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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dread Palace (NiM) 8-Man World Progression Tracking

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They didn't want it to be harder - it is exactly the way they programmed it. They - the designer(s) responsible - are directly to blame for the ease of nightmare content. A lot of people try to make excuses for them but they do not deserve this. They could have chosen to make things much more difficult but it seems they think that only a couple more mechanics, a slight difficulty boost, is all that's needed. Wrong. This is Nightmare mode, Bioware, not Harder mode. Sure, early nightmare modes are the epitome of what a Harder mode would look like, but that doesn't mean that doing it somewhat different guarantees you are meeting the goals you claim to aim for and that we expect you to meet. It only means exactly that - you're doing something different. It is up to the player base to determine your success in meeting those goals. It's time you started listening - we've only been telling you you're doing it mostly wrong for nearly 2 years now.


This is pretty much my opinion exactly as well.


I feel really bad for the people on TRE. :( I was ready to flip my desk for the hour that stuff was happening to us, I can only imagine how frustrating it is to still have it go on... it ruins everyone's experience of the content when a lot of the great competition wasn't able to be there over server issues. To have an entire servers work and preparation be wasted is tragic, and I feel for you guys. :( I hope you guys can get in and raid properly soon if it's still like that.

Edited by Michka
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Getting a group of two people to have fun with Assassin Madness in pvp takes ~ 1 hour, making an ops group means you need to wait 20-25 mins for a person to get their invite and then wait 20-25 mins for the "accept invite" to be processed, barring disconnects/more server crap.

Getting into DP NiM takes the same amount, after every wipe you need to sometimes wait those 20 mins for the "revive at instance start" to become usable.

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Getting a group of two people to have fun with Assassin Madness in pvp takes ~ 1 hour, making an ops group means you need to wait 20-25 mins for a person to get their invite and then wait 20-25 mins for the "accept invite" to be processed, barring disconnects/more server crap.

Getting into DP NiM takes the same amount, after every wipe you need to sometimes wait those 20 mins for the "revive at instance start" to become usable.


The devs are NOT listening, or rather reading, so there's no reason for us to be pointing what's wrong with the server/game. We know what's wrong. The devs don't and they don't even care. Just let it go guys.

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Looking at this thread its a real shame allot of decent guilds were unable to go head to head in becoming world first.

I know my server TRE got some awful problems at the moment , I think its time to get real tho ... we are not going to see another NIM mode until at least next year . due to the way SM / Hm have been released in the pass , then to be followed by NIM 6 months later ..... level cap is when Oct /Nov ... so new raids ( sm /hm ) then Nim march 2015 ...


I think its time to be honest, this is not the game it once was. :(

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Looking at this thread its a real shame allot of decent guilds were unable to go head to head in becoming world first.

I know my server TRE got some awful problems at the moment , I think its time to get real tho ... we are not going to see another NIM mode until at least next year . due to the way SM / Hm have been released in the pass , then to be followed by NIM 6 months later ..... level cap is when Oct /Nov ... so new raids ( sm /hm ) then Nim march 2015 ...


I think its time to be honest, this is not the game it once was. :(


Always have a backup plan, in my case I have a 570+ Prot Pally for when things go south!

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Zorz kills videos







Council is uploaded just hidden I expect a kill within 24 hours if Europeans guids are getting past phase 2. Depending what others think will post after 2nd or 3rd kill.


Best of luck to all pulling Council today

Edited by JDotter
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No chance from DoB.

We are stepping out of the progression race this time and I move my GM title to one of my officers, a further 4 officers all in the team we had for progression raids have unsubbed including myself.

The TRE server is a joke and with the half *** fix they "Might" do on Friday is insulting, the fix should have been 10th June no later.

That is not the most frustrating part, the fact that the NiM content we were all waiting for was downed in 3 hours, how is this supposed to keep us hardcore end game PvE'ers entertained until the next NiM patch, it isnt.

BW have in the history of MMOs made the lamest end game PvE content and single handedly cut off all that call themselves hardcore progression raiders.


DoB will live on but is loosing some of the best players in the world.


To those that carry on good luck and DiLiH well played for continuing on in this wreck of a TRE server, I believe Reckoning are disbanding with the huge losses of players they are having so DiLiH will be the only TRE guild competing in this content.


Later all


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Zorz kills videos







Council is uploaded just hidden I expect a kill within 24 hours if Europeans guids are getting past phase 2. Depending what others think will post after 2nd or 3rd kill.


Best of luck to all pulling Council today


Depends on the servers really. I really appreciate you withholding the video until world 2nd and 3rd are claimed since figuring out fights is the best part for me ^^


It's really sad to hear about DoB and Reckoning :(

Edited by umbak
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To those that carry on good luck and DiLiH well played for continuing on in this wreck of a TRE server, I believe Reckoning are disbanding with the huge losses of players they are having so DiLiH will be the only TRE guild competing in this content


Now now, don't be hasty. I said we were out for this progression since it's such a sham. What happens before the next nightmare progression (read next year) is speculating.

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I don't think anyone is being hasty, there are just multiple people in twitch streams past two nights, with a few people saying that talked to Reckoning and that people are leaving the moment DP NiM is done. I've heard those rumors probably.... hourly, every time a twitch stream is up. In fact, if I remember correctly, someone from Reckoning posted a video of Bestia pulls bugging to **** and they said (in stream chat, not the video posted) that they were f***ing "done with this game RIP swtor RIP TRE progression RIP Reckoning." So it's not PURE speculation. But It's good to hear that Reckoning ISN'T disbanding straight from the source. I'm very sorry TRE is so broken, it's disgusting that Bioware hasn't fixed it, and I hope you guys get to raid soon without issue.
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UPDATE: TRE, Harb, Shadowlands, anyone else that was affected with their lack of ability to do NiM DP due to server bugs, apparently the culprit? 16 man SM Group Finder Bolstered Ops. That's right. Bolstered Ops stressed the servers to the point of instability. Friday they are making Group Finder back to 8 man. They did QA and PTS on this feature, it goes live, and kills their servers. GG Bioware. The comical aspect of a bolstered story mode feature completely murdering NiM DP Progression is just one of those WOW moments.



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UPDATE: TRE, Harb, Shadowlands, anyone else that was affected with their lack of ability to do NiM DP due to server bugs, apparently the culprit? 16 man SM Group Finder Bolstered Ops. That's right. Bolstered Ops stressed the servers to the point of instability. Friday they are making Group Finder back to 8 man. They did QA and PTS on this feature, it goes live, and kills their servers. GG Bioware. The comical aspect of a bolstered story mode feature completely murdering NiM DP Progression is just one of those WOW moments.




Source? Or is this just speculation?

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Thrax, good to see you in thread, was fun chatting in the DnT stream last night. And no, not speculation, check dev tracker. This is real.


Here is the post :p


"Hey everyone,


We have identified a fix to the ongoing area transition/instancing and connectivity issues that players have been seeing since the release of Game Update 2.8. In order to alleviate these issues, we are going to be doing unscheduled maintenance tomorrow morning (Friday, June 13). During this maintenance, we are going to take the Group Finder Operation queue from 16-Player to 8-Player, as we have found that due to tech issues the servers do not perform well under the load caused by the 16-Player queue. Going forward, we are going to evaluate our options in regards to the Group Finder system to see what the best course of action to take is.


Thank you all for your continued patience while we get this resolved!




Getting f*cked by Story mode. Is there some irony in that?

Edited by Mazanator
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"Hey folks,


We will be doing a Galactic Starfighter/Nar Shaddaa Casino stream today with Mike Villalobos! You can tune in on our official Twitch channel from 3:30PM -4:30PM CDT!


See you then!




Anybody in progression who CAN be available for this stream, please get on it. We need to have MANY progression players asking them why they aren't acknowledging this issue. Don't curse them out and go insane on them to the point of getting banned, but pressing them on the issue is important.

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Anybody in progression who CAN be available for this stream, please get on it. We need to have MANY progression players asking them why they aren't acknowledging this issue. Don't curse them out and go insane on them to the point of getting banned, but pressing them on the issue is important.


Anyone who enjoys raiding should be there, this issue has caused problems for more than just the 1% in this thread, it has been a problem for everyone who raids. Least not the knock on effect of delaying NiM has on more "casual" raiders

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True, Lace, wasn't meaning to have it be a 1% over all situation, just that the 1% is who I was speaking to in this thread (I am not the 1%, filthy casual here ;) )


Yea I know you weren't but if the 99% don't join in things will be too easily dismissed :)

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