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T3 gs


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Is ridiculously fun. Clusters = game changer. Haven't tried the t1's ion switch, but should be a difficult decision when deciding which GS to use.... Before we were looking at which GS we wanted to fly - a good gunship, or a bad strike fighter 0.0 Overall, this new GS means solo ques will be easier without additional support, as well as giving battle scouts hell when they approach!
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If you have not used interdiction missile, you have not yet enjoyed the lovely bath of tears you could be enjoying every match.


This. So far I've tried cluster/slug, cluster/interdiction and interdiction/slug, and I find interdiction/slug is a great combo for holding your own. Interdiction missile fires off ridiculously fast and basically grants you a free kill with BLCs.


Interdiction/cluster is hilarious, though!

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I'm actually a little bit tempted to try to combine interdiction drive and interdiction missile. I think that stacks to, what, a 90% slow?


I would think it would be multiplicative rather than additive, like in the ground game.

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Agreed, it's a ludicrous amount of fun facemelting any other fighter at any range, long or close! Loving it so far! It never really felt fair that the Gunship had a weakness in that it could be countered/neutralised by dogfighters, hopefully now we should see a lot less of them. Great work devs, the entire Galactic Gunship expansion was a bit shaky at launch and there have been balancing issues with non-Gunships being way too powerful (as in able to kill Gunships, which is just stupid). This is definitely a move in the right direction! Keep it up!


If we ever move on to having T4 variants, I would strongly suggest the next Gunship should be a sort of GS version of the T1 Strike, with the capability to mount and switch between 2 x Primary Weapons, including Burst Laser Cannons and Heavy Laser Cannons. This might finally give Gunships the fair chance they deserve!


Anyway, great work BioWare. Thanks.

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I would think it would be multiplicative rather than additive, like in the ground game.


All slows are additive, that's how you can end up with 0% speed when hit with a seismic (talented to slow) and interdiction mine at the same time.

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Well, I find them dying to Clarion's protorps about the same as the other gunships. No big deal to me. And since the Rep one looks hideous, I won't likely ever play them myself, so, yeah.


Gotta admit though that the Imp one looks sweet!

Edited by Slivovidze
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I seem to be tagging quite a few gunships with thermites. While the new ones are already almost impossible to properly tag with Power Dive and will get worse when they start running disto fields, T1s can be tagged with a bit of effort, and T2s are... Well, they're T2s. Edited by LilSaihah
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I seem to be tagging quite a few gunships with thermites. While the new ones are already almost impossible to properly tag with Power Dive and will get worse when they start running disto fields, T1s can be tagged with a bit of effort, and T2s are... Well, they're T2s.


  1. Only bad T1s
  2. Anyone flying a T2 is a bad gunship pilot by definition

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I wouldn't blame the poor GS who eat some point blank torpedoes... GS make prefect targets for those.



That aside the new Gunship is very good. Maybe slightly too good.

In my opinion, only having Slug as a rail doesn't imply enough drawbacks for the improved short range capacities... The disadvantage when facing a Mangler as a Condor in a sniping contest is almost inexistant.


Otherwise, it's fun to fly although a little clunky. I'm still on Laser Cannon, so when I switch to Interdiction Missile, the firing arc are identical and I see only one... but since Rails' firing arc tend to disappear after a weapon switch (at least for me) I am sometimes lost, not knowing which secondary weapon is active.

Their completely opposed mechanics create some funny situations that I did not suffer in a Quarrel (entering scope view leaves time for icon checking)


By the way, since when the crit chance of Slug have been lowered to 16% ? I was almost certain it was 20% before the patch, but since I'm no GS pilot, I may have forgotten a past patch.

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Best gs ever :D


Can hit like truck, when somebody comes near you you can finish them with clusters. Mobile, fast, engine lasts forever, plenty of time to hide. Didn't check other missles but hearing good things so I'll probably try some of them.

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The disadvantage when facing a Mangler as a Condor in a sniping contest is almost inexistant.

9% evasion is nothing to scoff at. That's not counting the fact that LOSing a Mangler is more difficult/painful due to Ion Railgun AoE. Both ships are great. One excels at short-range a little more than the other does at long-range. The Jurgoran/Condor can hold its own in a dogfight, but the Mangler/Quarrel/VX-9 can unleash absolute hell on a node/group from extended range. I like both of them.


Otherwise, it's fun to fly although a little clunky. I'm still on Laser Cannon, so when I switch to Interdiction Missile, the firing arc

Look at the secondary weapon icon. Ammo? Missile. No ammo? Railgun. Actually what I find new and interesting to adapt to is the gunship practice of right clicking (railgun scope) to stop and you can't do that when in missile mode. It took me a few matches to get used to it. I am switching my build fairly often to try out all the new weapon combinations, though!


By the way, since when the crit chance of Slug have been lowered to 16%?

It's been that way back since the crit rebalancing. It's still an amazing talent. One-shotting battle scouts is very satisfying! :cool:

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Look at the secondary weapon icon. Ammo? Missile. No ammo? Railgun. Actually what I find new and interesting to adapt to is the gunship practice of right clicking (railgun scope) to stop and you can't do that when in missile mode. It took me a few matches to get used to it. I am switching my build fairly often to try out all the new weapon combinations, though


I know, but in the heat of the short-range battles, I have genarally other things in my mind.


It's just specific to that ship, as a Quarrel will be much more about scheming and stuff, letting time to think about that and if it happens that I forgot because reasons, I just scope and check while scoping.

With this one, when I expect to lock while following a foe, and stop'n'scope instead...


If only the rails' firing arc would just not disappear, it would not happen as it would be as easy as to distinguish my Concussion from my Proton on my Pike.

(That's why I'd rather wait for a fix than training a new thought process)

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Agreed, it's a ludicrous amount of fun facemelting any other fighter at any range, long or close! Loving it so far! It never really felt fair that the Gunship had a weakness in that it could be countered/neutralised by dogfighters, hopefully now we should see a lot less of them. Great work devs, the entire Galactic Gunship expansion was a bit shaky at launch and there have been balancing issues with non-Gunships being way too powerful (as in able to kill Gunships, which is just stupid). This is definitely a move in the right direction! Keep it up!


If we ever move on to having T4 variants, I would strongly suggest the next Gunship should be a sort of GS version of the T1 Strike, with the capability to mount and switch between 2 x Primary Weapons, including Burst Laser Cannons and Heavy Laser Cannons. This might finally give Gunships the fair chance they deserve!


Anyway, great work BioWare. Thanks.


I don't know if I'd go as far as you are (the Type 3 gunship is still slower and more unwieldy than even strikes), but the type 1 does have a fair amount of teeth at close range already, and Slug railgun is so ridiculously good that the type 3 doesn't have a whole lot of drawbacks at all: it's good up close and at range. And if you're tangling with one up close and want to disengage, don't bother if there's no cover... that slug will have a long time to drop you as you try to run.

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I've been using the following terminology for each GS:


T1 = lolgun

T2 = failgun

T3 = fungun


I referred to these names a couple times in chat today, and everyone seemed to know exactly which ship I was referring to. YMMV.


To the OP's point: as per the nickname above, I'm enjoying the T3 quite a bit. More than I expected. Haven't got a lot of upgrades on it yet, but I just added interdiction missile today and I'm looking forward to playing around with it.

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I just remembered a minor thing on Interdiction Missile that bothered me : why does it look exactly like Ion Missile ?


To rub salt in the wound.


My mastered T3 gunship is the most fun I've had in a gs since...well, 2.6. It's very satisfying that I can get out of my scouts when solo-queuing now. I almost have clusters and interdiction maxed as options, but max interdiction is so evil I'll take a lot of convincing to swap it out for cluster. Even cluster+interdiction has some promise. Great ship with a lot of potentially viable loadouts and playstyles. If only all ship types could boast that.

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I believe people have confirmed that in GSF slows from separate sources are additive.


Would that mean you could theoretically root a ship in place then?


Doesn't seem right

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Would that mean you could theoretically root a ship in place then?


Doesn't seem right


This happened to me today a couple times, mostly on the bomber. Each time it was an interdiction missile and a interdiction mine together. I didn't like the idea either at first, for now though it seems to occur relatively rarely. It's not as bad as it sounds (yet, not sure if it will get that way once the meta is fully formed).

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Would that mean you could theoretically root a ship in place then?


Doesn't seem right


It has literally been like this since launch. Not news. No reason to figure "well the ground game does X..." when we KNOW what the space game does.



For what it is worth, I think that it shouldn't be that way.

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