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This is just unacceptable.


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Bugs are one thing, they are a part of life. This is something entirely absurd and its time that we let Bioware know it is unacceptable.


Group of 4 go to do the Czerka Weekly. We manually walk into the 1st flashpoint. All 4 of us are in a different instance. Alone. Log off, log back in to see if it fixes the issue... it tells 3 of the 4 of us that our guild has been disbanded. Quick Travel terminal to move around? Good bloody luck.


We now stand 50 minutes from our scheduled ops time. With the way things have been going, that is in serious jeopardy. We have guild members and officers who cannot access the guild bank. Bugs happen. Breaking the entirety of the game should NEVER happen. If the folks at Bioware are not locked into their rooms tonight to get this fixed ASAP, then we all need to ask ourselves what our subscriptions pay for.

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So bugs are acceptable... but THIS BUG that happened to YOU, is unacceptable?

Right... :rolleyes:


If you want to cover your eyes, plug your ears and shout out "I can't hear you".. then yes, you are completely correct. The fact is, this is not "A" bug. This is a massive series of bugs. All related to one patch. They are essentially game-breaking bugs. Ops was a complete disaster because every time we tried to zone in, 2-3 would get the "woohoo Im in the middle of black outer space" bug. Or we would have 1 or 2 people end up in a different OP instance. Then you get the desktop crash on area transition. So, you log back in. You then get the "You have no characters on this server" error. Or you get in game, it says your guild has disbanded. No big deal.. we will just /invite. "Such and Such player does not exist" even though they are standing right in front of us.


This game is a service. One that I pay for. There are certain QA expectations that go along with paying for it. A bug like a NiM mechanic bleeding into HM is not game breaking. You can physically adjust what you do and pick up and move on. A bug, however, that makes a massively prominent part of the game (group and guild content) unplayable no matter how you adjust it... falls into another category. It is a category of poor QA. If not enough people use the PTS to properly test the QA of the product on ALL levels, then Bioware needs to offer perks for people who DO to encourage MORE people to use the PTS to do stuff other than log in and play slot machines.


"You act like coding is so easy, you should apply at Bioware and do it yourself" I can hear some of you saying that now. In that quaint little scenario... one of us (either myself, or the people at Bioware) get PAID to code. One of us do not. I have a reasonable QA expectation of people who do their jobs. Everyone sitting in an office today at Bioware Austin, should be completely ashamed, and to be honest, someone in a position of authority should be out talking to the community and prostrating themselves before those who pay for this game and begging them to be forgiven. This was not a bug. It was a complete and utter failure, coming at a time when this game NEEDED a success. You can excuse them if you want, at the end of the day, I will excuse them and forgive , but this particular mess up gets filed into memory. They need to know putting out a product like they put out yesterday is unacceptable and not conducive to good business in a MASSIVELY competetive gaming genre market. If everyone, as you staunch fanboy defenders, sits in silence then the suits at Bioware feel no pressure to take additional steps to see that this never happens again.

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"You act like coding is so easy, you should apply at Bioware and do it yourself" I can hear some of you saying that now. In that quaint little scenario... one of us (either myself, or the people at Bioware) get PAID to code. One of us do not. I have a reasonable QA expectation of people who do their jobs. Everyone sitting in an office today at Bioware Austin, should be completely ashamed, and to be honest, someone in a position of authority should be out talking to the community and prostrating themselves before those who pay for this game and begging them to be forgiven. This was not a bug. It was a complete and utter failure, coming at a time when this game NEEDED a success. You can excuse them if you want, at the end of the day, I will excuse them and forgive , but this particular mess up gets filed into memory. They need to know putting out a product like they put out yesterday is unacceptable and not conducive to good business in a MASSIVELY competetive gaming genre market. If everyone, as you staunch fanboy defenders, sits in silence then the suits at Bioware feel no pressure to take additional steps to see that this never happens again.


Brilliant reply!!!! Absolutely spot on!!!

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Bugs are one thing, they are a part of life. This is something entirely absurd and its time that we let Bioware know it is unacceptable.


Group of 4 go to do the Czerka Weekly. We manually walk into the 1st flashpoint. All 4 of us are in a different instance. Alone. Log off, log back in to see if it fixes the issue... it tells 3 of the 4 of us that our guild has been disbanded. Quick Travel terminal to move around? Good bloody luck.


We now stand 50 minutes from our scheduled ops time. With the way things have been going, that is in serious jeopardy. We have guild members and officers who cannot access the guild bank. Bugs happen. Breaking the entirety of the game should NEVER happen. If the folks at Bioware are not locked into their rooms tonight to get this fixed ASAP, then we all need to ask ourselves what our subscriptions pay for.


So... do something else? :eek:

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Please don't encourage more people to leave the game...that doesn't benefit any of us.

Nonsense. There are plenty of trollers, ninjas, griefers, and other annoyances whose absence from the game would improve it enormously, and easily enough non-annoying players that we do not need the annoyances.


It's all in who you encourage to leave, really. Throw out the bad apples, and the good apples last longer.

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Brilliant reply!!!! Absolutely spot on!!!


No, it was not. It was childish and uninformed. That person obviously has no experience anywhere near software development.


Things like this happen. No matter how much you test, these things happen from time to time. It is not always easy to find the cause, either... especially if nothing unusual happens during testing. It's frustrating, yes, but a reality of working with technology. People would do well to support the devs rather than just cursing them every time some little thing happens. I mean, do you think they WANT these things to happen? No. They beat themselves up over stuff like this. *****s like the poster you replied to do nothing to help. All they do is create ill-will over something that the coders are, undoubtedly, working hard to get corrected.


So, no, it was definitely not spot on. Please do not buy into this garbage.

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Some bugs are acceptable, however that kinda ends when you CANNOT PLAY THE GAME. So yeah it is a pretty unacceptable situation. However as long as they resolve it in a timely fashion my sub will not be in jeopardy.
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No, it was not. It was childish and uninformed. That person obviously has no experience anywhere near software development.

LOL!! He probably has never built a car or assembled a combustion engine, yet I'm sure he has opinions on automobiles as well. I'm a terrible cook and have no aspirations to become a chef - does that mean I have no right to ever comment or complain about food? Of course not. Stop being ridiculous.


It was commentary written from the perspective he has on this game as a CUSTOMER - disagree with it if you'd like, but don't call him childish. It was "brilliantly" said in my opinion and I share his view on the sloppiness of yesterdays patch.

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Nonsense. There are plenty of trollers, ninjas, griefers, and other annoyances whose absence from the game would improve it enormously, and easily enough non-annoying players that we do not need the annoyances.


It's all in who you encourage to leave, really. Throw out the bad apples, and the good apples last longer.


...and who determines the bad apples?


I would rather encourage folks to remain unless they are chronic forum or game rule breakers. The game, IMO, can only benefit from more players, even if some of those players say things we may not like.

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People would do well to support the devs rather than just cursing them every time some little thing happens. I mean, do you think they WANT these things to happen? No.

I doubt anyone here believes the devs did this intentionally and I doubt many people blame any specific dev for this problem...the real issue lies with management and the lack of quality control they have. This isn't specific to one person, it's a complete failure of management.

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I am not one to complain (I have been called a fanboi/defender more than my fair share), but I cannot say I disagree with the OP and those on his side.


That being said, this incident reminds me of a time long ago - playing EverQuest. EVERY single expansion that came out in that game (reminder expansions in that game are more like content patches in this one), it was usually a WEEK of unplayability: severe lag, client and server crashes, bugs up the yin-yang. And more like two weeks of fixes before the system stabilized.


So back to "fanboi/defender" mode :D : this is the first time I can recall where a patch deployment went THIS badly, and it was not even universally bad (my guild was able to do our operations night last night with only a few hiccups). My point is, cut EA/BW some slack. Sh** Happens, deal with it, life goes on.


That being said, as a gesture it would behoove EA/BW to give us a free day or two.

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