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Solo Kingpin Bounties?


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I overheard some people discussing how difficult the Kingpin bounty contracts are, saying they're like Heroic 4 quests. Is this true? I just nabbed my first kingpin contract, laughed like a crazy person as my toon started to spend over 300 seconds to read the contract, gave up, and just skimmed it.... but now I'm going to be disappointed if I have to stand around waiting for a group to do the quest.


I'm a Vanguard Tank - can't I just use Elara to heal me through it? I just did the Area 2+ quest on Makeb solo while being right at-level for it.... yeah the hover tank took forever to kill but I managed. Are they even harder than that?

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I overheard some people discussing how difficult the Kingpin bounty contracts are, saying they're like Heroic 4 quests. Is this true?


Nope. They are more like the Heroic 2+ quests. If you can solo these at your level, you can solo the kingpin.


I can solo all Kingpins, usually on the first try. The only exception is the Tatooine one, which takes me a couple of times to do on my healer Sage. EDIT: I can solo these on my level 55 Gunslinger, Maurader, healer Sage, and healer OR DPS Merc.

Edited by Bstr
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Nope. They are more like the Heroic 2+ quests. If you can solo these at your level, you can solo the kingpin.


I can solo all Kingpins, usually on the first try. The only exception is the Tatooine one, which takes me a couple of times to do on my healer Sage.


Thank goodness! I was going to be annoyed.... I'll look forward to doing that tomorrow. :-)


You know, we really need a cut scene where HK-47 advises you on the best ways to kill Bounty targets: "Organic meatbags are so delicate, Master, that there are all kinds of interesting ways to terminate them. It seems that all that is required to snuff out a meatbag's miserable existence is to cause it to leak, or remove various internal parts. Perhaps those targets with cybernetic enhancements would fare better under such treatment, but I do not believe any are capable of remaining fully functional after all of the fluid has leaked out of their flesh coating. Would you like me to demonstrate? Shall I kill something for you?"

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I overheard some people discussing how difficult the Kingpin bounty contracts are, saying they're like Heroic 4 quests. Is this true? I just nabbed my first kingpin contract, laughed like a crazy person as my toon started to spend over 300 seconds to read the contract, gave up, and just skimmed it.... but now I'm going to be disappointed if I have to stand around waiting for a group to do the quest.


I'm a Vanguard Tank - can't I just use Elara to heal me through it? I just did the Area 2+ quest on Makeb solo while being right at-level for it.... yeah the hover tank took forever to kill but I managed. Are they even harder than that?


Dunno, 've got several classes and so far have only managed to solo them on my Assassin tank with Talos. The only two I've not yet managed to do solo are Alderaan and Tatooine,. The Alderaan one because I get non-stop force-pushed around with a stun after, making it impossible for me, and the Tatooine one because the adds are spread too much apart and too far out of range to draw into close combat. So whichever way I turn I get blasted from the other side.

Edited by LeJarC
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The ones I've soloed are Brogon (as Kinetic Combat Shadow), Kreegan Ramar (ditto), Arkan (as Gunnery Commando), and Grov the Destroyer (as Shield Tech Powertech). All of these involved a healer companion, and note that all three toons are extremely durable specs (two tanks and a DPS with excellent defenses).


Brogon is easy pie; you can almost ignore the adds, since their suicide bombing just tickles and the stacks they put on the boss barely make a difference.

Kreegan Ramar is difficult; the adds take a while for a tank to kill, and you need to get rid of them before the next set show up or you'll be overwhelmed. Having a knockback and grapple helped immensely, as I could pull them to the edge (if they weren't already there) and then punt them into oblivion.

Arkan isn't too bad; the key is to keep moving and not stand next to your companion, since he'll occasionally drop nasty AoE effects on you (think Incendiary Grenade from the Saboteur spec) that your companion doesn't know to move out of. There are also alternating phases of "burn the boss" and "get ready for the boss to unstealth and summon adds" which make the ability to off-heal extremely useful.

Grov isn't all that bad. If you pick up and deal with the adds decently, it's pretty easy. Watch out for his Terminate attack, which will hit pretty hard and knock you down.


Lord Trok could probably be soloed by a well-geared tank or a durable DPS. I have no personal experience with Claw, Samovan Bann, or Eryn Talosa.

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I'm not sure if others had this experience, but I had the easiest time solo-ing the Kingpin bounties on a mid level healer with a dps companion.


For example, the Ord Mantell kingpin was really hard on my level 55 Commando dps with a healer comp, but when I did the same kingpin again later on my level 21 Scoundrel healer, it was much much easier.


Similarly, the one on Hutta I did with a level 38 Operative healer and it seemed pretty easy.


By comparison, the Dromund Kaas one I did on my level 55 Sorc healer and that was super hard and took forever. The Nar Shaddaa one I did on my level 55 Gunslinger and that was touch and go the whole way. Etc. etc.


It's almost as if the kingpin "scaling to level" is kinder to the player at mid-level and more challenging at max level.



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Depends on the kingpin some are tougher than other because of the mechanics. Coruscant one I hate because he has a knockback that he always use when I'm near the edge killing adds. I've solo them all. It is doable.



I would say difficulty is also partly based on the character you're playing. My slinger cannot solo the Coruscant one and the vanguard had issues on Tatooine. Shadow tank went through all of like a hot knife through butter.

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My Vanguard tank soloed the Ord Mantell Kingpin bounty fairly easily with Dorne out. There were a lot of HPs to burn through, but damage output was never really in danger of overwhelming my mitigation and Elara's healing.


I can't imagine trying to do hard things like that as a DPS - all my DPS alts have been SO squishy.

Edited by Daekarus
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Solo'd all of them with my Sniper who was in full 78 gear and Treek in tank stance with full 72 gear.


Hmmm. considering that I on my simple 162 have only problems with 2 on the Empire side (haven't touched republic side yet) I would say, isn't that like killing an ant with a sledge hammer? :p

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  • 1 month later...
Are these very difficult to solo for lower level (15-30) characters? Or are they doable enough if I'm geared out well enough and smart? Excepting one vanguard tank, all of these chars I mention are dps.


The kingpins scale to your level, correct? So I don't think they'd be any more difficult at a lower level, as long as you are geared pretty well, know how to play your class, etc. You'll be fine. It's easier with another person but definitely doable with just your companion, especially if you have HK or Treek geared up.

Edited by LostInReverie
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I overheard some people discussing how difficult the Kingpin bounty contracts are, saying they're like Heroic 4 quests. Is this true?

Might be, but I have solo'd both and the KP bounties seem easier.


This morning I solo'd the Voss Kingpin on my 180-geared Sorc Z'nnah in heal spec

using Ashara in 168/180 gear as my companion:

  • Heroic Moment,
  • Pre-cast Legacy Orbital Strike,
  • ordered Ashara to attack,
  • pre-cast Crushing Darkness as she warmed up,
  • Legacy Stick Grenade,
  • Legacy Flame Thrower,
  • Legacy Force Choke,
  • Heal Ashara and self until boss died, and
  • Force Storm (not Legacy) the 3 adds until dead.


Not even a close fight. But the Voss Kingpin may be easier than some others.


Hmmm ... isn't that like killing an ant with a sledge hammer? :p


No, it's more like hunting womp rats with a minigun.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I soloed Nar Shaddaa without any trouble, but that's an easy one. Soloed Hutta on low levels, too. Did the rest of them in groups after a few deaths. :) But I only unlocked them on my not-so-well-geared Mara+Quinn/baby vanguard, so haven't tried other classes/equipment, and I haven't had a full heroic moment back then. Edited by Kulyok
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They can all be solo'd. Depends on your gear and skills though.


But, always shout out in the local area for anyone else going for it. 2-3 peeps smash it out and make it a quicker experience. If you like the challenge, then they're good to try. They are hard but doable if you use all your abilities correctly.

Edited by Maldorans
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From easiest to most troublesome to solo I would rank the kingpins this way (done them on various classes except Coruscant):


- Nar Shaddaa: easiest for any class, doesn't hit hard, no real adds (his copies can die in one hit), no really annoying mechanics (fire and ice can easily be avoided). And above all it's a fun fight (that Cantina Band!).

- Hutta: pretty easy for any class, his CC can be annoying including his Terminate that ends with a knockback but he doesn't hit really hard and the adds are manageable and die quickly.

- Dromund Kaas: fairly easy as she doesn't hurt much, the only annoying part of the fight is her heals that could make it last longer if your DPS is low. She stops attacking when the add comes up and you should have plenty of time to kill it before she joins in (that's the time to use Legacy abilities if you have trouble here)

- Ord Mantell: also pretty easy for any class (when the event first occured I unlocked him on a DPS that was undergeared back then and never had an issue). The boss and the adds tend to group up so it is easy to AOE them.

- Voss: very easy on a healer as your tank companion will be the one dealing with her annoying abilities (snare, knockback) instead of you. As a DPS you might be hit by a rocket (which hurts a lot) since you are snared at this time and might not get away in time so bring some heals.

- Coruscant: also very easy on a healer (I haven't tried this one on any other class) since the only thing you have to care about is positionning your tank companion correctly so that he gets knocked in the middle of the platform. But I guess that as a DPS or tank this fight keeps you on your toes and is more challenging since you don't want to be knocked off over the ledge especially when you have to deal with the adds (3 elites that spawn near the ledge).

- Tatooine: the boss definitely hits harder than most of the other bounties and the adds can be an issue as they divert you from the boss. I had unlocked it on a healer whose tank companion wasn't really geared back then (something like a few 156 and mostly Campaign) and which was getting destroyed in no time. Being on a PvP server can also lead to an unwanted encounter.

- Alderaan: this boss also hits harder than the other ones and if your DPS is lacking the adds are going to be an issue (they continually spawn whether you killed the previous wave or not). If you are on a PvP server you might also run in enemy players.


Now keep in mind that gear does a big difference. I am thinking of the Tatooine Kingpin, gearing my tank companion definitely made the fight more manageable as I didn't need to heal it non stop.

Edited by demotivator
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I overheard some people discussing how difficult the Kingpin bounty contracts are, saying they're like Heroic 4 quests. Is this true? I just nabbed my first kingpin contract, laughed like a crazy person as my toon started to spend over 300 seconds to read the contract, gave up, and just skimmed it.... but now I'm going to be disappointed if I have to stand around waiting for a group to do the quest.


I'm a Vanguard Tank - can't I just use Elara to heal me through it? I just did the Area 2+ quest on Makeb solo while being right at-level for it.... yeah the hover tank took forever to kill but I managed. Are they even harder than that?


LOL most are easily soloable

couple are heroic 2


NONE are heroic 4


the hardest ones Ive found are


Dromman Kaas (Ive yet to see anyone solo that guy)

Tatooine (Ive yet to see anyone solo that guy)

Nar Shadaar (I've finally been able to solo him but you have to interupt a ton and kill adds really fast, all while hoping healing companion stays alive while standing in AOE effects)


Some people have complained about Alderaan (Ive never had a issue with it as a sage healer or commando dps

) and Coruscant (again, mechanics fight but doable solo)

Edited by Kalfear
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LOL most are easily soloable

couple are heroic 2


NONE are heroic 4


the hardest ones Ive found are


Dromman Kaas (Ive yet to see anyone solo that guy)

Tatooine (Ive yet to see anyone solo that guy)

Nar Shadaar (I've finally been able to solo him but you have to interupt a ton and kill adds really fast, all while hoping healing companion stays alive while standing in AOE effects)


Some people have complained about Alderaan (Ive never had a issue with it as a sage healer or commando dps

) and Coruscant (again, mechanics fight but doable solo)


Haven't done DK yet, so can't comment...


And Tat is hard, but I HAVE soloed him on my Vanguard tank. Used Dorne, only "CD" i used early was riot gas, saved the rest for adds and burned them as fast as I could when they came.



But, really, Nar Shadaa guy? I honestly thought he was the single easiest fight. Only worry there is if your companion stands in the fire. Avoid that and... yeah, the easiest.



I did have trouble with Coruscant last month, though. Getting bounced around, adds spawn in across a pretty sizable area and all have longish range... makes for an annoying fight.

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  • 2 years later...
Class and Companions seem to make a difference. My Jedi Sentinel fights better than my Scoundrel and my Tuk'ata companion never gets hurt; at least I haven't seen him get hurt yet in any fight. With my Sentinel and Tuk'ata I've won in solo mode, but I haven't tried Tatooine or Alderaan yet, except with my Scoundrel, and she always dies.
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I have soloed a few, but no longer. They just are not worth doing. Not all that challenging, do not give much XP or CXP points. and very little credits considering you can sell a certs for what 5 x the amount of credits you get per kingpin. Then x that by 5 as you need five contracts for each kingpin. So getting 25 times as many more credits as a estimate depending on server if selling.


So all you get really is an achievement for the kingpin. OK if that's important to you (which will be for some players) No prob with that. otherwise why do them? Which is why I don't anymore. Still the standard BH's are ok in terms of reward verse effort, which is very little effort since level sync

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