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Ok we clearly need a better naming policy here on SWTOR


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For example, when I purchased a character rename I first made sure the name isn't taken on both pub and imperial factions, the name I wanted says "name does not exist" sure enough when I go to change my name, it won't let me change it over for some unknown reason, I know I've been through this before but really we could really use another name purge for those that aren't subscribers.
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For example, when I purchased a character rename I first made sure the name isn't taken on both pub and imperial factions, the name I wanted says "name does not exist" sure enough when I go to change my name, it won't let me change it over for some unknown reason, I know I've been through this before but really we could really use another name purge for those that aren't subscribers.


The only time that these types of threads seem to pop up is when someone wants a name that is already taken. Then it's off to the forums to whine, complain and demand a new name purge because Johnny can't have the name he wants since someone else got it first.


Did you try to create a character with the name you wanted to see if truly was available? You could have then purchased the character rename and deleted the placeholder character.



They already did a name purge, and with very reasonable criteria. Of course, some player's desired names were not freed up and so there have been multiple cries for new name purges with varying degrees of different criteria. I hope that there will not be another name purge anytime soon, and if there is, I hope that it will use the same criteria.


I'm a subscriber, but I do not feel that I have any more right to any given name simply because I am a subscriber.

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Well if the name does not exist means a name purge will do you no good, also the easiest way to find out if the name you want is availible is to make a place holder with that name. if you can't name the placeholder the name you want there is no reason to attempt the name change. and if it works just delete the place holder right before you attempt the rename.
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If the system says "name does not exist" but won't let you make a character with that name, then it is a name that is unavailable for some reason.


In example: Copyrighted. Or in another language might be an obscenity.


I use the first name listed in my signature a lot, in multiple games, and usually in at least a few I get tells from random people saying they hate me for having it and preventing them from being able to use it.


It all comes down to being able to make the names you want as soon as something starts up. If your joining late in the game, there's a very large chance the name you want is already taken. And if its a name that isn't allowed for whatever reason, you have to just be creative and find something else.


Just because you want something, doesn't mean you have the right to demand it be taken from someone else. (Not directed to the OP, just to people screaming for name purges every other month)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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For example, when I purchased a character rename I first made sure the name isn't taken on both pub and imperial factions, the name I wanted says "name does not exist" sure enough when I go to change my name, it won't let me change it over for some unknown reason, I know I've been through this before but really we could really use another name purge for those that aren't subscribers.

I assume you checked if you can add this name to your friend list in game ?

Its simple: just create a random character with this name and see if is available. Then you can delete this character and rename the chosen one. Some names with ` and - and other "strange" symbols are unavailable. And you cant create a character with personal name and surname. For example - I cant reg "James`beattie"(even if its not registered) , but I can "James-ßeattie". The same thing with Jamesbeattie or Justinbieber :p but you can get them as Jamesßeattie and Justinßieber.

Edited by iankalo
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The only time that these types of threads seem to pop up is when someone wants a name that is already taken.


No one ever calls tech support to tell them how good they're currently doing. People only flock to tech support when something is wrong. If everyone has what they want, no one complains they don't have what they want. Redundant, but true.


This stupid name system makes character names first-come-first-served. Am I supposed to believe there's only one Johnny in the entire galaxy? There's only one Rebecca in the entire galaxy? There's only one Paul? There's only one James? Leonard? Karl? Chris? Marie? Laura? Steve? Flynn? Ray? Jill? Tim? Al? Ed? Isabella? Phineas?


Apparently so. And now the guy who was adamant on naming his character Samantha has finally settled for Ss'æmm-ÁΠŧŧŧhůħ. Are we getting ridiculous enough or can we fix the character naming system?


If I may be so bold as to self-advertise, I think my suggestion Character Nicknames and Alternate Surnames gives a decent augment for characters who want to get the names they actually want.

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I see nothing wrong with the current system. I think it would be a total waste of resources to implement a different system.

Just because the system doesn't allow you to get the name you want doesn't mean that the system is unfair or that changes are warranted.

Edited by JediRelentless
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  • 4 months later...
I see nothing wrong with the current system. I think it would be a total waste of resources to implement a different system.

Just because the system doesn't allow you to get the name you want doesn't mean that the system is unfair or that changes are warranted.


So it's ok for someone that holds a name on one server (that's never used) while playing on another? correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a bit selfish? Or if a name isn't being used months at a time, (lets say 6 months to a year) shouldn't those names be purged so someone can actually use them for a change?

Edited by RaithHarth
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I have had to change my names numerous times, mostly during server transfers (the kind where BW consolidated servers) These include names ive held for literally years through multiple games. One in particular, Damascus was taken from me during a transfer (and it made me very unhappy)


I added the player name to all of my imp and pub toons and have literally NEVER seen "Damascus" log in (and I play a lot)


Despite this I regularly check if the name is available, and it never is. How is it that someone like me who has been a sub since the release of this game had to give up a name to someone who to my knowledge has not logged in for over 2 years.


I have sent multiple support requests and each have sent me back a canned response about their naming policy. IMO the policy does need to change:


Names should be given priority to subs, and the lockout IE the time at which a name becomes available through non use needs to be reduced. Its ludicrous that my names (ones I reserved from the start) were taken for people who simply do not play the game. Just to re-clarify I am not mad because my name was already used, I am mad because names I chose and had from the start were taken during transfers and never made available again.

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So it's ok for someone that holds a name on one server (that's never used) while playing on another? correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a bit selfish? Or if a name isn't being used months at a time, (lets say 6 months to a year) shouldn't those names be purged so someone can actually use them for a change?


I stated that I saw nothing wrong with BW's policy and how they handled this issue previously. When they noticed that a significant number of accounts had obviously been abandoned they emailed all players warning them of a name purge. I thought the criteria for losing a name was fair. I continue to feel that nothing needs to be changed.

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Buck up and find another name, it's not that hard.


This just so hard for you people to comprehend, but not all of us design our character's face and name in a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment design. Some of us have premeditated names and faces that have existed years before this game even began production. Why is it such a crime to attempt to recreate our characters in this new game that came out? (This game was new, at some point. Or, it's new to those who have never played it before. Nevertheless, I make my case.)


Plus, it may not be the case that someone else got to the name I want first. Some names are unavailable because an NPC you'll only ever meet once already has that name. For example, I have a green-skinned character I named Maro. My attempt to recreate her, though, failed apparently because there's an imperial NPC in the Nar Shaddaa world mission named Maro. I could have been the very first player to make a character on this game; it wouldn't matter because a single NPC holds it.


The current naming system is unfair, and they should either revamp it, or implement my proposed nickname feature.

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This just so hard for you people to comprehend, but not all of us design our character's face and name in a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment design. Some of us have premeditated names and faces that have existed years before this game even began production. Why is it such a crime to attempt to recreate our characters in this new game that came out? (This game was new, at some point. Or, it's new to those who have never played it before. Nevertheless, I make my case.)


Plus, it may not be the case that someone else got to the name I want first. Some names are unavailable because an NPC you'll only ever meet once already has that name. For example, I have a green-skinned character I named Maro. My attempt to recreate her, though, failed apparently because there's an imperial NPC in the Nar Shaddaa world mission named Maro. I could have been the very first player to make a character on this game; it wouldn't matter because a single NPC holds it.


The current naming system is unfair, and they should either revamp it, or implement my proposed nickname feature.


So let me understand this because you didn't get a name you wanted it is unfair? So you are telling Bioware that they have to change it one way or the other or you will go to a corner and fuss and yell until they give you want you want.


Okay. Let me know how that goes. I know what usually happens when someone throws a fit to get their way.



On topic:


I didn't get the name I wanted but I found a way to work around it on 3 of my toons.

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This just so hard for you people to comprehend, but not all of us design our character's face and name in a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment design. Some of us have premeditated names and faces that have existed years before this game even began production. Why is it such a crime to attempt to recreate our characters in this new game that came out? (This game was new, at some point. Or, it's new to those who have never played it before. Nevertheless, I make my case.)


Plus, it may not be the case that someone else got to the name I want first. Some names are unavailable because an NPC you'll only ever meet once already has that name. For example, I have a green-skinned character I named Maro. My attempt to recreate her, though, failed apparently because there's an imperial NPC in the Nar Shaddaa world mission named Maro. I could have been the very first player to make a character on this game; it wouldn't matter because a single NPC holds it.


The current naming system is unfair, and they should either revamp it, or implement my proposed nickname feature.


What WOULD be unfair is you getting your will just because you HAVE to have that one name you like so much. The current system is not perfect, but it never will be. Some people are always going to miss that one name. It's unfortunate, but not unfair.


I'll say it again: You can't always get what you want. Sometimes people take a name before you. Sometimes there's coincidentally an NPC with your name. It sucks, we get it. But if this is how you react to not getting exactly what you want, Real Life is going to hit you hard.

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I didn't get the name I wanted but I found a way to work around it on 3 of my toons.


Right, you couldn't get Dalora, so you spelled it Đďuh'loõor-æħ, brilliant. Why must we keep butchering the names we actually want?


So let me understand this because you didn't get a name you wanted it is unfair?


Just because you got the name you wanted doesn't make the system fair.


What WOULD be unfair is you getting your will just because you HAVE to have that one name you like so much.
So, it would be unfair for everyone in the entire game to have the name they want for their character? Gasp, the audacity.


The current system is not perfect, but it never will be.


Right, it could be better, but why bother. Nothing will ever be 100, but let's hover at 24 instead of 66. Crypic figured out how to let characters have the name they want, thus it's not impossible.

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Someone get my don't be stupid sign I have some hitting to do



the current systems fair taking a name from players so you can have the one you want isn't



Now repeat after me


I am not the only one who plays tor

Other players have as much right to name there characters as I do

Delora is a really stupid name and I feel bad using it as an example

I will not pull numbers out of my *** because fake statistics mean nothing

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the current systems fair taking a name from players so you can have the one you want isn't


Who said anything about taking? Picture this, if you will. Consider your real name. Now tell me if you're the only one on this entire planet who has that name in that exact spelling and pronunciation.


I am not the only one who plays tor

Other players have as much right to name there characters as I do

But it's not fair that players strip other players of that right, when we can both have the name we want.

So let's fix the system and follow the pattern of other gaming companies that figured this out, already.

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Who said anything about taking? Picture this, if you will. Consider your real name. Now tell me if you're the only one on this entire planet who has that name in that exact spelling and pronunciation.


I am not the only one who plays tor

Other players have as much right to name there characters as I do

But it's not fair that players strip other players of that right, when we can both have the name we want.

So let's fix the system and follow the pattern of other gaming companies that figured this out, already.


Name me one other gaming company that has ever guaranteed you the name you want?

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Who said anything about taking? Picture this, if you will. Consider your real name. Now tell me if you're the only one on this entire planet who has that name in that exact spelling and pronunciation.


I am not the only one who plays tor

Other players have as much right to name there characters as I do

But it's not fair that players strip other players of that right, when we can both have the name we want.

So let's fix the system and follow the pattern of other gaming companies that figured this out, already.


Breaking news: Naming in games work differently than RL! More at 11.

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Who said anything about taking? Picture this, if you will. Consider your real name. Now tell me if you're the only one on this entire planet who has that name in that exact spelling and pronunciation.



Actually, according to those companies that make personalized pens with names and such, even though there is a celebrity with the same spelling as me, Yes. I am the only person in the whole world with my name.


Snark mode aside, is it just me, or are we having "Change the Name System!!!1!!one!!" Threads almost every week now? And has the same people posting in it.


Name system has been this way since launch, I doubt it will change anytime soon. The best people could hope for is maybe a yearly or every-two-years name purge. At best.


But I happen to be a pessimist towards names.

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