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SWTOR - Playing with Ken and Barbie


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Seems like the primary content and favorite entertainment in SWTOR is buying CM outfits. What a disappointment.:mad:


I guess its a good thing and generates $$$ for Bioware.


Bad thing for the few players (if any are left) that like playing the game for Flashpoints and Operations.


I thought you were talking about me. I play as the characters Ken and Barbie on PoT5.


Not even *********** kidding

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Seems like the primary content and favorite entertainment in SWTOR is buying CM outfits. What a disappointment.:mad:


I guess its a good thing and generates $$$ for Bioware.


Bad thing for the few players (if any are left) that like playing the game for Flashpoints and Operations and Warzones.


I don't think of myself as one of the few players left (although I don't like any of the FPs because they're too easy, just NiM Ops for me), I figure that 50% of the players are like me and are focused on the PvE and PvP.

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Most MMOers are going to Wildstar. SWTOR is expected not to survive due to a dead PvP and PvE community at high tier. Mostly just filthy casuals left who love to throw their $$$ at more tired reskinned cosmetic trash.


I know one guy who had pre-ordered wildstar but then he looked some rewievs and now he has cancelled order :rolleyes: says that he wouldn't play that filth even for free. Well that's his opinion, mine is that wildstar has it's pros and cons, but it lacks key content that is needed to justify horrid overpricing. Also wildstar has way too much aoe attacks on all classes based on videos. Also those graphics are no-no.


Calling other people who have done nothing to you to filthy alone proves that you are either immature or simly provocating with purpose. Not anyone to take seriously at all :D

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I know one guy who had pre-ordered wildstar but then he looked some rewievs and now he has cancelled order :rolleyes: says that he wouldn't play that filth even for free. Well that's his opinion, mine is that wildstar has it's pros and cons, but it lacks key content that is needed to justify horrid overpricing. Also wildstar has way too much aoe attacks on all classes based on videos. Also those graphics are no-no.


Calling other people who have done nothing to you to filthy alone proves that you are either immature or simly provocating with purpose. Not anyone to take seriously at all :D


from what I see in

the graphics in wildstar are apparently designed to induce epileptic seizures in the playerbase, or in my case a strong headache.
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Seems like the primary content and favorite entertainment in SWTOR is buying CM outfits. What a disappointment.:mad:


I guess its a good thing and generates $$$ for Bioware.


Bad thing for the few players (if any are left) that like playing the game for Flashpoints and Operations.


Oh hello, and welcome to pretty much every MMO in existance.


Of course, some hide this "fashion show" behind a grind that makes you work for days on end to get that last "cool" piece of armour so that you can look cooler than everyone else (while in truth, everyone else will do the same so you'll all look identical).


But mostly, MMO's are heavily reliant on dressing up.

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No you guys freaked that I don't have a positive opinion.


You activate the Bat Signal and called in the guard. Carry out plan Defend Formation Blue Delta.


Panic and oppress any opinion that is not part of the SWTOR lovefest.


It's kind of funny actually. You really think my belief....me just one person, sharing a single opinion, can bring down and be the demise of this game? Had no idea it was so fragile.


I think they're just annoyed that you're speaking for them.


I'm in a guild that practically pretends the CM doesn't exist and only does Warzones/Arena's and Operations.


So when you say only casuals are left you insult my entire guild.


Basically it's what you're saying about players (like myself who never purchase a CM pack) that comes off as rude and presumptuous. You generalize about the player base and insult much of it.


In every guild I've been in, dressup has been the focus of at most a single player out of 50. So in my experience the Ken and Barbie people are 2% of the population (then again my guilds are always Ops/Warzone focused so that skews my experience slightly).

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People (including you) attacked me personally. Made fun about tin foil hats. Another poster called me names. It doesn't bother me one bit, but I laugh at the double standard.....and the panic.


Except the entire tone of your OP is insulting. You're making assumptions about a lot of players. Just because you don't use the CM to alter the look of your characters, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with players that do.


Dress it up (pun intended) all you want, but in the end, your post is just another scaremongering, the game is failing and all the devs care about is the CM one.

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Except the entire tone of your OP is insulting. You're making assumptions about a lot of players. Just because you don't use the CM to alter the look of your characters, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with players that do.


Dress it up (pun intended) all you want, but in the end, your post is just another scaremongering, the game is failing and all the devs care about is the CM one.


I don't quite agree with the OP, but there really has been less real PVE stuff to play this year than in the past. I only play PvP casually and still find it fun. If it were something I did in a dedicated fashion, having only 1 new WZ introduced since December 2012 would be incredibly disappointing.


To that end, so far this year, CM fluff has outweighed real additions to the game. Some may disagree, but I suspect they are the people that think everything BW/EA does is perfect at all times.


Hoping BW really comes through later in the year and with 3.0. Perhaps they are holding things back to wait for ESO and Wildstar's release to lose their shine and appeal, bring folks back with a big update to the game.

Edited by arunav
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I don't quite agree with the OP, but there really has been less real PVE stuff to play this year than in the past. I only play PvP casually and still find it fun. If it were something I did in a dedicated fashion, having only 1 new WZ introduced since December 2012 would be incredibly disappointing.


To that end, so far this year, CM fluff has outweighed real additions to the game. Some may disagree, but I suspect they are the people that think everything BW/EA does is perfect at all times.


Hoping BW really comes through later in the year and with 3.0. Perhaps they are holding things back to wait for ESO and Wildstar's release to lose their shine and appeal, bring folks back with a big update to the game.


I see it as more of being realistic and making do with what we have and what we get. The game could be worse and not around at all.

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I know one guy who had pre-ordered wildstar but then he looked some rewievs and now he has cancelled order :rolleyes: says that he wouldn't play that filth even for free. Well that's his opinion, mine is that wildstar has it's pros and cons, but it lacks key content that is needed to justify horrid overpricing. Also wildstar has way too much aoe attacks on all classes based on videos. Also those graphics are no-no.


Calling other people who have done nothing to you to filthy alone proves that you are either immature or simly provocating with purpose. Not anyone to take seriously at all :D


I played WS beta for a while. The performance was so awful I stopped. Everytime someone posted anything about it, they got flamed by the fanboys. So instead of getting help with the problems, these people that voiced a bad experience were shot down. I had pre-ordered 3 of their collector editions, but the closer it came to release, with no improvements on performance (even people with the latest top end rigs were having problems) I canceled my pre-orders. I think that WS will be good for those who have to "spaz" during combat - you know, the ones that can't stand still and have to run and jump and joust because they think they can dodge a blaster shot that has already hit them, but the graphic hasn't caught up to them yet. WS will be a "spazmonkey's" dream game.


Back on topic. OP there are plenty of things to do here. And you obviously hit on some nerves judging by some of the replies. Just remember opinions are like a-holes: Everyone has one, and most of the time they stink.

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I see it as more of being realistic and making do with what we have and what we get. The game could be worse and not around at all.


True, but that isn't a very high bar for fans of SWTOR. Maybe it's more profitable for EA to invest in other titles/genres, but I wish they would do a bit more for this game.


If one of the above posters is correct and the "Makeb-like" expansion is 3 planets, they would probably be 3 rather small planets. I can't believe EA doesn't have the means to finance something more substantial for a Star Wars title, one that as of last year made decent revenue from CM and subs combined.

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I don't quite agree with the OP, but there really has been less real PVE stuff to play this year than in the past. I only play PvP casually and still find it fun. If it were something I did in a dedicated fashion, having only 1 new WZ introduced since December 2012 would be incredibly disappointing.


To that end, so far this year, CM fluff has outweighed real additions to the game. Some may disagree, but I suspect they are the people that think everything BW/EA does is perfect at all times.


Hoping BW really comes through later in the year and with 3.0. Perhaps they are holding things back to wait for ESO and Wildstar's release to lose their shine and appeal, bring folks back with a big update to the game.


I get your point. I guess because despite playing for around a year, I've only got two characters to endgame, so haven't noticed a lack of content yet.

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Most MMOers are going to Wildstar. SWTOR is expected not to survive due to a dead PvP and PvE community at high tier.

A good chunk of my guild (including me) will be checking Wildstar out. Whether we stay there or not will depend heavily on how Carbine handles end-game. We raid here (8-man) and want to raid there, but as a smaller guild filling a 20-man is going to be sketchy. While we welcome a good challenge, if their idea of "hardcore" is key-press perfect play then it's going to lose it's appeal for some or all of us.


Yes, TOR's content planning has stumbled badly and they're paying for it. The feel of the Fleet is much lighter this year than the same time last year. While I recognize that this will be temporary, I sincerely hope the TOR devs will learn a bit about pacing from this incident. Not even WoW gets away with a year long interval.


Mostly just filthy casuals left who love to throw their $$$ at more tired reskinned cosmetic trash.

Sounds like the Wildstar devs and you are on the same page. If you're not the hardest of the hardcore you're gonna be happy with dailies and like it.


The question is, will Wildstar attract enough "filthy casuals" to subsidize their devs' nostalgia?


Oh and if you think WS doesn't have it's own Ken-and-Barbie adherents you are sadly mistaken. One of the largest threads in their General discussion forum is regarding a very poorly considered change to their costuming interface. Oh and then there's NCSoft... How long do you think they'll let Carbine resist adding a cash-shop? Y'know.... leaving money on the table and all that.

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If you think this game is a dollhouse, go check Guild Wars 2. It's the new MMO way of generating income to keep it running. Many are following, even wow with their overpriced pets and mounts for 25-50 euro/piece.
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right... that is what you and your friends said about eso. Now look at eso.


Hehe....... are you implying that he killed ESO? :p


But yeah... the "sky is falling", and the Chicken-Little gang that spread it all over the forum with every other coming MMO release, is hilarious.

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Hehe....... are you implying that he killed ESO? :p


But yeah... the "sky is falling", and the Chicken-Little gang that spread it all over the forum with every other coming MMO release, is hilarious.


I'm implying that they have no actual clue as the the amount of problems there were in the games the try to advocate. Don't get me wrong, I still seen some good stuff about eso, but still, it has many problems and had many when it launched, people have gone on to say that it is the worst launch ever. They kept saying eso was going to kill this game, in reality though as with all otehr mmo launches it was overhyped too much and as a result people seriously came to believe it was the messiah mmo. I had a friend who left this game for eso... he came back 4 days later, he hated it horribly. Now they think wildstar is going to kill something, from

... Edited by Sangrar
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I'm implying that they have no actual clue as the the amount of problems there were in the games the try to advocate. Don't get me wrong, I still seen some good stuff about eso, but still, it has many problems and had many when it launched, people have gone on to say that it is the worst launch ever. They kept saying eso was going to kill this game, in reality though as with all otehr mmo launches it was overhyped too much and as a result people seriously came to believe it was the messiah mmo. I had a friend who left this game for eso... he came back 4 days later, he hated it horribly. Now they think wildstar is going to kill something, from


I dont usually say games release too soon because there is some feature missing that i want but eso really released 6 months too soon. The last beta before release there was all kinds of ui issues still and too many quest bugs you couldnt get around. Also group play was a disaster. I felt this game had a pretty smooth launch all things considered. ESO does seem pretty well optimized for release though.


I played in a few wildstar betas and it is a fun game but i dont see it exploding like some people think. The questing is the same boring stuff and i kind of got used to the voice overs and story here. Group play could be interesting and i do like the housing and offbeat humor although i can see how it would turn some people off

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Seems like the primary content and favorite entertainment in SWTOR is buying CM outfits. What a disappointment.:mad:


I guess its a good thing and generates $$$ for Bioware.


Bad thing for the few players (if any are left) that like playing the game for Flashpoints and Operations.


What's your issue with players who WANT TO play dress up?

You don't have to.

There are plenty of things to do and you never even have to touch a cartel market outfit or weapon.

If someone, however, wants to play dress up why do you care?


Replace "Ken and Barbie" with PVP, PVE, RP, crafting or any of the things you can do in the game and you can make the exact same argument, which basically is "why do people do stuff that I don't enjoy doing?". I've never even touched GSF yet I was happy some people that wanted in the game, finally got it. It didn't make the game better for me nor was it content that I appreciated or cared for but it was still an addition to the game and I can understand that not everything is about me and what I want.

I think then you'll realize how ridiculous what you're saying is.

Edited by TheNahash
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Seems like the primary content and favorite entertainment in SWTOR is buying CM outfits. What a disappointment.:mad:


please show figures that prove that buying CM outfits is the primary content. Oh that's right, you don't have any. Well, thanks for your opinion then. Oh and by the way, you do get that generating CM stuff takes very little resources compared to normal content, so perhaps you are mixing primary with easy to make.


I guess its a good thing and generates $$$ for Bioware.


Yes that is a good thing and it's one of the main reasons the game still exists at all. Sad but true, the game exists because the CM exists. Incidentally it also pays for all the real content.


Bad thing for the few players (if any are left) that like playing the game for Flashpoints and Operations.


Well, of course there are people who play endgame content but Flash Points have an entirely different problem. Currently there is no reason to play them at all except maybe some achievements if you care about those.


Now, don't get me wrong. There has been a delay on content and I think it should come out a bit faster as well, but in the mean time, yes, CM items generate some fun and customisation options.


I play operations, but I also like to get unique or specific looks for my characters. So what? You call it Ken and Barbie, well, how do you think it benefits the game to insult fellow players?


You are paying for the game as it is today. But the real problem is not the CM or your fellow players that you have to hate on, but the fact that new content is coming out at a slower pace than needed.


How about you talk about that instead?

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... But the real problem is not the CM or your fellow players that you have to hate on, but the fact that new content is coming out at a slower pace than needed.


How about you talk about that instead?


Because that requires dialog and discourse at a level beyond the abilities of most posters.

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Call me shallow. Call me a poor player. but i would think many players (especially girly girls) would like outfits (armor) and different "accessories" in their game-playing. I just read from a player how she wants to ****ify her toon. You cant do that with armor.


I dont know, I am not much into cosmetics much but I think some people want a choice. Not the same stuff.


Just my two cents.

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