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Not really ok with the interdiction mine nerf (PTR)


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If you have no interest in the game, are not going to play anymore.... then why are you here? Seriously, your not adding anything to these discussions, it boils down too "waaaah they nerfed interdiction, now im going to quit and play _______". If you have no stake in this then I see no reason for you to post, besides blatant trolling.


(If your leaving, here's the door)


Speaking of not adding to the discussion.


Really what I keep seeing from the people who are happy about this is like it or lump it. It's almost as if you want it to fail while you are still playing it. Me I wouldn't mind coming back to it, if EA can get its act together (not holding my breath there)


And BTW, it really doesn't matter what you or anyone else thought interdiction was meant to do, people spent time and effort to get the gear based on the description. EA can either respect that fact or not.

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This reminds me of the debates about DF/evasion prior to 2.6 with the majority of the scout pilots maintaining that it was always the devs intent for a scout to be able to consistently win jousts against strikers (to the point that some argued the devs intended jousting to be a tactic of scouts not a strike tactic) and use it to basically perform every role a striker could but better (by virtue of effectively having the same survivability of a striker with the perk of also being much more mobile).


Just like we found out then we're finding out now that the use of a component in practice (in this case interdiction mines) were not how the devs intended that component to be used and they're taking steps to nerf what they believe is allowing it to perform outside of its intended role. Simple as that.

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IInterdiction IMO was meant to be debuff related, it seems like the dev's did not predict the coupling of interdiction and seismic (with shield piercing) or they did not realize it would be such an issue.


You think they can't add two numbers? Get off it! The current state of mines is completely intended.


As is the nerf. My core problem is that a redesign of this magnitude sets a terrible precedent, especially for the lower req non-daily players. I also think it will mess up the meta a little bit.




I feel that bombers have been abusing this mechanic for a long while, and then got used to it.


Nope. This was every boy bomber from day 1. What do you think all your guildies were running on bombermas? When we queue together, do you think we run retarded bombers, or good bombers? Do you pick good components or crap components on your ship?


Changing it as suggested on PTS notes will not destabilize the bomber IMO.


I'm worried it will destabilize the meta, actually- but I address this in another thread. I actually think that the magnitude of the bomber nerf is not out of line, and I say this in the OP.

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Not everyone that I ever played with used that combo, at least not at first. When the post on the forums brought light to it everyone who wasn't using it switched (myself included) im not saying that this is wrong, people choose strong components. (and yes I do too - but there is also preference and playstyle IE more than 1 option for most ships)


I am not a bomber player usually, so perhaps I was a bit slower on the uptake. I invested in pure damage, seismic + concussion and I never felt like a gimp in my bomber.


The thing about the the dev's was not some sort of a dig on you..... it was just a statement that I doubt the dev's knew that it would be "too powerful"


if so why would they add it to the game, I don't think they are in the business of making changes / additions in order to purposefully un-balance the game. Quite the opposite, doesn't always work but they add things thinking: "yah this will be cool." then after a few months go "yah know what, we were a little overzealous with the numbers there." and then tweak.


My intention was not to offend you, and I think this should probably be my last comment (I value our friendship). Anyways not trying to say you don't have a valid opinion. Just that mine is different, anyways kudos and goodnight. I hope it doesn't have a bad effect but I am hopeful that this a just change.


(from big SP to 0 though is a big change I admit)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Im a little surprised your taking this so personally, I think its time to bow out of this discussion.


Not really. Just because this thread is filled with bad sports who think a requisition refund is unreasonable doesn't change my points.


I just believe personally that interdiction was more powerful in combination with seismic than the dev's wanted it to be (even if that was oversight after the fact)


Well, obviously that's what they think now.


And I don't really disagree, you know. Boy bombers hold a node too well. My problem is in how they are nerfing it, and also, I'm concerned that the meta will shift back to monoscout. I still think boy bombers will be very good on nodes, be it with interdictions or concussions.

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You think they can't add two numbers? Get off it! The current state of mines is completely intended.


As is the nerf. My core problem is that a redesign of this magnitude sets a terrible precedent, especially for the lower req non-daily players. I also think it will mess up the meta a little bit.



In isolation maybe it was. That's the problem with a lot of balance issues ships have. It's sort of like burst lasers. In isolation, good component. Combined with a scout that can glue themself to an opponent or a gunship that can snare an opponent at close range it suddenly becomes overpowered. Or the reverse. Slug rails and proton torps are both great weapons. Putting them on the same platform makes no sense since they have no synergy and it makes the entire ship they are put on mediocre at any task.


Same here. In isolation interdiciton mine is good (though a bit overpowered since it combines snare with shield ignore). Put it together with a seismic mine (especially since very few minelayers carry proton torps so most carry seismics) and it was probably not an well thought out combination. And why should the interdiction be much more powerful than concussion even in isolation? Barring an uncommon scenario of a chain reaction of detonations that strip shields off, concussion is inferior to interdiction in most ways. So it really is a bit dishonest to absolutely say the current interdiction mine was intended as is.


As to the other point... so far no requisition refunds, and you still have not addressed the point we have made that the damage is not the primary function of the mine. So no reason to refund requisition since it still does damage, and still has its primary function. So it has only been slightly modified, not fundamentally modified as you claim. Why, exactly, should a mine called Interdiciton mine have a primary purpose other than snaring an opponent? Until you can give a reasonable answer to that, your primary argument lacks a great deal of weight.

Edited by Luneward
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The primary function of the mine is damage. They provided three mines that ignore shields, two of which ignore ALL the shields. Clearly it's just a version of seismic mine that hits for less but has a snare.



Shield ignore primary purpose.




More importantly- this was immediately obvious to all players.

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Last night I played three matches, two of which were losses, with SIM bombers in all three. I was flying my imperium which I built with charged plating specifically on the idea that it could soak up damage and heal itself. I will say that I had no problem eating the damage from the SIM's mines, and without shield piercing interdiction will still do fine. That snare is very crippling, and had me stopped dead a couple of times. Taking shield piercing away from it won't hurt the mine, and I'm willing to be that alot of people will still use it because of that snare.


As for people getting refunded on req, I don't really see a point. I've worked my way through components, even buying a T4 component and then realizing I wanted to try something else. Right back at square one on a brand new component. Do I have a right to complain? No, it was my decision to change components. Does it take time to build up the new component? Yes, but all it requires is that I keep playing GSF, it's not challenging (even for an average pilot like myself). Yes it's unfortunate that some people took interdiction because of the shield piercing and that it's going away now, but the people who all took barrel roll for the utility of being able to zoom around the map at no cost didn't get a refund when bioware tweaked that (and there were definitely some ships I put BR on just for that). And that was a cheaper component too.



1. I'm okay with the nerf, interdiction mine is still going to be an incredibly powerful component

2. I don't think bioware needs to refund us, its not hard to earn requisition and there's no precedent for refunding components.


Just thought I would add my two cents in, and apologies to anyone who I might have offended or hurt with my post. I was trying to be polite but words on paper don't always sound as good as they did in my head.

Edited by Caernos
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Last night I played three matches, two of which were losses, with SIM bombers in all three. I was flying my imperium which I built with charged plating specifically on the idea that it could soak up damage and heal itself. I will say that I had no problem eating the SIM's mines, and without shield piercing interdiction will still do fine. That snare is very crippling, and had me stopped dead a couple of times. Taking shield piercing away from it won't hurt the mine, and I'm willing to be that alot of people will still use it because of that snare.


As for people getting refunded on req, I don't really see a point. I've worked my way through components, even buying a T4 component and then realizing I wanted to try something else. Right back at square one on a brand new component. Do I have a right to complain? No, it was my decision to change components. Does it take time to build up the new component? Yes, but all it requires is that I keep playing GSF, it's not challenging (even for an average pilot like myself). Yes it's unfortunate that some people took interdiction because of the shield piercing and that it's going away now, but the people who all took barrel roll for the utility of being able to zoom around the map at no cost didn't get a refund when bioware tweaked that (and there were definitely some ships I put BR on just for that). And that was a cheaper component too.



1. I'm okay with the nerf, interdiction mine is still going to be an incredibly powerful component

2. I don't think bioware needs to refund us, its not hard to earn requisition and there's no precedent for refunding components.


Just thought I would add my two cents in, and apologies to anyone who I might have offended or hurt with my post. I was trying to be polite but words on paper don't always sound as good as they did in my head.


This post pretty much sums up my opinion. I haven't been in-game for awhile now due to computer issues, but I was able to hop on the other day and spent the whole time in GSF matches. The Indirection Mine's slow is brutal, at least for a Strike, and I think it would still be a viable option post-nerf. It may somewhat impact the meta, which is okay because this is an MMO and the meta changes all the time. The problem is when the meta changes and a new OP set up or class emerges. But I don't think a simple damage nerf on a mine with additional debuff and uses will make battle scout top dog again. As for the refund, it is completely unnecessary. BW has nerfed advanced classes in to the ground, changed their entire playstyle, and never provided an advanced class respect (which many demanded), nor should they have. As always, I'm just stating my opinion; I'm not saying that what I say is fact.

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