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Devs: GSF Explosions are a FARCE!!


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You are in a heated battle at a critical satellite. The other enemies have been thwarted, only one scout remains. You relentlessly pursue the scout as it dives and twists between the satellite's fins. A bead of sweat begins to drip into your eye -- you do not dare lift a hand to wipe it off, you are so close....


And then finally, your lasers make contact with the scout, and it immediately blows up in a large and glorious ball of fire. You are pleased to see a green light begin to pulsate around your ship. You have done it, the satellite is beginning to succumb to your control. The communication network will shortly belong to your faction, which is supremely important. You have no idea why, but you're sure that it is.


You begin to imagine what happens next. Will you be invited to Yavin IV for a medal ceremony in your honor? Will there be a wookiee standing next to you? You always wanted to have a wookiee friend, that's how you know you've made it. Finally, this is your moment.


Suddenly, a realization grabs you from your daydreaming...you cannot see anything!! You are surrounded by an impenetrable foggy, smoky haze.


Think fast! Where were you when you destroyed the scout? There was a satellite fin right in front of you, yes? Wait, no, you should keep going straight. But what if the fin is there?! You should immediately cut power to engines and stop! But wait -- it takes too long to stop in this game, you won't stop in time!! You must turn!! Quick, turn!


And as you turn, the smoky fog begins to clear, and you see the satellite rise up to meet you. You make contact, and immediately self-destruct in your own glorious fireball. You have failed. The enemy returns and takes back the satellite. Nobody will ever remember your name. No wookiee companion will attend your funeral.


Sound familiar? I'm guessing this has happened to everybody at some point.


Explosions in GSF are RIDICULOUS!! Are they cool? Yeah, kind of. But when you out-maneuver your opponent and destroy them from close-range --you are immediately rewarded by being completely BLINDED for several seconds.


This is, by far, the single most disastrous aspect of GSF. It must be changed immediately!!


*Thanks to Nemarus for pointing out that Sky Blue is the best way to make a point

**Do not reply unless you agree. I do not handle criticism well.

Edited by Kalphitis
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What is with people using the word "farce"?!? There some special promo I am unaware of?


Oh and use that explosion to shake off pursuers, blast a turret then turn toward the sat after you pass through, people chasing you will crash.

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You are in a heated battle at a critical satellite. The other enemies have been thwarted, only one scout remains. You relentlessly pursue the scout as it dives and twists between the satellite's fins. A bead of sweat begins to drip into your eye -- you do not dare lift a hand to wipe it off, your are so close....


And then finally, your lasers make contact with the scout, and it immediately blows up in a large and glorious ball of fire. You are pleased to see a green light begin to pulsate around your ship. You have done it, the satellite is beginning to succumb to your control. The communication network will shortly belong to your faction, which is supremely important. You have no idea why, but you're sure that it is.


You begin to imagine what happens next. Will you be invited to Yavin IV for a medal ceremony in your honor? Will there be a wookiee standing next to you? You always wanted to have a wookiee friend, that's how you know you've made it. Finally, this is your moment.


Suddenly, a realization grabs you from your daydreaming...you cannot see anything!! You are surrounded by an impenetrable foggy, smoky haze.


Think fast! Where were you when you destroyed the scout? There was a satellite fin right in front of you, yes? Wait, no, you should keep going straight. But what if the fin is there?! You should immediately cut power to engines and stop! But wait -- it takes too long to stop in this game, you won't stop in time!! You must turn!! Quick, turn!


And as you turn, the smoky fog begins to clear, and you see the satellite rise up to meet you. You make contact, and immediately self-destruct in your own glorious fireball. You have failed. The enemy returns and takes back the satellite. Nobody will ever remember your name. No wookiee companion will attend your funeral.


Sound familiar? I'm guessing this has happened to everybody at some point.


Explosions in GSF are RIDICULOUS!! Are they cool? Yeah, kind of. But when you out-maneuver your opponent and destroy them from close-range --you are immediately rewarded by being completely BLINDED for several seconds.


This is, by far, the single most disastrous aspect of GSF. It must be changed immediately!!


*Thanks to Nemarus for pointing out that Sky Blue is the best way to make a point

**Do not reply unless you agree. I do not handle criticism well.


Pointedly absurd! Explosions have already been nerfed enough as it is - they can't shoot, they can't capture a satellite, and I'm pretty sure many Explosion pilots suffer from drinking problems and the urge to vote a straight party ticket.


How DARE you suggest we take away their only defense?! Sir, that is no better than throwing those pilots to the Nazis.


I say good day to you. -bp

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I agree, explosions are totally a farce. Adding to the list of farces:


- Asteroids

- These forums ever since Armond stopped posting

- Aces with 1:1 K/D

- Players who leave games

- Squadrons of any kind

- Strike fighters

- Burst Laser Cannons

- Slug Railgun

- Matchmaking

- Cross-server


... I'm sure I missed a ton in there. However, I do commend you on your taste in colors.

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When a ship explodes there is fire, smoke, and debris flying everywhere due to fuel, munitions, etc. So just because you lack situational awareness to avoid crashing into anything or hitting the brakes to come to a stop doesn't mean there's anything wrong, just that you're an idiot.
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When a ship explodes there is fire, smoke, and debris flying everywhere due to fuel, munitions, etc. So just because you lack situational awareness to avoid crashing into anything or hitting the brakes to come to a stop doesn't mean there's anything wrong, just that you're an idiot.


Oh, so you're gonna use LOGIC, I see. That's low. But two can play at that game.


If the explosion is so LOGICAL, how come it makes a sound in space?!


Answer that,

. Edited by Sidenti
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What is with people using the word "farce"?!? There some special promo I am unaware of?


Oh and use that explosion to shake off pursuers, blast a turret then turn toward the sat after you pass through, people chasing you will crash.


Oh, yeah. I was going to make a, The overuse of Farce in thread titles is a Farce, thread, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

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I am officially ignoring the E at the end of the word Farce and re-classifying it as an offensive 4 letter word. I hope the forum overlords move quickly to add it to the current list of banned expletives.


That being said I have rammed a sat or asteroid on several occasions while in the midst of my enemies hot glowing debris field.... annoying to say the least.


/signed on either making them fade faster or possibly making visibility better with semi-transparency. The "mist" really does seem to hang around a long while (longer than it needs to, beautiful but...... menacing)

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