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dam so bored


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After level 55 and being fully geared the game gets kinda boring wish whe could reset our story missions :) and redo them :)


Boredom is a self-inflicted malady for humans.


A dolphin (or any sentient creature) languishing in a water pen against their will, ignored and given no stimulus = true boredom inflicted beyond the control of the recipient.


You are not a dolphin... you are a human being, with the freedom to do whatever you like (within social norms and law). Only you can mitigate your sense of boredom. Either expand your play horizon for the game....or find something else that does not bore you. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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I'm sure any ops groups wouldn't mind me stopping for a few minutes every now and again when IRL things get in the way- you know children, phone, work, wife, getting beer from the fridge, letting the cat out.... Not all of us live in basements without jobs or families you know. :)


And TBH starting an operation at midnight isn't really feasable - or at a lunchtime when I gotta be at work an hour later - or do pug ops groups start, do a couple of bosses and then reconvene another day?


And yes, buying 180 rating gear with credits is faster than grinding 3x HM 55s - for 12 ulti comms - when the chepest piece is 80 comms....IIRC And when I can make a million over a weekend when the stars align and crafters are in ascendancy.


But crafting and dailies are a grind....We all know that. -So what else is there? IMHO casual players are left in the cold at Level 55 - Once you've done 2 or 3 characters, it all is a bit same-y, no?

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It took me 3 years but I finally rolled a merc to enjoy Grey Delisles voice work (my PT is male). I thought I would hate the class since I generally prefer melee.


Wow was I wrong! Such a fun class. I know they get wrecked in ranked unless you're a ******, but I generally do top damage or near it in the lowbie bracket.

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Too bad you put the word bored in the title because people will just read that part and attack you.


Your idea about replaying the class story is awesome, I have always thought that would be a ton of fun.


Go back and do it again in all my gear and stuff, maybe making the instanced area of the quest as 55 level and it could be like a hardmode version of class quest

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After level 55 and being fully geared the game gets kinda boring wish whe could reset our story missions :) and redo them :)


Congratulations! You won the internet!


(Can't believe no one has said that yet)


I'm just playing with ya. I'm feeling the same. I have multiple alts, mostly dps, 1 healer, and now for the heck of it, I'm leveling a tank. Can't believe I'm doing all these damn missions over again for the 10 time. (Thank god for spacebar)


I know the Malibu Barbie Dream House patch is coming out in August which will probably entertain me for a day, maybe day and a half. More likely a couple of hours. Oh, let me go kill 10 whomp rats so I can make some curtains to put up in my bedroom.


Only thing to look forward to is next year (probably March due to delay, more testing, delay) is the next expansion where level cap will be raised a whole 5 levels to 60! Some say its coming this year but I haven't see any advertising for it. Have you? Normally, they have to advertise something for at least 6 months before release. And then delay cause they need more time testing it.


Damn I sound *****y.

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After level 55 and being fully geared the game gets kinda boring wish whe could reset our story missions :) and redo them :)


this is what you get when games give away max level like SW:TOR does


But if they slow down the leveling process to make the content last longer,


The same folks whining about being bored whine about grinding and not being handed everything


its a catch 22 with the modern gamer attitude that no developer can truly win or over come

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this is what you get when games give away max level like SW:TOR does


But if they slow down the leveling process to make the content last longer,


The same folks whining about being bored whine about grinding and not being handed everything


its a catch 22 with the modern gamer attitude that no developer can truly win or over come


well the level increase is coming which should at least add a bit more hopefully, but again we are kind of dark on the details.

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well the level increase is coming which should at least add a bit more hopefully, but again we are kind of dark on the details.


true but while I actually love Makeb and like CZ/Oricon


the last level increase wasnt a challenge level wise.


I came back about 3-4 months ago from a 14 month break and went from 50-55 in a week on my main.

Was astonished how fast I was leveling

Figured for sure 50-55 itself would take the same as 1-50 took


because the problem with TOR (one of the main problems) is they give everything away with little challenge or determination required.


So not holding my breath that next level increase will introduce any real difficulty to the level curve.


Because if it did the complainers would scream BLOODY MURDER about grinding and wha wha wha (seriously, they already do it for game as it exists now...which is absolutely mind boggling imo)


I think new levels will come and take a week or so to max them out and a month after you will be reading the complaints about being bored again.


On this topic I really do not think EA can win anymore.

If they had set the level curve to a more productive and enhanced setting at launch it would have alleviated many issue. But truthfully they lowered the level curve difficulty after beta for launch (exactly opposite of what majority of beta testers were saying to do on the beta forums).


But its to late now.

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this is what you get when games give away max level like SW:TOR does


But if they slow down the leveling process to make the content last longer,


The same folks whining about being bored whine about grinding and not being handed everything


its a catch 22 with the modern gamer attitude that no developer can truly win or over come


well since 10 month no real pve content ( i dont count nim mode only 3& of all raider play them) and its the fault of the OP ?

and yes i dont count boring tactical fps either, if ur raid geared u play them once for story and mb for some alt...


the devs can handle this easily: MORE CONTENT and no stupid summer passes to win some new subbers while thousends leave to other games with far more content

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And don't forget that a year or two between level cap increases gives a huge opportunity to gear beyond what is expected. Most 55s have some 180 rating gear already - even earned the hard way. - Their companions probably have too. This already punches above their weight in any solo PvE content these days. - Most will burn through 5 levels in a few hours or days, run the dailies a few times for the rep or the shineys....And then wiat.....and wait....


End game content -outside of raiding- needs a whole new approach.....


I'm no developer, but there must ba a way of letting the computer(s) come up with terrain, mobs, obstacles, assets, missions and content by itself, no?

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well since 10 month no real pve content ( i dont count nim mode only 3& of all raider play them) and its the fault of the OP ?

and yes i dont count boring tactical fps either, if ur raid geared u play them once for story and mb for some alt...


the devs can handle this easily: MORE CONTENT and no stupid summer passes to win some new subbers while thousends leave to other games with far more content


Actually I got a theory as to why we have not gotten more content over the last few months. With the level increase coming they might be waiting to release it all at once when it comes instead of releasing it now and having to rescale it up only months later. It seems possible to me, just wish they could tell us a bit more, then again though Bioware might have learned by now not to promise too much too soon when something is not completely certain otherwise it looks bad later if there is a delay or something.

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Actually I got a theory as to why we have not gotten more content over the last few months. With the level increase coming they might be waiting to release it all at once when it comes instead of releasing it now and having to rescale it up only months later. It seems possible to me, just wish they could tell us a bit more, then again though Bioware might have learned by now not to promise too much too soon when something is not completely certain otherwise it looks bad later if there is a delay or something.


Not a bad theory, but 3.0 (the assumed next BIG update) is at least 5-6 months away...Housing is being spread out over THREE updates alone...This game won't fare well on a year long content drought.

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Not a bad theory, but 3.0 (the assumed next BIG update) is at least 5-6 months away...Housing is being spread out over THREE updates alone...This game won't fare well on a year long content drought.


housing is over 3 updates, but there could be at least something with it in one of those updates too, you know how when stuff comes out and while there is a major area being focused on there are always some other features added as well? there is a possibility that we might get something else with the housing updates as well, after all didn't people a month or two back go on about how Forged Alliances would be a 3 part story? It was originally set to end at the end of this year, now we can assume naturally that with the housing pushback that this was pushed back too, but it it was the end originally at the end of the year, then that would signify that originally part 3 was set to be released at that time period. That means that at some point part 2 was set to be released between part 1 and the end of the year. Again part 3 was probably pushed back but part 2 might still see its way in game with one of those updates. Just a thought.

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housing is over 3 updates, but there could be at least something with it in one of those updates too, you know how when stuff comes out and while there is a major area being focused on there are always some other features added as well? there is a possibility that we might get something else with the housing updates as well, after all didn't people a month or two back go on about how Forged Alliances would be a 3 part story? It was originally set to end at the end of this year, now we can assume naturally that with the housing pushback that this was pushed back too, but it it was the end originally at the end of the year, then that would signify that originally part 3 was set to be released at that time period. That means that at some point part 2 was set to be released between part 1 and the end of the year. Again part 3 was probably pushed back but part 2 might still see its way in game with one of those updates. Just a thought.


Well since 2.8 was originally supposed to be the Housing update, and all we got was a NiM version of an existing Ops, I'm not sure what to expect...miniscule tiny crumbs don't keep players entertained...this game is all about entertainment. Without NEW entertainment that the masses enjoy, it's going to be a long *** summer/fall/winter...

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Well since 2.8 was originally supposed to be the Housing update, and all we got was a NiM version of an existing Ops, I'm not sure what to expect...miniscule tiny crumbs don't keep players entertained...this game is all about entertainment. Without NEW entertainment that the masses enjoy, it's going to be a long *** summer/fall/winter...


yeah thats what I am talking about with the pushback, but from what I can tell, we are only one update behind where we were. there is still a part 2 of Forged Alliances that in the coming updates ( I predict not the next one but probably one of the two after it), as well as whatever small things they like to typically throw in. Its not perfect, not too much, but at least we know something is coming in.

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Anyone play "How Many Credits Can I Hoard"? It makes the game more interesting, plus gearing your main companions in 180 gear is cool cause they can pretty much run the Oricon dailies without you. That and continuing to add Mercs to my army keeps the game fun for me.

Oh, and since my guild is on hiatus I've kinda returned to my solo roots. I still PUG 4-5 Ops a week but getting back to exploring and conquering group content on my own is pretty fun. Which reminds me, gotta try to solo Korriban today, not sure how the last boss fight will work when I get stunned but Tython is soloable.

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This isn't meant in a criticizing way by any means, but my recommendation to alot of people that posted in this thread is this...


It's time to move on. You had fun. You got alot of entertainment value out of the game, but nothing last forever. Now you should move into the final phase of your relationship with SWTOR. The "I come back to play every other year or so after enough expansion content has been released to give me something to do, then I go away again" phase.


Many of us have been in this phase with WOW for years. We go away... they release an expansion, we come back and finish the expansion, then we go away again for months or years.


This isn't a criticism of SWTOR either. No game can keep a player's attention forever. Take your memories of the good times you had and venture forth to new and exciting MMO's :)


SWTOR will still be here when you get back...

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This isn't meant in a criticizing way by any means, but my recommendation to alot of people that posted in this thread is this...


It's time to move on. You had fun. You got alot of entertainment value out of the game, but nothing last forever. Now you should move into the final phase of your relationship with SWTOR. The "I come back to play every other year or so after enough expansion content has been released to give me something to do, then I go away again" phase.


Many of us have been in this phase with WOW for years. We go away... they release an expansion, we come back and finish the expansion, then we go away again for months or years.


This isn't a criticism of SWTOR either. No game can keep a player's attention forever. Take your memories of the good times you had and venture forth to new and exciting MMO's :)


SWTOR will still be here when you get back...

That's necessarily not true. Halo 3 was a FPS that was the Precursors' Gift to Gaming. The classic Halo games kept me engaged for YEARS from when I started (I never started at the beginning in 2001) all the way till its end in end of 2010 early 2011.

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That's necessarily not true. Halo 3 was a FPS that was the Precursors' Gift to Gaming. The classic Halo games kept me engaged for YEARS from when I started (I never started at the beginning in 2001) all the way till its end in end of 2010 early 2011.


But I doubt you were in the forums for Halo posting messages about how you were bored. My post didn't indicate any particular timeline... as long as you are having fun with a game, more power to you. But when you start feeling bored and unsatisfied with the game as the OP posted he is, it's time to move on.


For some reason MMO gamers seems to have a reluctance to stop playing a game long after they really aren't having fun with it anymore. They limp along for months not really motivated to play waiting for an expansion pack. It's an odd behavior if you think about it. You'd be amazed what a year or two in another (or several other) games will do to your enjoyment of an MMO you are burnt out on.

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Only two alts? And you've been playing for two years? Good gravy, man, get to it! You're missing over half the game!


Yep, if you haven't played all the classes on both sides, you're missing a whole bunch of the game. You're just getting started.

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