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Battle scout beats...


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You can scoot in get your kill and have a chance to get out.


No one is advocating turning scouts of any sort into worthless turrets.



Everyone who plays this game loves the scouts too, get it? We play scouts. I play scouts. Everyone likes scouts.


The problem is that the battle scout is too damned good.





After talking with Stasie tonight, I'm in agreement with him on one big thing:


Nerf TT and BO



You could up the rate of fire on BLC (reducing the damage per shot) to maybe 100 instead of 80, still burstier than other cannons. You could mess around with clusters a little bit, messing with any of lock on time, refresh time, or targeting circle. You could change disto field- up to and including removing the lock, though that might take a few more meta adjustments. You have a bunch of options.


But if you did all that, you'd be adjusting everything. Gunships would need this or that, strikes would need this or that.



TT and BO both give the scout a level of power that others don't have. BOTH scouts get sub second kills out of these cooldowns, and why should that be?





A suggestion I had long ago was a "ship specific component". This would be a component listed next to your others that would give you some turning, speed, damage, whatever, over baseline. Then you'd nerf the baseline. Now if you want to buff or nerf a specific ship, you can tune their ship specific component.



Well, we don't have that. Our ships are a bucket of parts. But while a scout with a nerfed BO or TT would still be able to hunt gunships, maybe he wouldn't be able to joust strike fighters as well. Maybe he'd have a job, not all of them.

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No one is advocating turning scouts of any sort into worthless turrets.



Everyone who plays this game loves the scouts too, get it? We play scouts. I play scouts. Everyone likes scouts.


The problem is that the battle scout is too damned good.





After talking with Stasie tonight, I'm in agreement with him on one big thing:


Nerf TT and BO



You could up the rate of fire on BLC (reducing the damage per shot) to maybe 100 instead of 80, still burstier than other cannons. You could mess around with clusters a little bit, messing with any of lock on time, refresh time, or targeting circle. You could change disto field- up to and including removing the lock, though that might take a few more meta adjustments. You have a bunch of options.


But if you did all that, you'd be adjusting everything. Gunships would need this or that, strikes would need this or that.



TT and BO both give the scout a level of power that others don't have. BOTH scouts get sub second kills out of these cooldowns, and why should that be?





A suggestion I had long ago was a "ship specific component". This would be a component listed next to your others that would give you some turning, speed, damage, whatever, over baseline. Then you'd nerf the baseline. Now if you want to buff or nerf a specific ship, you can tune their ship specific component.



Well, we don't have that. Our ships are a bucket of parts. But while a scout with a nerfed BO or TT would still be able to hunt gunships, maybe he wouldn't be able to joust strike fighters as well. Maybe he'd have a job, not all of them.


For target telem all you would have to do to bring it back in line is nerf the left bottom upgrade which EVERYONE who takes tis ability takes. Remove the increase Crit magnitude and I believe target Telem would be in a good spot.


For Blaster overcharge it would be a bit more difficult, possibly tone down the rate of fire increase by a small amount baseline or duration, not much would have to change here i think...



That being said, i dont know that it would be enough, but it would be what i generally talk about.... baby steps we dont want to swing that bat so hard we lose control and hit a foul.

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One possible nerf for blaster overcharge would be to tie a severe downside to its use. You keep the offensive buff, but you get an equal or greater defensive debuff for the duration (evasion = 0, shields deplete rapidly, something like that). That would make it highly undesirable for "jousting", or assaulting satellites, but it would still be very powerful against opponents who can't shoot back (like a clueless gunsheep).
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One possible nerf for blaster overcharge would be to tie a severe downside to its use. You keep the offensive buff, but you get an equal or greater defensive debuff for the duration (evasion = 0, shields deplete rapidly, something like that). That would make it highly undesirable for "jousting", or assaulting satellites, but it would still be very powerful against opponents who can't shoot back (like a clueless gunsheep).


Actually another way to do this is remove the energy regen part of it. People would be at a severe risk with the increase rate of fire of running out of energy.


I mean it IS blaster OVERCHARGE meaning you ARE firing them at a rate and strength that the weapons themselves werent designed for. (in universe explination FTW)


Side effect would be people thinking about taking compaions with increase power to weapons and weapon efficiency more to compensate potentially slowing the scout down a bit which would be a fair trade or keep the engines but risk the energy loss causing an INTERESTING CHOICE to be made...imagine that.



Edit: We would still have the issue that BLC's are best in slot for anything that can get them and that DF is the same. So for Component balance and interesting choice something would need to be done here, but for the intended purpose of bring the T2 battle scout back a bit and in line with some of the other ship choices. With out hurting any one else.

Edited by tunewalker
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Nerf TT and BO


TT and BO both give the scout a level of power that others don't have. BOTH scouts get sub second kills out of these cooldowns, and why should that be?



This seems much more reasonable seeing as it would make other abilities more competitive, without changing the flavor of scout play, it also wouldn't tick off people who had spent tens of thousands of requisition to master / partially master BLCs.

Edited by General_Brass
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Except attrition isn't viable. Kills now will always be greater than kills later. Especially in Dominion where you have less than 20 seconds to clear a node and begin capping before the reinforcements arrive.


Sure it is. Just stick on your home server after a bunch of people abandon ship and head to TEH, Bastion, and Harbinger. All of a sudden the queues get faster and you can pull all sorts of crazy **** in a stock ship. Apparently migration of most of the aces can bring noobs out of hiding. Then you get to solo cap sats in your stock strike fighters until your guild mate that you didn't queue with shows up in his flashfire to shoot you down. Sort of like old times really, a giant dogfighting ball orbiting two bombers dueling for mid and two abandoned sats free for the taking.


It gets kinda boring sometimes, but the newer joiners do seem to be learning and some of them even ask for and take advice. So I'm hopeful for the future.


So the interesting thing is that nerfing the aces is good for population and match balance, but level of play falls off for a while until new players have time to gear up and climb the learning curve.


I probably need to do some server hopping myself so I don't get bored and rusty, but observing the GSF population dynamics on Jung Ma has been interesting. Even better, it has been sort of encouraging. At least it has in the 9-11:50 pm time slot.

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Sure it is. Just stick on your home server after a bunch of people abandon ship and head to TEH, Bastion, and Harbinger. All of a sudden the queues get faster and you can pull all sorts of crazy **** in a stock ship. Apparently migration of most of the aces can bring noobs out of hiding. Then you get to solo cap sats in your stock strike fighters until your guild mate that you didn't queue with shows up in his flashfire to shoot you down. Sort of like old times really, a giant dogfighting ball orbiting two bombers dueling for mid and two abandoned sats free for the taking.


It gets kinda boring sometimes, but the newer joiners do seem to be learning and some of them even ask for and take advice. So I'm hopeful for the future.


So the interesting thing is that nerfing the aces is good for population and match balance, but level of play falls off for a while until new players have time to gear up and climb the learning curve.


I probably need to do some server hopping myself so I don't get bored and rusty, but observing the GSF population dynamics on Jung Ma has been interesting. Even better, it has been sort of encouraging. At least it has in the 9-11:50 pm time slot.


LOL, And I think I need to do another day in the life.

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I'm disappointed. I thought this was going to be a thread of Scout pilots doing rap battles. :(


I'm a T2 scout and I'm here to say...

I'm king of the sky and that's the way Its gonna stay

I run distortion field, and 'B' 'L' 'Cs'

You can't hit me, now your blown to smithereens

Bombers, gunships and strikes like to cry

Haters gonna hate, then they're gonna die.

I'm always on top of all the charts,

I'm sure its my skill and the passion in my heart.

I burst you down in the blink of an eye...

But Bioware says I'm balanced and they don't lie.

If you see me coming you better run,

I'm owning everyone cause I think its fun

So that's that I'm Outta here boys

I only died once, damn asteroid!

<insert beat box>

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I'm a T2 scout and I'm here to say...

I'm king of the sky and that's the way Its gonna stay

I run distortion field, and 'B' 'L' 'Cs'

You can't hit me, now your blown to smithereens

Bombers, gunships and strikes like to cry

Haters gonna hate, then they're gonna die.

I'm always on top of all the charts,

I'm sure its my skill and the passion in my heart.

I burst you down in the blink of an eye...

But Bioware says I'm balanced and they don't lie.

If you see me coming you better run,

I'm owning everyone cause I think its fun

So that's that I'm Outta here boys

I only died once, damn asteroid!

<insert beat box>


+12 that was awesome

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