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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dread Palace (NiM) 8-Man World Progression Tracking

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Good points.


But the issue that is really pissing us of is that ONE SINGLE SERVER can't get in at all. The Red Eclipse (which is probably the only server that is competing with Harbinger on top end progression) is lagging. A group invite takes minutes. Converting to an operations group takes even longer. We get random disconnects from the game. Trying to enter an operation causes us to get logged out. It's the same thing today (24 hours after the patch). I just got booted to character screen when I tried to enter my ship. The GSF / WZ / GF ques don't work.


While you were racing to get World First, no one on the TRE could get an operations group together due to random disconnects / lags, and if they somehow got one together - the operation itself was a total bug feast. Basically all the time the guilds spent on the PTS was "wasted" with regards to World Progression tracking.

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Good points.


But the issue that is really pissing us of is that ONE SINGLE SERVER can't get in at all. The Red Eclipse (which is probably the only server that is competing with Harbinger on top end progression) is lagging. A group invite takes minutes. Converting to an operations group takes even longer. We get random disconnects from the game. Trying to enter an operation causes us to get logged out. It's the same thing today (24 hours after the patch). I just got booted to character screen when I tried to enter my ship. The GSF / WZ / GF ques don't work.


While you were racing to get World First, no one on the TRE could get an operations group together due to random disconnects / lags, and if they somehow got one together - the operation itself was a total bug feast. Basically all the time the guilds spent on the PTS was "wasted" with regards to World Progression tracking.


..and I thought we had it bad. What you're saying happened to us for about a good hour, but slowly the server started working. We had the whole becoming guildess, f2p, can't zone in, if you die in the instance you can't zone out or revive, etc. It was very frustrating, but I can't imagine how much more infuriated you guys are. It would be nice to see Bioware address this even though we are the 1%, just to show that they care a little, but that may be asking too much.


I hope the b/s all of our fellow Progression Raider on TRE don't give up hope because Bioware once again failed us, but I understand your frustration. Best way to get revenge - 1 shot 'em all as soon as you zone in :p

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Still happening now, healer got dc'd after a council try and and the game took 20mins to recognize she was dead and not in combat, boot ehr out of the game and log her back in, still waiting for the re-invite.
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Bioware we want to help you, help us. We are pleading with you to be more active within the community and listen to to the end game PvE feedback we have for you. Honestly maybe you want to but can't as bioware is a business and a business is about the money and well us 1% players aren't the cash crop for this game.
The argument that they want to but can't is not one they are able to take. Not without lying, at least.


The stuff that gets me riled in this game isn't what bothers most. There is a very specific type of thing that sets me off. It's when they have a choice between A and B and they consciously choose the one that does not meet the customer's wants. There is often not even a reason for doing so - they just do.


How this applies to your post is this: they had a choice of what to program into nightmare mode. It's not like they only had so many 'boss points' to spend on mechanics. What is in there is there because they programmed that by choice. They chose not to do more. They chose not to adjust numbers higher. They chose, for the 7th time in a row (5th if counting from their refocusing), to not make the entire operation - or even more than one boss - live up to its name.


They didn't want it to be harder - it is exactly the way they programmed it. They - the designer(s) responsible - are directly to blame for the ease of nightmare content. A lot of people try to make excuses for them but they do not deserve this. They could have chosen to make things much more difficult but it seems they think that only a couple more mechanics, a slight difficulty boost, is all that's needed. Wrong. This is Nightmare mode, Bioware, not Harder mode. Sure, early nightmare modes are the epitome of what a Harder mode would look like, but that doesn't mean that doing it somewhat different guarantees you are meeting the goals you claim to aim for and that we expect you to meet. It only means exactly that - you're doing something different. It is up to the player base to determine your success in meeting those goals. It's time you started listening - we've only been telling you you're doing it mostly wrong for nearly 2 years now.

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As others stated: the only way to even HOPE to deal with the server issues is to stay in the instance, have everyone die every wipe, never DC, never take breaks, and that's if you're lucky. Sometimes it just won't let you release at all if it's really acting up. I don't see how this sort of problem made it onto live and still hasn't received any attention. I'm very happy for what we accomplished in Zorz, but it's heavily disappointing to us since we enjoy the competition with the few other guilds capable of pushing for week 1 clears.
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Yeah this whole thing has been a shambles, should have been maintenance within an hour of it going live to get fixed in some way. But nothing yet, that's it for me, final nail in the coffin unfortunately, it's been a great ride while it lasted, Wildstar all the way for me now though, good luck to all who stick around, all the best!
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From a DPS perspective, this game is being really held back by the extremely low DPS requirements relative to gear and class. With exception to some more disadvantaged classes, every class parses above 3600 approaching 4k on a dummy. Granted it's not a perfect translation, but from a purely objective point of view, if all NiM requires is 3300-3500 from it's DPS, what is the point? There's very little rigorous DPS check, at least for the groups that are absolutely qualified to run the hardest content.


Just an amatuer two cents.

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From a DPS perspective, this game is being really held back by the extremely low DPS requirements relative to gear and class. With exception to some more disadvantaged classes, every class parses above 3600 approaching 4k on a dummy. Granted it's not a perfect translation, but from a purely objective point of view, if all NiM requires is 3300-3500 from it's DPS, what is the point? There's very little rigorous DPS check, at least for the groups that are absolutely qualified to run the hardest content.


Just an amatuer two cents.


There are some fairly rigorous DPS checks, but they aren't really sustained. If you do the math on the Bestia adds, just keeping up in the first phase requires serious, serious burst DPS output. However, that level of damage isn't really required beyond the first two and a half minutes. On Tyrans, the DPS check is a joke. Calphayus has…stuff (I guess that's the best way to describe it). Raptus has a substantial burst requirement in the challenges, and you can't completely slack off for the main fight, but the check is on the healers and tanks more than anything else.


I mean, there's nothing really approaching pre-nerf Dread Guard or even Thrasher for sustain, which is unfortunate, but DPS checks do exist and where they exist, they aren't trivial. If you really did have a group of four DPS getting top-end parses of 3500 on the 1 mil dummy, I don't think you would be able to get more than 60 seconds into the first boss fight. 3300 is completely out of the question.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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The one DPS check in DP is phase 2 of Council (16k-17k total raid DPS for a sustained 3min by my estimation, including dealing with all mechanics). I don't think there's any way they could have really expected much more, so that wasn't a bad job with tuning.
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The one DPS check in DP is phase 2 of Council (16k-17k total raid DPS for a sustained 3min by my estimation, including dealing with all mechanics). I don't think there's any way they could have really expected much more, so that wasn't a bad job with tuning.


As Raulos pointed out, this is actually a nice DPS check. For the rest of the fights, we didn't see any enrage or DPS check that would make us sweat, but P2 Council. Let me know what you guys think of it when you get there.

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For those wondering we are almost done with phase 2, just got some kinks to iron out though pretty proud of the progress we are making since we only passed phase 1 tonight ^^


I really enjoy the phase, hectic, challenging and tight with little RNG (apart from an unfortunate circle left over from p1 :p). Would love more fights like it.

Edited by umbak
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There are some fairly rigorous DPS checks, but they aren't really sustained. If you do the math on the Bestia adds, just keeping up in the first phase requires serious, serious burst DPS output. However, that level of damage isn't really required beyond the first two and a half minutes. On Tyrans, the DPS check is a joke. Calphayus has…stuff (I guess that's the best way to describe it). Raptus has a substantial burst requirement in the challenges, and you can't completely slack off for the main fight, but the check is on the healers and tanks more than anything else.


I mean, there's nothing really approaching pre-nerf Dread Guard or even Thrasher for sustain, which is unfortunate, but DPS checks do exist and where they exist, they aren't trivial. If you really did have a group of four DPS getting top-end parses of 3500 on the 1 mil dummy, I don't think you would be able to get more than 60 seconds into the first boss fight. 3300 is completely out of the question.

Old Calphayus 16man NiM had a great DPS requirement in the first Future Phase on the PTS. Then Bioware remembered that 16 man has two adds there and not one. :p

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I find it hilarious how many people seem to think we just spent hours upon hours on the PTS. We spent a few days in there and what do you expect when we have NOTHING else to do? Farming DF NiM gets boring after the 30th time so when there was another option we took it. Don't act like you guys weren't on the PTS as well because we saw at least 2-3 guilds in there EVERY time we were. The pace in which we cleared the instance isn't because we spent 50+ hours on the PTS. But continue to tell yourselves that if it makes you feel better.


Anyways, on the DPS checks.

The only two things capable of being called hard dps checks are the 2nd phase of Council and the DPS challenge on Raptus. Everything else is relatively trivial. There was potential for the orbs on Calphayus but that got nerfed to the ground and is now something to laugh at. Bestia is not difficult all it takes are good tanks and decent dps/organization. We did an alt run last night and I noticed once we got to Tyrans that I had forgot to buy my 55 skills because it was the 2nd time playing this toon since I hit 55.


I played anni and was in the process of swapping out enhancements when I realized it.

Edited by TrillOG-
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People complained a great deal about certain classes being unable to do the required dps which is why we've got a shedload of buffs to get at least one spec able to do "dummy" dps comparable to preferable raid dps.


Classes are not an issue for dps but for other reasons classes are still an issue because utility/defences are the next thing once you have enough dps.

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