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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dread Palace (NiM) 8-Man World Progression Tracking

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Gratz to Zorz,


This is the end of PvE Hardcore content all within hours of going live until 3.1/3.2 I assume September/October.

Real shame that my guys in DoB were unable to compete with the best guilds in the world this round with the TRE issues but we will send in what we have, unlike Drop it and Reckoning we managed to gain an 8man team into DP early on and even with the ridiculous lag they have killed some bosses and are fighting on as I type.


Would love for a PvE End game developer to actually read and comment to the most skilled players in the world on SWTOR and what fail content was released and why.


So from DoB it was a pleasure playing against you in this end game PvE content and much will change before the next NiM content is even a glimpse in the dev teams eyes and many here now may not be here when that time comes around.

So thanks for the challenges and the community at this level of skill on SWTOR.




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Gratz to Zorz,


This is the end of PvE Hardcore content all within hours of going live until 3.1/3.2 I assume September/October.

Real shame that my guys in DoB were unable to compete with the best guilds in the world this round with the TRE issues but we will send in what we have, unlike Drop it and Reckoning we managed to gain an 8man team into DP early on and even with the ridiculous lag they have killed some bosses and are fighting on as I type.


Would love for a PvE End game developer to actually read and comment to the most skilled players in the world on SWTOR and what fail content was released and why.


So from DoB it was a pleasure playing against you in this end game PvE content and much will change before the next NiM content is even a glimpse in the dev teams eyes and many here now may not be here when that time comes around.

So thanks for the challenges and the community at this level of skill on SWTOR.







For me I have a few days to think and sleep on this epic failure both on the content aspect of it as on the technical aspect of what happened today.


In any case, and more importantly, congrats to Zorz and other guilds out there that were/are trying this new DP NiM. Good luck guys! ;)

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Gratz to Zorz,


This is the end of PvE Hardcore content all within hours of going live until 3.1/3.2 I assume September/October.

Real shame that my guys in DoB were unable to compete with the best guilds in the world this round with the TRE issues but we will send in what we have, unlike Drop it and Reckoning we managed to gain an 8man team into DP early on and even with the ridiculous lag they have killed some bosses and are fighting on as I type.


Would love for a PvE End game developer to actually read and comment to the most skilled players in the world on SWTOR and what fail content was released and why.


So from DoB it was a pleasure playing against you in this end game PvE content and much will change before the next NiM content is even a glimpse in the dev teams eyes and many here now may not be here when that time comes around.

So thanks for the challenges and the community at this level of skill on SWTOR.





That's the problem though, they have NEVER cared about that community. They build something half assed and say here you go. The raid development team wouldn't know a good raid if it bite them. You wait 8 months and this is all you get? The reason the community is small and is getting smaller is because it lacks challenge. You would think they would take a lesson in history of how MMO's build popularity. I would dare them to come out and say something but I know their responds. And they will just keep alienating themselves from the MMO Community and will continue to survive on the fact they have lightsabers. Not gonna lie I got the itch, just glad the devs have showed me their commitment to the game with this latest bit of "content."


Nonetheless my hats off to Zorz, nicely done. It shows a good amount of commitment and talent. 3 hours, am pretty sure that's a record for this game.


Hey dev's be happy EA owns all Star Wars game right, if they didn't you might of had competition for a Star Wars MMO. Best of luck to the rest of the raid teams out there, and going forward. Had fun in the community till last year. But am out see you all in Wild Star.

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Gratz to Zorz,


This is the end of PvE Hardcore content all within hours of going live until 3.1/3.2 I assume September/October.

Real shame that my guys in DoB were unable to compete with the best guilds in the world this round with the TRE issues but we will send in what we have, unlike Drop it and Reckoning we managed to gain an 8man team into DP early on and even with the ridiculous lag they have killed some bosses and are fighting on as I type.


Would love for a PvE End game developer to actually read and comment to the most skilled players in the world on SWTOR and what fail content was released and why.


So from DoB it was a pleasure playing against you in this end game PvE content and much will change before the next NiM content is even a glimpse in the dev teams eyes and many here now may not be here when that time comes around.

So thanks for the challenges and the community at this level of skill on SWTOR.





Really sorry to hear that, although DiliH did eventually manage to get a team in and make good progress, knocking over the first 4 in short order despite hardcore server instability and limited PTS testing. Council looks interesting and we look forward to learning the fight! Grats again Zorz ^^ Bloody good work!

Edited by umbak
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Are people forgetting to add on the weeks of PTS practising when they look at the time to kill these bosses?


A few hours... plus 2 weeks of killing the exact same thing on PTS beforehand with infinite tries from multiple char copies.


I knew my positions and how each fight played out before I even logged in.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Are people forgetting to add on the weeks of PTS practising when they look at the time to kill these bosses?


A few hours... plus 2 weeks of killing the exact same thing on PTS beforehand with infinite tries from multiple char copies.


I knew my positions and how each fight played out before I even logged in.


It was no different then other content that was put out. NIM SnV, and NiM TFB had the same PTR time, but they buffed bosses and changed minor things, and the content last for a good part of the week, not 3 hours.

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Though for S&V no one really got passed Thrasher since she was massively over tuned and Dread guards were super buffed upon reaching live. I would actually prefer it if the second round of changes for the dread war fights were not put on the PTS like the previous NiMs. It would certainly prolong the content since a certain level of refinement would be necessary.


There is however a bigger issue at play. Personally I think the way guilds approach NiM content since TFB and S&V has fundamentally changed, with a much higher focus on PTS time and alt gearing raids on live since if I recall correctly it was super hard to get people interested in PTS raids at the start of the expansion.


This enthusiasm is encouraging and brings a much tighter and enjoyable competiton (excluding server issues) and I have noted increased interaction between hardcore guilds outside of thier respective servers and regions on the PTS. I will say though that if Bioware intends to keep designing NiM content (meant for the top percentile of PvE'ers) they would do well to note this shift in behavior and design accordingly so the content can keep the players it is aimed at engaged and challenged for longer periods of time.

Edited by umbak
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<Hates You>






Caly (if first UTC clock is taken) http://i.imgur.com/bGA1DIP.png

Caly (if not) http://i.imgur.com/8OeRqPb.png

Raptus http://i.imgur.com/HfK3ZFq.png

Could you please retake these.

Remember to include Achievement time, Computer/game time and UTC Clock (it's backdated to the achievement time so you get the actual time of the kill regardless of when the screenshot is taken) more details are in the first post if you need extra information.

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hmd MAGENTA on The Shadowlands (US) Empire faction

Link to album of screenshots for Bestia, Tyrans, Calphy and Raptus.

Took a second set outside after we were done with the actual achievement shown. This is what happens when I read the rules after I screenshot =)


Let me know if I am missing anything. Thanks for keeping this all organized.

Edited by Zalindae
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First of all, grats to Zorz for a very fast clear. Even without TRE having issues, I doubt we would've been anywhere near beating you on Council.


Second, I think this will really hurt the future of dedicated PvE in this game, especially for guilds on The Red Eclipse. It's been 10 months since last tier, and after the failure that was DF/DP, I fear this was the last nail in the coffin for many. Lack of well designed bosses (lets face it, RNG is horrible design) topped by yesterdays disaster of a patch. Meh, I'm sad.

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Another reason for population decline at the highest level. We are also out of the race due to the numerous game issues we had yesterday. From mobs that were in range but 'could not see target' to people having red connections and losing our guild tags for a brief time while being stuck in a loop.



Congratulations to those who cleared it and made this the worst progression in the history of any MMO. You guys have nothing to do apart from a timed run but wait? You can take some selfies in your new apartments :D. We have decided to take it slow and enjoy the 'new' content because if we don't, we may pretty much end up quitting the game leaving TOFN with 1 republic guild which is NGE.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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Gz on Clearing DP NIM is an amazing time.


think we too are going to enjoy a nice and relax prgression, once we can get in there, lol. going to be a while b4 next tier of nightmare so whats the point in rushing to join a race that is over.


likewise, i think the server issues and lack of hard content will drive more away from the game, with wildstar's raids looking much harder than anything in swtor, think ill stay tho(star wars fan more than a mmo fan)

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Appreciate all the congratulations posts and wanted to post on thoughts/feelings about the state of end game PvE and other stuff.


I tried my best this pts to give as much feedback to bioware as possible. I did weekly write-ups (was a generic copy/paste most weeks) to get the attention of devs that 4/5 were login bosses the same that DF was. It was sadly unmet and literally nothing outside QoL changes most which were helpful in fights was changed from the buffed Bestia patch.


To me fights like DG, Thrasher, Brontes, Kephess(EC), tanks (16) should be the standard for NM bosses and raid content.


We ran a 4/5 alt run and it was honestly depressing. We only had two dps on mains (Marisi, Fascinate) and Trill and I were on clones of our mains with dirty left sides. (underworld quality)





Failing three challenges and meeting a enrage at only 60k.

Is that really the standard for bosses outside the last that bioware wants?


Bioware we want to help you, help us. We are pleading with you to be more active within the community and listen to to the end game PvE feedback we have for you. Honestly maybe you want to but can't as bioware is a business and a business is about the money and well us 1% players aren't the cash crop for this game.


Just frustrating being forced to another game that I'll stroke out in due to 40M and in zorz I can have same 8 week in/out.


Though for S&V no one really got passed Thrasher since she was massively over tuned and Dread guards were super buffed upon reaching live. I would actually prefer it if the second round of changes for the dread war fights were not put on the PTS like the previous NiMs. It would certainly prolong the content since a certain level of refinement would be necessary.


There is however a bigger issue at play. Personally I think the way guilds approach NiM content since TFB and S&V has fundamentally changed, with a much higher focus on PTS time and alt gearing raids on live since if I recall correctly it was super hard to get people interested in PTS raids at the start of the expansion.


This enthusiasm is encouraging and brings a much tighter and enjoyable competiton (excluding server issues) and I have noted increased interaction between hardcore guilds outside of thier respective servers and regions on the PTS. I will say though that if Bioware intends to keep designing NiM content (meant for the top percentile of PvE'ers) they would do well to note this shift in behavior and design accordingly so the content can keep the players it is aimed at engaged and challenged for longer periods of time.


I this was my favorite post I came across it honestly felt like I wrote parts of it


S&V wasn't tested properly because the live race of TFB was going on and DG was a stonewall for a few days. Once people figured out Styrak it was about meeting those benchmarks consistently 6-8 times.


Since this was my first time running a guild/raid leading progression I figured most guilds ran pts 1-2 times weekly for 2-4 hours. I went with that formula and figured that is what others did. I can't speak for EU guilds about the time they spent on DP PTS but I can 100% confirm the top US guilds were in there the same days we were and more.


I do 100% believe the foundation of PTS vs live has shifted spoke about it on a podcast



Talk about PTS around 16 mins in. TLDR = To compete for world first have to do pts, wish it wasn't that way but don't want release SoA to rear its ugly head. Don't think internal testing is feasible for bioware.


100% agree us raiding as much as we do is advantageous however its fair as others can do the same. We are extremely efficient with time and on DF ( W/mains) not killing Brontes in 1-3 pulls was a disappointment. Think in our main group we one shotted it each week after Gate Crasher.


Above leads to this question is DP designed around 180 gear and discounts for 186 gear? If so shame on bioware, phase two will be the telling factor when I see streams and see KD stacks of other guilds. Though I think our dps core is one of the best in the game and rivals OG suckafish core.


I love interacting with other guilds, its fun when DnT streams and the chat has members of the top progression guilds in it.


To end my wall of text best of luck to all who will be running at council and have fun all.

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