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Balance Shadow PvE Guide by MKnightRider


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Regarding the non-A vs. A mod topic...


Just to expand on the bonus damage numbers a little. With the Force Might (1.05* bonus damage) and the Force Valour (1.05*willpower) buff, we get the following:


Aptitude Mod 36 (89 Willpower, 75 Power, 164 stat points) = 1.05 [(1.05*0.2*89) + (0.23*75)] = 37.737

Aptitude Mod 34 (82 Willpower, 69 Power, 151 stat points) = 1.05 [(1.05*0.2*82) + (0.23*69)] = 34.74

Aptitude Mod 33 (75 Willpower, 63 Power, 151 stat points) = 1.05 [(1.05*0.2*75) + (0.23*63)] = 31.752


Aptitude Mod 36A (108 Willpower, 43 Power, 151 stat points) = 1.05 [(1.05*0.2*108) + (0.23*43)] = 34.19

Aptitude Mod 34A (99 Willpower, 39 Power, 138 stat points) = 1.05 [(1.05*0.2*99) + (0.23*39)] = 31.248


Which means, Aptitude Mod 36 > Aptitude Mode 34 > Aptitude Mod 36A > Aptitude Mod 33 > Aptitude Mode 34A

(for sages with the +6% willpower in the skill tree, there is no difference in this order. At a lower gear level though, it does make Aptitude Mod 33A very slight better (by 0.07) than Aptitude Mod 31.)


So when thinking of upgrading mods here's small list,

Aptitude Mod 36 > Aptitude Mod 34, by 2.997

Aptitude Mod 36 > Aptitude Mod 36A, by 3.547


Aptitude Mod 34 > Aptitude Mod 33, by 2.998

Aptitude Mod 34 > Aptitude Mod 34A by 3.492


Aptitude Mod 36A > Aptitude Mod 33, by 2.438

Aptitude Mode 36A > Aptitude Mode 34A, by 2.942


TLDR: In terms of bonus damage from Aptitude Mods for Shadows and Sages, Aptitude Mod 36 > Aptitude Mode 34 > Aptitude Mod 36A > Aptitude Mod 33 > Aptitude Mode 34A

Edited by leto_cleon
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how about the classes who has +x% main stat is the 36A better then the 34 non letter or still 36 < 34 < 36A ?


Made a google doc detailing the math. Here's the link. In short, 36A never has better bonus damage, but with the extra crit it provides, is outright better at 9% main stat bonus (as all specs benefit from crit at least a little, and the bonus damage difference is ~.06, and thus negligible). It's just questionable at 6%, due to the benefit to crit being so small (the differential is ~.05% crit chance (additive to the overall chance!) all around). The differentials are just staggeringly insignificant. Even as a Shadow, you lose less than 6 bonus damage going from 34 to 36A, and gain less than .6% crit chance over the course of all 9 mods. A detailed analysis could tell you if that's worth it, but I'm not willing to go through that kind of effort.

Edited by Aelanis
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Made a google doc detailing the math.


Ah I see you've rounded up the multiplier for the stat boosts (1.11 instead of 1.113 for +6% and 1.14 instead of 1.1145). There is a slight problem.


1.09*1.05*0.2 = 0.2289 vs 1.14*0.2 = 0.228

1.06*1.05*0.2 = 0.226 vs 1.11*0.2 = 0.222

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Ah I see you've rounded up the multiplier for the stat boosts (1.11 instead of 1.113 for +6% and 1.14 instead of 1.1145). There is a slight problem.


1.09*1.05*0.2 = 0.2289 vs 1.14*0.2 = 0.228

1.06*1.05*0.2 = 0.226 vs 1.11*0.2 = 0.222


I thought the bonuses were additive with the Force Might boost, could have sworn I had checked that before. I'll double check and update soon. If I got it wrong, I'll make the fix, if not, I'll edit this post to let you know.


EDIT: Double checked, they are additive. Checked with buff, with talent, with buff and talent, and without either, and the increases were additive. I wish they were multiplicative, though.

Edited by Aelanis
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this discussion about the a-mods goes a similar way as the discussions about augments went a while ago. math behind it is exactly the same as you trade mainstat to power at a 1:1 ratio when going from an unlettered 34 mod to a 36A mod. it's like exchanging a willpower-augment for one with power. major consense was that the crit gained from mainstat is superior to the bonus-dmg loss compared to power. since the value of mainstat and power didn't change since then and the highest parses from sentinels and shadows (who don't have a talent increasing mainstat) were done with mainstat-augments i don't see a reason to argue about that. Edited by johnbgood
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi MKnightRider really amazing guide thanks, i got one question i link my AMR profile and my best parsec, i don't understand very well if my dps is good for my equip or not (i use a bound/clicker system to combat). Thank you for answers!



(in this try i lagged a bit, my APM usually is between 41-41,5)

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Hi MKnightRider really amazing guide thanks, i got one question i link my AMR profile and my best parsec, i don't understand very well if my dps is good for my equip or not (i use a bound/clicker system to combat). Thank you for answers!



(in this try i lagged a bit, my APM usually is between 41-41,5)


Looking at your gear I'd say you could definitely hit 3700. And your parse wasn't particularly lucky, only really good crit % was initial hit of MC. So I'd say you're doing pretty good, not too far off.


One thing I will say though is it looks like you need to work on keeping your Force Breach and Sever Force up more. Comparing my best parse to yours, you only had 7 more ticks of Sever Force and 15 more ticks of Force breach. My parse was almost a full minute quicker (53s to be more precise) but you only got 45s worth of ticks over me for Force Breach, and only 21s worth of ticks over me for Sever Force. You weren't too far off on FB, but SF definitely needs to be up more.


If you have more questions feel free to ask.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated OP:

  • Updated personal records for the dummy and added a video to go with it


So I guess I'll add this now. I will not be playing the game any longer come August 15th I think is when my sub runs out. Severity Gaming is no more and I am not enticed by any upcoming content and am also upset with the fact that they pushed the Infiltration buff back even farther. And even before SG died, I barely logged on except for raids and just didn't really enjoy playing as much. I also have real life things going on so it comes at a good time. I'm not going to say I'll never be back, because I just don't know, but as far as I'm concerned right now, it is very unlikely. Sorry if I didn't get back to some people but I just have been busy and haven't had much motivation to do much with regards to this game.


Hopefully Adixia/Aelanis/Civille/Dertygun/Ilnox/leto_cleon will still be playing and I'm sure if they see any questions they'll be more than happy to help. I hope the guide will keep doing its job at least until 3.0 comes out.


Farewell and thanks to everyone who has helped to make this game what it is. Good luck everyone with all your future endeavors.



Edited by MKnightRider
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Updated OP:

  • Updated personal records for the dummy and added a video to go with it


So I guess I'll add this now. I will not be playing the game any longer come August 15th I think is when my sub runs out. Severity Gaming is no more and I am not enticed by any upcoming content and am also upset with the fact that they pushed the Infiltration buff back even farther. And even before SG died, I barely logged on except for raids and just didn't really enjoy playing as much. I also have real life things going on so it comes at a good time. I'm not going to say I'll never be back, because I just don't know, but as far as I'm concerned right now, it is very unlikely. Sorry if I didn't get back to some people but I just have been busy and haven't had much motivation to do much with regards to this game.


Hopefully Adixia/Aelanis/Civille/Dertygun/Ilnox/leto_cleon will still be playing and I'm sure if they see any questions they'll be more than happy to help. I hope the guide will keep doing its job at least until 3.0 comes out.


Farewell and thanks to everyone who has helped to make this game what it is. Good luck everyone with all your future endeavors.




Hey man!


GL with ur RL :D I hope you will come back at leat for 3.0 :D


I'm not so good with Balance but..for now I always keep updated my online document compendium with ur guide ;)



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Good luck MK! thank you so much for this guide, it helped get me from a derpy 2.4 in my first infil parse to saying screw it and trying balance - now I'm so close to my next milestone!


If anyone of the other experienced people are still reading this, I could really use some help. Intellectually, I understand what to do during the execute phase, but it's completely tripping me up: http://www.torparse.com/a/737282/1/0/Damage+Dealt


So often I see force breach falling off, FiB off CD, and SS/MC proc'd/off cd all in the same global cooldown. I feel like I could be doing so much better (since the execute stuff for the shadow is beastly) but I'm tripping over my own feet once I get there. Any tips?

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Good luck MK! thank you so much for this guide, it helped get me from a derpy 2.4 in my first infil parse to saying screw it and trying balance - now I'm so close to my next milestone!


If anyone of the other experienced people are still reading this, I could really use some help. Intellectually, I understand what to do during the execute phase, but it's completely tripping me up: http://www.torparse.com/a/737282/1/0/Damage+Dealt


So often I see force breach falling off, FiB off CD, and SS/MC proc'd/off cd all in the same global cooldown. I feel like I could be doing so much better (since the execute stuff for the shadow is beastly) but I'm tripping over my own feet once I get there. Any tips?


If you are frustrating about losing DoTs on <30%hp phase..is not a problem, even MK lets them drop down if you follow the <30% priority..is no way to keep always up dots because you will have FOR SURE to use MC or SS or FiB instead to apply Dots.

The big issue is to keep enough Force to use everything u have!

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Honestly that's the biggest problem I have, to the point of silly amounts of saber strikes. Cloak solves the problem momentarily, but once respite falls off then I'm SoL again, and that's where I feel like I'm screwing myself over the most - AAing when I should be using more stronger attacks, but I'm out of resources :(
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Honestly that's the biggest problem I have, to the point of silly amounts of saber strikes. Cloak solves the problem momentarily, but once respite falls off then I'm SoL again, and that's where I feel like I'm screwing myself over the most - AAing when I should be using more stronger attacks, but I'm out of resources :(


Like Iinox said, don't worry about reapplying dots so much during the execute phase. You need to hit Spinning Strike within 2 globals of the proc (or you lose out on one in your next 10 second interval), and you need to apply Force in Balance on cooldown. Aside from that, saber strike as you need to to regain enough force to keep your other dots up. Mind Crush is always free, and the other two can be activated as you are able to in the execute phase. If they fall off for 1,2 and even 3 globals, it's okay, your other abilities hit so hard that it almost doesn't matter.

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Gotcha. How alright is it to use saber strike in the execute phase to get force back?


well, you wont to be always full of force ofc but it's really important.


Basically you swap some double strikes with saber strike to allow urself to use more spinning strike, it costs a bit more and you WANT force to use it every time, sometimes you have really lits of skill to use in a row..to prepare these situation you have to use saber strike..

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Hey guys, I'm an assassin who is recently trying to progress into hard modes and wanted to know how I could improve my dps if anyone could take a look. I know MK is quitting soon but if anyone else out there could offer some advice I would be very appreciative.


Also good luck with your future endevours MK and thanks for the guide


AMR Link: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/45f4ee0e-b707-47ff-a6d5-d688718962e3


Current best Tor Parse Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/741893/5/0/Damage+Dealt

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