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WTH Embargoing the Star Cluster pack in 2.8.1???


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Refusing to buy does indeed need to be part of what we do, but there is nothing wrong with also using the forum as a... well, as a forum to explain why we aren't buying them.


No, no. Don't get me wrong... the forum is absolutely a great place to record your outrage. I just meant that I don't fault them for trying something new. I mean, they don't know what works best if they don't futz about with it from time to time.

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Why???? The Bounty ones should be embargoed before the new ones!!


Hey Mureyu,


Good question, let me explain a bit about this shipment of packs and how it works. The first thing that many of you noticed is that this shipment does not have a reputation track, this is intentional. The Star Cluster pack and the Club Vertica pack are a smaller, special shipment which is intended to run during Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event.


What you will see is that Star Cluster will become embargoed on the launch of 2.8.1, which will also mark the launch of Club Vertica. Similarly, Club Vertica will only be available up to, or before, the launch of 2.9. I don't have an exact date on when Club Vertica will be embargoed but I will let you know when I do. However, it should be noted that it will embargo during the Nightlife Event.


Again, these were two packs made specifically around the Nightlife event and they work a little differently then some of our others have. When messaging this we were treating it like we do a normal pack and messaging an embargo approximately 1-2 weeks out.


I hope that explains the embargo timing.



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Hey Mureyu,


Good question, let me explain a bit about this shipment of packs and how it works. The first thing that many of you noticed is that this shipment does not have a reputation track, this is intentional. The Star Cluster pack and the Club Vertica pack are a smaller, special shipment which is intended to run during Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event.


What you will see is that Star Cluster will become embargoed on the launch of 2.8.1, which will also mark the launch of Club Vertica. Similarly, Club Vertica will only be available up to, or before, the launch of 2.9. I don't have an exact date on when Club Vertica will be embargoed but I will let you know when I do. However, it should be noted that it will embargo during the Nightlife Event.


Again, these were two packs made specifically around the Nightlife event and they work a little differently then some of our others have. When messaging this we were treating it like we do a normal pack and messaging an embargo approximately 1-2 weeks out.


I hope that explains the embargo timing.




Well, this shipment has been one massive PR balls-up hasn't it.


You've screwed up the item drop rates, jacked up the unlock prices and failed to mention the shortened shelf-life.


Gratz, you have managed to further dent players confidence in the Cartel Market and these gamble boxes in particular.


Someone in marketing needs a slap for this one.

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Hey Mureyu,


Good question, let me explain a bit about this shipment of packs and how it works. The first thing that many of you noticed is that this shipment does not have a reputation track, this is intentional. The Star Cluster pack and the Club Vertica pack are a smaller, special shipment which is intended to run during Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event.


What you will see is that Star Cluster will become embargoed on the launch of 2.8.1, which will also mark the launch of Club Vertica. Similarly, Club Vertica will only be available up to, or before, the launch of 2.9. I don't have an exact date on when Club Vertica will be embargoed but I will let you know when I do. However, it should be noted that it will embargo during the Nightlife Event.


Again, these were two packs made specifically around the Nightlife event and they work a little differently then some of our others have. When messaging this we were treating it like we do a normal pack and messaging an embargo approximately 1-2 weeks out.


I hope that explains the embargo timing.




that is really something you could have explained and told players weeks ago instead of the day the packs went on embargo. You guys told us specifically with the First grand aquisitions pack and yet you kept silent for so long on this pack!?

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This whole thread is one big back and forth with the same people screaming the same thing over and over again.




this is not the first time and most likely will not be the last time that within a set certain items have been rarer then others.


They can charge whatever the hell they want for collections and no reason to continue to *****. Just don't buy from the collections.




Everyone should have known something was different about this shipment from the beginning.

-Starting with No Rep

-Different experiment in how to handle crafting mats

-Only 2 packs (including no small one)

-The fact that in collections it doesn't even say shipment 4 (or whatever number we are on)



Sure bioware could have given us more notice but they didn't and really didn't have to. The packs have always been gambling packs. Bioware has never publicly put out any information on the percent of drop rates so any "trust" is ******** since they have not broke anything they have said. Just assumptions by the community that things won't change or that they are a certain way.

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Sure bioware could have given us more notice but they didn't and really didn't have to. The packs have always been gambling packs. Bioware has never publicly put out any information on the percent of drop rates so any "trust" is ******** since they have not broke anything they have said. Just assumptions by the community that things won't change or that they are a certain way.


still you would think that a marketing team would have at least told everyone in advance that this was a limited time pack in advance so people would have bought a lot more and increased sales...

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still you would think that a marketing team would have at least told everyone in advance that this was a limited time pack in advance so people would have bought a lot more and increased sales...


It still hasn't been embargoed yet though. 2 weeks left (assuming they follow their standard schedule)

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still you would think that a marketing team would have at least told everyone in advance that this was a limited time pack in advance so people would have bought a lot more and increased sales...


That would also explain why unlocks cost more. Because the items are "special." I don't see anything wrong with the packs themselves, but they certainly could have done a better job setting expectations.

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yeah but all I see is the hypercrate, not the actual pack, or did I miss something


Its in there somewhere (I saw it last night).

I am at work right now and I can't point out exactly where it is. But last I saw it was on the main page as a smaller box next to the hyper crate.

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Its in there somewhere (I saw it last night).

I am at work right now and I can't point out exactly where it is. But last I saw it was on the main page as a smaller box next to the hyper crate.


huh, guess thats what happens when I game without my glasses lol

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Well, this shipment has been one massive PR balls-up hasn't it.


You've screwed up the item drop rates, jacked up the unlock prices and failed to mention the shortened shelf-life.


Gratz, you have managed to further dent players confidence in the Cartel Market and these gamble boxes in particular.


Someone in marketing needs a slap for this one.


This so-called 'blunder' will affect nothing, sadly. Not enough players care about it and will continue to buy CC whenever there's a new pack, regardless of the ramifications.

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None of this is that big a deal. I don't mind experiments. The datacrons in packs was an experiment that told them we don't want story content through packs. This whole pack has been an experiment as well. I will hold off on purchasing any packs in the future until I am more confident there is more bang for my buck. Any who are complaining just do the same and continue providing your feedback and we won't have this issue again.


Bioware just please communicate such facts in the future. It is always better, especially when dealing with real money, how long something will be available. You'll find people purchase even more if they think it is going to be a very limited time offer in advance.

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What you will see is that Star Cluster will become embargoed on the launch of 2.8.1, which will also mark the launch of Club Vertica. Similarly, Club Vertica will only be available up to, or before, the launch of 2.9. I don't have an exact date on when Club Vertica will be embargoed but I will let you know when I do. However, it should be noted that it will embargo during the Nightlife Event.




So will there be the same issues with the Club Vertica pack that you have with this one Eric? Specifically the extreme rarity of some items as well as the outrageous unlock fees? Is that what your customers should expect going forward, since we're now talking at least 3 updates between "normal" pack releases? Or is this going to be the new norm? You've got a lot of upset buyers right now Eric...I think you'd be wise to address their concerns and frustrations.

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So will there be the same issues with the Club Vertica pack that you have with this one Eric? Specifically the extreme rarity of some items as well as the outrageous unlock fees? Is that what your customers should expect going forward, since we're now talking at least 3 updates between "normal" pack releases? Or is this going to be the new norm? You've got a lot of upset buyers right now Eric...I think you'd be wise to address their concerns and frustrations.


He already stated that these were different and intended to coincide with the event. Why are you fighting for what's already there?

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He already stated that these were different and intended to coincide with the event. Why are you fighting for what's already there?

Because he also stated yesterday that the team "heard the concerns" so I was wondering if those concerns were being addressed or simply heard.

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So will there be the same issues with the Club Vertica pack that you have with this one Eric? Specifically the extreme rarity of some items as well as the outrageous unlock fees? Is that what your customers should expect going forward, since we're now talking at least 3 updates between "normal" pack releases? Or is this going to be the new norm? You've got a lot of upset buyers right now Eric...I think you'd be wise to address their concerns and frustrations.


^This. Before they step in the same pile of bantha poodoo.

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