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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Darth Angral (Spoilers)


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One try, level 32, sentinel watchman.


And I'm not sure you should assume everybody got to that point :/ . Just because YOU did it doesn't mean everybody checking out the forum did. So great for the spoilers dude.

Edited by Strayth
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I don't know why the screenshots I took on the moment of the fight (and cut scenes) now don't exist oO ...


It's not the first time that happens, maybe to prevent people from posting spoilers ?


Anyway, I am now level 33, at 10%-ish. I truly did it tonight, and just got my legacy name too ^^ .

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3 level 31 jedi guardian.


1: Completely trashed me


2: Learned I needed to interrupt and used my cooldowns got him to 8%~ish


3: Bought an endurance stim and med pack. I used Call of the Force and all other cooldowns finished with over 30% hp. It was actually pretty easy I thought = \

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You can't write




You kill Luke Skywalker.


On a thread that doesn't talk about it without notice.




Be specific before ruining the end of the class story for christ' sake -__________- . (yeah he kinda ruined it for me ... and made me excited too, but **** it :/ )


edit : I'll include that spoiler as a dream of the future.


But what you did wasn't smart. :/

Edited by Strayth
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Well you're all clearly *********** heroes.


15-20 times (I honestly lost count) and I gave up and called a L50 friend in to destroy it for me.


Not possible with a 250ms ping. Interrupts on the force lightning took too long - even when I nailed the interrupt perfectly I lost a large chunk of health because the intterupt didn't go through until the channelling was 3/4ths over.

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Well you're all clearly *********** heroes.


15-20 times (I honestly lost count) and I gave up and called a L50 friend in to destroy it for me.


Not possible with a 250ms ping. Interrupts on the force lightning took too long - even when I nailed the interrupt perfectly I lost a large chunk of health because the intterupt didn't go through until the channelling was 3/4ths over.


this guy is honest


I salute you man

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Odd question but why do I not see force push mentioned as being used by any of the guardians?


Force push works against most elites, champions and bosses save for ones with the special anti-CC debuff....and it makes a useful interupt/breath catcher since the duration is around 2 1/2 sec (0.5 sec air travelling, 2 sec grounded)


So in actuallity you have 3 interupts going into the fight!


Force Kick

Force Push

Force Stasis

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Wow surprised he gave so many so much trouble >.<


First try and I was juyo speced at level 30.


I opened with Zealous Strike>Overload Saber>Cauterize>Force Stasis>Master Strike>Slash>Overload Saber>Pacify>Force Kick when it was up and I needed the interrupt.


I think he got me down to about 60% before I potted and kept up the beat down.

Edited by StyxzieWaterz
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