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Where to begin? Yesterday I returned to the game after 2 years to find my home server, Space Slug, was deleted, and all 7 of my characters were transferred without my knowledge or consent to The Harbinger server. "Interesting" I thought, and I looked into having my characters transferred to a server of my choice. Apparently, I am forced to pay 20$ per character I own to transfer them. Awesome!


So lets look past all of this, lets get into the game and experience the world I know and love. Ah, creating a new character. Wait, what's this? I'm not allowed to choose a Sith Pureblood race unless I pay "Cartel Coins?" But, my Sith Marauder, Thane, is a Sith Pureblood, and I surely didn't pay any money to choose that. Okay, lets just keep it simple, lets choose a human. Everythings normal after that, and I get into the game I knew from so long ago. Doing quest, everythings going normal, check my mail and see my anniversary gifts waiting for me. 2 years worth of goodies, and my pre-order bonus crystal, awesome! Lets continue on, lets get my quest on! Going on, smashing through NPC enemies and completing quest at record times. But wait, what's this now? "Subscribers can choose all quest rewards!" the game spews at me after completing a quest. "huh?" I ask myself. I remember getting all of these credit lockboxes 2 years ago when I played, and I never had to subscribe to anything. Okay then. Oh, this helmet I have is disgusting, lets remove it so I can see my face. What? I have to pay Cartel Coins to REMOVE MY HELMET? Oh, I guess my character's just retarded, and needs help from others to take off her clothes.


I can't believe you're treating a customer this way. I can't believe you completely changed this game into a dictatorship, so that I, a pre-orderer customer, am not allowed to make a POST on the forums unless I pay 15$ to subscribe to your game. I can't believe I payed 50$ to support your game before it even launched and now i'm being restricted to such a horrid degree. I can't believe I pre-ordered your game and I'm not given the Hutt Cartel expansion, when my brother paid 20$ to purchase a digital deluxe version of your game to get the Hutt Cartel expansion for free because he's a "subscriber." I, a pre-order customer, am not allowed to make a forum thread when I made them years ago.


Do you guys actually support the changes they made to this game? This surely wasn't here from the start, I did NOT have to pay money to choose to be a Sith Pureblood, I did not have to pay money to remove my helmet.

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Well, the reality is that the game is now F2P. This means you can subscribe and get ALL the benefits of said subscription, or you can play FREE and deal with the limits.


The fact is, this is not the same game you pre-ordered over 2 years ago. Many things have changed. The point of F2P is you will get to enjoy the game as is, or if you like you can subscribe and enjoy it to the fullest. Most people agree that the F2P restrictions are heavy handed and not worth the time. I suggest spending the $15 for a 30 day sub and see if you want to stick around.

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*heads off to make popcorn*


Yes yes, there's going to be a great flame war because the only people allowed to post in the forums are people that actively pay to play this game, and support the ridiculous restrictions applied to other players.

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I'm not allowed to choose a Sith Pureblood race unless I pay "Cartel Coins?" But, my Sith Marauder, Thane, is a Sith Pureblood, and I surely didn't pay any money to choose that.


Before the F2P update November 2012, all species besides Humans, Cyborgs, and Zabrak could only be certain classes unless you already had one of that species to level 50. Now, you can bypass that with Cartel Coins or in-game credits.


I remember getting all of these credit lockboxes 2 years ago when I played, and I never had to subscribe to anything.


I have to pay Cartel Coins to REMOVE MY HELMET?


Actually, just to play the game, you had to subscribe to the game. You got a free month from buying the game (for $60 or more,) then had to pay $15 / month to just play. Now, you can play for free, but have some restrictions like the lockboxes and removing helmet. The "Hide Helmet" feature can be bought with Cartel Coins, in-game credits, or for free by subbing. You can just click the helmet to remove it, but you lose stats that way. The lockboxes are only for subs though.


I, a pre-orderer customer, am not allowed to make a POST on the forums unless I pay 15$ to subscribe to your game.


Ever since the game released, you had to pay $15 to post on the official forums. There is an unofficial SubReddit for those that do not want to pay $15 to post here: http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor


Do you guys actually support the changes they made to this game? This surely wasn't here from the start, I did NOT have to pay money to choose to be a Sith Pureblood, I did not have to pay money to remove my helmet.


Yes, because now you have two choices:


  1. Pay for a sub for $15 / month or less and get $5 or more worth of free Cartel Coins.
  2. Pay for the individual privileges with in-game credits or Cartel Coins.


Before, you only had choice 1 without the Cartel Coins. More choices and more benefits are good for all players.

Edited by Bstr
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I can't believe you're treating a customer this way. I can't believe you completely changed this game into a dictatorship, so that I, a pre-orderer customer, am not allowed to make a POST on the forums unless I pay 15$ to subscribe to your game.

LOL! Lots of people pre-ordered and quit - you're in the majority. Only subs can post and only certain classes can be a sith pureblood (unless you unlock it in-game for free or via the CM).

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Well, the reality is that the game is now F2P. This means you can subscribe and get ALL the benefits of said subscription, or you can play FREE and deal with the limits.


The fact is, this is not the same game you pre-ordered over 2 years ago. Many things have changed. The point of F2P is you will get to enjoy the game as is, or if you like you can subscribe and enjoy it to the fullest. Most people agree that the F2P restrictions are heavy handed and not worth the time. I suggest spending the $15 for a 30 day sub and see if you want to stick around.


And you support what they've done to this game? They heavy handed restrictions that force you to pay to play? There's a reason this game is dying, that they were forced to transfer all 7 of my characters and delete my home server. I'm not even allowed to use titles that I earned anymore. I agreed 2 years ago that they were allowed to make any changes they wanted to this game. But that doesn't make what they've done right. Limiting things like vanity items are completely okay, they don't impact gameplay in any way. However, limiting FORUM USE? Restricting players from using an outlet to the rest of the community unless you PAY? It's completely ridiculous.

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because my brother and friends are playing, and I wanted to join them. Why do I need to state a specific reason for returning?


You don't, but I assure you, your complaining isn't necessary. You have all the options now that you had at launch (unless you PvP). MORE customization in the form of "unlocks" have been added to the original design to increase your options...it's really a good thing, not bad.

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So are your rude remarks, sir. I wanted to have a conversation with others about their business practices.


"Rude" and "Accurate" do not mean the same.


Also, the conversation you seek - or rather, that which you wish to hear - is usually held in-game, namely with other F2P players who also b*tch over the fact that F2P players have to contend with...




When said restrictions are borne from the fact that they are, for all intents and purposes... Freeloaders, who believe that the game is not worth a sub.


I do not pity them.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Absolutely. Video games don't grow on trees, you know.


And I already paid money to support this game. GTA V paid 200+ million to make their game and only charged 60$ for people to purchase their product. I'm sure Bioware did not spend nearly as much money to make this game, and i'm sure my contribution and the contribution of other customers has more than paid for the production of this game, and turned a profit, without subscriptions. Now it's just cash grabbing.

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because my brother and friends are playing, and I wanted to join them. Why do I need to state a specific reason for returning?


you don't of course but it seemed like you were looking for a game to complain against :)

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And I already paid money to support this game. GTA V paid 200+ million to make their game and only charged 60$ for people to purchase their product. I'm sure Bioware did not spend nearly as much money to make this game, and i'm sure my contribution and the contribution of other customers has more than paid for the production of this game, and turned a profit, without subscriptions. Now it's just cash grabbing.


I'm curious - how many updates has GTA 5 given you for free - like new areas, new challenges, new quests, new armors, new goals, new "stuff"?


MMOs are notorious for charging monthly fees...you knew that right?

Edited by TUXs
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Where to begin? Yesterday I returned to the game after 2 years to find my home server, Space Slug, was deleted, and all 7 of my characters were transferred without my knowledge or consent to The Harbinger server. "Interesting" I thought, and I looked into having my characters transferred to a server of my choice. Apparently, I am forced to pay 20$ per character I own to transfer them. Awesome!


"transferred without my consent"...

Well yeah... that's what happens when you leave a game for 2 years...


So lets look past all of this, lets get into the game and experience the world I know and love. Ah, creating a new character. Wait, what's this? I'm not allowed to choose a Sith Pureblood race unless I pay "Cartel Coins?" But, my Sith Marauder, Thane, is a Sith Pureblood, and I surely didn't pay any money to choose that.


Yeah, you weren't allowed to pick sith pureblood AT ALL for some classes back then. Wasn't that sooo much better? :rolleyes:

Oh and you don't have to pay cartel coins, you just have to level a pureblood to 50 (which apparantly you couldn't be bothered to do with "thane" back in the day).


Okay, lets just keep it simple, lets choose a human. Everythings normal after that, and I get into the game I knew from so long ago. Doing quest, everythings going normal, check my mail and see my anniversary gifts waiting for me. 2 years worth of goodies, and my pre-order bonus crystal, awesome! Lets continue on, lets get my quest on! Going on, smashing through NPC enemies and completing quest at record times. But wait, what's this now? "Subscribers can choose all quest rewards!" the game spews at me after completing a quest. "huh?" I ask myself. I remember getting all of these credit lockboxes 2 years ago when I played, and I never had to subscribe to anything.


Except for the game... you know... you had to subscribe to the game to play it back then... so back then you couldn't even play the game unless you had a subscription... now you just don't get those credit lockboxes, but you can still play the game without subscribing.

Still missing those "good ol' days"? :rolleyes:


Okay then. Oh, this helmet I have is disgusting, lets remove it so I can see my face. What? I have to pay Cartel Coins to REMOVE MY HELMET? Oh, I guess my character's just retarded, and needs help from others to take off her clothes. I can't believe you're treating a customer this way. I can't believe you completely changed this game into a dictatorship, so that I, a pre-orderer customer, am not allowed to make a POST on the forums unless I pay 15$ to subscribe to your game. I can't believe I payed 50$ to support your game before it even launched and now i'm being restricted to such a horrid degree. I can't believe I pre-ordered your game and I'm not given the Hutt Cartel expansion, when my brother paid 20$ to purchase a digital deluxe version of your game to get the Hutt Cartel expansion for free because he's a "subscriber." I, a pre-order customer, am not allowed to make a forum thread when I made them years ago.


Well the problem here is that they AREN'T treating a paying customer like that... because if you were paying (ie. subscribing), you wouldn't have those restrictions.

Sure, you bought the game back in the day and "supported" it.

But that gives you no special priveleges.

Back then, when you bought the game, it was subscription only. So you had to pay a subscription anyway to do all those things. You knew that when you bought it.

So why are you complaining that you can't do them now without subscribing?


Do you guys actually support the changes they made to this game? This surely wasn't here from the start, I did NOT have to pay money to choose to be a Sith Pureblood, I did not have to pay money to remove my helmet.


You HAD to pay money to choose a sith purblood... and you HAD to pay money to remove your helmet.

You had to pay 15 bucks a month to do so because if you didn't, you couldn't even start the game.


Nothing has changed in that department.

But nowadays, you can play the game (with a few restrictions) without paying a dime.


Of course, you just heard "free to play" and thought "cool! I get to do all the stuff I had to pay for before without paying a dime" and went right in without reading the information about it at all.

Because you are a cheapskate.

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"Rude" and "Accurate" do not mean the same.


Also, the conversation you seek - or rather, that which you wish to hear - is usually held in-game, namely with other F2P players who also b*tch over the fact that F2P players have to contend with...




When said restrictions are borne from the fact that they are, for all intents and purposes... Freeloaders, who believe that the game is not worth a sub.


I do not pity them.


I paid for this game, and I was probably here long before you. There were no restrictions previously, and I shouldn't be restricted now because they decided to edit their business practices that caused this game to collapse

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I agree that folks that have paid more than simply 5 bucks, especially prior customers that had a sub for a while should have a different access tier just below sub.


This is the strongest detriment against getting folks that have played in the past to return to the game IMO, and it is an extremely foolish and shortsighted policy.


Just my view.

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I paid for this game, and I was probably here long before you. There were no restrictions previously, and I shouldn't be restricted now because they decided to edit their business practices that caused this game to collapse


Um...but there WERE restrictions before F2P...if you didn't pay, you didn't play AT ALL. The sub fee isn't new. The ability to play for FREE, is.

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I'm curious - how many updates has GTA 5 given you for free - like new areas, new challenges, new quests, new armors, new goals, new "stuff"?


MMOs are notorious for charging monthly fees...you knew that right?


Oooh, don't go there TUX...

They have like 5-6 updates out already that add new weapons, cars, apartments, clothes, hairstyles, challenges, quests and all kinds of stuff.


On the other hand, they finance all that by having the game be difficult to get rich in unless you pay for "credit cards" with real money (or use glitches to make money, which is how most people do it, but that's obviously not part of the plan considering how quick they are to nerf missions that people grind to make cash)

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I paid for this game, and I was probably here long before you. There were no restrictions previously, and I shouldn't be restricted now because they decided to edit their business practices that caused this game to collapse


I have this account since July 2011 but even before that, I participated in the beta with another account which was not mine.


I never left, being here since launch. Always been a sub. I have 21 LV55 characters on the Red Eclipse alone.


Who are you again?

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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