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Turn the Capital Ship Turrets Back on in Deathmatch


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No thanks.


Scenario: Everyone stays at spawn from your team, other team rushes. One silly noob on the other side flies into range of cap ship turret and dies. Your team stays at cap ship. WINZ!!!!!


No, not okay with this. If you're being spawn camped, load a scout into your bar and go wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for the entire match. It's more productive than asking to put these back. In domination, teams get 3 capped and stay at their cap ship. That's fine, because the objective isn't kill based. Since TDM is, this would not be a desirable addition, hence why they were removed in the first place

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If you're being spawn camped, load a scout into your bar and go wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for the entire match.


Translation: scouts are overpowered and you can just fly around super fast and spam your missile break abilities to stay alive.


If you're getting spawn camped - change your spawn location, and play whatever ship you can to maximize your fun.


Bioware mentioned a while ago that default spawn locations would become randomized so that new players who don't know they can change locations won't get camped repeatedly. This is one of a handful of changes they've claimed that still hasn't seen the light of day.

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Oh I wasn't talking about being OP.... I was literally talking about equipping a scout with booster overcharge, speed thrusters, and fly around for the duration of the battle, grabbing the engine overcharges as you go. That's just my way to have a good time (though it gets pretty dicey when you slolomn through the asteroids on Shipyards.


But ya - change spawn points. Mission Accomplished!!!

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Bioware mentioned a while ago that default spawn locations would become randomized so that new players who don't know they can change locations won't get camped repeatedly. This is one of a handful of changes they've claimed that still hasn't seen the light of day.


Look at the PTS patch notes.

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I'm tired of being spawn camped when my team is a bunch of baddies.


I see you play on JC, well as someone who has never failed to complete a GSF Weekly I for one know that players on JC are guilty of the behavior that lead to this change being implemented in TDM.


Besides it's called Deathmatch, a matchup of skills. Why should Capital ships get the kills, kinda defeats the point.


If you can't click on a different spawn point, your problem is not that your getting camped anyways. Good news though TDM spawn is getting randomized by default in future.

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I used to be a fan of the capital ship turrets. Then I got to dogfight in and around one. It was immensely entertaining - far more so than when some jacktard just hugs an asteroid that's just WAITING to draw me closer to its stony bosom...


Anyway. Why not turn them on, but give 'em the same juice and qualities as sat turrets? Then we can dogfight around that hunk of scrap and target turrets too!


I mean, let's face it. If you've pushed the other team back to spawn, you're probably bored anyway. Might as well have something else to shoot at. -bp

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Turn on the old instant-kill turrets ? Heck no !


Why any non Gunship pilot should be tagged as non contributing because they can't enter the damn area ?

Anyway. Why not turn them on, but give 'em the same juice and qualities as sat turrets? Then we can dogfight around that hunk of scrap and target turrets too!


I mean, let's face it. If you've pushed the other team back to spawn, you're probably bored anyway. Might as well have something else to shoot at. -bp


May be worth trying. Still exploitable, but not unbeatable.

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I'm tired of being spawn camped when my team is a bunch of baddies.


Really the problem is not the lack of a safe spawn area but that is a real problem as well. The problem is the game putting together crap as a match.


When you have one team that is so dominant that it can camp one or more spawn points on the opposing side, you have the definition of a bad matchup. It doesn't help that the real meta in the game is for players to create these horrible matchups. As long as bioware doesn't even acknowledge their f***up don't expect anything to be done.

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I used to be a fan of the capital ship turrets. Then I got to dogfight in and around one. It was immensely entertaining - far more so than when some jacktard just hugs an asteroid that's just WAITING to draw me closer to its stony bosom...


Anyway. Why not turn them on, but give 'em the same juice and qualities as sat turrets? Then we can dogfight around that hunk of scrap and target turrets too!


I mean, let's face it. If you've pushed the other team back to spawn, you're probably bored anyway. Might as well have something else to shoot at. -bp


+1. I like this idea. Makes spawncamping undesirable, but not necessarily something that can turn a match around on its own. Plus it lets GS play whack-a-mole with the turrets - what more could you ask for?

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I for one am for turning them back on, there needs to be a safe haven.


For those who just say "switch spawn locations", it is not always that simple. I have seen on more than one occasion that once a team got the upper hand they would spread out and camp all 3 spawns.

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The "switch spawn location" advice also changes very little unless you are veteran/experienced pilot. Alright, you can now leave the spawn location; where will you go? All the enemies are most likely clustered around another spawn point, so "respawning & dying" only transforms into "respawning, travelling & dying". You could fly out in the open, but it's unlikely it would bring you anything else than the non-contributing debuff and loss of requisition. In fact, the only thing changing spawn location provides is allowing you go and search for the DO - and as I said in the first sentence, only veterans would probably do that.


Turrets or no turrets doesn't matter in an one-sided match.

Edited by Danylia
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Oh yes let's bring back the gunsheeps running back to the safety of there pastures. So once the team in the lead can just sit back load up on gunsheep and pick off the unwary. Boy I sure miss those days of reverse spawn camping!



Personally I like the idea of making the cap ships turrets just like sat turrets. Gives the noobs a fighting chance and the vets a way to earn more req.

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May be worth trying. Still exploitable, but not unbeatable.


Could always nerf the aim on the turrets if it gets too bad. I mean, it's not like the turbolasers ever hit that much in the movies, right? XD


(EDIT: I normally don't cherry-pick quotes, but thanks to the peculiarities of this WYSIWYG editor, I kinda had to in order to make the quote make sense.)

Edited by Sidenti
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Could always nerf the aim on the turrets if it gets too bad. I mean, it's not like the turbolasers ever hit that much in the movies, right? XD


Yeah, they're so bad in the movies that it's almost laughable.


Off-topic : maybe they should consider nerfing satellite turrets shots now that people can build a mine/drone bunker around it... I mean, do we still need as much support from these as from when there were barely 5 ships, and highly offensive ones ? I wonder...

Edited by Altheran
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If you don't have the brains to try a different spawn location to avoid the one being camped, then you deserve to be lunch for the people feeding on you and racking up a kill count.


I do switch spawn points, but then what happens?


I fly back into battle, only to have it be 6v1 because the rest of my team is still being spawn camped. I'm good, but not 6v1 good. 2-3v1 sure, but not more than that.


But yea, I am the one that needs a brain.

Edited by Icebergy
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No thanks.


Scenario: Everyone stays at spawn from your team, other team rushes. One silly noob on the other side flies into range of cap ship turret and dies. Your team stays at cap ship. WINZ!!!!!


No, not okay with this. If you're being spawn camped, load a scout into your bar and go wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for the entire match. It's more productive than asking to put these back. In domination, teams get 3 capped and stay at their cap ship. That's fine, because the objective isn't kill based. Since TDM is, this would not be a desirable addition, hence why they were removed in the first place


Aimbot you know I will always fly with you bro but I have to disagree. Turning the turrets back on in TDM from capital ships is needed. What is not needed though is points coming from Cap Ships killing enemies. If they could turn the turrets back on but not count the kill UNLESS A LIVE PLAYER makes the kill then I would be fine with it.

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turning on Capital ship turrets is 100% Not needed. There are 3 spawn points right now that you can choose from. If 1 point is camped Spawn Elsewhere. When 2.8 comes back people will automatically spawn at random points, (unless you choose 1 yourself I hope that is still an Option). So honestly for those that continually spawn at a camped point and die non stop, it's kind of your own fault for not changing points.


Also adding back the turrets would just make it so Gunships have someplace to run to (and kill from) where nobody else but Gunships could kill them. This was what happened before and all TDM were total gunship lines at one of the capital ships. (This broke TDM) taking out the turrets was 100% needed. It brought back some dogfighting.

Edited by Toraak
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turning on Capital ship turrets is 100% Not needed. There are 3 spawn points right now that you can choose from. If 1 point is camped Spawn Elsewhere. When 2.8 comes back people will automatically spawn at random points, (unless you choose 1 yourself I hope that is still an Option). So honestly for those that continually spawn at a camped point and die non stop, it's kind of your own fault for not changing points.




Back it up buttercup....Yes they are randomizing the spawns unless you manually change it. Great. I still think turning the turrets back on would make players be more mindful of where they are flying too. I support turning them back on. What I DO NOT support is teams (either mine or the enemy) getting points from Capital Ship kills. IF they turn them back on they need to do so without them giving either team credit for a kill.

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Back it up buttercup....Yes they are randomizing the spawns unless you manually change it. Great. I still think turning the turrets back on would make players be more mindful of where they are flying too. I support turning them back on. What I DO NOT support is teams (either mine or the enemy) getting points from Capital Ship kills. IF they turn them back on they need to do so without them giving either team credit for a kill.


But then you'll run into the solution of players close to death near a Cap ship Fly straight into it's turrets so they don't give the enemy a point, if the Capital ship turrets are on and no point given from it's kill. This is not a solution that would work. I'm sure people would think of this and use it to there advantage.

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Back it up buttercup....Yes they are randomizing the spawns unless you manually change it. Great. I still think turning the turrets back on would make players be more mindful of where they are flying too. I support turning them back on. What I DO NOT support is teams (either mine or the enemy) getting points from Capital Ship kills. IF they turn them back on they need to do so without them giving either team credit for a kill.


The issue with cap ship turrets not giving credit for kills is say you do 95% damage to your enemy. S/He's pissed you got him down this far. After all, s/he's such a good pilot that this is absurd. In his irritated misery, s/he flies straight for your cap ship turrets, popping all evasions along the way to insure that s/he can make it (because the cd is now over). Once s/he makes it to your cap ship, they die. Poof, gone in a cloud of smoke. So is the kill that you just worked so hard for, and what do you have to show? A score increase for your team in the shape of a giant goose egg.


I just can't get behind it. They were absolutely abused before, and realistically I don't see a way to make them work. That being said, if someone can come up with a bullet proof scenario for putting them back in, I'll definitely hear them out, but I just see it being really difficult to do. I definitely remember the frustration of having a line of gunships prevent your team from even approaching your cap ship.

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