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Well, you have my support, dude.


But i dunno if whatever we say here matters to the suits up there.


I would very much like to see new class quests. Not like Makeb, where there's only one main quest, with different voice actings.


What makes me stay on this game is the storyline, not farming dailies, finishing NIM, or being the "Karate Kid" of pvp.


But, like i said, i dunno if this matters.


If the actual model makes money for EA, i dont see why they would change things.


The sad truth is that they (EA) are the worst gaming company for a good reason.

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Well, you have my support, dude.


But i dunno if whatever we say here matters to the suits up there.


I would very much like to see new class quests. Not like Makeb, where there's only one main quest, with different voice actings.


What makes me stay on this game is the storyline, not farming dailies, finishing NIM, or being the "Karate Kid" of pvp.


But, like i said, i dunno if this matters.


If the actual model makes money for EA, i dont see why they would change things.


The sad truth is that they (EA) are the worst gaming company for a good reason.


What reason is that? Be specific, please.

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We need NEW content to keep our guilds alive, we need new quality PvE and PvP content to keep people interested. The truly hardcore SW fans will stick around, run stale content and wait for something new, but the folks who keep the game on the radar will leave.


The gist of your post is essentially that without raiders the game will die. While I don't disagree new content is desirable, and not merely retooling existing content to various difficulties (though that is also nice, I frown on the people who say it's annoying), I have to quibble with your contention that the people who keep the game on the radar (to wit, drive SWTOR's profits and playbase) will leave if there isn't a shiny new Operation.


Yeah, probably not. The percentage of people who run operations is almost certainly quite low. The percentage of people who run hard mode operations even lower, and nightmare a teeny tiny fraction. The bulk of the playerbase are casual players. Who consume content more slowly. Who do everything. A little bit of everything.


Not the people who clear end-game content the week it comes out. Those players aren't who drive the game nor keep it on the "radar". Your entire premise is flawed, though your desire at least has merit.

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The gist of your post is essentially that without raiders the game will die. While I don't disagree new content is desirable, and not merely retooling existing content to various difficulties (though that is also nice, I frown on the people who say it's annoying), I have to quibble with your contention that the people who keep the game on the radar (to wit, drive SWTOR's profits and playbase) will leave if there isn't a shiny new Operation.


Yeah, probably not. The percentage of people who run operations is almost certainly quite low. The percentage of people who run hard mode operations even lower, and nightmare a teeny tiny fraction. The bulk of the playerbase are casual players. Who consume content more slowly. Who do everything. A little bit of everything.


Not the people who clear end-game content the week it comes out. Those players aren't who drive the game nor keep it on the "radar". Your entire premise is flawed, though your desire at least has merit.


i just wish they added more story. most of the end-game content is group content, but i hate people, i am antisocial. that is why i stay on my computer and talk on forums and play an MMO. sure, i will trade, do PvP, and the occasional FP. i also talk to people on chat, but i shouldn't be forced to do any interaction with other people.


all an MMO is is just a game in which many different people live in an environment with others in which interaction is possible, but interaction should never be forced. the highlight of this game was 8 uniquely designed, entire stories, but now everyone is all 'PvP vs PvE' and people forgot that the whole game was supposed to be a whole star wars universe. star wars is a story, not PvP or PvE and it was what really kept me here.

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Agreed. I think that the storylines have been wrapped up pretty well in chapters 1, 2 & 3, but I wouldn't mind a quick jump into some storyline from time to time. Not anything on the scope of what is already there, but maybe a solo mission tooled at 55 that takes you on a short class focused run to some section of a planet.






Honestly I'm not picky, I really just want some new stuff. The FA content, that will be out whenever it is out, is really interesting, but who really knows when that will be now. I mean a lot of what was coming out seemed to be revolving around housing and that was pushed back to August. So when can we expect more on the Forged Alliances? Is it going to end up being a full year (since the release of the Dread Ops) before we see a new Op or new, time consuming, playable content?


They already stated that Forged alliances pt 2 will be coming in 2.9 along with strongholds and we all (most of us that saw the bug live after 2.7) know that manaan will be the next flashpoint location

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In the past, Bioware has demonstrated they can deliver 2(technically 3) operations per year, in two consecutive years.


The most likely reason they haven't this year(or don't appear to be planning to do so, which I could be wrong about), is because of the possibility of needing to retool an operation shortly after releasing it.


Or they could be holding back operations for the level cap increase expansion. As it makes little sense to release a new op when they are going to raise the cap soon

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I'm one of the first to defend this game and have been for some time. I was surprised they made the two new flashpoints of Korriban and Tython where you really would only do it once per toon. As it is apparent they fired some of the best 3D apparel artists (e.g. battlemaster/war hero) to make gear we would be willing to grind for. The reward gear for the KDY is also a letdown.


Suffice to say going into Summer 2014 we should have had either:

A. A new planet to explore with new crafting mats

B. Another big operation like Scum and Villany where the SM is enough for a guild to chew on for a month in 16m

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I'm one of the first to defend this game and have been for some time. I was surprised they made the two new flashpoints of Korriban and Tython where you really would only do it once per toon. As it is apparent they fired some of the best 3D apparel artists (e.g. battlemaster/war hero) to make gear we would be willing to grind for. The reward gear for the KDY is also a letdown.


Suffice to say going into Summer 2014 we should have had either:

A. A new planet to explore with new crafting mats

B. Another big operation like Scum and Villany where the SM is enough for a guild to chew on for a month in 16m


1: why would you only do the FP's once per toon? Is it because of the story aspect? Because in that case, ALL the FP's in the game would be something you "really would only do once per toon"...

2: What are you talking about? The battlemaster/war hero gear was pretty loathed by alot of people. I personally like some of them, but they definately weren't their finest work ever.

3: You don't do KDY for gear... you do it for xp while leveling up.


As for what we "should" have had going into summer 2014, that's just your own opinions.

I'm personally fine with the road map as it stands. Sure, it's a bummer that the housing got pushed back, but the summer's not going to be dull... I'll be spending most of it outside with my friends anyway.

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Dear developers:


Lock down the PvE & PvP content release schedule. NiM difficulty is not new operation. It's still supposed to be fun in form of challenge. Those are a must for very specific community in this game.


Make nightmare mode so that it is unlocked for character when you finish the last boss of HM and also release NiM at the same time with SM and HM difficulties.



#1 New operation every 6 months



#1 New PvP map every 6 months

#2 Develop (or ripoff) new PvP mode


Granted that I don't know how to appreciate the PvP flight simulator. I just watched a video and never ended up trying it. Perhaps it was worth the time spent developing. However, I still want a new operation every six months. I don't want level cap rise making old operations next to useless either.

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Granted that I don't know how to appreciate the PvP flight simulator. I just watched a video and never ended up trying it. Perhaps it was worth the time spent developing. However, I still want a new operation every six months. I don't want level cap rise making old operations next to useless either.


You should at least try it out once... you never know, you might love it... watching a video and actually playing are two different things.

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1: why would you only do the FP's once per toon? Is it because of the story aspect? Because in that case, ALL the FP's in the game would be something you "really would only do once per toon"...

2: What are you talking about? The battlemaster/war hero gear was pretty loathed by alot of people. I personally like some of them, but they definately weren't their finest work ever.

3: You don't do KDY for gear... you do it for xp while leveling up.


As for what we "should" have had going into summer 2014, that's just your own opinions.

I'm personally fine with the road map as it stands. Sure, it's a bummer that the housing got pushed back, but the summer's not going to be dull... I'll be spending most of it outside with my friends anyway.


I'm not the one who posted it but I understand what they meant.

1) You run it once for each character to complete the story arc of it. Because TFP suck. Its like beating on Target Dummy for 15min.

2) Some people liked those outfits. Since you can buy the JC PvP armor with a drop from running Korriban and Tython. They would like others placed there like JC PvP amor

3) Reo gear for KDY


Congratz to you on being happy with summer 2014. Not everyone is and that is the point of the thread. People posting what they would like to see.

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I'm not the one who posted it but I understand what they meant.

1) You run it once for each character to complete the story arc of it. Because TFP suck. Its like beating on Target Dummy for 15min.

2) Some people liked those outfits. Since you can buy the JC PvP armor with a drop from running Korriban and Tython. They would like others placed there like JC PvP amor

3) Reo gear for KDY


Congratz to you on being happy with summer 2014. Not everyone is and that is the point of the thread. People posting what they would like to see.


That was my post he was originally replying to. He must have 1/2 day waits for people doing the new tython/korriban as the gear/rep vendor is even less appealing than the voss one. Battlemaster/War Hero was definitely the peak of SWTOR design. The uniformity of Obroan/Oriconian is like being a participant in a communist s&m dungeon where everyone is a gimp.



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Doesn't EVE-Online play to a hardcore crowd.


Not really.


Having played it for several years, both hardcore and casual...... EVE provides a core environment for large PvP encounters (at a lot of different levels)......but for the most part...it's corporation on corporation and it's much more then just hardcore engagements. You can be a part of a corporation in a lot of different ways.. and can be as casual about it or as hardcore about it as you like. In fact, I would argue that it is the casual players in EVE that provide the resource harvesting engine that feeds the entire game paradigm.


So.. like every other MMO... EVE has all types of players.... and the true hardcore are NOT the majority.

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The core issue here is not new to MMOs. It tends to be more of a problem for a "broad appeal themed" MMO then for "niche theme" MMOs for sure.


As a broad appeal MMO, with a famous and desired IP, there are a lot of different "special interest groups" within the player base. Now, admittedly....some of these interest groups present themselves as more entitled then other interest groups for priority of attention on new content. But again, broad appeal, many different interest groups, diversity of play style = SWTOR. And I don't see that changing. If anything.. we are going to continue to see a "broadening" of content more so then "deeping" of content. Why? Because it's broadly popular with MMO players. Not all players.....but a majority of players. As such, it is going to get more criticisms from players who only play a small fractional part of the total MMO.


You cannot, realistically, as a special interest group (such as: hardcore progression raiding, or PvP, or crafting, etc.) demand a broad appeal MMO go deep into your preferred less casual content. You can demand....but they are not going to listen. Because if they feed your 5% or 10% interest group at the expense of every other interest... then they fail and close as a business. Deep special interest centered MMOs..... they are best conducted by smaller studios with very narrow focus of their limited resources.


I'm not saying we all should not ask for the things we want. We should. But we should temper our expectations and manage our own needs for MMO fun at a personal level.


I am only pointing out that the business model of this game does not support the deep content that some forum members are frustrated about not seeing. These people, are IMO.. playing the wrong MMO if that is what they personally desire. Sure... the SW IP is fun.. and places some players at odds with their needs.... ie: needing/wanting SW IP + <insert your personal desire for specific content in depth>. But THAT is precisely why I advocate players play different MMOs for their particular strengths as they match your play desire. I play SWTOR for the SW content more then anything else. For PvP ----> different MMO. For sandbox -----> different MMO. etc. etc.

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I bet housing and guildships are also targeting a small base. We will probably see that couple months after the release where no one goes to houses or buys anything related to it.


This game is fragmented for sure but the releases are not coming inline with the demands of that fragmented player base. It is coming inline with revenue generation.

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I bet housing and guildships are also targeting a small base. We will probably see that couple months after the release where no one goes to houses or buys anything related to it.


This game is fragmented for sure but the releases are not coming inline with the demands of that fragmented player base. It is coming inline with revenue generation.


I agree with you 100% on housing. I expect its only long-term utility will be the Legacy Bank.


Guild Flagships, however, seem far more useful. I can see guilds touting they have those, with full features, just like they tout their 10% experience bonus now.

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I agree with you 100% on housing. I expect its only long-term utility will be the Legacy Bank.


Guild Flagships, however, seem far more useful. I can see guilds touting they have those, with full features, just like they tout their 10% experience bonus now.


I think you underestimating the powers of Sims and Roleplayer people.

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I think you underestimating the powers of Sims and Roleplayer people.


I'm a role-player in a guild full of people who think nothing of dropping millions to change their look way too frequently. :D


They exist and they'll probably use housing more than most, but I think they're a tiny fraction of the player-base.

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