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Anyone else frustrated with the slot machines chances of landing a Rancor?


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I normally have the luck of a 1 legged chained man in a race but for some reason and somehow that I will never be able to explain, I got a Rancor within my first 150k credits. I had actually even put it out of my mind that I would get a rancor and was hoping for the black speeder. Blam, rancor. Still in shock.


Shame this stuff cannot be unlocked in collections. This game has a real issue with sharing with other toons. I have 21 toons over two servers. I do not have enough credits or real dollars to win rancors for the entire lot of them.

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14 hours over the last 3 days. I've only purchased the kingpin tokens (20), but have bought the smuggler tokens to earn the kingpin tokens. I have spent 4 million credits and I have all of the achievements except for the Rancor mount. I'm sorta getting frustrated. Does anyone know what the odds are to win a rancor?


Can't help you with the Rancor odds, but it is my understanding that it is more financially sound to purchase and play only the Smuggler tokens/machines to earn the tokens for kingpin (unless something changed between PTS and live). Other than that, there is a lot that frustrates me about the game, and the special events that BW runs for it. I pretty much ignore all of them know and just play the "regular" stuff.

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14 hours over the last 3 days. I've only purchased the kingpin tokens (20), but have bought the smuggler tokens to earn the kingpin tokens. I have spent 4 million credits and I have all of the achievements except for the Rancor mount.

Pretty much everyone I know has a rancor.

If anything, I'd say the odds are a little too high, it's a little too easy.

But then making it a little harder would only make it more frustrating for the less lucky, while pretty much everyone would still have it. And making it much harder... not with rancors now in packs.



I'm sorta getting frustrated. Does anyone know what the odds are to win a rancor?

After everything is accounted for, the average expense is ~20 million if you play with Kingpin tokens or ~2.5 million if you only buy Smuggler tokens.

So, at ~3.1 million in Smug tokens equivalent, you're so far as little as 1 standard deviation away from the norm.


The outcome of previous rolls has no effect on the outcome of next rolls, so you're still 2,400 smuggler tokens away from a rancor. However much you spend, you'll be 2,400 tokens away, until you win, of course, then you're 0 tokens away. Just putting this probability theory bit out there in case people get it wrong.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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well, I know its frustrating from personal experience, I mean even with the Feeling Lucky buff its only a .09% chance drop rate. But then again, a rare item is not rare if everyone can get it in 10 seconds, and people are still winning it, I was on Nar myself trying for it, in one hour 3 guys won it, we all congratulated them but hated one who had only been there a few minutes and won! Point is that the drop rate now is good where it is, and luck is a b**** Edited by Sangrar
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My guildies in WoW hated me for seemingly always getting loot in raid finder when they didn't. I felt bad lol.


I'm sure you were devastated, you poor thing.


the first rule of random is random

the 8th rule of random is random

the 2nd rule of random get over it.

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14 hours over the last 3 days. I've only purchased the kingpin tokens (20), but have bought the smuggler tokens to earn the kingpin tokens. I have spent 4 million credits and I have all of the achievements except for the Rancor mount. I'm sorta getting frustrated. Does anyone know what the odds are to win a rancor?


for every person I see lamenting not getting a Rancor yet (in game) I see at least as many lamenting not getting the Vectron or slot machine explosion.... while bragging that they have multiple Rancors already. True story on my server for sure.. and probably on all servers.


Games of chance = chance

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You have much to learn grasshopper. Show me the hottest girl in the world, I'll find you a Person who's sick of putting up with her!


fixed it for you.

Can't assume anything these days...Cause you never know our luck, the worlds hottest and worlds second hottest would be totally not into guys. :(

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fixed it for you.

Can't assume anything these days...Cause you never know our luck, the worlds hottest and worlds second hottest would be totally not into guys. :(


Good adjustment. Didn't mean to imply anything related to personal choices.

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I spent about 100k and got the Sniper Rifle and the Canon, which is all I wanted.


I like the fact that the Rancor is so rare. It's a good thing that there are extremely hard to get items in the game. When you see one, you think "wow, I saw a unicorn". Of course this means I will never get one, but that's fine.

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