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What Will Keep You Playing?


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What keeps me playing is that the moment I feel I HAVE to play is the exact moment I DON'T play. Furthermore, when I play I do whatever I feel like doing; I make no effort to complete anything: dailies, weekly, achievements, etc. Yes, every Tuesday and/or Wednesday I grab the dailies and weeklies characters do not have, but if a daily or weekly sits in the log for a month or more, I am OK with that.


The point is I do not let the mechanics of the game dictate my enjoyment of the game.

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what's keep me playing this game, playing along side with my companion hk-47 being called master and meat bag on occasion is hilarious. The nar shaddaa casino playing swoop racing and pazaak mini games what fun i have every night playing them. And the best part of this game is the instant ques 16 man ops bolstered nightmare modes which give me oricon/dread forged 180 gear so i can gear my toons easily :rolleyes:
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what's keep me playing this game, playing along side with my companion hk-47 being called master and meat bag on occasion is hilarious. The nar shaddaa casino playing swoop racing and pazaak mini games what fun i have every night playing them. And the best part of this game is the instant ques 16 man ops bolstered nightmare modes which give me oricon/dread forged 180 gear so i can gear my toons easily :rolleyes:
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What Will Keep You Playing?


If they stop making old stuffs available to everyone. I mean things like Rakata or older PvP sets that are now on the Cartel Market.


They miss the point of being a veteran in an MMO which is having rare things to show up. To this day the only thing that makes me stand out is that

, probably the only one item in game that is no longer available.


I swear that the day they make it purchasable, I'm out.

Edited by demotivator
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Maybe a concerted effort to improve PvP will make me strongly consider renewing my subscription otherwise when mine runs dry I'll just go Free to play. I don't want to play the victim card cause I only just recently started playing PvP, but it is lacking in repeat value of the PvE content.
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For me groups don't cut it. I been playing D2 since LOD came out and I grouped mainly except for MFing. Still this community seems different. I PVP and most folks are good to go and 15 minutes a Zone I can deal with the little yutts puffing their chest.

What would keep me here.

Class Stories

Legacy Storage that isn't lame. We will see in August.

After classes I would go crafting. I craft for my chrs. Once in a while I throw something on the GTN.

PVP is last on my list. If there was a pvp group finder like FPs even if you had to pick 1 or 2 you don't like and not get put in would be good.

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What will keep me playing?

New warzones (new match type)

New flashpoints more inline with the older ones .

Looking For Raid (Ops in this case)

Pod racing like they had on the N64(dreaming i know)


Things in game already that need to be changed

Remove keyboard turning and force new players to learn to mouse turn they are being done a disservice having A/D being bound to turn and not strafe.

Collection unlocks tied to cartel coins oh so bad.

Revising of the f2p model . By all means incentivise the subscription system, but there are so many better f2p models out there than this game

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Just about all the things that would get me back in the game myself they have said no to. That said; my son loves the game so I assume there are plenty like him that enjoy it for what it is rather than what they hope will be added. Its actually not a bad game; its just limited by its engines and apparently a small dev team I would assume since most things cannot be done due to too much lag or requiring too many resources.
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Hmm, interesting topic. I really like TOR, but it has been a bit disappointing lately and I'm considering whether or not to renew my FFXIV subscription. Some things that would help me stay interested:


- Beef up the Achievement system by adding more unique rewards. 20 CC's is not a good incentive for me.


- Companions! New canned dialogue, new customization, alternate role kits, completely new all-class Companions, whatever. Just . . . something! As a mostly solo player, I really love the Companion system in this game and it is a big draw for me.


- A way to gear up that is somewhere between "do oodles of solo dailies" and "group up" in terms of time and difficulty. I'm not talking about top tier stuff, more like the middle range gear. Why do I need gear if I don't want to group, you say? I am not an amazing player, just average, and I wouldn't find it fun to struggle through new areas that are tuned so as not to be laughably easy for people in higher tier gear.


And housing, as some others have mentioned, is what is currently enticing me the most. I'm hoping that it doesn't disappoint. :)

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Short term.


1. Probably nothing, PVP in its current format is totally dead now. A break is usually a good way to get one's Star Wars juices fired up again.


Long term.


1. Forced server merges. To be honest, this needs to happen now, not in 6 months. We only need one USA and one Euro server now. As a result I will get increased PVP pops and hopefully a better mix of allies/opponents. It is too stale now, same people all the time, the goods and the bads.


2. Less reliance from BW on milking players for everything they can. I am totally not against buying new things from the CM, however, I am very against lazy development, old armours being churned out to the masses in the guise of something new.


3. The return of 8v8 ranked.


4. Separate arena and warzone queue for regs. Whilst I accept arenas in ranked, I do not want to be forced to play them in regs, when regs are essentially a break from that playstyle.


5. An overhaul of the ranked ELO. To be fair, we might not need it if enough people are playing, since in theory the only thing really wrong with this system is the lack of players to make it effective and representative of the players achievements.


Anything else for me is merely fluff. Some of it I approve of, most of it I could not give a monkeys about.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I will certainly be re-subbing for the next 6 months (my sub expires in August). After that the only thing that will keep me re-subbing is new content geared specifically to a female player. Male companion species altering customizations and/or improvements and additions to the romances and flirts in the main body of the game. If that's not available by the time my year is done, I will finish all 8 class stories and that would be it.


Great game, but replayability is low for me because it takes so much grinding and work to try anything new in the same class story. And the QoL/fun diversions for a female toon lack for most classes.


I am not really interested in the cap increases and any generic repetitive content or PvP. I like a story, with a beginning and an end. I would replay with a couple favorite classes if I had changes I liked to see.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Various things have been mentioned. For me more content is a given or the interest of any game dies out and I think the game is due some content by now.


But very important for me as I enjoy leveling characters...I have 20 characters now, 15 of which are level 55. I will need more character slots soon....

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- new non-tactical FPs in normal and HM. HM Enrage timers being a bit more like the old 55 HM, not the Czerka ones, so they won't enrage when two DPS companions are being used. Long FPs with a bonus quest and filled with challenging trashmobs, not just with champions who take ages to be killed by tanks/healers/companions.


- new, humanoid, by both genders romanceable companions with decent customization options and a proper backgroundstory. They could be involved in a planetary questline (like Cytharat - I still want him as a companion).


- new planetary storylines. Personally, I don't need more class stories, but decent planetary ones, like Imperial Makeb. Don't make FPs or OPs required to do them and don't base them on daily quests as this was a huge disappointment for me with Oricon.


- something that makes me feel immersed, but atm I have no idea what that could be. I'll probably know it when I find it.



At the moment, I have no real hope to get any new content to my liking. Since Makeb there hasn't been any storyline which didn't require FPs or OPs and they were only a few cutscenes long without any real depth (in my opinion).


The only new companions we were given were Treek and HK. HK is fine, but not humanoid, but Treek is totally disppointing in my opinion. Both weren't humanoid, HK is difficult to equip compared to non-droid companions, and Treek's voice is horrible. Also both don't display gear, so all my adaptive armor is useless with them.


And for FPs, they only release tactical ones without bonus quests...


I love this game, I love the animations, the quests, the graphics, the skills, the VO and much more, but the only content I find myself regularily playing is the game as it was around 2.0. There haven't been many new things for me since, so I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep playing this game. I really don't mind them working on other content, but to keep me playing there's got to be something new to my liking, too.


Let's hope any of the upcoming updates will hold something for me.

Edited by Sorei
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Apparently sandbox mmos can't keep people in the game either (see the dismal failure that was SWG), so there's no hope.


SWG didn't fail because it was sandbox. It failed because Sony a long and rich history of living ina vacuum as well as quite possibly being insane about 2/3 of the time.

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I honestly took a break though I'm still subbed. I'm thinking about remaking a sage. I like playing the healing classes.


What I'd like to see I don't think can compare to other games....


Housing, my RP partner and I are playing Wildstar. Honestly, the housing is way beyond what I think SWTOR's is goiing to be but I'm hopeful it will be cool enough to bring us back at least part time.


No more Oricon type of content. That was ridiculous and lazy. If they're going to stay with planet stories, make them long, interesting and worth doing. Makeb was too short for major content. I would gladly pay for an xpac of several planets, deep planetary stories.


I think their RNG stinks and I think they need to put it back the way it used to be so that we had more of a chance to get good stuff out of the packs instead of junk we can't sell and have no use for, such as level 55 materials that no one wants to buy and none of my 450 crafters use.


They could bring back armors from the early days. There was this PvP battlemaster armor that I absolutely loved. I saw that they had something similar as flashpoint reward which is why I will make a sage and level her to end game but honestly, I find it a chore to log in because we have like four people left in our guild.

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I honestly took a break though I'm still subbed. I'm thinking about remaking a sage. I like playing the healing classes.


What I'd like to see I don't think can compare to other games....


Housing, my RP partner and I are playing Wildstar. Honestly, the housing is way beyond what I think SWTOR's is goiing to be but I'm hopeful it will be cool enough to bring us back at least part time.


No more Oricon type of content. That was ridiculous and lazy. If they're going to stay with planet stories, make them long, interesting and worth doing. Makeb was too short for major content. I would gladly pay for an xpac of several planets, deep planetary stories.


I think their RNG stinks and I think they need to put it back the way it used to be so that we had more of a chance to get good stuff out of the packs instead of junk we can't sell and have no use for, such as level 55 materials that no one wants to buy and none of my 450 crafters use.


They could bring back armors from the early days. There was this PvP battlemaster armor that I absolutely loved. I saw that they had something similar as flashpoint reward which is why I will make a sage and level her to end game but honestly, I find it a chore to log in because we have like four people left in our guild.


Completely unfair - not to mention inaccurate - statement.


First off, Oricon is a moon, not a planet. Second, it is patently obvious that it was designed first and foremost to be a daily area, which acts as a segue for the final showdown with the Dread Masters.


That's it.


Oricon was never meant to be on par with Vanilla TOR planets or even Makeb.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I've really taken it slow and easy since I started playing last summer. So there are still a bunch of brand-new class stories for me to explore and enjoy. Nothing ruins this game like rushing through it. Roleplaying -- that's what keeps me invested.
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