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I think the biggest change is that you can no longer just fly evasively on a Satellite and keep 4+ enemy pilots busy chasing you anymore. Bombers force players off of areas which really helped open up the Domination game. I remember sitting on a node doing loops for entire matches keeping many players busy on my own while my teammates just won the game somewhere else.


Sorry that was so long but I hope it helped answer what you were looking for. :)


Thanks for the info, that last bit there is actually the kind of stuff I'm looking for, especially that last bit about not being able to hold satellites like that anymore. I should just jump right into some games but I'm the type to try and read up as much as I can before diving in.

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Today's question is regarding offensive co-pilot abilities that benefit drones/mines (if any).


My focus is not so much on lining myself up for shots with my laser in my bomber - if something's in front of me, I'll shoot at it, but I don't think I get a ton of benefit from how I play in a bomber from Wingman (obviously, nearby teammates would). In my Rampart, I've been using Nullify to complement its innate damage reduction plus charged plating.


Finding a co-pilot ability that I love in my Legion/Warcarrier is something I've been experimenting with. Unlike Stasie, I've ditched light armoring to go with reinforced armor in my drone bomber, the reasoning being that since I am usually going to be near my own repair drone that the extra health will be worth the loss of evasion. I've been using Bypass lately on the hope that it benefits railgun/missile drones and mines, but I don't know whether that is absolutely the case.

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Today's question is regarding offensive co-pilot abilities that benefit drones/mines (if any).


My focus is not so much on lining myself up for shots with my laser in my bomber - if something's in front of me, I'll shoot at it, but I don't think I get a ton of benefit from how I play in a bomber from Wingman (obviously, nearby teammates would). In my Rampart, I've been using Nullify to complement its innate damage reduction plus charged plating.


Finding a co-pilot ability that I love in my Legion/Warcarrier is something I've been experimenting with. Unlike Stasie, I've ditched light armoring to go with reinforced armor in my drone bomber, the reasoning being that since I am usually going to be near my own repair drone that the extra health will be worth the loss of evasion. I've been using Bypass lately on the hope that it benefits railgun/missile drones and mines, but I don't know whether that is absolutely the case.


You're copilot abilities do not affect your drones or mines at all.


For Legion/Warcarrier I'd suggest one of the following:


Wingman: Buffs your allies accuracy and yours if you happen to need to shoot some lasers at a high evasion target.


Running Interference: Buffs your allies Evasion while they are near you and helps your defenses slightly (less so because you said you don't use Lightweight armor, which I have ditched as well on my Legion/Warcarrier build)


Suppression: This is the one I'm currently using, you Debuff a single enemy giving him a huge accuracy penalty. This really helps you be that support role, especially in TDM. If you see someone coming in to destroy your Gunship teammate you can Suppress him. If you're holding the front line you can even Suppress enemy Gunships so they can't shoot your teammates sometimes.

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You're copilot abilities do not affect your drones or mines at all.


For Legion/Warcarrier I'd suggest one of the following:


Wingman: Buffs your allies accuracy and yours if you happen to need to shoot some lasers at a high evasion target.


Running Interference: Buffs your allies Evasion while they are near you and helps your defenses slightly (less so because you said you don't use Lightweight armor, which I have ditched as well on my Legion/Warcarrier build)


Suppression: This is the one I'm currently using, you Debuff a single enemy giving him a huge accuracy penalty. This really helps you be that support role, especially in TDM. If you see someone coming in to destroy your Gunship teammate you can Suppress him. If you're holding the front line you can even Suppress enemy Gunships so they can't shoot your teammates sometimes.


I have used Suppression on and off on bombers for a while and even experimented with it a bit on scouts. I guess I'll go back to one of these three.

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How can i beat flashfires ?


Fly a bomber with concussion/seismic mines. Fly a bomber with interdiction/railgun drones, and seeker mines. Fly a T3 gunship with clusters/BLCs (although I understand lasers might be better). Fly any gunship with feedbacks.

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How does one rid the community of a player with an over-inflated ego that regularly posts about himself/herself being amazing and never loses gracefully even when setting the rules?


Eh, that's me, feed me more plz you flashfire try hard.


Fly a bomber with concussion/seismic mines. Fly a bomber with interdiction/railgun drones, and seeker mines. Fly a T3 gunship with clusters/BLCs (although I understand lasers might be better). Fly any gunship with feedbacks.


I should specify this is a decent flashfire, he got more than 50IQ so he don't rush the mines and... honestly i don't like flying bombers expect the sledgehammer.


The Cqc jurgoran does'nt work, this is my main ship, flashfires got more evasion, more damage more turning and more speed. But this is the ship where i can at least force them to defensive and i haven't try feedback with it, i will !

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Eh, that's me, feed me more plz you flashfire try hard.




I should specify this is a decent flashfire, he got more than 50IQ so he don't rush the mines and... honestly i don't like flying bombers expect the sledgehammer.


The Cqc jurgoran does'nt work, this is my main ship, flashfires got more evasion, more damage more turning and more speed. But this is the ship where i can at least force them to defensive and i haven't try feedback with it, i will !


I'm pretty sure he meant someone else.


As for the condor, it can work amazingly well against a scout if you use it right. Vexxial can give you more info than me, but Drakko has a great video and explanation on how to use feedbacks on this thread.


Try a bomber... They're the most tactical ships in my opinion.

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How can i beat flashfires ?


This is a very complicated question to answer because of how vague it is. Flashfire are the most flexible ship in the game I'd have to suggest different strategies for every different build, so if there is a specific build that is causing you trouble let me know and I can go into detail for now I'll try to answer this as broadly as possible.


I'm also assuming your talking about Deathmatch with your question so correct me if I'm wrong in that assumption as well.


Flashfires are very very good in 1 on 1 battles so most of the best counters to them are teamwork strategies.


For example when fighting multiple good Flashfire my team will employ 1-2 Warcarriers with Railgun drones to provide a safe haven for Gunships that can out range the Flashfires. Railgun drones ignore Evasion which is the natural defense of the Flashfire as such are very good counters to them. The Seeker mines the Warcarriers bring also force the Flashfires to use defensive cooldowns that they would otherwise prefer to save for engaging your teammates.


If however you want to defeat a Flashfire in a 1 on 1 battle (which I mean doesn't happen often in GSF) your best bet would be to either build a Flashfire yourself with a build designed to fight other Flashfires.

Example: A Flashfire with Burst lasers, Cluster missiles, Retro thrusters and both turning upgrades is a great start to be able to kill other Scouts.


This strategy will however leave you at an even greater disadvantage vs the other strategy used to counter Flashfires.



You could also use a high Mobility Gunship like a Condor with Power dive and Regeneration thrusters to take pot shots at the Flashfires and whenever you are engaged kite them to the rest of your team.



I'm not sure what else to say without a little more context I hope that helps. :)

Edited by Drakkolich
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I'm pretty sure he meant someone else.


As for the condor, it can work amazingly well against a scout if you use it right. Vexxial can give you more info than me, but Drakko has a great video and explanation on how to use feedbacks on this thread.


Try a bomber... They're the most tactical ships in my opinion.


I've tryed a few matchs with the feedback on my jurgoran, feel like i lost a lot of defence with the loss of DF but a 100% free hit against a FF that's worth it.


Here my build


I already try them, but even with the 2 turn speed upgrade on my Sledgehammer i feel the turn rate is awfull.


This is a very complicated question to answer because of how vague it is. Flashfire are the most flexible ship in the game I'd have to suggest different strategies for every different build, so if there is a specific build that is causing you trouble let me know and I can go into detail for now I'll try to answer this as broadly as possible.


I'm also assuming your talking about Deathmatch with your question so correct me if I'm wrong in that assumption as well.


Flashfires are very very good in 1 on 1 battles so most of the best counters to them are teamwork strategies.


For example when fighting multiple good Flashfire my team will employ 1-2 Warcarriers with Railgun drones to provide a safe haven for Gunships that can out range the Flashfires. Railgun drones ignore Evasion which is the natural defense of the Flashfire as such are very good counters to them. The Seeker mines the Warcarriers bring also force the Flashfires to use defensive cooldowns that they would otherwise prefer to save for engaging your teammates.


If however you want to defeat a Flashfire in a 1 on 1 battle (which I mean doesn't happen often in GSF) your best bet would be to either build a Flashfire yourself with a build designed to fight other Flashfires.

Example: A Flashfire with Burst lasers, Cluster missiles, Retro thrusters and both turning upgrades is a great start to be able to kill other Scouts.


This strategy will however leave you at an even greater disadvantage vs the other strategy used to counter Flashfires.



You could also use a high Mobility Gunship like a Condor with Power dive and Regeneration thrusters to take pot shots at the Flashfires and whenever you are engaged kite them to the rest of your team.



I'm not sure what else to say without a little more context I hope that helps. :)


The most common build of Flashfires BLC + Pods/cluster + TT + DF + retro


Actually the most effective strategy i've found is to... flee.


I mainly fly T2 Strikes T1 scout and a weird CQC T3 GS build (you got the build upside).


edit : not flying t2 scouts but t1

Edited by Jazyra
not flying t2 scouts but t1
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Jaz, any reason why you are running a dual missile setup on your T3 GS? The railgun is one of the most powerful weapons against fleeing enemies, while the interdiction missile and cluster missile more or less overlap in their realms of effectiveness.


I used to be a straight T2 scout player, and when I decided to test drive the T3 GS when it was released, I built it almost exactly the same way I built my flashfire, except instead of booster recharge I had a shiny new slug railgun. What ended up getting me hooked on the T3 was that I no longer had to chase fleeing foes all over the place, and could instead shoot them in the ***.

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I've tryed a few matchs with the feedback on my jurgoran, feel like i lost a lot of defence with the loss of DF but a 100% free hit against a FF that's worth it.


Here my build


I already try them, but even with the 2 turn speed upgrade on my Sledgehammer i feel the turn rate is awfull.




The most common build of Flashfires BLC + Pods/cluster + TT + DF + retro


Actually the most effective strategy i've found is to... flee.


I mainly fly T2 Strikes T2 scout and a weird CQC T3 GS build (you got the build upside).


Alright well now I can help a bit more.


Your Jurgoran build and Quell will just lose to Flashfires everytime because they are trying to do the exact same style of fighting with an inferior ship. You will have to be superior in skill to the Flashfire to win, meaning if you fight anyone at the same skill level or higher you will lose.


There is nothing I can do to help you with your Quell build, it just gets decimated by Scouts in general and is why in my opinion is the worst ship in the game currently.


For your Jurgoran you essentially built it to be a Strikefighter. The double missile Jurgoran build is a Strikefighter with more teeth but less defense and maneuverability. Sadly a Flashfire will still out pace you in damage because of their systems abilities. You'll lose in maneuverability because the Scout chassis far exceeds the Gunship chassis. You'll also lose in defense as the Gunship chassis only gets 5% damage reduction while the Scout gets 10% evasion. Not to mention the Jurgoran doesn't have access to the armor minor component another huge disadvantage to the ship.


If these are the ships you're flying it's not wonder you are struggling with Flashfires your ships are built to be Flashfire food. I'm sure you still kill Flashfires with them but I assure you it's because you are significantly out flying them.



Your comment that the only strategy you have found is to flee is not far off, if you kite them into your team you can let them help you with them. You can also kite them to mines or drones setup by teammates.

When kiting to your teammates try to remember to keep the Flashfire that is trailing behind you in their line of sight, if you are constantly draging them behind mountains that your teammates can't shoot through, your teammates will probably just give up and shoot at something they can see.


On the flip side if your team isn't helping you at all with the Flashfires maybe try playing the Warcarrier/Legion for them, so they have somewhere to kite these Flashfires too. Maybe play a Gunship that stays far back and only targets the Flashfires that are chasing your teammates freeing up your teammates to come help you afterwards.


I understand that when solo queue ing sometimes you're stuck carrying the entire team and it can feel like there is no one out there to help you. This is why many of the solo queue only players play a lot of Flashfire, this lets you win those duels with the other ones. It really is one of the best ships to solo queue with because of good it is at winning small engagements.


Hopefully that helped if theres anything else you want me to cover or if I didn't explain myself well just let me know. :)

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I miswrite i'm flying t1 not t2 scouts.


Never underestimate a CQC Jurgoran, i fly it because i like it.


I am in no way telling you not to fly it. I know how much fun it is I fly a version of that build all the time.


You're just flying ships that naturally get countered by Flashfires and that's why you are struggling so much with them. If you're flying the T1 Scout that ship as well gets countered pretty hard by Flashfires not as much as the others as you still have as much mobility as they do, you just lose some max shields and the dog fighting weapons. Meaning you really are only on par with them in Jousts and even then you're still at a shield disadvantage. You'll probably still have to kite them to teammates.


I will never discourage players from flying what they like, this is a game you have to do what is fun for you. I'm just letting you know the current ships that you have said you fly all get destroyed by a Flashfire in an equal skill engagement. This is why you're struggling so much you're not bringing any tools to deal with them currently.

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I am in no way telling you not to fly it. I know how much fun it is I fly a version of that build all the time.


You're just flying ships that naturally get countered by Flashfires and that's why you are struggling so much with them. If you're flying the T1 Scout that ship as well gets countered pretty hard by Flashfires not as much as the others as you still have as much mobility as they do, you just lose some max shields and the dog fighting weapons. Meaning you really are only on par with them in Jousts and even then you're still at a shield disadvantage. You'll probably still have to kite them to teammates.


I will never discourage players from flying what they like, this is a game you have to do what is fun for you. I'm just letting you know the current ships that you have said you fly all get destroyed by a Flashfire in an equal skill engagement. This is why you're struggling so much you're not bringing any tools to deal with them currently.


God your the fastest, answering before i can edit.


I'd like to see your CQC jurgoran build, how did you play it.


i play mine like a bait leting people chase me until a safe place to 1v1 and beggin the shi tstorm of missiles.

Edited by Jazyra
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God your the fastest, answering before i can edit.


I'd like to see your CQC jurgoran build, how did you play it.


i play mine like a bait leting people chase me until a safe place to 1v1 and beggin the shi tstorm of missiles.


Hehe I like to keep on top of the forums. ^^


Sure I can show you my double missile Jurgoran build I'll try to play it next time I stream for ya.


I play mine like a Strike fighter I just get in there and start melting people. I tend to only play it in less serious games though so there usually isn't that much opposition.

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Eh, that's me, feed me more plz you flashfire try hard.

Look I'm not going anywhere so please stop trying to get rid of me. ;P


@jazyra - I have no idea who you are - but I will say this, people who say "try hard" only do so because they don't feel they need to earn wins but are ENTITLED to them


@Drak - See drak gets it, I had a feeling he'd play along but he knows who I'm really talking about, I mean my sig mock's said player's last sig after all.

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Hi folks, another really basic question.


What are the best ways of using and disconnecting from the op-chat? In ground PvP, you just mouse over to it to type in it, leave the Inc call there, and then click your name on the op bars to prevent typing your rotation in the chat line.


How do you do pretyped calls, enter and exit the chat line in GSF?


Thank you, and, again, sorry about the basic question!

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Hi folks, another really basic question.


What are the best ways of using and disconnecting from the op-chat? In ground PvP, you just mouse over to it to type in it, leave the Inc call there, and then click your name on the op bars to prevent typing your rotation in the chat line.


How do you do pretyped calls, enter and exit the chat line in GSF?


Thank you, and, again, sorry about the basic question!


Wow I'm not actually sure how to answer this, I usually just hit Enter type what I need to type then hit Enter again. I don't think I've ever "prepped" an inc call before. Ofcourse my Inc calls are very short, for example for Domination I use 3 C or 1 A. This not only tells them we have incoming at that satellite it also tells them how many. This way with a Quick glance at the minimap they can see how many friendly green arrow are at that satellite and respond appropriately.


If you hold the "Z" key down you can get a mouse cursor just like you would have in the ground game, perhaps that will help you out. I'm sorry other then that I just don't know what to suggest.


I hope that helped. :)

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When I'm flying with a friend as a gunship/scout pair, which one would you say should take the DO?


This is a great question.


For the first DO in the game the Scout should get it because you want to get the first one as fast as possible, getting the first gives you an idea of when the next one will spawn easier. It's usually between 15-45 seconds after it expires.


Afterwards it depends on the enemies setup/composition. If they are fielding Multiple Gunship/Bombers give it to your Gunship he can go on a killing spree and clear the air for the Scout to do some major damage. If the enemy is a heavy Scout makeup the Scout should grab the DO because he's probably going to be either peeling for the Gunship which means the Gunship is kiting or the Scout can go on a rampage on the small amount of Gunships on the enemy team.



A good rule of thumb is whoever is going to be able to shoot the most with it should get it. Just remember the #1 thing about DO is deny it from the enemy. It's much better to have it on the less optimal ship between the two of you then one of the opponents getting it. Which means even if it's way more optimal for the Gunship to get it, the Scout will probably end up with it more because he's the one that can get to them quicker to deny it from the enemy.

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Wow I'm not actually sure how to answer this, I usually just hit Enter type what I need to type then hit Enter again. I don't think I've ever "prepped" an inc call before. Ofcourse my Inc calls are very short, for example for Domination I use 3 C or 1 A. This not only tells them we have incoming at that satellite it also tells them how many. This way with a Quick glance at the minimap they can see how many friendly green arrow are at that satellite and respond appropriately.


If you hold the "Z" key down you can get a mouse cursor just like you would have in the ground game, perhaps that will help you out. I'm sorry other then that I just don't know what to suggest.


I hope that helped. :)


Thank you. Will hitting Enter/stop pressing "Z" automatically take you out of the chat line so you don't type all your key-binds in it instead of enacting them?

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