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Is Bioware ever going to give New OP's and Full Flashpoints?

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Is Bioware ever going to give New Operations and Full Flashpoints that are role specific and long? I just read somewhere that they aren't planning to add OP's and Flashpoints in the 2.9 patch. Is the budget hurting that they can't add dev staff to write new story? I personally don't care about NIM mode OP's that's only good if you are in a guild that runs them on specific nights etc. Story Mode and Hard Mode is all I really care about. And I've run the same OP's and FP's forever. Seeing the same stuff is old. And most of the games out there don't do it for me. I have every toon and class leveled. When do we get some seriously good gaming content for us players that have been around for a long time? For new players all this stuff is relatively new. Did they decide they want to stop giving a budget for this game or something? We get some nice residences. Okay that's cool some stuff to put in them. But what are we just going sit and stare at our screens and move toons around an open space?:mad: Edited by Captpete
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In 3.0 they will release the operation 'Attack of the Bread Masters'. The Carb Combine is attempting to take over the galaxy and has formed a pact with the Bread Masters.


The enemies you will face include:

  • General Ised Alergee, who uses a large number of damage over time attacks and who sometimes gives a debuff which deals damage to targets who receive healing
  • The assassin known only by codename 'Sloth'. He has no enrage timer. Players will be constantly slowed. When players do not move at all, they will build up stacks of a debuff called 'Fatass'. Reaching 20 stacks of 'Fatass' causes you to die. If you go AFK in the proximity of this boss for too long (there's always "that guy") he will attack you
  • Apprentice Froster: you must attack him in his kitchen. The Apprentice Froster is obsessed with building masterpiece cakes and confectioneries. He has deceptively low HP. As you attack the Apprentice Froster he will build a stronger and stronger wall of glazed sugar around himself which absorbs more and more damage. The only way to beat him is to make him encase himself in so much sugary delight that he cannot eat it all and dies.
  • Master Bakarn: you may remember Syo Bakarn as a member of the Jedi High Council, among other things... After being awakened he served the Dark Rye side of the force and now seeks to spread Bread's power throughout the galaxy. He force lifts tasty, meteoric chunks of bread and throws them at raid members, so whoever has the reticule targeted on them needs to bring it away from the raid group. Make sure to focus down his Parmesan Partisan adds, or they will give Master Bakarn the 'Garlic Parmesan breath' aoe attack.
  • Master Sheff: randomly picks out raid members and uses the channeled attack 'Balloon Whisk Whupping' on raid members. Raid members are knocked up and around through the arena while under attack. If his attack is not interrupted, the raid member becomes encased in the Bread Prison and must fight his/her way out.
  • secret boss: Diabetolus, the secret mastermind behind it all. What happens when all party members build up 20 stacks of 'Fatass' at the exact same time? Find out...

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there is a major expansion coming late this year- 3.0. new level cap, continuation of the story from korriban and tython, new ops, new fps.


I wonder how much NEW content we'll actually see with 3.0, versus how much will be reused stuff like moving DF / DP to the new level cap (like they did with TfB for 55) and making new level cap HM FPs out of existing FPs.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I'd like to know if it's accurate. And how much reused 'stuff' rather than new content. It's like they put the framework out there and just keep making minor tweaks to stuff that already exists and calling it new. And adding crap to the cartel market. That's fine for people that have been playing for the past 6 months to a year because it's still fresh to them. But those of us that enjoy Star Wars and this game are looking for more content not rehashed stuff over and over and over again. It appears that your giving up on the game and not spending giving it a budget for serious content.
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In 3.0 they will release the operation 'Attack of the Bread Masters'. The Carb Combine is attempting to take over the galaxy and has formed a pact with the Bread Masters.


The enemies you will face include:

  • General Ised Alergee, who uses a large number of damage over time attacks and who sometimes gives a debuff which deals damage to targets who receive healing
  • The assassin known only by codename 'Sloth'. He has no enrage timer. Players will be constantly slowed. When players do not move at all, they will build up stacks of a debuff called 'Fatass'. Reaching 20 stacks of 'Fatass' causes you to die. If you go AFK in the proximity of this boss for too long (there's always "that guy") he will attack you
  • Apprentice Froster: you must attack him in his kitchen. The Apprentice Froster is obsessed with building masterpiece cakes and confectioneries. He has deceptively low HP. As you attack the Apprentice Froster he will build a stronger and stronger wall of glazed sugar around himself which absorbs more and more damage. The only way to beat him is to make him encase himself in so much sugary delight that he cannot eat it all and dies.
  • Master Bakarn: you may remember Syo Bakarn as a member of the Jedi High Council, among other things... After being awakened he served the Dark Rye side of the force and now seeks to spread Bread's power throughout the galaxy. He force lifts tasty, meteoric chunks of bread and throws them at raid members, so whoever has the reticule targeted on them needs to bring it away from the raid group. Make sure to focus down his Parmesan Partisan adds, or they will give Master Bakarn the 'Garlic Parmesan breath' aoe attack.
  • Master Sheff: randomly picks out raid members and uses the channeled attack 'Balloon Whisk Whupping' on raid members. Raid members are knocked up and around through the arena while under attack. If his attack is not interrupted, the raid member becomes encased in the Bread Prison and must fight his/her way out.
  • secret boss: Diabetolus, the secret mastermind behind it all. What happens when all party members build up 20 stacks of 'Fatass' at the exact same time? Find out...


You win

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Do you guys ever serach for the information yourself before you post? Everything that has been said in this thread was lined out in this roadmap....



The stuff they are asking about is not in the roadmap. They are asking about New Operations, not NiM of the currect ones which was listed on the roadmap. As in totally new Ops with new bosses to fight. The roadmap you linked ended with June 10th NiM DP.

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Yeah there is no way I can run any of the current op's or flashpoints. Most of the flash points have been around since launch with the exception of a few and those strategic things they're putting to advance story and so that dps don't have long queue times. I'm looking for brand new OP's and brand new role specific non-strategic flashpoints. Not NIM versions of stuff I've been running for over six months. For someone like me who has played since launch and has pretty most most toons leveled four in top level gear. I suppose its time to quit playing until they provide some seriously new content. Getting some big apartments where you can put stuff is great and all but not if I have to run the same flashpoints and OP's. Adding a few mechanics and increasing the health points of the bosses in the same OP's does not equal new, fresh, and exciting. The game was fun and will be again once they do that. For now it's fresh and fun for new players.
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The stuff they are asking about is not in the roadmap. They are asking about New Operations, not NiM of the currect ones which was listed on the roadmap. As in totally new Ops with new bosses to fight. The roadmap you linked ended with June 10th NiM DP.


Are you blind or just don't know how to read?


As I write this we are actively developing all of the above as well as PvP Seasons, new Flashpoints, new Operations, new gear, performance improvements, and changes coming to Classes. Expect to see two digital expansions in 2014 just like you did last year, with one similar to Galactic Starfighter in scope and one more closely resembling Rise of the Hutt Cartel. We reserve the right to adjust our plans based on bad reasons like Snow Days in Austin(!) or good reasons like your feedback, but our current plan is to deliver all of the above to you in 2014.
Edited by RikuvonDrake
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I agree. Wrong direction. If they don't do role specific fp's. I like long role specific fp's. I don't enjoy well if you want to heal then heal or tank then tank. That's just bs to me. Some people are fine with it. I don't like blasting through all the stuff in about 15 -20 min. Then they're just milking new customers through the cartel market crap. There goes my sub. I'll wait for the next Star Wars game to come out. Or they do release something good here. If I want a Star Wars fix I'll just read more novels.
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I agree. Wrong direction. If they don't do role specific fp's. I like long role specific fp's. I don't enjoy well if you want to heal then heal or tank then tank. That's just bs to me. Some people are fine with it. I don't like blasting through all the stuff in about 15 -20 min. Then they're just milking new customers through the cartel market crap. There goes my sub. I'll wait for the next Star Wars game to come out. Or they do release something good here. If I want a Star Wars fix I'll just read more novels.


Well apparently you are in minority since Bioware is developing other content and that is not because "they feel like it", I am sure that if you think about it a little you will understand that they are looking at numbers of what people are playing and developing more of that kind of content.

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I'm sure they are they have a business to run and they are probably thinking about other IP's to release. And as long as they have people who are willing to go the cartel market route and play the short strategic flashpoints that's great for them. I'm happy to be in the minority that still loves long flashpoints where I heal through the entire thing. Or tank through it . Or dps through it because I chose the role. DPS were probably unhappy with long queue times therefore Bioware decided this was the way they want to go and developing, drawing, doing the voice over for these is cheaper and easier to produce with the size staff they have to do it. So enjoy it. I may return when I see something that trips my trigger. But I just dropped my sub and can f2p at will. Not much for me to enjoy since I've done 'everything' there is to offer a billion times over the past two years of playing. As well as leveled every toon out there and played in multiple hard core raiding guilds and done the current NIM OP's. I just have no desire to jump into DF or DP or anything else for that matter.
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Personally I think they sunk a lot of money into the game to build the framework they have today. They lost a lot of subscriptions early on. They saved the game by going f2p. Makeb was a decent expansion but I think they should have had some kind of OP or FP to go along with that story. The release of Galactic Star Fighter was fun. But two maps? Two maps? That kept me entertained for about three weeks and then it got extremely boring for me. I was happy when they released DF and DP? But NIM mode should have been released at the same time they were originally released not sold later on as something new because sorry Bioware it isn't and you may be able to get away with that with kids but not us older folk. Right now it appears to me that they keep dangling that elusive carrot out there in the future. Some day something big is gonna be released just you wait. But it's gonna be great and it's gonna be big. Just keep subscribing because we are going to release little events while you wait and give out free cartel coins for stuff you may want to buy on the CM. Give out free pets etc. I think they don't want to put much of a real budget towards the game and develop some serious content. They're going to build up excitement and expectations to string people along for what probably will amount to a lack luster expansion. What I would like to see is for them to commit to letting us know some basic details about what exactly is going to be in that next expansion. How many OP's how many non-strategic fp's if any. That there will be a full blown planet to explore? Dailies to run. Stop saying oh something big is coming just you wait. Because up to this point there hasn't been serious content since Makeb was released. If they aren't going to create new OP's until this 3.0 expansion which will be released when? At the end of the year? That means there hasn't been new operations for about a year. NIM is not new. It is a new mechanic here or there and a HP increase on the bosses and trash.
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Well I don't get their point by this:

Players who meet the level requirement of the Operation will be Bolstered, removing the requirement for endgame gear. Rewards have also been improved, making this a great opportunity for players to earn Ultimate Commendations and experience new content!


I get people should be able to see some content and that's all fine, though you will see a lot more level 50 players in greens/blues joining ques just to level up fast. It all to me is starting to feel like WoW gear PvE progression.

A better approach would be to redo the drop lists for 55 hardmodes and maybe redo some of the fights, going for bolster just seems to me like a really cheap way of going about things..

But then.. this is Bioware.. QQ enough and like a spoiled brat eventually they'll give in

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Looks like they want to gear toons up to handle the OP's and FP's so they don't have to grind for gear. Not sure how I feel about that. So... you have a lot more toons running around with end game gear with nothing else to work for? And more of us in the same boat?
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In 3.0 they will release the operation 'Attack of the Bread Masters'. The Carb Combine is attempting to take over the galaxy and has formed a pact with the Bread Masters.


The enemies you will face include:

  • General Ised Alergee, who uses a large number of damage over time attacks and who sometimes gives a debuff which deals damage to targets who receive healing
  • The assassin known only by codename 'Sloth'. He has no enrage timer. Players will be constantly slowed. When players do not move at all, they will build up stacks of a debuff called 'Fatass'. Reaching 20 stacks of 'Fatass' causes you to die. If you go AFK in the proximity of this boss for too long (there's always "that guy") he will attack you
  • Apprentice Froster: you must attack him in his kitchen. The Apprentice Froster is obsessed with building masterpiece cakes and confectioneries. He has deceptively low HP. As you attack the Apprentice Froster he will build a stronger and stronger wall of glazed sugar around himself which absorbs more and more damage. The only way to beat him is to make him encase himself in so much sugary delight that he cannot eat it all and dies.
  • Master Bakarn: you may remember Syo Bakarn as a member of the Jedi High Council, among other things... After being awakened he served the Dark Rye side of the force and now seeks to spread Bread's power throughout the galaxy. He force lifts tasty, meteoric chunks of bread and throws them at raid members, so whoever has the reticule targeted on them needs to bring it away from the raid group. Make sure to focus down his Parmesan Partisan adds, or they will give Master Bakarn the 'Garlic Parmesan breath' aoe attack.
  • Master Sheff: randomly picks out raid members and uses the channeled attack 'Balloon Whisk Whupping' on raid members. Raid members are knocked up and around through the arena while under attack. If his attack is not interrupted, the raid member becomes encased in the Bread Prison and must fight his/her way out.
  • secret boss: Diabetolus, the secret mastermind behind it all. What happens when all party members build up 20 stacks of 'Fatass' at the exact same time? Find out...


Can't wait.

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In 3.0 they will release the operation 'Attack of the Bread Masters'. The Carb Combine is attempting to take over the galaxy and has formed a pact with the Bread Masters.


The enemies you will face include:

  • General Ised Alergee, who uses a large number of damage over time attacks and who sometimes gives a debuff which deals damage to targets who receive healing
  • The assassin known only by codename 'Sloth'. He has no enrage timer. Players will be constantly slowed. When players do not move at all, they will build up stacks of a debuff called 'Fatass'. Reaching 20 stacks of 'Fatass' causes you to die. If you go AFK in the proximity of this boss for too long (there's always "that guy") he will attack you
  • Apprentice Froster: you must attack him in his kitchen. The Apprentice Froster is obsessed with building masterpiece cakes and confectioneries. He has deceptively low HP. As you attack the Apprentice Froster he will build a stronger and stronger wall of glazed sugar around himself which absorbs more and more damage. The only way to beat him is to make him encase himself in so much sugary delight that he cannot eat it all and dies.
  • Master Bakarn: you may remember Syo Bakarn as a member of the Jedi High Council, among other things... After being awakened he served the Dark Rye side of the force and now seeks to spread Bread's power throughout the galaxy. He force lifts tasty, meteoric chunks of bread and throws them at raid members, so whoever has the reticule targeted on them needs to bring it away from the raid group. Make sure to focus down his Parmesan Partisan adds, or they will give Master Bakarn the 'Garlic Parmesan breath' aoe attack.
  • Master Sheff: randomly picks out raid members and uses the channeled attack 'Balloon Whisk Whupping' on raid members. Raid members are knocked up and around through the arena while under attack. If his attack is not interrupted, the raid member becomes encased in the Bread Prison and must fight his/her way out.
  • secret boss: Diabetolus, the secret mastermind behind it all. What happens when all party members build up 20 stacks of 'Fatass' at the exact same time? Find out...


that was quite amusing...well done :)

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