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I play T1 Bomber with Interdiction Mines and slowing Seismic Mines. It's hilarious to see an attacker coming to a full stop, trying to boost away but realizing he can't, then panicking and using the engine ability only to crash into an obstacle.

I'll just add that this is pretty much the worst case scenario for scouts around a satellite. I have been immobilized by that combo more than I'd care to think about. Seismic mines are murder on scouts to begin with. I'm usually flying at low engine power, too, so I often don't even have enough to engine maneuver away (whether aimed at an obstacle or otherwise).



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I see. So you can't stack slows... Thanks for the explanation.


Seismic+interdiction mines will put someone at a dead stop for 3 seconds.

Interdiction mines+drones will put someone st a dead stop for a lot longer. The best way out of that was to powerdive out of the drone's AoE and hide behind a rock while the snare wore off.

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Seismic+interdiction mines will put someone at a dead stop for 3 seconds.

Interdiction mines+drones will put someone st a dead stop for a lot longer. The best way out of that was to powerdive out of the drone's AoE and hide behind a rock while the snare wore off.


If I understood Drakkolich correctly, interdiction mines and drones don't stack. Anyway, I won't be taking the slow on seismic mines. The larger AoE is more useful in my opinion, and after he explained the pros and cons of slow to me I think I'll stick with it.

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Seismic+interdiction mines will put someone at a dead stop for 3 seconds.

Interdiction mines+drones will put someone st a dead stop for a lot longer. The best way out of that was to powerdive out of the drone's AoE and hide behind a rock while the snare wore off.


Siesmic + Interdiction mines will indeed put someone at a dead stop for 3 seconds.


However Interdiction mines + Interdiction drone doesn't stack. Since most of the damn slow icons are the same what probably happened was you got hit by a Ion Railgun with the slow upgrade while under an Interdiction effect.

Edited by Drakkolich
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Siesmic + Interdiction mines will indeed put someone at a dead stop for 3 seconds.


However Interdiction mines + Interdiction drone doesn't stack. Since most of the damn slow icons are the same what probably happened was you got hit by a Ion Railgun with the slow upgrade while under an Interdiction effect.


Or maybe Interdiciton Drive?? If I remember well, it's not a true Interdiction effect.. may be wrong tho

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Hey Drak -


Sorry if this has been covered before. This little curiosity popped into my head the other day.



I usually keep a Pike/Quell on my bars for "fun / goof-off" matches. I typically have Concussion Missiles set for Armor Ignore, and then either Clusters or Protorps depeding on what I happen to be feeling like using that day.


the curiosity: copilot ability Bypass + Concussion Missiles

when does the extra shield piercing "check" happen?

when the missile is launched or when it impacts the target? or both somehow?


I can see logic in it working either way, although at impact would make the most sense I think. The "catch" would be if the ability is active at launch but times out before the impact. I'm just trying to figure out when I'd want to hit the copilot ability to make the concept work.


If my quick math is right, using Bypass, an armor ignoring Concussion Missile hit should be a guaranteed 488 hull damage. It seems like this might be fun to play around with from time to time.



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Hey Drak -


Sorry if this has been covered before. This little curiosity popped into my head the other day.



I usually keep a Pike/Quell on my bars for "fun / goof-off" matches. I typically have Concussion Missiles set for Armor Ignore, and then either Clusters or Protorps depeding on what I happen to be feeling like using that day.


the curiosity: copilot ability Bypass + Concussion Missiles

when does the extra shield piercing "check" happen?

when the missile is launched or when it impacts the target? or both somehow?


I can see logic in it working either way, although at impact would make the most sense I think. The "catch" would be if the ability is active at launch but times out before the impact. I'm just trying to figure out when I'd want to hit the copilot ability to make the concept work.


If my quick math is right, using Bypass, an armor ignoring Concussion Missile hit should be a guaranteed 488 hull damage. It seems like this might be fun to play around with from time to time.




Every single buff are applied when the damage tick. So on hit.

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Hey Drak -


Sorry if this has been covered before. This little curiosity popped into my head the other day.



I usually keep a Pike/Quell on my bars for "fun / goof-off" matches. I typically have Concussion Missiles set for Armor Ignore, and then either Clusters or Protorps depeding on what I happen to be feeling like using that day.


the curiosity: copilot ability Bypass + Concussion Missiles

when does the extra shield piercing "check" happen?

when the missile is launched or when it impacts the target? or both somehow?


I can see logic in it working either way, although at impact would make the most sense I think. The "catch" would be if the ability is active at launch but times out before the impact. I'm just trying to figure out when I'd want to hit the copilot ability to make the concept work.


If my quick math is right, using Bypass, an armor ignoring Concussion Missile hit should be a guaranteed 488 hull damage. It seems like this might be fun to play around with from time to time.




Someone already answered correctly but it's on hit, all buffs in this game are applied as on hit. The easiest way to see this is with Damage Overcharge. If you have a dot on someone and you pick up Damage Overcharge the very next dot tick will suddenly be +100% damage.

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Has anyone tried concentrated fire with rail guns? I know it's just for primary weapons but I forgot I had it equipped on my T2 and I had 3 crits in a row and 4 of 6 while it was active.


Nope but the T2 gunship has a higher crit percentage then the other GS

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As mentioned, no, not exactly...but you can stack both T5 talents. So if you have two T3 scouts tensoring, one with T5 regen, and the other with T5 speed, you can apply both buffs. It's not like it makes everyone twice as fast, but it's a noticeable difference.


Ta. Just wondering if there was any wisdom in the multi-tensors you see at the start of some doms, or if people just weren't paying attention to the ships everyone's chosen and/or the chat.

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Nope but the T2 gunship has a higher crit percentage then the other GS


Really? In mine the maximum crit rates for both railguns and primary weapons is the same in the T1 and T2 gunships. You can choose lower crit rate components or upgrades, but there's no inherent advantage to either ship type unless I overlooked something.


What do you think gives extra crit? Component, crew, hull?

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As mentioned, no, not exactly...but you can stack both T5 talents. So if you have two T3 scouts tensoring, one with T5 regen, and the other with T5 speed, you can apply both buffs. It's not like it makes everyone twice as fast, but it's a noticeable difference.


I did not think of that.

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I did not think of that.


We call it the double tensor, and when also combined with an interdiction drive right off the bat, the speed is nothing to shake a stick at. Extra points for doing this in TDM and getting a purple powerup and experiencing what I refer to as "ludicrous speed".

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