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Area Transition Issues


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Of all the things that could cause these problems, this is laughable. The engine can't handle 16-man groupfinder groups? :rolleyes:

It is not really a surprise that SWTOR has a terrible engine, but I can't believe that you didn't realize this before the patch, and that the only solution you see, is removing 16-man from group finder.

So to summarize, 2.8 nightmare progression was destroyed because the groupfinder catered to the brainless 16-man story mode PuGs instead of hardcore players? Now, I am a big fan of this game, but situations like these make me mad. :mad:

Edited by Jerba
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Can we get a time window for the patch to help plan ops? Or did I miss that. Also, are the DF NiM bosses getting a reduction in HP as planned for dropping the buff? Thanks.


I'll post a time window as soon as I have one.


The NiM Dread Fortress HP is something that is being looked into, but is not going to be in the patch tomorrow.

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I find it deplorable that no Bioware staff has address that they utterly ruined the DP NiM progression race for so many guilds & some have even disbanded, or come close to disbanding, because of this. We won't see new PvE Operations content for another what 6-8 months and this is how 2.8 opens? Really unfortunate.
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Just to clarify, since in my guild the thought is the comms will drop to 8 man level and we will not get ultimates from bosses.


By rewards staying the same does that mean we still get:

162 rating loot drops

4 ultimate & 6 elite comms per boss

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I find it deplorable that no Bioware staff has address that they utterly ruined the DP NiM progression race for so many guilds & some have even disbanded, or come close to disbanding, because of this. We won't see new PvE Operations content for another what 6-8 months and this is how 2.8 opens? Really unfortunate.


Bioware has responded to the bugs.

The fact that some impatient people can't deal with the fact that bugs happen and will cry if they don't get a "world first" really isn't Bioware's fault.

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The Guild issues have the same root cause as the area transition issues, so they will be addressed by the fix.


The Legacy cooldown perks not applying properly are a separate issue, but also being addressed in the patch.


Thank you for that clarification :)

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Bioware has responded to the bugs.

The fact that some impatient people can't deal with the fact that bugs happen and will cry if they don't get a "world first" really isn't Bioware's fault.


I understand they responded to the *bugs*, but the fact of the matter is other guilds had a clear advantage to get to the content earlier than others in a progression race. Its unfortunate this happens & I understand there will always be bugs, but its just sad to see it happen on a big patch for guilds racing against each other.

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Wow Tait...that makes that entire part of the GF update worthless now. Players do 16man because they get better loot drops. This basically negates all your hard work.


I suggest a global LFG channel...far less work and more effective imo.


This. No one cares about group finder anymore. Every group will do 16man until the last boss, and then wait until group finder allows queues for that operation. Me? I'm going to love finishing my 8man DP SM achievement. Everyone else? They're screwed.

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I find it deplorable that no Bioware staff has address that they utterly ruined the DP NiM progression race for so many guilds & some have even disbanded, or come close to disbanding, because of this. We won't see new PvE Operations content for another what 6-8 months and this is how 2.8 opens? Really unfortunate.


I find it laughable that those guilds are such idiots that they don't understand that bugs happen and they don't appreciate how Bioware has worked to fix these bugs as soon as they could, and that they would disband and quit the game over an achievement. When I was working fast as I could to get the World First Engineering 575 (or whatever the max was for Pandaria...) achievement on my rogue in WoW, and I saw it pop up when I was like 5 items away from it, that someone else got it, I considered suci... wait no I didn't because that achievement didn't define my life, not even my playing of the game. Oh no... you couldn't raid this week... do you need me to get you a tissue, or do you need a whole box? Just let me know, because if you need a whole box I need to run to the store, because I'm almost out from crying myself.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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That is a connection issue, you're loosing connection or getting server lag and so the client is preventing you from moving any further so that you can't get to place you shouldn't



I also have this problem after trying to use transportation boxes and it's related to this beautiful bugfest not connection.



But I wanted to ask something. What about GSF bugs?

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Any chance Bioware would be willing to put out a dev post about this tomorrow or next week once you guys confirm this fixes everything?

We all have theories. I am glad that you are at least telling us some information but for those that care a more detailed explanation would be really nice. And it would squish some of the blame game.

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That sucks. But at least that confirms that it was a stress issue which is much harder to catch in a test environment.

Solution: PTS time window - let's say 8-9 PM EST Sat X date - during which all PTS participants get a cool reward on Live. That should bring some people to PTS and put some pressure on the server. As of now we're lucky if we can get 20 people on PTS at the same time.

Edited by MidichIorian
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How about forgetting group finder for ops all together. Make weekly runs a full run so people dont bail half way after the stupid mid run weely. Maybe make each it so bosses drop more comms further you get in run. Say DP first boss drops 2 ults next 3 ults with council being 6 ults.
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I find it laughable that those guilds are such idiots that they don't understand that bugs happen and they don't appreciate how Bioware has worked to fix these bugs as soon as they could, and that they would disband and quit the game over an achievement. When I was working fast as I could to get the World First Engineering 575 (or whatever the max was for Pandaria...) achievement on my rogue in WoW, and I saw it pop up when I was like 5 items away from it, that someone else got it, I considered suci... wait no I didn't because that achievement didn't define my life, not even my playing of the game. Oh no... you couldn't raid this week... do you need me to get you a tissue, or do you need a whole box? Just let me know, because if you need a whole box I need to run to the store, because I'm almost out from crying myself.


I don't think those guilds are asking for your /hugs. They're probably just asking for major content that kick starts the newest progression race not be broken beyond recognition at release. Seems like a reasonable request on their part. It's also reasonable that they stop playing if what they care about doesn't work as it should.

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I understand they responded to the *bugs*, but the fact of the matter is other guilds had a clear advantage to get to the content earlier than others in a progression race. Its unfortunate this happens & I understand there will always be bugs, but its just sad to see it happen on a big patch for guilds racing against each other.


Every MMO has had major problems in most every patch with a new raid tier in it, actual progression guilds that have any chance of ranking should be used to it after over 15 years of it happening.


Super disappointed that groupfinder can't handle 16 man OPS, SWTOR needs a massive infrastructure upgrade of some kind, you guys keep telling us that things your competition have been doing for years on a larger scale is too technically challenging for you to do.

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Hey everyone,


We have identified a fix to the ongoing area transition/instancing and connectivity issues that players have been seeing since the release of Game Update 2.8. In order to alleviate these issues, we are going to be doing unscheduled maintenance tomorrow morning (Friday, June 13). During this maintenance, we are going to take the Group Finder Operation queue from 16-Player to 8-Player, as we have found that due to tech issues the servers do not perform well under the load caused by the 16-Player queue. Going forward, we are going to evaluate our options in regards to the Group Finder system to see what the best course of action to take is.


Thank you all for your continued patience while we get this resolved!




Tait this is where i have to rip on your team a bit... I played 2.8 on the Public test server for about 2 weekends mostly trying out the credit sink of the casinos. I had heard about the Group finder operations being redone but that was not in the PTS build. Instead it had a cut down version with JUST the flashpoints. I wonder could this issue have been addressed through PTS testing? :rak_02:

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The Guild issues have the same root cause as the area transition issues, so they will be addressed by the fix.


The Legacy cooldown perks not applying properly are a separate issue, but also being addressed in the patch.


Tait, is the 30 minute (up from 25 minute) default Quick Travel cooldown fix also included in that patch? Fixing the legacy perks is nice, but if the 30 minutes isn't changed back to 25 minutes, the lowest we'll get with perks is 15 minutes instead of the 10 minutes we had before this patch.

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Hey everyone,


We have identified a fix to the ongoing area transition/instancing and connectivity issues that players have been seeing since the release of Game Update 2.8. In order to alleviate these issues, we are going to be doing unscheduled maintenance tomorrow morning (Friday, June 13). During this maintenance, we are going to take the Group Finder Operation queue from 16-Player to 8-Player, as we have found that due to tech issues the servers do not perform well under the load caused by the 16-Player queue. Going forward, we are going to evaluate our options in regards to the Group Finder system to see what the best course of action to take is.


Thank you all for your continued patience while we get this resolved!




So, you guys tried to revive Group Finder for operations, only to ax it yet again.


I have serious doubts anyone is going to sacrifice the extra comms that can be obtained by doing 16-SM runs, in exchange of some bolster, not to mention the hassle of queuing up with people who spammed KDY until reaching LV55 and are clueless concerning their advanced class and role.


In other words, bang up job. You guys really, really outdid yourselves with this 2.8 update. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Absolutely pathetic.


The fact that this bug was able to make it to the live servers in the first place was bad enough, and now you're actually questioning your decisions and one of the main features of this scant update.


I realized a long time ago that BW was conceptually lost in terms of SWTOR's future and appeal, and now they're showing us they lack the capacity to manage a lage scale mmo from a technical standpoint as well. Awesome. I've played other MMOS and many, many other multiplayer games and none of them are even remotely close to SWTOR and BioWare in terms of bugs, glitches, and snafus so well done guys - awesome work.

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I have serious doubts anyone is going to sacrifice the extra comms that can be obtained by doing 16-SM runs

Inconvenient fact: the daily reward for using GF, 30 Ultimate comms, is more Ultimate comms than drop from the bosses in 16m.


Plus I found it very convienent to be able to go about my business on Oricon while waiting for the run, rather than sitting on the fleet and being subjected to all the nonsense in the chat there. And the run went very well. Easiest S&V I ever did, and no one dropped out after the weekly.


So I do not share your gloomy doomy doubts, Darth_Wicked. We'll just have to see how things go.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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