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Ok we clearly need a better naming policy here on SWTOR


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Ratajack, you are dismissed from the thread, as you do not have premeditated character designs, and thus you are not missing out on the names you want, and thus you do not comprehend where the rest of us are coming from.


For now, I challenge you to call up Lucas and pressure him to change the names of his characters. After all, Luke, Han, and Ben are quite common names. The last 37 years haven't meant a thing, he needs to change them because they're not creative enough. You convince him to do that, and I promise I'll rename my 50+/- characters.


Until then, I will support game changes that benefit the entire SWTOR community. Just because you don't want to benefit from complete naming freedom doesn't mean the rest of us don't.


You are not doing yourself any favors with this kind of attitude. If you don't want feedback on your ideas, then don't post in public forums. If you think your ideas are perfect and need no changes, take your meds more than once a day because you are a lunatic.


Your analogies are ridiculous, and you are arguing against your own points half the time. Really, the only thing that comes across is that YOU want a specific name and YOU are willing to throw a temper tantrum about it until something is changed.


Your behavior discourages people from agreeing with you, not that they could ever get a word in edgewise with your constant rude bickering over ridiculous points of pseudo-debate.


Personal commentary aside, George Lucas got there first so he gets to name his characters whatever he wants. When you create an entire fantasy empire and sell it to the popular imagination, you can name your characters and no one will be able to take that away from you. But when you choose to participate in a shared fantasy world with other people all drawing the same common pool of reference, you don't get to claim that your spelling of common words is original or that you have more right to the name than anyone else. If you can't share and you can't make allowances for other people to participate, then don't play.

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...that if they cannot have EXACTLY what they want...


Oh and another point you don't seem to understand. Sometimes we can't have exactly what we want, sometimes we settle for something similar enough, but most of the times we can even have something remotely resembling what we want, so don't act we're objecting about things that are only a micron off.

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Ratajack, you are dismissed from the thread, as you do not have premeditated character designs, and thus you are not missing out on the names you want, and thus you do not comprehend where the rest of us are coming from.


For now, I challenge you to call up Lucas and pressure him to change the names of his characters. After all, Luke, Han, and Ben are quite common names. The last 37 years haven't meant a thing, he needs to change them because they're not creative enough. You convince him to do that, and I promise I'll rename my 50+/- characters.


Until then, I will support game changes that benefit the entire SWTOR community. Just because you don't want to benefit from complete naming freedom doesn't mean the rest of us don't.


Unfortunately for you, you do not have the authority to dismiss me from anything.


That said, apparently you either missed, or are intentionally ignoring, the posts in which I stated that I have had to change names for my characters.


Oh, that's right. You can't even keep that straight. In some posts you accuse me of not having any premeditated names, and in others you claim that I don't care about my premeditated names since I am flexible enough to adapt and not insist that the devs change the entire naming policy so that I can have the EXACT name I want.


The naming policy changes you propose would not benefit the entire community, as many posters have pointed out.

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Oh and another point you don't seem to understand. Sometimes we can't have exactly what we want, sometimes we settle for something similar enough, but most of the times we can even have something remotely resembling what we want, so don't act we're objecting about things that are only a micron off.


Some people are willing to adapt and accept that they cannot have EXACTLY what they want.


Then there are other people who are not so flexible.

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apparently you either missed, or are intentionally ignoring, the posts in which I stated that I have had to change names for my characters.


So you just don't care about your characters, then. Why do the rest of us have to adopt your apathy?


The naming policy changes you propose would not benefit the entire community, as many posters have pointed out.


It will, you're just too blind to see it.




Oh, and Lucas is still waiting for your call. After all, the names he uses are too common in the world of fiction.

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Some people are willing to adapt and accept that they cannot have EXACTLY what they want.


Then there are other people who are not so flexible.


You didn't read the preceding post at all, did you? The very thing you quoted! And you accuse me of ignoring your posts...

Edited by Fevee
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So you just don't care about your characters, then. Why do the rest of us have to adopt your apathy?
How does renaming or altering a premeditated character equate not giving a damn about the character? No. Tell me.



It will, you're just too blind to see it.

Again, I refer to my privacy concerns. I should not be required to have an alternative account just to play away from my friends.



Oh, and Lucas is still waiting for your call. After all, the names he uses are too common in the world of fiction.


But he got them in this world of fiction first[/f]. At the time of creation, I really doubt he created Luke on Tatooine, another Luke on Dantooine, and yet another Luke on the Death Star. World of Fiction translates in the Star Wars universe after it was in the filming process.


Also, he sold the Star Wars franchise, so he doesn't own them anymore. If Disney wants to rename Luke Skywalker into Mickey Mousewalker, George Lucas can't complain.

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Yet you conveniently ignored mine and Daewan's posts and keep spouting your entitled whining. Good luck gaining any support with that attitude.


You mean the posts stating how you're offended by assertiveness and adamancy? Those really didn't warrant any replies.


How does renaming or altering a premeditated character equate not giving a damn about the character? No. Tell me.


How does a willingness to abandon his character's identities equate to caring about them?


Again, I refer to my privacy concerns. I should not be required to have an alternative account just to play away from my friends.


And again, I refer to the proposed privacy settings that can be implemented alongside a name system rehaul. Thus, your concerns are met.


But he got them in this world of fiction first[/f]. At the time of creation, I really doubt he created Luke on Tatooine, another Luke on Dantooine, and yet another Luke on the Death Star. World of Fiction translates in the Star Wars universe after it was in the filming process.


He doesn't have to have any other Lukes in the Star Wars franchise, according to the logic set forth by this thread, Luke is a common name, and if used in any other piece of literature, related or not, it is ineligible to be used anywhere else.


Also, he sold the Star Wars franchise, so he doesn't own them anymore. If Disney wants to rename Luke Skywalker into Mickey Mousewalker, George Lucas can't complain.


Just like he doesn't have any say if Disney wants to name Yoda's species.


Your behavior discourages people from agreeing with you, not that they could ever get a word in edgewise with your constant rude bickering over ridiculous points of pseudo-debate.


I'm sorry if I take everyone's personal attacks ... personally. But, just so you know, I tend to get testy when people feel the need to resort to such behavior.

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*Other paying customer* "Hey, that's the name I have! I'm a paying customer and I demand the right to keep my name!"


*third paying customer* Hmm... Tine is taken... I guess I'll name my character Tíne instead.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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*Other paying customer* "Hey, that's the name I have! I'm a paying customer and I demand the right to keep my name!"


*third paying customer* Hmm... Tine is taken... I guess I'll name my character Tíne instead.


You clearly haven't been reading this thread you're posting on. Let me point out what what you've obviously missed: The suggested name system reform allows everyone to have the character name they want: without denying anyone else the name they want/have.

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You people act like you're the technicians and programmers responsible for that. Correct me if I'm wrong; but that's not your problem. Let's waive the technical details for a minute: If you can name your character any name you want, would you?




If all names are available then a second identifier is needed.


We then get visual clutter of double identifiers visible in chat or otherwise on screen


Or we get massive ambiguity when three Guardians called "Luke" get talking on chat, are doing group content or are are in any way playing near each other.


Unique names is the price for being able to identify other players easily.



Such issues are of course irrelevant to anyone who doesn't care.

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We all have Legacy names, and can display these.......most of us, and to solve this issue, I imagine it would be what drives the game bankrupt if they allow all free as well as sub to diplay Legacy surname/lastname...this will solve these issues.....


Marc Startank Herolon Legacy

Marc Startank Wingbat Legacy


These should be easily implemted,but at a cost of som of us have to suffer 3 People in the same mission ( ops) With the same name, but again the Legacy name at least sets them appart.

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How does a willingness to abandon his character's identities equate to caring about them?


And again, I refer to the proposed privacy settings that can be implemented alongside a name system rehaul. Thus, your concerns are met.


He doesn't have to have any other Lukes in the Star Wars franchise, according to the logic set forth by this thread, Luke is a common name, and if used in any other piece of literature, related or not, it is ineligible to be used anywhere else.


Just like he doesn't have any say if Disney wants to name Yoda's species.


I'm sorry if I take everyone's personal attacks ... personally. But, just so you know, I tend to get testy when people feel the need to resort to such behavior.


A) Isn't that why characters have nicknames and spelling alterations? "On noez! Lyraine is taken! Good thing she goes by Rain- nope, taken. Liraine? Leiraine? Lirain? Lyrain? Lierain? Lyrayne? Lyrayn?" Many, many, many alterations, and then I break out her nicknames if they don't work, "Rayne, Rayn, Rain, Raine, Rain'ika (means 'Little Rain in Mando'a), Rayn'ika" or, le gasp! A hyphen name that you seem to be so very against because only names like Mary-Ann use hyphens, and yet, would it be likely that someone other than me would put together Lyraine-Alei if I needed to? Oh, wait, I just rolled a Merc on Harb with that exact name because she has a different family name than my Harb Legacy people do.


Lyraine is one of my older characters, and yet as shown above, if I must play as her, I have many, many, many options to get an approximation to the name I want if hers is taken.


B) You didn't discuss the privacy concerns until seven pages after I and many others mentioned it. Seven. Pages.


C) By the logic of this thread, names come from many sources of inspiration. Ergo, when Lucas first rolled Luke Skywalker, he could because he got there first. And the character is still being used in the franchise, so he's not subject to losing his name any time soon. The logic of the thread isn't that the name may or may not be common, the logic is, if it is a common name in RL or fiction, and you want that name in a game that is now three years old, you most likely won't get exactly thathat name.


D) We don't actually own our characters in this game either. So if BW or a GM decides that we cant have that name because they don't want us to have that name, well, we have to go along if we want to play.


E) Your personal attacks are on option and bias, not details as given by the people in the discussion. And public forums are public, exactly what the name says. You can't have a discussion in a public setting without others giving opinions on it. All opinions are personal, some have back up evidence that others don't.


However, in a public setting, we can only keep "personal attacks" on a mild setting, not a harsh "You clearly don't know what you are talking about" or "****, I don't like what you have to say" or ruder things that I usually type out dead sober.


TL;DR: No summary available

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Oh I know... And I still consider my comment spot-on.


But it's not. Reread the thread.


If all names are available then a second identifier is needed.


Exactly, it's called a surname.


We then get visual clutter of double identifiers visible in chat or otherwise on screen


Or we get massive ambiguity when three Guardians called "Luke" get talking on chat, are doing group content or are are in any way playing near each other.


Unique names is the price for being able to identify other players easily.


Your concerns are moot, as this is already possible. After all, what happens when an ops group forms composed of Luke, Lúke, Lùke, Lüke, Lüke, Lukê, Luké, and Lukè?


A) Isn't that why characters have nicknames and spelling alterations? "On noez! Lyraine is taken! Good thing she goes by Rain- nope, taken. Liraine? Leiraine? Lirain? Lyrain? Lierain? Lyrayne? Lyrayn?"....


And, what if absolutely every acceptable alteration you can think of is taken? On every server? Do you abandon all hope of creating Lyraine? Do you rename Lyraine to Ĺŷŗāĭʼnœ? Do you rename Lyraine to Xleenanthatoo?


You didn't discuss the privacy concerns until seven pages after I and many others mentioned it. Seven. Pages.


Does that mean it's an unacceptable amendment? Or are you bringing up old, solved points to keep replies nice and long?


By the logic of this thread, names come from many sources of inspiration. Ergo, when Lucas first rolled Luke Skywalker, he could because he got there first. And the character is still being used in the franchise, so he's not subject to losing his name any time soon. The logic of the thread isn't that the name may or may not be common, the logic is, if it is a common name in RL or fiction, and you want that name in a game that is now three years old, you most likely won't get exactly thathat name.


Yes, it's old. There are newer systems that allow for more freedom in character naming. And in a game as potentially large and inhabited as this one, it ridiculous to say that only one person can hold any given name. Plus considering the odds that one may never have anything to do with the other keeper of their namesake; you might as well tell me that I can't have a name because someone on another server already has that name. I don't know what your real name is, but can you tell me that you're the only one on this planet who holds it? I don't think so.


Your personal attacks are on option and bias, not details as given by the people in the discussion. And public forums are public, exactly what the name says. You can't have a discussion in a public setting without others giving opinions on it. All opinions are personal, some have back up evidence that others don't.


The personal attacks here feel pretty opinionated, to me. Case in point:



*Other paying customer* "Hey, that's the name I have! I'm a paying customer and I demand the right to keep my name!"


*third paying customer* Hmm... Tine is taken... I guess I'll name my character Tíne instead.


That is clearly an uninformed opinion. Either he hasn't read the entire thread, or has intentionally disregarded the points in the thread to make what is essentially a baseless insult.

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You clearly haven't been reading this thread you're posting on. Let me point out what what you've obviously missed: The suggested name system reform allows ME to have the character name I want while inconveniencing a great many players.


Fixed that for you.

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Your concerns are moot, as this is already possible. After all, what happens when an ops group forms composed of Luke, Lúke, Lùke, Lüke, Lüke, Lukê, Luké, and Lukè?


Possible, but highly improbable. That's 8 (if all of those are even taken) out of however many players are on a server. You may want to take a statistics 101 course.


And, what if absolutely every acceptable alteration you can think of is taken? On every server? Do you abandon all hope of creating Lyraine? Do you rename Lyraine to Ĺŷŗāĭʼnœ? Do you rename Lyraine to Xleenanthatoo?


Again, very improbable, and the unnecessary exaggeration only serves to make you look even more ridiculous than you already do.

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And, what if absolutely every acceptable alteration you can think of is taken? On every server? Do you abandon all hope of creating Lyraine? Do you rename Lyraine to Ĺŷŗāĭʼnœ? Do you rename Lyraine to Xleenanthatoo?


How in the world would I type that atrocity? I don't even know those codes. But answer your exaggeration, if every option on the server for every spelling, nickname, and every combination involving the full name (hyphens!), were somehow taken, then I would play her on a different server.


Or break out the full name: Lyraine Merla Alei. Lyraine-Merla-Alei. The longer the name, the less likely the name has been taken. Kinda like insanely long passwords taking longer to crack.


No one said rename Time into Xleekanthhajshdjnfbs.

Does that mean it's an unacceptable amendment? Or are you bringing up old, solved points to keep replies nice and long?

Just pointing out that it took you seven pages before you addressed it in your suggestion of the original suggestion.

Yes, it's old. There are newer systems that allow for more freedom in character naming. And in a game as potentially large and inhabited as this one, it ridiculous to say that only one person can hold any given name. Plus considering the odds that one may never have anything to do with the other keeper of their namesake; you might as well tell me that I can't have a name because someone on another server already has that name. I don't know what your real name is, but can you tell me that you're the only one on this planet who holds it? I don't think so.


Again, tell the companies that make shirts and pens and magnets and other things with names on them that I am not the only person on this blasted planet with my name spelled this way. My name, which my mother had to change because some other little baby girl was born with what was going to be my name in the same hospital. Even though she had my name picked out for months.


My point was not that it is an old game with an older naming system, my point was that this is a three year old game, and look at the recent announcement as to how many player characters have been made. Yes, that is across all the servers, but only one character on each server can have *that* name. You can repeat names across the servers if you want, assuming it isn't taken. I did that with Toryah, as I mentioned earlier in this thread.

The personal attacks here feel pretty opinionated, to me. Case in point:


That is clearly an uninformed opinion. Either he hasn't read the entire thread, or has intentionally disregarded the points in the thread to make what is essentially a baseless insult.


Or s/he is summarizing the thread in general, not summarizing you. Alternative Character Interpretation, because we can't read minds through computer screens.


The original post really did read like all the threads calling for another name purge months ago: "Waaaah, my character's name is being used and I want it!!!one1!" To summarize most of them, when they didn't even bother with alterations.


Edit: Have you tried Tine-lastname yet?

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Fixed that for you.


No, it was correct the way it was. Just because you're too blind to see it or simply refuse to be convenienced doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everyone else.


I repeat: You clearly haven't been reading this thread you're posting on. Let me point out what what you've obviously missed: The suggested name system reform allows everyone to have the character name they want: without denying anyone else the name they want/have.


How in the world would I type that atrocity? I don't even know those codes. But answer your exaggeration, if every option on the server for every spelling, nickname, and every combination involving the full name (hyphens!), were somehow taken, then I would play her on a different server.


I don't know those codes, either. Plus, it's impossible to use any of those foreign codes in a casual manner. We might as well let people use real characters for real names; since they're going to get as close as they can to the name they want, anyways. Anyways, let me elaborate: what if absolutely every acceptable alteration you can think of is taken? On every server? If it were up to you people, and things continue on the way they are, that atrocity is going to be the only available spelling left for you.


Again, tell the companies that make shirts and pens and magnets and other things with names on them that I am not the only person on this blasted planet with my name spelled this way. My name, which my mother had to change because some other little baby girl was born with what was going to be my name in the same hospital. Even though she had my name picked out for months.


Your mother's circumstances aside, if multiple people on this planet can hold the same given name, why is it so inconceivable that an entire galaxy (or at least the planets this game has available) may have a recurring name every once in a while?


No one said rename Tine into Xleekanthhajshdjnfbs.


Then what is Ratajack going on about this inflexibility and unwillingness to adapt? He continues with his rhetoric that I can't have things EXACTLY the way I want it. Is he missing out on the point that I can't even have the names SIMILAR to what I want? He acts like I'm objecting over a difference between Tine and Tíne, when in truth the closest thing I have to Tine really is Xleekanthhajshdjnfbs. And that's what I am objecting, am I too inflexible for not agreeing to that?


To summarize most of them, when they didn't even bother with alterations.


If it's any consolation, I attempt alterations until I'm blue in the fingers. After I've run through 50 different spellings, am I not entitled to a bit of displeasure?


The majority of the characters who's names I have been denied are currently living under butchered spellings. Payghe, Rhanger, Mharo, Ahmon, for examples. I'm tired of it.


Edit: Have you tried Tine-lastname yet?


No, because I see that as a cop-out that I would prefer not to resort to. Is Jean's last name Luc?


Possible, but highly improbable. That's 8 (if all of those are even taken) out of however many players are on a server. You may want to take a statistics 101 course.


And what do those same statistics say about randomly encountering those 8? What if the naming system was reformed how I'm suggesting, and those 8 spell their names exactly the same way: L-u-k-e. What do those same statistics say about ever running into those characters?


and the unnecessary exaggeration only serves to make you look even more ridiculous than you already do.


Or maybe it makes the point even better than it already was. How long until that atrocity of a spelling is the only spelling available?

Edited by Fevee
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Oh, and for the fun of it:




L, Ĺ, Ļ, Ľ, Ŀ, Ł.


u, ũ, ū, ŭ, ů, ű, ų, ư, ǖ, ǘ, ǚ, ǜ.


k, ķ.


e, è, é, ê, ë, ē, ĕ, ė, ę, ə.


Someone check my math, but I think these characters make for an entire 1,440 ways to spell Luke. MagikFingerz, show me those statistics again and tell me how many Luke wannabes you've come across this whole time.

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Oh, and for the fun of it:




L, Ĺ, Ļ, Ľ, Ŀ, Ł.


u, ũ, ū, ŭ, ů, ű, ų, ư, ǖ, ǘ, ǚ, ǜ.


k, ķ.


e, è, é, ê, ë, ē, ĕ, ė, ę, ə.


Someone check my math, but I think these characters make for an entire 1,440 ways to spell Luke. MagikFingerz, show me those statistics again and tell me how many Luke wannabes you've come across this whole time.


The statistics of possible combinations and how many I have come across have nothing to do with one another, if you think one person's observations are any indication of actual statistics you should probably ...you know, something something Statistics 101. Not that I think it will make any difference to you, but I have seen maybe 2 or 3 Luke's on my server (a couple more Revan's), nowhere near even the 8 in your original point. Even if I HAD seen 8 or more, it would still be extremely unlikely that they would all be at 55, all be online at the same time, and all be part of the same ops group.


I could just as well turn your own argument against you and say that if there are 1440 possible ways for your character to have one of the most common or easily thought-of 4-letter name for Star Wars characters, there's really no point in devoting resources to making any changes to the current system. Chances are, you WILL find a combination that isn't taken for any given name, and you won't even need a second identifier cluttering up the system. Or just take Lyraine's advice. Or just keep harping on and on about it until you can get your George and Tine, which will probably happen roundabout 2046.


EDIT: Forgot to comment on this


And what do those same statistics say about randomly encountering those 8? What if the naming system was reformed how I'm suggesting, and those 8 spell their names exactly the same way: L-u-k-e. What do those same statistics say about ever running into those characters?


It stands to reason that if your system was implemented, there would be a lot more people naming their characters Luke. Thereby increasing the chances of your "undesirable scenario" example happening.

Edited by MagikFingerz
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I don't know those codes, either. Plus, it's impossible to use any of those foreign codes in a casual manner. We might as well let people use real characters for real names; since they're going to get as close as they can to the name they want, anyways. Anyways, let me elaborate: what if absolutely every acceptable alteration you can think of is taken? On every server? If it were up to you people, and things continue on the way they are, that atrocity is going to be the only available spelling left for you.

Again, using Lyraine:


Lyrain, Lyrayne, Lyrayn, Lirayne, Lirayn, Lierayne, Lierayn, Lierain, Lieraine, Leiraine, Leirain, Leirayne, Leirayn, Rain, Rayne, Rayne, Rain'ika, Rayn'ika, Raine'ika, Rayne'ika, Ly'ika, Lyr'ika, Lie'ika, Lei'ika, Lyraine-Alei, Lyrain-Alei, Lyrayne-Alei, Lyrayn-Alei, Lieraine-Alei, have I made my point yet, I still have more combinations? And across every server, they and every other alteration is taken? Most unlikely. Give Time a last name.


What is my secret? Having a full name set out. First, middle, last, nicknames. And alterations of those.


I love when someone disregards a simple detail, like the longer the name, the less likely it has been taken.



Your mother's circumstances aside, if multiple people on this planet can hold the same given name, why is it so inconceivable that an entire galaxy (or at least the planets this game has available) may have a recurring name every once in a while?


Actually, my mother's circumstance is the real life equivalent of your excuse for why the name system should change.


Because YOU, <insert name here>, are the hero. No one has the same name as the hero in fiction, unless that same name happens to be a part of the plot. Literature 101. Actually, not even 101, I think it was 90.


Then what is Ratajack going on about this inflexibility and unwillingness to adapt? He continues with his rhetoric that I can't have things EXACTLY the way I want it. Is he missing out on the point that I can't even have the names SIMILAR to what I want? He acts like I'm objecting over a difference between Tine and Tíne, when in truth the closest thing I have to Tine really is Xleekanthhajshdjnfbs. And that's what I am objecting, am I too inflexible for not agreeing to that?


You seem to be inflexible to understanding why a good portion of those name are taken. Other people, who are subscribing or playing still, got there first, on that server.


No, because I see that as a cop-out that I would prefer not to resort to. Is Jean's last name Luc?

So now it's no longer "I can't get this spelling, or ones like it" it is "I can't get THIS spelling, or ones like it, and I DON'T WANNA USE HYPHENS!!!!!!!" *looks around* Right? Lyraine-Alei, is clearly a firstname-lastname combo, not a Christianname-Personalname combo.


And most people called Jean-Luc Picard, "Jean", except for Dr.Crusher who called him "Luc". Mary-Ann is a name short enough for that situation, but Tine-Lastname will likely be too long. Unless Tine's last name is very short.

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Bioware might be unsympathetic to your cause. Per Wookieepedia

The character that was to become Bastila Shan was originally going to be Vima Sunrider, connecting what Vima Da-Boda said in the Dark Empire trilogy about her ancestor Vima Sunrider's great skill of battle meditation; she was apparently changed due to trademark issues over the name "Sunrider." The character was then renamed Sareth Dorn, and then finally Bastila Shan—the name originally given to the Cathar Jedi Juhani.[1] Shan, along with Zaalbar, Carth Onasi, Canderous Ordo, and Mission Vao, was inspired by James Ohlen's work on roleplaying campaigns for West End Games.


So, here is an example of a premeditated character with a long history who needed to be renamed. If Bioware could do it, so can you.

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