest in buying them.

There are tons of lower pieces and gloves, belts, boots, bracers. The chests and helms have dropped at a disproportionate rate compared to the rest, and at a far lower rate than is the norm in packs. They admitted that they were "trying something new" out in regards to both drop rates and CC unlock costs. Emote normal cost: 60 for standard, 240 for the more "desirable" ones; this pack 600 CCs. They admitted that they were testing the waters, and have no plans to made adjustments. They of course admitted none of this before putting the pack on sale. It shows what they think of those who spend money on the CM as a whole.

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Eric said "With the Star Cluster pack, we were trying out some new things". New things.

Thing # 1: drop rate has never been "normal" like this, everyone has noticed it but EA deny it. So we're all foolishly mistaken and they're correct? Right...

Thing # 2: meet the suddenly ridiculously high unlock prices.


Summary: subs that buy cartel crap do not buy enough. Gotta try to trick them into buying more by adjusting drop rates of different pieces of the same set and then having them rubbing their eyes at unlock prices. So what BW is too lazy to stuff packs with 100% newly-designed, never-before-seen in the game things? So what they haven't done a lot lately to deserve any other support but monthly subscription? So freaking what?


Too bad there are people who appear to be way too cool with this state of things, seeing no issues here. Are you really blind or just pretending?


And allow me to remind you this is not the 1st experiment of this sort. Some while ago they already tried something similar by making almost every 2nd item of a pack super rare drop. Back then they pretty much got away with it. This time, doesn't seem so. This "trying out some new things" hopefully will prove to BW that, what a surprise, but SW fans' loyalty does have limits.


So the subs run Bioware/EA? No. They are a business and can run it however they see fit. They listen to our feedback and have made changes accordingly. There is no need to QQ over a business that needs to show decent profits in order to keep a game going.

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I don't see how this is an insult. The thing is that for CM Packs to stay interesting, there has to be a reason for people to buy them. There is nothing complicated about it. The balance has to be struck then between availability and rareness. I personally think that CM Packs in the past have been available too long causing stuff to be to cheap. I think the average amount of CM packs bought per active player has gone up. It may be my perception but there are people buying them by the crates and it seems more than ever.


So now this pack will be available for a relatively short time but already there was tons of stuff on the GTN from this pack. If anything it proves to me that there is an issue with rarity (especially sets where most items are flooding the GTN but the helm and chest piece are extremely rare) and not an issue with there not being enough packs bought to flood the market in game.


I bought the packs I am going to buy and I want the new ones coming out. So why do others need these particular packs to be available for months to come? There is no reputation linked to these packs, so it's either buy some of it or don't. Chances are they'll come back at a later stage when there is a drought. Previous packs have been brought out again as well, even at reduced prices.


But understand if rarity goes down because too many packs of a kind are sold, it brings down gtn prices too much so a number of people will lose interest in buying them.


Couldn't agree more. There needs to be rare items in this game like Revan's gear.

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So the subs run Bioware/EA? No. They are a business and can run it however they see fit. They listen to our feedback and have made changes accordingly. There is no need to QQ over a business that needs to show decent profits in order to keep a game going.


Since it is not a QQ to mention that it was not wise to refrain from informing players about the pack details beforehand IMO, then I guess the idea that folks are doing that is fine.


IMO this was a silly mistake on the devs part. Obviously some folks did not react well to the lack of info, and I think that is justified. Bioware should have known better.


Just my slant.

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So the subs run Bioware/EA? No. They are a business and can run it however they see fit. They listen to our feedback and have made changes accordingly. There is no need to QQ over a business that needs to show decent profits in order to keep a game going.


There is a very huge disbalance between how much BW/EA tends to give subs in swtor and how much they want to receive. It's been said many times how little they've given pve-ers lately and pvp-ers have got even less than that. And at the same time BW/EA is more than accurate to add reskins for sale. That it is how it's been. But when greed overwhelms them and they start seeking new ways of getting more (forgetting, however, to give more first) that it what causes outcries like this.


... a business that needs to show decent profits in order to keep a game going.


That is exactly the problem. This business needs to show decent profits but it regularly forgets to show its customers decent new (in-game) products.

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