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Daily Runs and money totals


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My wife and I like to run dailies together at break-neck speed with a 180/168-geared DPS each, one heal companion, and one DPS companion (generally 168/162 geared or better). We do a lot of fake complaining like "dang I did not even get to my Cull on that gold" or "You snaked my kill, I was in the middle of Ravage!" We also have fun moments like watching an entire group of weak mobs die instantly when a Corrosive Grenade crit'ed them all on the first tick, or taking down a Champion without them ever getting a channeled attack off.


Good clean video game fun; fast, familiar, and relaxing, and gives us money for Revan statues, Orobird mounts and other such silliness. Calling it a "grind" does it a disservice.

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No it's not, and this analogy is just moronic. If you consider PvE to be torture, why the hell are you playing this game? Wouldn't it be absolutely foolish to do something you compare to "torture"? I love PvP, but plenty of matches absolutely suck!!! If you can't stand what you're doing, why do it? PvE or PvP?


Because there are plenty of different forms of PvE.

And Dailies is completely dull and boring.


You do know there are plenty of people who like PvP but can't stand GSF right? Do you tell them that they don't love PvP too?

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Because there are plenty of different forms of PvE.

And Dailies is completely dull and boring.


You do know there are plenty of people who like PvP but can't stand GSF right? Do you tell them that they don't love PvP too?

No, I thought I was perfectly clear - your analogy was terrible. Comparing ANY activity in this video game to torture is beyond weird.

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Better yet, is there a comprehensive guide to all the dailies available?


If there is, Dulfy will have it.


But for a quick list:


Belsavis dailies, Section X dailies, Black Hole dailies, Ilum dailies, Makeb dailies, GSI dailies, CZ-198 dailies, Oricon dailies.

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If there is, Dulfy will have it.


But for a quick list:


Belsavis dailies, Section X dailies, Black Hole dailies, Ilum dailies, Makeb dailies, GSI dailies, CZ-198 dailies, Oricon dailies.



Also, once you hit 50 (I believe), just outside of your ship terminal on the Fleet, is a quick travel terminal on the right (just before you enter the hanger) - that takes you to all the places that have daily missions and every daily area has one as well that can take you quickly to the next one.

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No it's not, and this analogy is just moronic. If you consider PvE to be torture, why the hell are you playing this game? Wouldn't it be absolutely foolish to do something you compare to "torture"? I love PvP, but plenty of matches absolutely suck!!! If you can't stand what you're doing, why do it? PvE or PvP?


I guess you'd have a point, if PvE was only dailies. It's not, however. I have literally went and finished Makeb to avoid doing dailies, because they are that mind numbingly boring. If I'm in need of credits, however, I'll break down and do them. Other than that? I'd rather goof off on an alt doing class/planetary missions.

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I guess you'd have a point, if PvE was only dailies. It's not, however. I have literally went and finished Makeb to avoid doing dailies, because they are that mind numbingly boring. If I'm in need of credits, however, I'll break down and do them. Other than that? I'd rather goof off on an alt doing class/planetary missions.

Apparently you missed my point...I'll spell it out again...


There is NOTHING in this game remotely resembling any form of "torture"...to make that comparison is absolutely absurd.

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There is NOTHING in this game remotely resembling any form of "torture"...to make that comparison is absolutely absurd.


Not sure man. Any daily can be a torture if you use Quinn as your sidekick

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I think the only thing I have seen as a torture in this game, it is every time I enter my ship and that dumb robot tells me that he dusted my room and made my bed, he is annoying I wish he had a turn off button. :D:D


Or when you send him in a mission "I will strive to do my best Master" :eek::D

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I think the only thing I have seen as a torture in this game, it is every time I enter my ship and that dumb robot tells me that he dusted my room and made my bed, he is annoying I wish he had a turn off button. :D:D


Or when you send him in a mission "I will strive to do my best Master" :eek::D


You don't like him being subservient yet you have 'The Master' in your signature.

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You can....but you can't call others out on it if you use it yourself...


Well calling others out on it hasn't worked, so I started using it myself... If you can't beat them, join them.


But you know as well as I do that Dailies isn't "PvE, so PvE'ers must like it"...

It's not comparable to losing a PvP match either.


It IS comparable to having to play GSF despite not liking it just to get some PvP dailies... and then having others say "but it's PvP so you must like it since you like PvP".

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Not sure man. Any daily can be a torture if you use Quinn as your sidekick


Treek is torture. Ctrl +S is our friend. Play some music and life is good. Must include Born To Be Wild for scooting to quest. I use Vette with SW myself. Quinn is cleaning latrines.

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You don't like him being subservient yet you have 'The Master' in your signature.


I am a Jedi Knight and I have a Master, but those who work with me are not my slaves, they are my brothers and sisters, even if they are robots.

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Well calling others out on it hasn't worked, so I started using it myself... If you can't beat them, join them.


But you know as well as I do that Dailies isn't "PvE, so PvE'ers must like it"...

It's not comparable to losing a PvP match either.


It IS comparable to having to play GSF despite not liking it just to get some PvP dailies... and then having others say "but it's PvP so you must like it since you like PvP".


I know what you mean, but it's actually a great "end game" activity for solo players...isn't it? I actually like PvP, GSF and PvE (Ops, FPs, dailies for $), so don't mind me ;)

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Just because something feels like torture to someone does not mean there isn't some level of enjoyment derived from it.


The point is they may have the view that it needs to improve.


I personally felt the ability for new characters to unlock speeders at level 1 was great, waiting until 10 makes leveling a bit of torture, especially if you have leveled that class already. So I would like to see at least speeder 1 restored to level 1 through legacy.

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I won't add Belsavis dailies into my account as I rarely do it, literally like once every few months..but what I do normally is:

None of these include weeklies

Makeb (GSI and Dailies)


Ilum (extra creds from slicing boxes and chests)

Section X

Black Hole



I get about 850k region mark. well above 500k, On a good day I can get most done within 20 mins each, Makeb taking the longest at about 40 mins, but I tally on top of that selling loot trash and when I loot I take everything and not leave the pointless trash as I know some players do.. which annoys me when its something I can scavenge but I can't cause the player who killed it didn't loot it dry, creds are creds no matter how little they are

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I know what you mean, but it's actually a great "end game" activity for solo players...isn't it? I actually like PvP, GSF and PvE (Ops, FPs, dailies for $), so don't mind me ;)


Actually no, I really do despise dailies... I only do them out of necessity and avoid them as much as possible.

Suffice to say that Oricon is the only place I have reached legend in the reputation. Heck, I just now reached friend in section X :eek:


I really despise them.


I'd rather have it be like someone else suggested, that instead of the static way that dailies are now, they could have us run patrols looking for random enemies or getting a random mission each time (from a pool of missions) or even going after bounties like you do on the bounty contract week.

Not the same "fetch 10 of this item, BUT NOT A SINGLE ONE MORE!" type quests you get. Or to rescue the same people every day. Or to kill the same boss every day.

Know what I mean?

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Actually no, I really do despise dailies... I only do them out of necessity and avoid them as much as possible.

Suffice to say that Oricon is the only place I have reached legend in the reputation. Heck, I just now reached friend in section X :eek:


I really despise them.


I'd rather have it be like someone else suggested, that instead of the static way that dailies are now, they could have us run patrols looking for random enemies or getting a random mission each time (from a pool of missions) or even going after bounties like you do on the bounty contract week.

Not the same "fetch 10 of this item, BUT NOT A SINGLE ONE MORE!" type quests you get. Or to rescue the same people every day. Or to kill the same boss every day.

Know what I mean?


Oh I agree. The mission variety is clearly lacking and even the tiny bit of "variety" we had with KDY was helpful. If it makes you feel better, I'm only Legend with KDY, Oricon and Czerka...so you;re not alone.


However...if a 16 man GF queue brings the game to a grinding halt, imagine what random missions would do...the more restrictions Bioware tells us this engine has, the more and more it blows my mind.

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Oh I agree. The mission variety is clearly lacking and even the tiny bit of "variety" we had with KDY was helpful. If it makes you feel better, I'm only Legend with KDY, Oricon and Czerka...so you;re not alone.


However...if a 16 man GF queue brings the game to a grinding halt, imagine what random missions would do...the more restrictions Bioware tells us this engine has, the more and more it blows my mind.


Anyway, my point was that the PvP players that say "but you enjoy dailies because it's PvE" are dead wrong.

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