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It erases the current dot completely, and replaces it with a new one entirely.


again: were the thermites launched concurrently by two opponents or consecutively by one?

consecutively by one opponent runs into the reload/lock on time that only leaves a couple of seconds of "double DoT" chance.

I'm not saying you're wrong, it just strikes me as passing weird.

Plasma warheads on rocket pods stack their DoT just fine, as does the DoT from a Plasma Railgun.

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again: were the thermites launched concurrently by two opponents or consecutively by one?

consecutively by one opponent runs into the reload/lock on time that only leaves a couple of seconds of "double DoT" chance.

I'm not saying you're wrong, it just strikes me as passing weird.

Plasma warheads on rocket pods stack their DoT just fine, as does the DoT from a Plasma Railgun.


Stasie and I both thermited the same person about 5 seconds apart, they dont add 15 seconds it just resets it to that.

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The only people who're capable of testing it are bad GS pilots who don't know what DO is. If they were good GS pilots, they'd use D.Field


Well... Actually I tested it on one of my newb alt... And no it doesn't...


Beside what you hate evasion RNG.. Fortress and Feedback can offer some nice options ;)

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Really? You've actually tested that?


I would be very surprised if it does not...

The only people who're capable of testing it are bad GS pilots who don't know what DO is. If they were good GS pilots, they'd use D.Field


So, a couple things:


First, when I say that I play ever shipy, I actually mean that- I have four mastered type 2 gunships (two of them substantially over mastered, nearing complete), and on some of them I run feedback over directional. I'm not going to claim that the type 2 is better than the type 1, or that the situations where its few different components are better come up nearly enough to be worth having. In games with and against you guys that are serious, I'm normally on a type 1 gunship, type 1 bomber, type 2 bomber, type 2 scout, or, rarely, type 3 strike. I think all of those ships are either generically powerful or can fit into niches that can help my team a lot. But comments like yours I find a bit silly. "Hey, how would anyone know what a mediocre component does? Everyone who ever uses a mediocre component must suck!" I play this game to experience all the ships, and so does Drako, and Stasie, and to some extent Sheep- as well as a decent number of other pilots who have no qualms about being on competitive ships for competitive games. You'll often see us on the forums suggesting things that would broaden the pool of ships and deepen the play experience, after all (and the type 2 gunships has seen several buffs since its launch- it now has thermites, and the feedback and fortress buffs are important to it as it alone among gunships doesn't have disto- I wouldn't put it at the top of a list, but it got MUCH more playable post developer action).


Second, feedback shield post buff is actually a pretty real button. It doesn't kill a good scout, but it can absolutely peel one- a scout with a small front arc who sees the buff go up knows that if he shoots he'll take hull damage, and if the crit happens he'll be pretty badly damaged. The threat of the button can also mess up a good scout too. And it's pretty great versus bad scouts. I don't feel I should take it over distortion, but that extra missile break is just really valuable, and it's certainly not the joke component it was pre-buff.


Third, the reason I don't think it works with DO is that I've tried it both before the DO nerf (when feedback was generally poor), for the simple reason that I roll on other servers pretty much naked and have to spend several games before I get disto on a type 1 gunship. This means that several times back before the patch, I would end up with red, and I would be sniping with ghetto railgun, and I would see things like "enemy gunship snipes at me, takes 600ish damage from the feedback shield" (again, this was prepatch, so the railgun would get the feedback). If that was being DOed, he would have gotten sploded because the old DO was a multiplier of x(cry-on-forums).


So while it COULD be doing that postpatch, I don't think so. I don't think I would fail to notice 1800, and I absolutely have had DO and feedback shield on a type 2 gunship in the last week several times.



The thing is, and the reason I answered waffly, is that I can't recall the actual number happening on my screen with that since the patch for sure. So I'm almost certain, but I can't recall a memory that I know would be for sure.




I'm pretty sure that the only thing DO boosts is railguns, blasters, missiles, and rocket pods, and all attendant dots and aoe from those, and I'm pretty sure it just doubles them. I don't think shields, mines, drones, are modified at all, though at this point I don't really understand why not.

Edited by Verain
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My comment was based on the fact there will always be an optimal build, and feedback shield's usefulness and value is by and large negated relative the effects of D. Field on (specifically) a T1 GS. No matter how you build your ship, the optimal GS roll is to include D. Field (in our serious matches) because the chance to not take damage is more vital than being able to finish off a scout that's in pursuit (there are also various methods to alleviate the pressure in this situation like ion, br, ion, slug, or just ion / slug | ion / BLC).


In less serious matches, you can totally get away with having Feedback, but the only people I see running with it are usually new GS pilots who haven't recognized the increased magnitude per shot of a slug and aren't as competitive as we are.

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Thank you for continuing to update such a helpful post. Does damage overcharge increase the damage of feedback shield? It seems like it should, but I have not been able to confirm it.


Sorry for the late answer I wasn't 100% sure on this one, so i went and tested it today. Damage Overcharge does not effect Feedback shield.

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  • 1 month later...
Been playing GSF for about a week, already I feel I've made major mistakes (I combined req to buy a Bloodmark) only to find out I bought a piece of space debrie or it soon will be after launch in a death match. I also bought laser cannons for it . I feel everything I am doing to "fix" my ship is making things worse for me . Should I give up on this ship and hope i finally get enough fleets to get the other scout ship before getting too fustrated? I really enjoy playing this and don't want to handicap my team everytime I enter a match. kills are few and far between but I have managed to get better at the assists. my damage also seems low. Any advice or tips to improve would be greatly appreciated. I play on JC est after 4pm on weekdays and all times on the weekend if anyone would like to take on an apprentice. :D Just contact Rysilar
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Been playing GSF for about a week, already I feel I've made major mistakes (I combined req to buy a Bloodmark) only to find out I bought a piece of space debrie or it soon will be after launch in a death match. I also bought laser cannons for it . I feel everything I am doing to "fix" my ship is making things worse for me . Should I give up on this ship and hope i finally get enough fleets to get the other scout ship before getting too fustrated? I really enjoy playing this and don't want to handicap my team everytime I enter a match. kills are few and far between but I have managed to get better at the assists. my damage also seems low. Any advice or tips to improve would be greatly appreciated. I play on JC est after 4pm on weekdays and all times on the weekend if anyone would like to take on an apprentice. :D Just contact Rysilar


Damn.. And I left JC like two days ago, transfering my toons back to Jung'Ma... Damnit. Anyway, the Bloodmark is an amazing ship. Very hard to play tho. You could either try to play other ships and come back to your BM later or try t adapt and find a way to play it effectively.

For your Bloodmark. Get Power Dive to T2. The manoeuver is hard to master but once you understand it enough to not crash (I only crash one time in a few hundreds uses after more practice with it than about anyone here, I was using it before it was the cool manooeuver ;) ) you will basicly be able to avoid any missile but clusters. Get Distortion to T3 (take missile breaker), Lightweight Armor to T3, Large Reactor to T3, be sure to use Vector and Blizz. With that you should have a much better survivability. After that, max Tensor Field (T4 can be either one but T5 must be Engine Regen). The speed and turning buff is awesome. And it's the only system that is unique to the Bloodmark. Sure Combat Command is unique to the Bloodmark and the Imperium, but it is a poor man Targeting Telemetry. From there use either Laser Cannons or Light Laser Cannon and Thermite Torpedoes or Ion Missiles (EMP is nice but not good enough in the hand of a newbie)

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Some good advice on how to make the bloodmark suck a little less, but if you're looking for the best scout to kill people in, then I would just save up for the sting and start playing that. Once you get good at sting it will help your bloodmark performance. You might also not want to go back because the sting is just better at killing especially for deathmatch. I myself only use the bloodmark as a support ship when flying in a team, I never use it in solo play.


If you need help with ship builds you can ask here again or find my ship builds and others in Stasie's guide here.

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Missile break.


Sometimes....no, actually very often my missile lock will break before the lockon is complete. And for no apparent reason. Even after he used his missilebreakabilities, I stil won't be able to hear a missile tone. Where is my mistake? Target is n the center of both circles ( so it is definetely within the missile circle), he has no breaking abilities left, he doesn't manage to escape my firing arc. Yet I have to refresh my missile lock a couple of times.


It doesn't seem to occur when I use clustermissiles. But proton- or thermite torps and concussion missiles are candidates for the issue mentioned above.


And I think it happens most of the time when my target is flying in a 90 degree angle of my own flightpath.


Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?


Oh and question no. 2: Why use dmg reduction builds with all those armor ignorance weapons out there?

Edited by Crazy-Wolf
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Missile break.


Sometimes....no, actually very often my missile lock will break before the lockon is complete. And for no apparent reason. Even after he used his missilebreakabilities, I stil won't be able to hear a missile tone. Where is my mistake? Target is n the center of both circles ( so it is definetely within the missile circle), he has no breaking abilities left, he doesn't manage to escape my firing arc. Yet I have to refresh my missile lock a couple of times.


It doesn't seem to occur when I use clustermissiles. But proton- or thermite torps and concussion missiles are candidates for the issue mentioned above.


And I think it happens most of the time when my target is flying in a 90 degree angle of my own flightpath.


Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

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Missile break.


Sometimes....no, actually very often my missile lock will break before the lockon is complete. And for no apparent reason. Even after he used his missilebreakabilities, I stil won't be able to hear a missile tone. Where is my mistake? Target is n the center of both circles ( so it is definetely within the missile circle), he has no breaking abilities left, he doesn't manage to escape my firing arc. Yet I have to refresh my missile lock a couple of times.


It doesn't seem to occur when I use clustermissiles. But proton- or thermite torps and concussion missiles are candidates for the issue mentioned above.


And I think it happens most of the time when my target is flying in a 90 degree angle of my own flightpath.


Oh and question no. 2: Why use dmg reduction builds with all those armor ignorance weapons out there?



Great questions, Missile lock ons are the only thing in the game to check both you and your opponents positioning, so I figure because of latency and if a target is moving really fast as you described on a 90 degree angle its possible that on your screen hes in the circle but once the game checks both positions he actually just barely isn't which would break the lock. Granted this is just speculation on many games played, but I think this is whats happening. It also explains why it happens more on the smaller firing arc and longer lock on missiles.


The other thing that could be happening is that they are using other missile break options you might not be aware of. Distortion Field and Emp Field both have the ability to be upgraded to dodge missiles, so its possible if you're far enough that they used these abilities you didn't see the animation and if you are too far from your target you won't even see the icon pop up to know he has used the ability.


As for where Damage reduction comes into play, it's a very useful anti mine counter. For example if 2 bombers fight under a node 1 has a full damage reduction build and the other doesn't. The armored bomber almost always wins because he can just ignore all the damage from the others mines. Once you start recognizing the armor penetration weapons, you know when you can just ignore certain ppl firing on you and who to be very afraid of.


I fly my Imperium/Clarion with a full damage reduction build because it has the ability to heal itself, and even if an armor pen weapon takes a good chunk out of me I can go hide and regain that health. Now when they don't have an armor pen weapon and I can even heal the measly 6% damage I'm taking from them I'm practically invincible. It's a very counter heavy ship, if everyone on the map is using armor pen weapons I just swap ships on death. Vice versa if I see a lot of bombers or weapons that don't break armor I take it out and just kill everyone.


Hope this helps :)

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Hope this helps :)


Oh yes, it did. Thank you very very much.


I also considered a latency issue concerning the missile lock, but I wanted to make sure it isn't a mistake on my end.


For the damage reduction: I never thought of using such a build to clear a mine- or dronefield. So there is something I am going to test the next time the situation demands it.


So then in addition: What are the key characteristics of a dmg reduction build component and crewwise?

Edited by Crazy-Wolf
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Oh yes, it did. Thank you very very much.


I also considered a latency issue concerning the missile lock, but I wanted to make sure it isn't a mistake on my end.


For the damage reduction: I never thought of using such a build to clear a mine- or dronefield. So there is something I am going to test the next time the situation demands it.


So then in addition: What are the key characteristics of a dmg reduction build component and crewwise?


You basically want to stack as much Damage reduction as possible, so the ship must have charged plating available as a shield, an armor component which you use deflection armor, and you use the crew with the 9% damage reduction passive.


Once charged plating has 2 upgrades in it and the armor component is mastered which would require 11k req if you needed to buy both components, as a strike fighter you now have 94% damage reduction while charged plating is up, or as a bomber you have 99% damage reduction.


The 2 ships I recomend for these builds are the imperium/clarion as it can heal itself and the Razorwire/Rampart as with mines itself and that armor will win any bomber war on a node. Further on the bomber I always equip heavy lasers so that I have an armor pen weapon when fighting a mirror build bomber.


Keep the questions coming, I'm glad people are interested in help again :)

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