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Praise where praise is due


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Indeed it does Reno, and not just for the event itself. In fact SWTOR deserves praise for being such an enjoyable game, the haters are so compelled to keep creating accounts and paying money to be voluntarily milked by "The Company" just to come on and bash it with comments via those "cleverly" named accounts. It always brings a smile to my face to see these accounts pop up and spill their vitriol. It is only proof positive that the game is successful, popular, and the epitome of what gaming entertainment should be. I will certainly be glad to see them doing the same thing come the 5th anniversary of the game's launch ... and the 10th ... and the 15th as well.

And aliens exist!

Edited by TORtanked
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Thats a bit of a broad stroke, don't you think?


It's harsh criticism that made the game what it is today IMO. I am not trying to belittle your views on the game, quite the opposite, only your focus on putting down those that deride it in this particular post.


It seems a bit of a "counter" to me more than genuine praise.


And praise posted that contains insults aimed at those that post criticisms, or praise posted to counter criticism always brings a FROWN to my face.


Naturally the same goes for those that criticize but must insult those that praise the game in the process.


Both are pretty silly practices IMO. Disingenuous praise is not going to lift the game past it's own faults, no more than intentional baseless derision is going to sink it.


The game was probably not doing well on it's own merits in the beginning, had a bad rep, and I think that rep was mostly deserved early on. Now the game is much improved, and obviously much healthier than it was.


And that is just my opinion.


I don't think it's too much of a broad stroke. Indeed harsh criticism has helped improved the game, but the people that I refer to in my post rarely, if ever, are here to criticize in the manner that is in any way beneficial. I do not insult those that are here to post genuine criticisms of the game (I have many of my own as well), and in so posting make attempts to improve the parts of the game they dislike. I will, of course, call people out when posting asinine hyperbole or misrepresenting (or completely ignore) facts. Again, the people I refer to in my post are clearly not here for the benefit of the game or the people who play on a regular basis - the fact of their "clever" account names is all the testament we need to that fact. So when I find myself in the mood, I will most certainly put my troll hat in response to those people.


And aliens exist!

Indeed they do, and are generally referred to in an "illegal" sense. However, Political Correctness has, of course, made the use of that term frowned upon.


If, however, you are referring to the existence of extra-terrestrial life (i.e. life that does not originate on this planet), then yes indeed, such life has proven to be in existence elsewhere. If you are referring to the more colloquial known form of aliens, well their existence has neither been proven, nor has it been dis-proven, with any complete scientific certainty at all. So in that case, I tend to reserve judgement either way until I can experience their existence personally, or am provided proof either way.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Yes they do. What do you think NASA calls Martians from Mars? Aliens also refers to illegals who cross the borders here in America.


If you must feed the trolls, is it somewhere required that you also give them champagne and caviar?

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I don't think it's too much of a broad stroke. Indeed harsh criticism has helped improved the game, but the people that I refer to in my post rarely, if ever, are here to criticize in the manner that is in any way beneficial. I do not insult those that are here to post genuine criticisms of the game (I have many of my own as well), and in so posting make attempts to improve the parts of the game they dislike. I will, of course, call people out when posting asinine hyperbole or misrepresenting (or completely ignore) facts. Again, the people I refer to in my post are clearly not here for the benefit of the game or the people who play on a regular basis - the fact of their "clever" account names is all the testament we need to that fact. So when I find myself in the mood, I will most certainly put my troll hat in response to those people.


Fair enough. Naturally you do not need my permission to post your opinions how you see fit.

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Not my favorite event (bit of a strange decision, sending war heroes, Sith lords, and Jedi Knights off to gamble in the middle of a massive war, but hey. Morale booster, I guess?). But, I certainly love the items the event has to offer. So, my hat's off to whoever made those sabers (the tommygun goes without mention).
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Gotta chime in and say I really enjoyed the Casino Event. I didn't even expect to participate in it, but gave it a whirl and had a lot of fun with it. I found the slot machines to be the perfect thing to do between PvP Q pops. Got to the point where I had all the stuff already and just played for the sake of playing and amassing certificates.


Surprisingly fun. Hope it comes back.

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...Hope it comes back.


With NEW sabers with GLOW!!! Pleasee!!!

I do that too now, although I kinda went broke now, haha.

And the "white noise" doesn't bother me, at least it makes it look like... NOT A TOY and most importantly... NOT a default (factory) 3DMAX model.


And a new mount... as cool as the pvp first season! Damn that thing is gorgeous.

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It's great to have a legacy blaster pistol/lightsaber for almost no money, I fully agree. :)


Btw, can I move a barrel from a sniper rifle to a blaster rifle via a legacy blaster pistol? I never tried. I would like to move a few pieces, and I wanted to know if I should buy a legacy weapon for each type of weapon, while I have the time.

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Ye nice to get some gear just "slotting around"!


Also: When all the bad things happend that made ppl sad, i wasn't home and my game worked fine when i came back so no harm done <3 (seeing ppl so torn apart is just a bonus :p )

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For the most part, 2.8 brought absolutely NOTHING worthwhile to the game on a PERMANENT BASIS and it actually made it unplayable - for some of us anyway - for a couple of days or so.

This is the unfortunate truth of 2.8. What do we have to show for the update once the event ends? 2.8 was touted as the BIGGEST UPDATE EVER and nothing but a few trinkets from an event will be left to show once it's gone...admittedly housing got delayed, so I'll omit that from my critique of 2.8...but to go from the BIGGEST EVER to one of the most anemic ever, is hard to swallow.


This game is dying of stagnation and horrific priority management.

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