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Commando's "Tracer" ?


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I've never played a trooper, my highest level toon right now is a lvl 13 BH Merc, which I understand is the mirror class of the Commando. Everyone complains that if you play a DPS merc, you basically have to spend most of the fight bent over spamming Tracer. Is this the same with Commando? I know the ability probably has a different name, but is there a single big damage ability that makes your toon bend over while you spam it?


I like the BH ship better but if the Commando doesn't have this annoying trait, I could learn to live with the ship. lol


Also, does the Commando have dual pistols like the Merc? If not, do they at least have a DPS build that focuses on blasters instead of missiles? I'm just not into the whole missile/ grenade spam thing. Every now and again is cool, but not as your primary ability.


I know these are totally noob questions, but I have zero experience with the class, so thanks in advance.

Edited by BoulderTroll
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Our version is Grav round which places a gravity vortex on the target.


Yes we shoot black holes to power up our other attacks. Much cooler then heat signatures.


We have a few explosives shots and a couple of grenades, but 90% of our attacks are fired from our assault cannon and no missiles at all.


If you don't like the idea of spamming blacks holes (who wouldn't) there's also assault spec which is more mobile and DoT based.

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I've never played a trooper, my highest level toon right now is a lvl 13 BH Merc, which I understand is the mirror class of the Commando. Everyone complains that if you play a DPS merc, you basically have to spend most of the fight bent over spamming Tracer. Is this the same with Commando? I know the ability probably has a different name, but is there a single big damage ability that makes your toon bend over while you spam it?


I like the BH ship better but if the Commando doesn't have this annoying trait, I could learn to live with the ship. lol


Also, does the Commando have dual pistols like the Merc? If not, do they at least have a DPS build that focuses on blasters instead of missiles? I'm just not into the whole missile/ grenade spam thing. Every now and again is cool, but not as your primary ability.


I know these are totally noob questions, but I have zero experience with the class, so thanks in advance.

We're an (almost) exact mirror to the mercanary (animation difference on DFA and MV changes damage timings). If you dislike it on one side, you'll dislike it on the other side. Applies to all classes.

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I've played a BH to 39, and my Trooper is currently 13. I know I haven't played them evenly to know any difference other than they mirror each other. I do think, however, that the Gunnery Trooper may be stronger than the Arsenal Merc. Just a hunch I have. I'm staying Trooper anyway, just putting my two cents in.
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I've played a BH to 39, and my Trooper is currently 13. I know I haven't played them evenly to know any difference other than they mirror each other. I do think, however, that the Gunnery Trooper may be stronger than the Arsenal Merc. Just a hunch I have. I'm staying Trooper anyway, just putting my two cents in.


What? They are EXACTLY the same except for the resource.

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I've never played a trooper, my highest level toon right now is a lvl 13 BH Merc, which I understand is the mirror class of the Commando. Everyone complains that if you play a DPS merc, you basically have to spend most of the fight bent over spamming Tracer. Is this the same with Commando? I know the ability probably has a different name, but is there a single big damage ability that makes your toon bend over while you spam it?


As others have stated, Grav Round is the mirror talent. I played both the BH and trooper over lvl 30 in beta and I like the animations for trooper a LOT more than the BH.


A little backstory might help here. I planned on rolling a Commando for my main, but I didn't want to ruin the story in beta. I decided that rolling BH would be a good way to check out the class without ruining the class for launch. I hated BH, and it was for the reasons that you listed. The animations ruined it for me. I hunched over to launch missiles and used squirt guns. This really worried me because if I didn't like playing the BH, perhaps I would not like playing the Commando. This convinced me to try out the trooper. It was night and day. I had a blast playing the trooper. The animations really worked for me. The knockback for troopers is way awesome while it is somewhat lackluster for BH's. The pulse cannon (AoE cone damage) is much better for troopers than the flames for BH's.


Of course, your mileage may vary. This is just my very subjective opinion. I wouldn't doubt for a moment that there are people out there who have just the opposite opinion, and they would be as right as I am. I think this really comes down to taste.

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I know the ability probably has a different name, but is there a single big damage ability that makes your toon bend over while you spam it?


Nope, troopers never bend over, we leave that to the Bounty Hunters and the Imperials in general, they seem to enjoy it more!;)


On a serious note, as others have mentioned, the Trooper's equivalent is called Grav Round and is a Blaster Shot with a nice effect, no bending involved!

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