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I completely understand WHY you're upset...you have every right to be.


What I dislike is how THIS is the one issue that has so many traditional "defenders" up in arms. THIS is a 100% optional and completely VOLUNTARY purchase, that has ZERO impact on anyone's ability to enjoy the game.


When Bioware removed Ilum, they cheered and made posts hoping PvPers would leave the game. When Bioware changed all our 50 PvP gear to remove Expertise, they laughed at those of us who complained. When Bioware removed 8v8 ranked WZ's, they antagonized the PvPers. When PvPers complain about the lack of WZ maps, they declare that this is a PvE game. When PvEers complain about the boredom they're going through now, they mock them. No matter WHO complained before this, they defended Bioware and chastised the player...and suddenly, on some 100% fluff freaking item, they get upset? I DO NOT GET IT!


Don't like it? Don't buy it. It doesn't impact my gameplay at all!!!! Not even a tiny bit. ZERO!


I agree with their outrage, they should be upset...they were taken advantage of...but they never do the same for anyone else. Unlike them, I think THEY matter too and their issue is MY issue because WE are the community, no matter what we like to do individually.

I love this post... so much. The truth has been spoken, the defenders have been SERVED.

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Well I'm not paying 600 cc's to unlock ONE mount. We get 500 a month as subscribers...that should be able to pay for an unlock. Roll your eyes all you like. Just because you don't mind being ripped off isn't my problem.


Your choice to make. But the reality is that if it is a mount that you would like multiple copies of on multiple characters.... refusing to pay a 600cc unlock is just shooting yourself in the foot.


Personally, while I collect a copy of every mount, I do not unlock all of them. Some I just store in case I want them later, others I see them cheap on the GTN so I buy multiple copies instead of one copy+unlock. Some I do unlock, even at 600cc because: 1) individual copies are simply too expensive on the GTN to sensibly go that route. 2) it's a mount I really like and I want to use it on multiple characters or across multiple servers. 3) I have plenty of FREE cartel coins accumulated to unlock anything I choose to, since I do not spend them on packs I have plenty.


And the eyeroll was directed at your false information presented as fact. :rolleyes:

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This broke my trust in this game and this company.


And no, those of you who claim the company was milking its customers were not "right all along". The previous prices were not milking the customers. They were pretty fair for cosmetic items.

And the unlock prices were pretty fair too.


But this was not fair.


that and knowing perfectly well it was intended and telling us they were "looking into it" telling us they were looking for a bug. it will be a long time before I trust anything they say.

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They wanted to see just how much people would pay for some unlocks...


They couldn't TELL people before hand that this was a test... far less people would have bought them, and the test would have been skewed.


If you judge the unlocks to be too expensive... just don't buy them.. I don't get what the problem is here...


Mounts like the rancor SHOULD be extremely rare... otherwise, they aren't as awesome to see and obtain.


I'm not a big fan of EA's practices in anyway tbh, but this all seems like a petty thing to get upset about.


why should a rancor be rare? why not make it more rare and only allow 1 to exist in the game at a time? devs design content for all players. they would prefer if everyone pvp'd, raided, rp'd etc. but to make your best content only accessable by 2% of your customers is self defeating. you dont need to be a special snowflake. anyone joining the game today cannot get the achievment for having all mounts..cant have all of them now. one less thing to keep people going in game. a minor one, but its there.

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Rarity does not mean unique. Rarity, in the case of MMO's, means that the number of players who will obtain one is limited in some way or another.


What is the rarest mount in game right now? I'd say the NiM DP mount. It used to be the NiM SnV mount, which is still pretty rare. Why? Simply because there are few groups capable of clearing the content and when it drops only one of the group gets it.


Rarity in this case refers to the players with the ability to obtain. When referring to the drop rates of the event packs, it is the RNG chance of obtaining a mount. Much as the less than one percent chance of obtaining the Rancor from the slot machines makes them rare. The players that have the slot machine Rancor fall into two groups, both of which are also rare: The lucky and the wealthy.


The uproar over the change in the drop rates for rare items in the event packs most likely involves the fact that these cost real money and messing with people spending real money on virtual goods is a sure way to enrage them in ways other things can not. Since I don't spend real money on packs any longer, it doesn't affect me It just means I may have to either earn more credits for packs or simply buy what I want when it is available and the price might be higher than normal since the drop rates are screwy.


You can't have unique items in a game. I remember being the only WoW player on my server with the Insane title. It didn't last long as others began completing the grind for it but any time someone saw it they asked how or where I got it. If it were unique, it would most likely give these people who liked and wanted the title a bad perception of the game since they wouldn't be able to get it. But because they could, if they put the insane time, effort and gold into it, get the title.


It seems EA/BW has learned their lesson on this. I believe they have stated through their champion that such a thing wouldn't happen again. Now, if they do, at some point, do something like this...after having said they wouldn't...then I fully expect a fecal weather phenomenon to erupt.

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Oknows....... My feet are getting wet cause someone is crying a river or crocodile tears.


Really guy.

Let's put this is perspective: Bioware decided to test the waters on a new idea for the packs & unlocks for more revenue (buying cartel coins) which in turn creates more revenue for content. It was a bust and we didn't like it. Most people who buys packs who post here posted negative feedback and they heard us loud and clear.




Oh yeah, the problem is drama and crying foul.

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Oknows....... My feet are getting wet cause someone is crying a river or crocodile tears.


Really guy.

Let's put this is perspective: Bioware decided to test the waters on a new idea for the packs & unlocks for more revenue (buying cartel coins) which in turn creates more revenue for content. It was a bust and we didn't like it. Most people who buys packs who post here posted negative feedback and they heard us loud and clear.




Oh yeah, the problem is drama and crying foul.


The problem is what they did and how they handled it was unethical and the customer are speaking out about how BW tested something without telling anyone maybe even other departments there. Because the question was brought if it was a bug or if it was meant to be, it took them 6 days to say its not a bug it was a test. So either a) there is NO internal communication or b) they think we are idiots and were going to milk us as long as they could before telling us about their changes. You maybe fine with what they did and that is fine, that is your opinion. Some player aren't and they are voicing their opinions. Why don't you respect someone else opinion instead of resorting to childish tactics.

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I would say "a taste of their own medicine", but the fact is that traditional "critics" here are being the better men and acknowledging that this grievance is legitimate, despite the past dismissals of other grievances by the "defenders".


ok, no offense, but seriously, stop pretending like everyone who was a "defender" insulted and attacked people for their grievances. And what are you talking about them being the "better men", a bunch of them came in here nad either insulted the op, or called him and others hypocrites and started ranting about "defenders" or both, I am sick of this crap man, a few guys insulting you for your problems and suddenly now every "defender" does it!? seriously this needs to freakin stop, and stop pretending that all the traditional "critics" are taking the high road either, because while some are legitimate, others just took the opportunity to mudslinging and freakin insult "defenders" so stop acting like they are "justified". That is like saying a guy on the bus spit on you so now every time you go on the bus you are allowed to spit on everyone.

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ok, no offense, but seriously, stop pretending like everyone who was a "defender" insulted and attacked people for their grievances...


No not all of them. But the same few are notorious for ridiculing and insulting anyone who posts their grievances.


They are the same ones and the first to dismiss your opinion and suggest you leave the game.

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No not all of them. But the same few are notorious for ridiculing and insulting anyone who posts their grievances.


They are the same ones and the first to dismiss your opinion and suggest you leave the game.


but I have noted people insulting many of the others and calling it "justified". Basically here is the best way I can get this across as I posted earlier: its like saying a guy on the bus spit on you so now every time you go on the bus you are allowed to spit on everyone.

I do not know how I can be clearer than that, this "defender" and "hater" garbage is getting more and more annoying than I thought possible each day.

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but I have noted people insulting many of the others and calling it "justified". Basically here is the best way I can get this across as I posted earlier: its like saying a guy on the bus spit on you so now every time you go on the bus you are allowed to spit on everyone.

I do not know how I can be clearer than that, this "defender" and "hater" garbage is getting more and more annoying than I thought possible each day.


I would kick the guy's butt and spit on him, give him a taste of his own medicine.

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I would kick the guy's butt and spit on him, give him a taste of his own medicine.


but would you spit on other people nearby who happen to wear the same Arizona Cardinals shirt, and start spitting on them even though they are not even associated with the guy spitting on other people at all ( except that they are of course both fans), and making everyone else have to listen about how all Cardinals fans are so rude and they all deserve to be spat upon?

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but would you spit on other people nearby who happen to wear the same Arizona Cardinals shirt, and start spitting on them even though they are not even associated with the guy spitting on other people at all ( except that they are of course both fans), and making everyone else have to listen about how all Cardinals fans are so rude and they all deserve to be spat upon?


Dude.....where you going???


Yes, I would spit on anyone wearing the same red shirt...


...that spat on me.


Actually I would just knock them on their butt sideways. This spit talk is disgusting.

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Dude.....where you going???


Yes, I would spit on anyone wearing the same red shirt...


...that spat on me.


Actually I would just knock them on their butt sideways. This spit talk is disgusting.


where I am going is that those people were only wearing the same clothing but otherwise had no association with the guy who spat on you. So would go up to the people who were not even involved in that mans gross show of disrespect and you would go spit on them and disrespect them!?


So is it ok to disrespect people who other than sharing a few beliefs have no other association with the person who clearly lacks the social tact and manners to respect other people and their opinions?



Where I am going with this is that its NOT OK to treat disrespect people who all share a similar opinion just because one or two of them (but not the rest) openly disrespected you, and that is what I would like to stop ( that and all the "defender" or "apologist" or "hater" or whatever talk, that gets annoying too)

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where I am going is that those people were only wearing the same clothing but otherwise had no association with the guy who spat on you. So would go up to the people who were not even involved in that mans gross show of disrespect and you would go spit on them and disrespect them!?


So is it ok to disrespect people who other than sharing a few beliefs have no other association with the person who clearly lacks the social tact and manners to respect other people and their opinions?



Where I am going with this is that its NOT OK to treat disrespect people who all share a similar opinion just because one or two of them (but not the rest) openly disrespected you, and that is what I would like to stop ( that and all the "defender" or "apologist" or "hater" or whatever talk, that gets annoying too)


I never said it was okay to retaliate against a whole group. I stated the notorious few.


In your bus example, I said I would retaliate back only to the people who assaulted me. Not the entire red shirt wearing group.


See what you are doing? You are preaching to me....putting me in a broad group of people and assuming things about me.

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I never said it was okay to retaliate against a whole group. I stated the notorious few.


In your bus example, I said I would retaliate back only to the people who assaulted me. Not the entire red shirt wearing group.


See what you are doing? You are preaching to me....putting me in a broad group of people and assuming things about me.


no I am just trying the get the point across using rhetorical questions to point out the ridiculousness of how people are insulting other people ( as in, "the defenders are getting a taste of their own medicine" and "deserve it" even though I know "defenders" who do not insult people at all), not preaching or targeting you at all I was just trying to clarify my metaphor and was surprised it wasn't as clear as I thought it was. If anyone would have asked about the metaphor and/or responded they would have gotten similar answers ( depending on what they asked or what they said of course). Sorry I was trying to be clearer.

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This is a company out to make money. That is their first priority. You need to fully expect every decision they make to be first and foremost framed by the question of cost.


There is a difference between knowing this intellectually, and, well, having the game smack you in the face with it.


That's kind of how I felt after BW removed 8v8 ranked after a bunch of folks paid to transfer servers to play it. I don't like *feeling* like a customer while I'm playing my video game - even though I am. I don't want to be reminded of that.

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There is a difference between knowing this intellectually, and, well, having the game smack you in the face with it.


That's kind of how I felt after BW removed 8v8 ranked after a bunch of folks paid to transfer servers to play it. I don't like *feeling* like a customer while I'm playing my video game - even though I am. I don't want to be reminded of that.


Feeling like a customer shouldn't be a bad thing. We're customers in a lot of places and most of those places treat us well. If you don't think so, hit your favorite restaurant and notice the difference in treatment between that company and this one. This is one of the things that BW hasn't fixed since the game started: valuing their customers. There should have been notification, period, of the changes they were making to the drop rates. Instead, they ran a bait-and-switch: here's something that looks and works a lot like what you think you're buying, but not really. Then they offered a quasi-apology when they got caught, and did so in a fashion that admits that they did it on purpose but does not acknowledge any fault with the idea. Once again, BW and EA demonstrate that they don't truly value their customers any more.

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The solution to what I see as the current problem is as follows.....


Publicly state from this day forward that any release of this type that deviates from the norm with respect to packs will have the particulars announced prior to the release.


Also state that from this day forward they will make doubly sure that the proper rarity is enabled in the item tooltip, and the collection costs will be listed for each item prior to sale.


This is the only sensible solution to the current problem IMO.

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